Read Broken Vow Online

Authors: Zoey Marcel

Tags: #Erotica

Broken Vow (13 page)

BOOK: Broken Vow
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Well, that didn't sound very good.

He spun her around so her back was to him and she faced Jude as they sandwiched her with their manly bodies. She saw in the mirror that Drakkar's nostrils flared when he apparently caught the scent of her blood.

“You're very fortunate that you're not human.”

Delilah sat in a chair nearby with her skirt flipped up and her hand rummaging in her panties.

Drakkar moaned. “Mm, yeah, play with that pussy, but take your panties off first.”

“I'll do it when I'm ready to,” she retorted.

Drakkar chuckled and Sonya felt his cockhead knocking at her back door once Jude held her ass cheeks apart for him. “Is she always like this?”

Jude rolled his eyes with an amused half smile. “Yes, she prides herself on being irritating and difficult.”

“And you came hard for me because of it,” Delilah reminded him as she threw him a wink and blew him a kiss.

Jude's eyes narrowed as if to shut her up, but he grinned. “Don't push it, woman.”

Sonya came up on her toes and winced when she felt the crown of Drakkar's penis push into her anus. His wide girth had trouble getting past her reluctant sphincter muscles.

“Aw, does that hurt?” Jude quipped.

She gritted her teeth, reminding herself that it was not in her best interest to slug Jude in the face.

“Shit, she's tight. Tightest little asshole I've ever fucked.” Drakkar grunted as he slowly forged deeper into her snug passage.

“Lovely,” Sonya muttered, grimacing that she dared to sass him.

Jude chuckled. “Always the smart ass, weren't you? Watch us in the mirror, tramp. Watch him glide into your ass and strip you of all your dignity.”

She stared at Jude defiantly for a moment, cringing at the warning in his eyes that moved her to complacency. The erotic picture the three of them made in the mirror was really quite scandalous. Toned, lithe Jude held her buttocks apart while buff, macho Drakkar slowly advanced past her anal ring, inch by agonizing inch. He had tribal tattoos on one arm that became more elaborate and detailed around his defined pectoral muscle.

“Please get out,” she quietly begged. “This really hurts.”

“I don't think so, baby.” Drakkar grinned and winked at her in the mirror. “You still owe me an orgasm. Let's see what you're made of.”

Her cheeks pinked and she dropped her eyes to escape his prurient gaze.

“Are you in yet?” Jude asked.

“Just a little bit more.” Drakkar grunted as he pushed deeper until he bottomed out inside of her. “Mm, yeah, this feels fucking amazing.”

Her cheeks felt hot. His groin pressed up against her battered rump, making the flesh ache in remembrance of her previous caning.

Jude bent slightly since he had the advantage of height on her and parted her labia. “Nice and wet I see. Nimbus would be proud.”

Hearing his name made her hot, but she rolled her eyes. “Stop saying his name.”

Jude gave her a smug, knowing look. “Would you rather hear his voice?”

Her eyes lowered. “No. I mean I don't care either way. He means nothing to me. Do whatever you want.”

His face glowed with sadism. “Oh, believe me I intend to.”

He surprised a gasp from her when he pierced into her vagina with a heady sound of pleasure. “No wonder Nimbus liked you so much.”

The compliment proved as flattering as it was offensive. Of course, Nimbus had kept her around for sex, but she'd meant so much more than that to him. Not that Jude could ever understand. The asshole wasn't capable of loving anyone.

He and Drakkar took turns advancing and retreating in the hole they occupied. The filling penetrations were intoxicating. The sensual strokes that titillated her inner walls proved maddening and sinful. She hadn't had a threesome since she belonged to Nimbus. Feeling two men inside of her again after so long was a decadent paradise she secretly reveled in, even as the two vampires used and humiliated her.

“Do you see us in the mirror, you whore?” Jude asked, sounding almost breathless. “The way our erections move inside your body?”

She made herself glance at their reflection in the mirror before he made her do so. The image made her cheeks redden like a tomato. “Yes.”

“That's not an angel in the mirror, is it?”

She hung her head in shame. “No.”

“Then tell me what you do see.”

Her eyes narrowed and she glowered at him in the mirror. “I see two assholes taking advantage of a poor woman.”

Jude chuckled, but Drakkar seemed as though all his concentration was honed in on pummeling her up the ass.

“Do you know what I see?” Jude asked.

She didn't know that she wanted to, but had a feeling his question was rhetorical. His questions usually were.

He continued when she didn't bother to grace him with an answer. “I see three demons enjoying a raunchy fuck that will land them all in hell. But I have a feeling the mutual verdict is that the ride is more than worth the destination.”

Sonya shuddered at the reminder of the wages of such a tryst. Still, it wasn't her fault since they coerced her into it. She would be forgiven for this. She had to be.

The flaming pressure on her G-spot drove her insane. She pleaded for them to stop, secretly fearing that she’d come and they’d feel it. They didn't stop. The localized pressure and heat suffused. Pleasurable sensations built inside of her. Oh, dear.

Delilah continued to masturbate while she ogled the trio. She had her panties down around her ankles.

Sonya closed her eyes, trying to shut out the racy images of such a forbidden liaison. Her lips parted and trembled when Jude whispered to her in Nimbus' sexy voice. Damn him for this.

“Do you have any idea how incredible you look sandwiched between us and writhing against our naked bodies?”

“Stop doing that,” she breathed with her eyes still closed.

“Two cocks up inside of you. How shameful. Are you my whore, Sonya?”

The memory of those words turned her on as equally as it choked her up. It was like he was right there with her and the reality that he wasn't made her heart ache unbearably. “No.”

“I think you are, little flower.”

Her eyes burned. Her clitoris tingled and sizzled with growing need as the beloved voice of Nimbus stroked it to the edge without any manual stimulation. “Damn you, Jude. Knock it off.”

“Never sass your master, slave, or I will teach you a lesson you won't soon forget.”

Nimbus had been her master. Hearing his voice reminding her of this now made her legs shake even though Drakkar held them up near her hips. Her arms were wrapped around Jude's neck for support, though she was strongly tempted to strangle him if he persisted in tormenting her with echoes from the past.

Drakkar panted from behind her. “Oh yes, I'm so close!”

“You're bringing a demon release, Sonya. Does that make you wet, sweet girl?”

She choked on a sob. Her pussy leaked all over Jude's shaft and her heart broke that he used another one of Nimbus' pet names for her. “Please stop. It hurts so bad.”

“Your ass?” Drakkar asked.

Sonya shook her head and whimpered in pain at his manic thrusts.

“Is she close, Delilah?” Jude asked.

“Oh yeah. Keep that up and she'll come any second now.”

Jude lifted Sonya's chin and spoke in Nimbus' voice again. “Tell me what hurts.”

She sniffled through her tears, unable or unwilling to answer him.

“Answer me or I'll leave you.”

His threat broke her heart, even though she knew the one speaking was Jude and this whole scenario was pure fantasy. “I can't.”

He kept his hand on her jaw and brushed her lower lip with his thumb. “Tell me what hurts, love.”

The intimate touch and endearing tenderness he spoke with made her bawl louder. “My heart.”

“You're the one who left.”

The tears came faster as she whispered, “I shouldn't have.”

The damning silence scourged her and only the wet, carnal sounds of flesh moving together filled the desolate void.

“It doesn't matter. I want you to come for me, Sonya.”

Her closed eyes squeezed shut even tighter and she shook her head. “I can't. I'm not allowed to come for a demon.”

His cold palm grazed her cheek and a gust of cool breath fanned against her ear in a steamy whisper that was a dead ringer to Nimbus' voice. “I love you, Sonya.”

Sonya choked on a mewl as the confession she thirsted for above all others filled her ears. Her body was as helpless to resist that voice as her heart was. She came sobbing with pleasure and anguish as her body became possessed with ecstasy and her mind flooded with treasured memories. She was only vaguely aware that her partners found their own release under the vacuum she created on their inserted erections.

With her eyes closed, she saw only Nimbus. For a moment in time, redemption didn't matter, only that he was with her. Once the mind-altering wave of euphoria passed, she returned to her senses and her tears of heartache turned into droplets of shame.

The men pulled out of her and lowered her to the floor. Sonya slammed down onto her knees and wailed. What had she done? She only fantasized about sinning with him again. It wasn't like she really had. Besides, these vampires made her do this. She was a victim, not a demon.

Jude resumed his own voice again. His tone came out hard and scolding as he mocked her grief. “And you say you don't love him. I'll wager you'd tear your clothes off and let him damn you if you ever saw him again, wouldn't you, whore?”

She shivered. God forbid.

“That was hot,” Delilah told them. She sounded breathless as though she had just stood up. “Now you boys get cleaned up and take me to dinner and a movie.”

Drakkar's voice sounded as if he was probably grinning. “Only if it pays off for us later tonight.”

Delilah laughed. “You men are all alike. Fine. Let me call the shots at the restaurant and the theater. Then later I just might let you manhandle me a bit.”

“I like the sound of that,” said Drakkar.

“Where are we going to put the phony angel while we're gone?” Jude asked.

“We could bring her with us,” Delilah said with evident enthusiasm.

“No. I want her to sit in dark solitude and wallow in the shame of what she's done and the unbearable loss she's suffered,” Jude decided.

Delilah snickered. “You really are a bastard, Jude.”

Drakkar pulled Sonya to her feet, speaking to Jude as if she wasn't even there. “I have a dungeon in the basement we could lock her in.”

Jude's tone betrayed a grin. “What an excellent idea. Now I remember why we're friends.”

Sonya was in a tormented daze as they practically dragged her down into the dark basement. The cold stone floor chilled her bare ass. The solid manacles that clamped around her wrist and were welded into the wall barely registered with her in the fog that clouded her.

Drakkar brushed her pointed nipple with the back of his finger. “You were a great enough lay that I think I'll just forget about the way you tried to kill me earlier.”

Jude angled her chin so she could see his face. “Whore.”

He released her chin and spat on her chest before leaving with Drakkar. Ah yes, trust Jude to have nothing better to say than a mere insult during a low point in her life. Had he really ever been an angel?

Delilah knelt beside her and wiped away her tears with her fingers. “Don't cry, Sonya. I'm sure you'll see Nimbus again someday. Wherever he is he doesn't remember, since to be freed he would've been required to drink from the River Lethe. But there's another river rumored to restore one's memory. Maybe you'll find him, restore his memories and then you can be together.”

The way the succubus stroked her fingers through Sonya's strands of hair felt soothing, but she mustn't let the demon's facade of tenderness fool her. The woman was still evil and soulless.

“I know what you're trying to do. You want to damn me.” Sonya wept silently.

“Well, you seem to believe that you'll be forgiven for your provocative offenses here today. Perhaps you'll be forgiven for sleeping with Nimbus again someday as long as you pretend he forced himself on you.”

“God's not stupid.”

“No, he's not. He knows which sexual encounters are coerced and which ones are secretly enjoyed,” Delilah coldly hinted as she stood to leave. “Do you know what always makes me feel better when I'm down? Thinking of someone else instead of myself.”

Sonya's eyes rose in time to witness the woman's skirt and panties drop to reveal her shaved mons. She was too depressed to offer any protest as the succubus stepped closer so that her crotch was in Sonya's face. Delilah guided her head forward until Sonya's lips met with her smooth labia.

“Kiss me, baby,” she whispered. “Lick me until I come.”

Sonya felt numb and desolate as she planted kisses on Delilah's bare cunt and gently skimmed her tongue through the woman's moistened folds.

“That's it,” Delilah breathed in hushed arousal. “Make me come, baby.”

Sonya's nipple tightened all the more when Delilah teased it with her fingertips. She bathed the woman's private flesh with the wet warmth of her tongue. She decided to get her off quickly so she could be left alone, but Delilah wouldn't let her.

“Lick up inside me,” she whispered.

Sonya swiped her tongue over the slick hole and felt it sinking into the naturally lubed vagina. She twirled her tongue around in the woman's pussy, making Delilah tense and sigh with need.

“I'm so wet for you, Sonya. Taste me. Taste how much I want you.”

Her tongue took in the woman's soft, heated flesh. The silky dampness of her juices exploded with flavor on Sonya's taste buds. Her tongue retreated and laved the demon's clit in slow, sensual circles. She could tell by the way Delilah trembled that she was close to losing it.

“Oh, I feel it coming,” she whispered. “Oh Sonya, it's so strong and good. Oh, yes! I'm coming, baby!”

Delilah quaked and tiny noises of want escaped her as she finished and her release coated Sonya's chin.

“Oh, that was wonderful.” Delilah panted and shivered as she pulled her skirt and panties back on. “You're no good at being a crusnik, Sonya, but you make a fabulous succubus.”

BOOK: Broken Vow
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