Broken (The Chances Series Book 2) (14 page)

BOOK: Broken (The Chances Series Book 2)
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“Jazzy, come on baby, I know you aren’t shy.  Tell me how you are rubbing that soaked beautiful cunt of yours.  I need to hear you baby.  My cock is so fucking hard right now it hurts.  I need you.”  I hear the strain and desperation in his voice. I close my eyes and try to imagine that we are together.

“Mmmm,  Eric, I need you too.  I’m so wet it’s starting to run down my ass. I’m rubbing my clit and it’s throbbing so hard for your mouth.”

“FFUUCCKK Jaz!  Oh yes, yes.  I want to taste the sweet pussy of yours.  I want to lick up all of your juices.  Fuck, I want you to sit on my face so I can eat that cunt while you suck my cock shit Jaz I want your lips around my cock.”

“Ooo, Eric, I’m so fucking close please, don’t stop, shit!”

“Oh, that’s it Jaz, thrust your fingers into that tight pussy of ours.  Think of my cock and milk it.  I’m so fucking close too baby.  Let me hear you come baby.”  I can hear him frantically stroking his huge ass cock and I stick two fingers into my core and shatter.  “AARRGG, Jazzy, yes, come all over my cock, I love hearing the sweet noises you make when you come.  FFUUCCKKK, Jaz I’m coming!”

“Mmmm, I think I need to get home really soon.”  He’s still breathing hard and I’m still aching for him.  I need my man and I need him now.

“Shit Jazzy, yes, you do because I’m still fucking hard as steel.  I need that sweet wet pussy of yours to sink balls deep in.”

“Damn it, Eric.  I have to help Annie find a dress first and I will be home.”

“Where are you?  What store?”

“Needleman’s, why?”

“I’ll be there in 30 minutes.  I need to be with you.  I can’t wait.”  I smile.  I love how he can’t get enough of me like I can’t get enough of him.  I use to get on Annie for taking time away from Brody, take a breather from him, but now that I’m with Eric, I see 100% why she couldn’t.  We are each other’s drug, and going through withdrawals suck.

“Ok, I will see you then.  Eric?”

“Yea princess?”

“I love you.”

“I love you too princess, see you soon.”  And we hang up.  I quickly dress and Annie is sitting where I left her and she is typing away on her phone.  When she hears me she looks up with a huge smile.

“Feeling better?”  I look at her confused at first, then shocked.

“You heard?”

“Aaaa, yea.  You weren’t that loud, but you weren’t quite either.”  She giggles.

“Shit, did the sales lady hear?”

“No, when I first heard you, I took her to the front of the store and we look at dresses.  A new customer came in so she is now helping them.”

“Annie, I’m sorry, I told Eric-“

“Hey, don’t worry, I know how our men get.  So how long do we have before your stud shows up.” She smirks.  I laugh.

“30 minutes.”

“Well, let’s find me a dress. Actually, I found one I like and I want your opinion.”

“Lead the way.”  She grabs the dress from one of the racks and I like it.  She holds it up and it’s perfect.

“Go, try that baby on.  I like it”

She darts to the dressing room and I wait in the chair for her to come out.  I txt Eric while waiting.

Me:  Hurry, I can’t wait to see your sexy ass. 
A couple minutes later he responds.

Eric:  I can’t wait to fuck your sexy ass.

Me:  Mmm, I want that so bad, you felt so good in my ass while I fucked my pussy.

Eric:  Fuck baby.  My cock is hard as a rock again.  I’m almost there.

Me:  Hurry baby I need you, just don’t get into an accident it would kill me to lose you.

Eric:  Then don’t txt about fucking.  :-P   You will never lose me princess.

Me: k, see you soon.  Annie is waiting for me to see the dress she is trying on.


“Annie I love it!”  It was exactly what I had envisioned.  A long flowing dress that hugs her chest and hips then flows from hips to ground.  It’s halter top and shows off enough cleavage to be tasteful and drive Brody insane.  The color is beautiful, a deep rose red.

“Good, cause I do too!  And Brody has the perfect shirt to match it.”

“I can’t wait Annie.  I can’t wait to become Mrs. Eric Simmons.”

“You are going to make a beautiful bride.”

“And you are going to be the most beautiful maid of honor."

“Thanks, and you may want to turn around.”  Mmm, my man is standing there.  He must have left right from work, he is so damn sexy in work clothes.

“Excuse me, can you tell me where I can find Mrs. Eric Simmons?”  He asks.  I walk over to him.

“You can find her in Maine next month.”

“Okay, how about the future Mrs. Eric Simmons?”

“You’re looking at her.”  I smile.

“Yes I am.  And she is the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on.”

“Hey guys, I’m going to take off and see my hubby who is waiting for me.”

“Bye Annie, thanks for coming with me.”  I give her a hug.

“Later Annie, Brody headed home early.”

“Thanks . See you two tomorrow.”  She heads out the door.

“I will be right back baby.”  I bring Annie’s dress to the counter and let the clerk know that we will also be taking this dress as well.  She placed it with my dress and I head to the door where Eric is waiting.  He holds the door open and I walk out.  I don’t get far before he turns me around and pins me against the building and claims my mouth hard.  I answer back just as hard.  I wrap my arms around his neck and grip his hair.  He groans and grinds his cock onto my belly.  I bite his lower lip and he hisses.

“Jazzy, you are killing me.  I need you now.  Let’s go.”  He pulls me with him to the parking garage across the street and we take the elevator up to the roof.

“Roof huh, no other spots in the whole garage?”  I smirk.

“Oh there were but none that were private enough to fuck my girl without anyone else seeing her gorgeous sexy body.  It’s mine and mine only.”  He pulls me in flush to his hard body.  I reach up and kiss him.

“I love you Mr. Simmons.  Now, take me to the truck and fuck me.  Fuck me so hard I won’t be able to walk afterwards.”

“With fucking pleasure baby.”  The elevator dings and the doors open, we walk briskly to the truck. We are all over each other before we even make inside.  We are at the back and he opens the tail gate and sits me on it.  “Back up baby, lie down and hold on, it will get bumpy.”  As I’m backing up he is crawling up.  He tears my skirt down my legs, and tosses it.  He rips my panties off and stuffs them in his pocket and quickly takes his pants down enough to release his cock.  He lifts my legs, spreads me open and thrusts hard into me.



Chapter 16


The girls got their dresses a week ago, I can’t fucking wait to marry my princess.  Brody and I went and got our clothes this afternoon, now we are chillin’ at his house waiting on our girls to get here.  Kevin comes out of the house.

“Hey Kev, wit’s up?”

“Nothing.  Jist got done work.  How’s things with you’s and Annie?”  He asks grabbing a beer.

“Guid.  Jist waiting on her and Jazzy tae git here.”

“Aye?  How are things wi ye and Jazzy, Eric?”

“Perfect.  You?”

“Guid, guid.  Annie wiz telling me thit Jazzy wants me tae restore her car fur her whin ye guys got paid from the Maine joab.”

“Yea, but listen, can you start it earlier, like next week?  I want it done for her for when we return.  Wedding gift.”

“Aye, no problem mate.  I can pick it up in the morn.”

“Thanks.  You coming to our wedding?”

“Am I invited?”

“Yes, it said you, your mom and dad on the invite.  And a plus one if you wanted.”

“Aye, I ken, jist busting yer baws.  Aye, I wull be there.  daenni ken aboot the plus one.”

“No, girl just now?”

“Daenni  ken.  Complicated.”  More like conflicted I think.  I just nod and leave it at that. “So, bachelor party, here or Maine?”

“Here.” Brody says.

“No party.  The only girl I want to see is mine.”

“Oh, come on Eric.  Git yer baws back and go oot wi me and Brod fur a night of drinking.”  I think about it.  Then nod.

“Fine, Drinks and that’s it.”

“Aye, jist drinks.”

“Hey, it’s all our favorite boys Jazzy.”  Annie yells from the doorway.  Jazzy comes jogging over to me followed by Annie to Brody.  Jaz climbs in my lap straddling me and gives me a hug.  I hug back tightly and whisper into her neck.

“Hey princess, I’ve missed you.”  I inhale her sweet smell and kiss the side of her neck up to her ear and suck and nibble it.  She trembles.  I love her reactions to me.  She is so fucking beautiful.

“I missed you too baby.  How was your shopping trip?”  She asks pulling back and kissing my lips.

“It was shopping.  Something I hate doing.”  I nip at her lip.  She giggles.

“I know but you need to get something to wear for the wedding.”

“No, I can wear nothing.  Makes it easier to get to your soaked cunt whenever I fuck you that night,”  I plunge my tongue into her mother and kiss her furiously and pull her down onto my hard dick, rocking her back and forth on it.  She moans and pulls back.

“You are not going naked.  Your cock, balls and ass are for my eyes only.  Tell me you got clothes to wear for our wedding.”  I snicker.

“I got clothes to wear for our wedding.”  I kiss her again.

“Thank you.  Brody got just black pants, right?  Annie said he had a shirt at home to match her dress.”

“Umm, he got pants yes.”

“What does Umm mean?”

“Nothing.  He just shops, unlike me.”  I shake my head.  “Brody for some reason likes to get new clothes.  I don’t.  I usually have a Personal shopper do that for me.”

“Well, you can get rid of your personal shopper because that shopper is now going to be your wife.”

“Mmmm, kiss me and rub your tits on me again and consider it done.”  She giggles and kisses me and lays flush to me.  Her tits pressed into my chest and I can feel her hard nipples through the layers of clothes, her bra, shirt and my shirt.  Damn they are hard.  I reach up and pull at one and she gasps and I swallow it.  “I bet your pussy is drenched, isn’t it princess?”

“Mmm, yyeess…”  She says breathlessly.

“Too bad we are not home and all of our friends are right here.” She reaches down and grabs onto my cock and strokes it.

“Yea, too bad we aren’t alone, huh baby.”  I groan and thrust up.

“Oh, you are an evil woman.”

“And you are an evil man.”  She kisses me again and I grab the back of her neck and start making love to her mouth.  Fuck it.  I can’t fuck my girl just now, then I will with my tongue.

“Hey ye tae! Quit it or let me join!”  Kevin  says and Jazzy starts laughing.

“In your dreams Kev.”

“Oh aye, tae night definitely.  Thinking aboot yer sexy arse.”  The girls burst out laughing and Brody chuckles. I pick Jazzy up and place her back down in the seat.  I walk over to Kevin and stand there staring at him.

“You think you can handle my ass in bed pretty boy.”  He smirks and shakes his head yes.  I smirk too.  “Sorry but this ass is already taken, but feel free to dream about it all you want.  Look, no touch.”  I place my hand over his mouth and kiss it.  The girls are hooting and hollering.  I pull back laughing and turn to go get another beer and Kevin slaps my ass.  He’s laughing when I quickly turn around pick him up and toss him in the pool.  He comes up and swims to the side of the pool and I reach down giving him a hand.  We one arm hug showing all is good and in fun and games.  “I love you man, just not that way dude!  How many times do we have to go through this!”  I say joking around with him.  “And Jazzy was just saying that my ass, cock and balls belonged to her.”  I point over at her and she is sitting with her mouth gaping open and blushing.

“Aye?  I daenni think she would mind sharing wi me, would ye love?”  Kevin says grabbing his beer and guzzled it down.  She blushes more and looks over at Annie and Brody who both seem really into the whole conversation.

“I do mind sharing.  Sorry Kevin, he’s all mine!”  Yea that’s my girl.  I jog over to her and pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist and kisses me.  “You have Dean though, right?”  He grabs another beer, sits and shrugs his shoulders then downs the whole bottle of beer.  Jazzy asks for me to put her down, I do, both girls go over to talk to him.  Brody and I head inside to get the food to grill.

“Kev tell you anything about what happened with Dean or anything about Lacey yet?”

“Noo.  He usually tells us win he is dating, but never told anyone aboot Dean or this Lacey.  Noow he looks like someone took his favourite toy away.  I daenni ken if I should approach him or wait.  I might jist huv tae kick Deans arse if he has hurt him.”

“I’m right there with you, you know that.”

“Aye.”  When we get back outside we see the girls have managed to get Kevin back to Kevin.  Thank god because I have no fucking clue what to say if we had to approach him to talk about relationships.  I’m still learning on how to do it right for my girl.  Brody starts grilling the salmon and I go sit with Jazzy.  She moves forward in the lounger when she sees me and I slip in behind her and wrap my arms around her and pull her in close. 

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