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Authors: Beth Ashworth

Broken Truth (14 page)

BOOK: Broken Truth
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“No, no, no,” Charlie brushed off quickly. “Xavier just had the wrong end of the stick earlier.”

“If you say so,” Annabelle replied, not entirely convinced she was telling the truth. “I’d hate to hear of you having trouble with that man of yours. I heard through the grapevine that he is
a catch.”

“I’m sorry?” Charlie asked, pretending to sound confused. She was interested to see if Annabelle would put her money where her mouth was and actually confess what she knew. Clearly she had been doing some digging behind the scenes and found out some information about her.

Annabelle opened the door to the fitting room and looked Charlie straight in the eyes. There was something about the way she looked at her that had Charlie feeling immediately uncomfortable.

“Mr Callum Ellis,” she replied smugly. “The multi-millionaire property developer who happens to be devilishly handsome and courting a certain Miss Charlotte Harris.”

 “You’ve done your homework,” Charlie said with a nod.

Annabelle’s gaze intensified. “Indeed, I have,” she replied.



Slipping on a pair of cotton sleep shorts and a vest top, Charlie pulled back the covers and hopped into bed.  Reaching over to the bedside table, she picked up her glasses and put them on. Having taken out her contact lenses earlier, she wanted to make sure she could actually see her phone when Callum called.

She flicked through the applications on her phone looking for something to pass the time. Finally landing on her e-reader, Charlie settled herself under the covers, ready to lose herself in the world of erotic fiction.

Picking up where she last left off, Charlie came straight into the book at the start of a sex scene. She was reading about a young adult girl who had fallen in love with her best friend’s brother. It was pure, scandalous filth which she always loved.


Squeezing her eyes tightly closed, a small gasp left Gemma’s lips as Wayne ran his tongue across her damp and sensitive flesh. She whimpered loudly and let her head fall back as a feeling of complete ecstasy wracked and tortured her body almost to the point of agony.


Charlie slowly slid her hand under the covers towards the waistband of her shorts as she continued to keep reading.


Latching his mouth to her clit, Wayne skilfully worked Gemma up to the crest of her orgasm. Between soft licks and forceful sucks, she could feel the pressure building steadily between her legs.


Pushing her hand inside of her shorts, Charlie lightly brushed her fingertips over her hot, quivering opening. A rush of heat flooded her cheeks as her fingers glided effortlessly inside of her body. She felt her inner walls spasm deliciously around her fingers as she gently massaged herself internally.

Picturing Callum’s taut and toned body hovering above her, Charlie withdrew her hand and slowly traced a pattern over her labia up to her clit. Applying a little pressure with her fingertips, she whimpered softly as she gradually started working on the engorged bud of nerves.

“Oh fuck,” she panted, a shiver sliding down the length of her spine. She was so close to coming she almost couldn’t breathe.

As she continued to drive herself higher and higher past the point of no return, she vaguely registered a muffled buzzing noise coming from somewhere on the bed beside her. It stopped after a minute before suddenly starting up again.

Charlie froze, unsure of what to do.

The intense feeling of her building orgasm dropped a little, forcing Charlie to continue lightly tracing her swollen clit while she weighed up her options. Having spent so much time building herself up, she really didn’t want to lose all of the hard work she had done.

Fumbling for her mobile as it started to buzz for the third time, she pressed it to her ear. “Hi, Baby,” she purred seductively into the receiver.

“Hey, where have you been my beautiful girl? I tried your phone like three times?” She heard the sliver of curiosity evident in Callum’s tone.

Charlie tried to swallow a gasp as her fingers found her opening again.


 She murmured an incoherent response after inserting a third finger inside her body, taking pleasure in the way her vagina pulsed wonderfully around her hand.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Callum replied huskily. “Are we skipping straight to the phone sex already, Baby?”

Still continuing to masturbate, Charlie exhaled a long breath in response.

“Are you touching yourself?” he asked, dropping the tone of his voice to a low and sensual growl.

“Yes,” she replied breathlessly.

Charlie heard a shuffling sound on the other end of the line followed by the unmistakeable sound of a zipper.

“Are you wet?” he asked on a seductive groan, sending a flush of new heat between her already soaked thighs.

“Oh... Fuck...” she shuddered. “I-I-I am so fucking close.”

Callum’s beastly grunt had her almost to the point of orgasm within seconds. She could hear the sound of his hand pumping furiously in time to her breathy moans and whimpers. She wanted to hold on for as long as possible for him.

“Shit,” he groaned. “Baby, are you ready?”

Charlie didn’t need to be told twice. She immediately stopped resisting her orgasm and allowed the surge of fire to explode gloriously throughout her body for a number of toe curling minutes.

Coming down from the height of her orgasm, she smiled happily as her body continued to twinge with satisfying aftershocks.

“Shit,” Callum groaned. “Were you masturbating before I even called you? What were you doing to prompt that?”

“Reading,” she said simply.

“I might ask for a bedtime story every night,” he laughed.

Charlie looked over at the alarm clock and saw that it was almost approaching midnight. “How long have you been home?” she asked as a yawn escaped her lips.

“Only about an hour - I think. Jared and I had to get a presentation finished for the conference tomorrow,” he said.

Charlie yawned again.

“Go to sleep, Baby,” he suggested.

“No, I want to stay awake and talk to you.”

“I want to talk to you too, but you’re tired. Just go to sleep and I will try and steal sometime away to call you before I come home on Friday.”


Just the simple word had butterflies erupting in her tummy. He thought of Manchester with her as

“Goodnight. I love you, Callum.”

“Night, Baby. I love you too,” he said disconnecting the call.




“Bitch, when are we ordering pizza?” Lucy hollered from her seat in the living room. “I’m so hungry I could eat a cow.”

Picking up her glass of wine, Charlie walked over to where the takeout menus were stuck to the front of the fridge with a magnet. “You sure you want pizza and not anything else?” she shouted across the open space of the apartment.

Although Charlie could only see the back of their heads from where she stood in the kitchen, she could clearly hear the topic of takeout being discussed.

“We still want pizza!” She heard both Lucy and Amelia shout in unison a few moments later.

Unclipping the stack of menus from the fridge, Charlie flicked through the pile until she found the one she was looking for. Heading back towards the living room, she was armed with her wine, takeout menu and phone.

“I’m so hungry,” Amelia groaned, snatching the menu out of her hand before she sat down. “Are we getting one each or sharing two?”

“Nuh-uh,” Lucy said, shaking her head. “I am not sharing my pizza with you. I vote we get one each, so then we can eat the leftovers tomorrow morning for breakfast.”

“I love cold pizza,” Charlie said as her tummy gurgled in agreement. “And I am happy to get my own pizza.”

Amelia slapped the menu into her lap and crossed her arms firmly. “Why won’t you bitches share a pizza with me?” she moaned, sticking out her bottom lip in a pout.

“Because...” Lucy paused and plucked the menu out of Amelia’s lap. “You have way too much weird shit on your pizza.”

“She’s right,” Charlie agreed. “It’s not right. Half of the stuff you get doesn’t belong on a pizza.”

“Whatever,” Amelia replied with a shrug. “More for me then, bitches.”

“Ok, so what is everyone getting? Let me write it down,” Charlie said as she picked up the notepad and pen from the coffee table.

While they were still deciding, she quickly wrote down her own order first. Keeping in touch with the old classics, a good old American Hot was exactly what was needed tonight. She was now looking forward to their usual Thursday night sleepover with a few glasses of wine and a nice spicy pizza.

“Hit me up with a medium spicy chicken and mushroom please,” Lucy said, pulling her feet up onto the sofa.

Charlie wrote down the order and turned towards Amelia. “Come on then,” she prompted with a smile. “What shit you gonna have tonight?”

“I don’t make shit. I make masterpieces,” she replied, pretending to take offence from Charlie’s words. “And just for that, I’ll take a BBQ sauce base with tuna, anchovies and pineapple please.”

“That is fucking disgusting,” Lucy said repulsed. “You are having two lots of fish with fruit and BBQ sauce? You are just something else.”

“Oh, I want the hotdog stuffed crust too!”

“Oh give it a rest,” Lucy said as she rolled her eyes in mock exasperation.

Charlie felt her stomach heave as she wrote down Amelia’s pizza order. She was certainly pushing the boat out tonight with her choices.

“Right, let me get these ordered,” Charlie said, picking up her phone.



A short while later and Charlie was hurrying to open the door so that she could take receipt of their three pizzas. Graciously accepting the delivery, she made sure to pass the gentleman a small tip for his service.

“Foods up!” she yelled, making her way towards the island in the centre of the kitchen.

She lay out the three pizza boxes and turned to grab some plates from the cupboard. After their last incident with pizza, Charlie had sworn a promise to Callum that they would not eat it again without plates.

BOOK: Broken Truth
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