Broken: The MISTAKEN Series Complete Second Season (38 page)

BOOK: Broken: The MISTAKEN Series Complete Second Season
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My eyes swam with tears and I nodded, making several of them slide down my cheeks. I felt breathless—almost weightless. Almost floating. I didn’t know what was going to happen. I didn’t know how it was going to turn out. But I wasn’t afraid anymore. I just knew that I wanted to let him keep his promises to me. And I knew I had plenty of promises that I wanted to keep for him.


ne Week Later

my eyes as I stepped into the hot shower, letting the spray from the shower heads drench me.
. That was the word he had used to describe this place. Rustic. When he had told me he had a rustic cabin in the Montana wilderness, this was definitely
what I had envisioned. It was small, for sure, but for some reason I had pictured a dingy, one-room shack with a bed in one corner and a wood stove in the other.

This place was not that way at all. It was more like a small house—not big enough for more than two people or so, but it was perfect. He had even somehow managed to get a piano in here. I had no idea how piano movers could have managed to get here, but it was there. A baby grand that took up the majority of the living room. And he had done it for me. And he had sat, listening to me play every day that we had been here. I don’t think I had ever seen him happier. And I knew I hadn’t ever been happier.

The past week had been heavenly. There was no phone service here, so there were no midnight calls. No mysterious texts or messages that made him get up and leave. The mail service was at a post office box that was almost an hour away—we hadn’t even seen another soul since we had arrived. It had just been the two of us. We were in the middle of nowhere, but we were happy. It was a freedom I hadn’t felt in a long, long time.

He climbed into the shower behind me and snaked his arms around my waist, nuzzling into my neck. “Have I told you I love the way you smell?”

I smiled and leaned against his body, my body tingling at the feeling of his skin against mine. It was a sensation I knew I would never tire of.

He groaned into my neck. “Oh, the things I want to do to you, Jen…”

I spun myself around in his arms, feeling a growing warmth coiling between my legs. I wanted him to do all of those things and more. Over and over again. Just the sound of his voice sent a familiar warmth coursing through me. Just his touch made my body respond … I was already so ready for him—so ready that I knew the slightest brush against my skin could send me crashing over the edge.

He dipped his head to my neck again, pressing his lips against that spot right below my ear—that spot of mine that he owned. His lips almost seemed programed to kiss that spot, like they were made to touch me right there. And my body was made to respond to it…

I bowed my neck, letting out another sigh. I loved how he touched me. I loved everything about him. I loved that he knew exactly what I needed—every single time.

He lowered his head to my collarbone and kissed at that spot only briefly before dropping to his knees. He kissed his way down my stomach, his lips sliding over my damp skin. I was already so wet for him—so ready for him, just like I always was. Just feeling his touch on my skin … it was almost too much.

His kisses rained lower and lower still. He finally looked up at me. “You’re so beautiful, Jen. So fucking beautiful…” He dipped his head, his tongue finding my clit as he slid his fingers into me. I shattered almost instantly, my cries echoing around us as he continued pushing into me harder and harder, his tongue syncing perfectly with the rhythm of his fingers and I shattered again, almost collapsing to the floor of the shower next to him.

He grabbed my hands and stood up, snaking his arms around my waist again. He lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around him as he carried me out of the shower. He laid me down on the bed, and stood in front of me, still soaking wet from the shower.

He stood in front of me, staring at my body for a long moment. “You’re a fucking miracle, Jen. My fucking miracle…”

Little did he know—he was my miracle, too.

e finally fell asleep
after the second time he made love to me that morning. I thought for a moment that it was a good thing I had refilled my birth control prescription at the same time I’d filled the one for the sleeping pills. I knew the birth control worked better than the insomnia medication—at least I hoped it did. Brandon had begun talking about kids again, but I still wasn’t sure. I didn’t think having one out here in the middle of nowhere would be great, either.

None of that mattered right now, anyway. Not yet. I carefully lifted his arm from my chest, sliding myself out from under it, and sat up. I pulled on one of my Georgetown t-shirts and a pair of pajama pants and tried to tiptoe out the door. Brandon’s appetite for sex had become almost insatiable since we had arrived here—I knew it had been a long time since we had been together. We’d only had that one night together before we came here. Only that one night since his stabbing that seemed like so long ago. Sometimes, it was hard to remember that we had only been here a week—and all of the bullshit that was probably still waiting for us at home had only happened a short time ago.

I was determined to make this last as long as possible. This blissful adventure we were having. No one knew where we were—Brandon had promised me. And he hadn’t broken a promise to me yet. He had promised I wouldn’t have to go back to Daniel, and he had meant it. I was finally beginning to let go again—to trust him fully. To let myself love him. To let him love me.

I padded my way into the kitchen and pulled a carton of eggs and the container of milk from the refrigerator. I still couldn’t cook worth a damn, but Brandon had taught me to make scrambled eggs in the week we had been here. It was a start.

I cracked an egg into a bowl, then another and another. I knew he would be hungry when he woke up in a few minutes, and I knew the food would distract him for at least a little while. I smiled at the thought. My appetite for sex might never match his, but I was at least enjoying the attention for now.

I poured the egg mixture into a frying pan and turned on the burner, waiting for it to heat up. I put the eggs and milk back into the refrigerator while I watched the pan, almost sure I would burn the damned things again. Brandon had taught me what to watch for, but I still didn’t get it right every time. It was almost a relief knowing we’d have plenty of time for him to teach me how to finally learn how to cook something as simple as eggs. I wanted to be able to make him happy. And if scrambled eggs made him happy, I was definitely going to learn…

The sound I heard coming from the living room stunned me. I wasn’t really sure if I had heard it at all. I stood, frozen in the kitchen, waiting to see if it would happen again. I hoped—prayed that I had imagined it. That it wasn’t real. But then I heard it again.

Someone was knocking on the door.

enna and Brandon’s
story continues in
-- available now!

is also available now!


his story unfolds
over the course of a series of short novels. Each follows the continuing story of Brandon Richardson and Jenna Davis. The BROKEN novellas are the second season of The MISTAKEN Series.

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#6 is the finale of the BROKEN series. TAKEN will be the third season of The MISTAKEN Series. To purchase the next installment, visit

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Other Books by Renna Peak







ALL I WANT, Part One
(free in most areas)

ALL I WANT, Part Two

ALL I WANT, Part Three

Coming Soon:

(A full-length New Adult Romance novel)

All I Need – Part One

Forgiven #1

Finding Her

To see a full book list, please visit:

About the Author

’m Renna Peak
, New Adult – Romantic Suspense author. I live in Washington State with my husband, four children and three cats. When I’m not writing, you’ll find me at volleyball tournaments (watching my two youngest daughters play), at one of my son’s violin performances or out in my garden. I love reading, especially good romances, but I also pick up fantasy and sci-fi from time to time.

I’ve been writing fiction since I was a young child and began writing romance as a teenager. I’ve worked as a freelance author and medical writer for the past seventeen years. I am also a registered nurse and in training to be a Certified Nurse Midwife/Nurse Practitioner (currently on hiatus to write). Sometimes my medical background bleeds into my writing, no pun intended.

If you’d like to receive updates about my newest releases, please be sure to subscribe to my

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BOOK: Broken: The MISTAKEN Series Complete Second Season
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