Brooklyn Brothel (6 page)

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Authors: C. Stecko

BOOK: Brooklyn Brothel
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“Let’s hit the bodega,” Cinnamon suggested.

“What the hell is a bodega?” I asked.

They both laughed at me which lightened the mood. When Cinnamon explained that is was a food truck on a corner, I agreed. Food was food in my book. Besides, I was real hungry. When I reminded the girls that I needed to get to a store, a pharmacy, or anything like that, Cinnamon offered to drive.

“You got a car?” I asked, like she was an alien or somethin’. And my voice rose into a frenzy.

“Yeah,” she stated proudly. I got me a new-school pimp. I make him money, he protects me, and handles all the business. It works,” she bragged. “The car isn’t anything fancy, but it gets me back and forth to different in-houses across the east coast. Plus, I’m glad I got a car ’cause it’s hot as hell out here. I can’t be catching no train or bus in this shit.”

She was right. For late August, it was still hot outside. Even now, it was early in the mornin’, and I was already startin’ to sweat. “So, lemme get this straight, you drove to New York?” I questioned.

“Yes, I drove. You know…grab the wheel, step on the gas.”

I felt like the idiot of the bunch while Cinnamon continued to make big fun of me. Not only did Bo send me on a bus, he didn’t send cab fare, and no money either. For now, all I had to my name was the $350 I tricked up the night before.

“What kinda car you got, Sasha?” I asked boldly. She had been for the most part quiet so far, which made me really not want to ask.

“Well, I don’t have a car,” she announced openly, “and I don’t have a pimp. Never have, never will. They take all your hard earned loot, and don’t really provide protection. It’s all a mind game,” she smirked. “I’m my own business woman. I’m fucking for me and my daughter. That’s it. One day I’m gonna own my own in-house.”

My eyes lit up. “You got a daughter? How old? Where she at?” I hit Sasha with question after question before her eyes crinkled at the top.

“Damn…slow your roll. I just met you.”

I got to thinkin’ hard as we walked down the street. The sound of ownin’ my own in-house sounded good. I knew I could be a madam; a much better one than Betty. I would get the best girls, have the cleanest sheets and towels, and give a better percentage. I glanced ova at Sasha who had gotten on her cell. She had the look of a business woman. Her walk even looked professional. At first I thought it was a put on, inside the brothel. But even on the streets of Brooklyn, she strutted like she had lots of self-esteem, and was bred from royalty. I wanted to borrow just a bit. I continued to watch her walk. She had swagger for a girl and someone who
would be a great partner. It seemed like we had so much in common; our past, the fact that we both had a child, and our goals. I didn’t want a pimp either. I knew I had good business sense, it’s just that I was caught up with Bo.

Before long, we’d grabbed a meatball sub from the bodega and made our way into a Duane Reed’s pharmacy. It had everything my CVS did back in Pittsburgh. I combed the aisles for baby wipes, good smellin’ lotions, razors to shave my legs, and extra lubricated condoms. The ones Betty provided were garbage.

Once I made my way to the counter, Sasha cut me off, handin’ me a small, spiraled notebook. She told me to start writin’ down my earnin’s for the week.

“Hide it under your bed,” she stressed.

“Got it.”

I considered myself a quick learner. She only had to tell me once. My stuff added up to thirty-two dollars.
Damn, New York is high
, I thought. Because Bo sent me all the way to Brooklyn without any money, I had to spend my cash wisely. Thirty-six was already gone for the day, and that didn’t include any dinner yet. I was without a doubt eatin’ tonight.

“Co-Co, what’s up?” Cinnamon asked.

“Nothin’, why you say that?” I wanted to know ’cause I was feelin’ straight.

“You keep a serious look on your face. All the time,” she added. “Live a little girl. At least smile.” She shot me one of her infamous playful looks.

I don’t have much to smile about, Cinnamon. But I’m cool though. I’m actually happy right now. That’s unhappy ova there.” I pointed to Sasha, and we all laughed. Even Sasha.

Cinnamon glanced down at her watch and sent us all into a panic attack; me more than them. It was 11:15 and we
weren’t even dressed. Together, we took off runnin’, prayin’ that we would make it back before the 11:45 bell rang.

Darla offered us all a drink for some reason while we got dressed. I wasn’t into alcohol, but I took a sip as a sign to show my alliance to the team. It calmed me and helped me get bolder with my outfit. I felt like I was on a mission. I’d chosen an all white, lace one piece dress, that stopped just below my butt cheeks. The dress was perfect and made my breast look undeniable. As I slipped on my four inch heels, I asked Sasha for some of her perfume. She always smelled so good.

Not only did she say yes, she sprayed it on for me. She was turnin’ out to be extra cool, and I felt a closeness to her even though she didn’t talk that much. Just before I left the room to go ova to 2C, I placed silver and gold stickers all ova my body that glistened in the dark. They read bad girl, and were compliments of Bo. We’d gotten them from Silky Sorts back in PA, which was a Fredericks of Hollywood knock off.

I made it ova to the great room just in time. Cinnamon had beat me there and was livin’ up to her stripper status. I gave her a high-five before grabbin’ a seat near the armoire, showcasin’ all these sex books. I thought Cinnamon looked better than I had seen her so far. Her four inch, spiked leather, boots really impressed me, with the short bootie shorts to match.

The girls were all still passin’ around Darla’s complimentary drinks when a girl named Angel arrived. She knew two of the girls personally that hadn’t even spoken to me since I had arrived. Angel was confident and looked the part of a wholesome lookin’ broad except for the fact that she had one of those
Buffie The Body
asses that bounced from side to
side when she walked. She appeared to be in her thirties, but they all claimed she was the best girl to work the room. Better than us younger, inexperienced broads.

I was shocked to find out she actually lived in New York and came to Betty’s regularly, at least four times a month. She had special rates, and special terms.

“I thought there were no beds left?” I asked Cinnamon.

“Well, while we were out, one of the girls got thrown out for not making enough money. They called for Angel to come in. You know like when people call the Terminator? Ghost Busters. She gets the job done.”

She laughed. I didn’t.

“Normally, Mike brings her here for a few days, then picks her up, and takes her back to Manhattan where she lives with her boyfriend.” Cinnamon chuckled. She was so damn goofy sometimes. “He thinks she’s a sales executive.”

I eyed Miss Angel like crazy ’cause I didn’t want her movin’ in on my money. Otha than her skin tone bein’ smooth and silky lookin’ like mine, there was nothin’ special about her if you asked me; green eyes, long flowin’ hair, and glasses. When Cinnamon told me that she beats the men, and the ones who like it paid big bucks, it intimidated me.

I jumped up when I heard Serita bringin’ a guy to the door. I had finally had a good mornin’ and didn’t want anything to ruin it. My connection with the girls was good. It was fun racin’ back to the house, and it seemed like both Cinnamon and Sasha would be people I could talk to after the week was ova.

We all raced to line up when I heard all the girls puttin’ on their seductive voices. “Hey Tony, hello Tony, Tony the Tiger,” they each chimed, one after another. Tony was an older Italian man, a shortie who walked like he was on top of the world. He was extra confident although he couldn’t have been taller than five foot seven.

He kissed at Angel, and a few othas showin’ his pearly white teeth. They looked expensive…real expensive, like them porcelain veneers I’d seen all the celebrities wear.

“Hello, Cinnamon.” He nodded a few more hello’s before speaking to Sasha personally. “Hello, to you, too,” he ended in his raspy voice.

I just waved and rubbed my otha hand against my thick thighs. I started makin’ faces like I was havin’ an orgasm when Tony got closer to me. I closed my eyes and moaned sexily.

He began to walk around, but stopped abruptly. “You…what’s your name? You’re new, aren’t you?”

I opened my eyes realizin’ he was talkin’ to me. He sounded like Al Pacino in the God Father.

“Tony’s lady for the next hour,” I said daringly.

“I like,” he said, unbuttonin’ his tie. “C’mon with me.” He took off in the direction of the rooms as if he’d been in Betty’s place way too many times.

Cinnamon pulled me to the side and reminded me that it was our responsibility to change the sheets. She said they could be found beneath the sink inside the room. She whispered that she covered for me yesterday, but I was on my own today. She seemed a lil’ bothered that I snagged Tony. He must’ve been a big spender.

I got in the room and watched Tony take charge. Although his mannerisms and slight arrogance reminded me of George Jefferson there was something about him that I was attracted to. He sounded real Italian, almost mafia –like.

“I want a massage,” he revealed, already half-naked.

“A massage?” I stumbled… didn’t know what to charge. “Just a massage,” I verified.


“Well, that’ll be $200.”


He stripped down to nothin’ and laid across the bed ass-naked on his back. I guess when I stood frozen, he thought shootin’ his eyes toward the massage lotion would get me movin’. My feet moved in motion, quickly. I grabbed the massage oil, provided for us on the dresser and read the warped label. It was cheap, but what could I do?

I straddled Tony on the bed, still fully dressed. I began to gently massage his shoulders like a master masseuse. When he moaned instantly, I thought, damn…I hadn’t even done anything yet. I spent several minutes rubbin’ Tony’s arms, neck and his hairy chest, which seemed to be his favorite spot. So I spent a few extra minutes massagin’ at his chest, makin’ sure the oil was caressed into his slightly tanned skin, and kissin’ his body in the process.

Tony loved it. He looked so relaxed, and his groans let me know my job was being handled well. I slowly worked my way down to his thighs extra seductively. Then made my way to his sack. I asked him to allow me to do a lil’ somethin’ extra. He nodded his permission. We neva discussed price, but I took a chance. His piece was stiff at this point, so I stroked it a few times gettin’ it ready.

I took Tony into my mouth bit by bit. When I wrapped my juicy lips around his short, fat dick, my tongue flickered at the tip.

“Oh, shit!” he shouted.

His response told me he was turned on.

“Yesssssss, oh shit…Ahhhhh fuck!”

I got excited and went crazy, too. I sucked him off like a mad-woman. Tony squirmed on the bed almost afraid of me. “Oh, shit!” he shouted again. He tried not to release. I had’em going nuts the way I slurped him up and down. I gave’em the same treatment Bo would normally get. With my mouth locked down on Tony’s shit, I watched his dick disappear in and out of my mouth.

“Ahhhhhhhh, Ahhhhhhhhh, Ahhhhhhhh,” Tony kept moanin’.

I knew he was almost to his point. Uncontrollably he shook, but it took him another minute or so before he exploded.

When Tony rose from the bed he looked at me with admiration. “Damn girl! Betty got a fuckin’ secret she’s been keeping from me,” he commented.

I smiled. Tony had me feelin’ like a movie star. “We done?” I asked.

He nodded, then I offered him a baby wipe. He obliged and asked for another. He told me he’d been comin’ to Betty’s spot for years and neva got that kinda treatment. He went into his pockets and handed me some cash.

“That’s $450.00,” he said, “and a $50.00 tip.”

I smiled sexily, folded the money, and stuck it in my bra, trustin’ that Tony had done me right. He told me that he had a business not far from Betty’s and would definitely look me up again. I walked out of the room feelin’ relieved that I didn’t have to do much and had made $500. I knew I was supposed to turn in less, but I was fearful, fearful that Serita or Betty was askin’ the men what they paid downstairs.
Fuck it
, I finally convinced myself. It was a gamble I would have to take.

When I made it back out to the loungin’ area, Angel walked up on me like she had a beef. “How much you make off of him?” She pointed to Tony’s backside as he exited the room.

I frowned. “Why?”

“’cause he’s easy money. He’s a regular of mine. Actually, a big-time guy. Just tryna see what kinda game you got.”

“I made $500,” I boasted.

“Ha. I coulda got $700 outta him. Next time, he’s
mine,” she said, walkin’ away.

“Fuck that hoe,” Sasha said to me, then called someone on her cell.

I went to clean myself up a lil’ better. Then got back into action. Luckily the next guy chose me, too. I was on a roll. I guess either the white dress, or the stickers were payin’ off. He was a black guy, dressed real thuggish, and in a hurry. It was fine with me ’cause I wanted to hurry, too. My goal for the day was to leave with $1,500 in my pocket by the end of the night.

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