Broken Rules (9 page)

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Authors: Olivia Jake

BOOK: Broken Rules
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Dinner was also very similar to the one the night
before. A table full of food, lots of talking over each other, arms waving,
Lydia and Patricia once again pushing food on everyone, mostly the guests.
While Alex always felt comfortable with Dan and Ruth, they were older and more
reserved, and it was always just the three of them. Plus, with Dan running his
own business, the hours were always long, so family meals were the exception
rather than the rule. So, the emotion and energy at the Flores house was new
for Alex.

Alex didn’t take this time with his family for
granted. It was obvious how close he was to all of them, and she wanted to make
sure they knew just how much she appreciated being there. She raised her glass
and offered a toast,
“Lydia, Patricia, thank you for inviting me and Jesús to
be a part of your family dinner, again, and welcoming us with such warm open
arms into your home. I know you don’t get to see your son as much as you’d
like, so I want to make sure you know how touched both of us are that you’ve
included us in this special time with Marco.”
Marco put his free hand on
Alex’s and rubbed it, offering her a soft smile of gratitude.

Lydia replied,
“My Marco would not bring you
here if you weren’t… if you were just…”
Lydia realized she almost said
something she shouldn’t so she recovered with,
“any photographer. We’re
happy to have you in our home.”
She paused got a little teary and looked
like she was going to say something deep, but then shook her head and opted
“Now, if you would just eat a little more, then I’d be even happier!”
Everyone chuckled, and Alex could see where Marco got his good nature from.
Even in the short time they had been together, she had seen him do the same
thing his mother just did, get serious or emotional, but then shake it off.

After dinner, Lydia, all the sisters and Jesús
were in the kitchen cleaning up, while Patricia relaxed in the living room with
Marco and Alex.

My grandson tells me you don’t like
.” Patricia said. Alex shot Marco a look as she could feel herself
flush. Damn these Flores’, what was it about their ability to make her blush
every other minute? She liked the older woman’s bluntness, even when she was on
the receiving end of it. Still, she couldn’t help feeling a bit off guard.

Senora Flores
,” Alex started, and
Patricia interrupted.

.” She said matter of
factly. Great, strike two.

Patricia, it’s not that I don’t like
.” Alex paused wanting to make sure she was very careful the way she
phrased this. She certainly didn’t want to offend his grandmother. And, while
she was fluent in Spanish, it wasn’t her first language, so certain nuances
sometimes were lost in the translation. “
I’ve worked with actors my entire
career, so it’s not that I don’t like them. I wouldn’t be where I am today
without them. But, when I was younger, I dated a couple.
” She paused again,
realizing that she not only had Patricia’s attention, but now Marco’s too. “
is a very, uh, weird town, a very unique industry. A lot of the people who work
in it live by a different set of rules than most of the rest of us play by.

Based on Patricia’s expression, this was not working. How could she possibly
explain some of the crazy demands, the outrageous salaries, the absence of
basic morals to this woman? The more she talked, the more she felt she was
digging herself into a hole. Better to go the direct route, she realized. “
actors act. Their job is to pretend to be people they aren’t. They train at
perfecting that art to be believable. So, it’s very hard to know when they’re
being genuine, when they’re being sincere. It’s not that I don’t like actors. I
just have been hurt in the past by actors who I believed when they told me
certain things because they were so good at their craft… but they were just
.” Alex paused again. “
It’s very hard to know what’s real because most
everything in the industry is fake.

Patricia nodded and pursed her lips. Alex wasn’t
sure if she had completely insulted this woman vis-a-vis her grandson, or if
anything that she had just said made sense. Alex knew that she could try to
explain it over and over again, but until someone actually worked in the industry,
it was impossible to understand.

Patricia raised her hand and stuck out her very
arthritic index finger at Marco, and even though she was addressing Alex, she
was looking at him, as if threatening him “
I know who my grandson is. And I
know he would never, ever, abandon his roots, his morals. He is an honest man.
He is a Flores.”

Great, now Alex got him in trouble. This was
definitely not going the way she intended. “
I’m not saying Marco is like
them, I’m just…

Marco didn’t say anything, but he started to open
his mouth, immediately silenced by his grandmother.

Alexandra, I know how charming my
grandson can be. But trust me, gringa, his acting is reserved for the screen.”

!” was all he said, under his
breath, as he walked over to Alex, his eyes burning intensely. She had never
seen this look. There was something about it, the passion, the determination.
He grabbed her wrist and forcefully pulled her with him, leading them out to
the patio. Once the patio door closed he grabbed her hips, pulling her towards
him. She thought she should be afraid, the way he was so roughly handling her,
but she didn’t feel fear. The way he commanded her with just his hands, what
she felt was her heart beating, her nipples hardening, herself getting wet. The
way he took over made her feel something she wasn’t sure she had ever felt with
a man. She was so used to always calling the shots, but now, Marco was so
clearly taking control of the situation that she was so turned on and

With his hands on her hips, holding her against
him, he looked down and asked her, “Alexandra, what do you feel, right now.”
She blinked, looking at him, “Don’t think about what you should say, tell me.
What does your body say?”

She opened her mouth and nothing came out. He did
not break his gaze when he said, “You
I’m not like other actors. I
you know that, in your heart. Your head, that might be another story. You’ve
lived in LA for so long you don’t know how to listen to your body.”

Then his tone changed from just domineering to
pure sex. “However,
, know how to listen to my body. I
know what I’m feeling. And I know what
feeling. I can feel your
heart pounding, I can feel the heat between your legs, I can see how hard your
nipples are, the flush on your chest that rises up to your cheeks.” He trailed
his hand from her chest to her cheeks as if for added emphasis. “You’re so
afraid that I’m the one who’s acting, but you, you’re the one who’s betraying
what your body is saying.”

Alex swallowed. She knew he was right about
everything her body was feeling. And he was right that she was the one who was
acting, acting like she wasn’t feeling those things. In what was just above a
whisper, she said, “You’re right, Marco.”

A slow grin spread across his face, “I know,

 “And cocky.” She teased. He just raised his
eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders. Then he leaned down, taking one of his
hand off her hip to grab the back of her head, fisting her ponytail so that he
could angle her head the way that he wanted, and then he took her mouth. He was
unforgiving in his kiss. He kissed her so passionately as if to reinforce
everything that he had said. She had no idea how long they were out there but
finally, they broke apart, both panting. Alex could feel her lips were already
swollen by his kiss, the skin around her mouth reddened by his stubble. She
reflexively licked her bottom lip which made the corner of his mouth raise. She
was pretty sure she knew what he was thinking.

 “Are you ready?” he asked. What a simple
question, but it was loaded with implication. All she could do was nod. “
He leaned down and gave her a light kiss on her lips and then led her back
inside, holding her hand. This man had a thing about holding her hand. Or maybe
it was his way of leading her around. No matter. At this moment, she would have
followed him anywhere.

 “Jesús, we’re leaving. Say good night.”
Marco said in a, ‘I’m not screwing around, get your shit and let’s go’ manner.
He also said it in English, clear that he didn’t need his mother or grandmother
scolding him for speaking rudely to guests. Jesús, who had been sitting talking
with Teresa on the couch, lightly put his hand on her knee and then leaned over
and kissed her cheek. Her entire face flushed as she looked down and grinned.
Marco tensed, but somewhere in that big brother body of his, he must have known
that his baby sister was an adult. Either that, or he didn’t want to waste any
more time. The faster they left, the sooner he’d have Alex alone.

The ride back to the hotel was only a few minutes,
but this time, unlike the previous night, Alex knew that Marco would be coming
in, and she knew he’d be staying. She also knew that all kinds of lines were
being crossed on this shoot. Lines that she had put in place to protect
herself. To make sure that she didn’t get hurt personally or professionally.
But she kept coming back to what Marco said, that she needed to listen to her
body for a change. Such a guy thing to say, she thought. The consequences for
women were so much greater. Male photographers sleeping with their models were
practically cliché, so why did she assume this would be so looked down upon?
Because she knew how this industry, and society worked. Right or wrong. Fair or
not, it was just different. Women were held to a different standard. But her
friend Sam had made it work. After much internal struggle and a whole lot of
drama. And no one thought less of her…

Alex knew what she felt for Marco, and she knew
that she’d never felt those things for anyone else. She could rationalize all
the reasons why she shouldn’t be doing this, but at the end of the day, she
kept coming back to one simple thing: she really, really wanted to. For someone
who spent her entire life doing what she needed to do, out of self-preservation,
for the first time ever, she was doing something based purely on feeling rather
than necessity. She wasn’t a martyr, far from it. She loved what she did, she
was fortunate in that. And true, photography had become her passion. But it was
also her career. She had her animals which she was also passionate about. But
this, this was different. This was a feeling that was at such a primal level,
and something that was only for her.

She also had come to know the man she was about to
become intimate with. She could not imagine him becoming some typical actor
once they got back home. But she was getting ahead of herself. No one knew if
‘this’ would even last beyond one night, much less past the shoot.
One day
at a time, Alex.
She tried to remind herself.

Marco must have sensed the concerns Alex was
having, not that she said a word the entire drive. But he held her hand and
stroked the back of it with his thumb, his own way of reassuring her, and,
perhaps equally importantly, reminding her of his touch.



Alex would have given anything to be staying in
some huge high rise where her room wouldn’t even be on the same floor as
Jesús’, much less sharing a wall with it. But this was a small island with
small hotels… and her room was right next door to his. There was no denying
that Marco was coming home with Alex. Marco didn’t care who knew. And Alex,
well, there wasn’t anything she could do. The three of them walked to their
respective rooms, Jesús getting to his first, Alex said, “Good night, Jesús” as
he put his key in the door. He looked up into Alex’s eyes, and then down to her
hand, which was in Marco’s. There wasn’t anything for him to say, so he just
went silently into his room and closed the door. No slamming, no drama. Even he
knew that whatever it was between them, they were going to be acting on it.

When Alex started to put her key in the lock, her
hand was shaking. She was so embarrassed. Marco put his hand under her chin,
tipping her face up to look at him, “
Eres tan nerviosa, mi amor
?” she
nodded. “

Alex shrugged her shoulders and then smiled,
“Nervous and excited.” He smiled back, took the key out of her hands, opened
the door and followed her in.

Once Alex heard the door close, she couldn’t
believe how hard her heart was pounding. It had been so long since she was with
a man, she didn’t know what to do. None of this was planned. She put her things
down on the dresser and then turned around to see Marco standing, watching,
waiting for her. He reached out his hands. She knew that she had to come to
him, to make sure for both of them that this was something she wanted and was
ready for. Without hesitation, she walked to him, making it clear that she had
a voice in this, and that voice was saying ‘yes’.

Marco looked down at her with such intensity that
she shivered. He took both of his hands and started tracing the sides of her
face with his thumbs, then slowly down her neck, along her collar bones, around
the outsides of her breasts and down to her waist. He was barely touching her
and she was on fire, wishing he would do more. When he got to the hem of her
tank top, he lifted it up and Alex instinctively put her hands above her heads
as he lifted it off her. Then, again at an almost painfully slow pace, he
traced her bra lines, down the straps, over the top of the cups, down around
the back where he deftly unhooked it.

Alex was now topless, her nipples had pebbled into
hard little peaks aching to be touched. But Marco was taking his own sweet
time, clearly enjoying this as his lips formed a small, close-mouthed smile. He
started tracing her sunburn, still, his touch was so light, then finally his
hands got to her breasts, but he continued to take his time, barely touching
her. As he caressed the outsides of her breasts, and down along the full part
of the bottom, she couldn’t stand it any longer, “Please, Marco.” She begged.

He cocked his head to the side, “Please what,
Alexandra? What do you want?”

 “Please touch me.” She whispered

He chuckled and then said, “But I am touching you,

She could see in his eyes that he was toying with
her, but she knew that after the previous night, he needed to make sure that
she wanted this. “Please, more. I need more. I want more.” She pleaded and
started to raise her arms to touch him, but he put his hands on her wrists
before she could make contact and shook his head. Alex knit her brows, “Why
can’t I touch you?”

mi amor
, I want to touch
you and watch you react. I want to just focus on you and see how you respond to
my hands, my lips, my cock.” Hearing that word made Alex’s breath hitch in
anticipation. He smiled, “I want to learn what you like first. And, I’m
enjoying seeing you get all worked up without me barely doing anything.”

 “You’re enjoying torturing me?” she asked

mi amor
. But more than
that, do you know what this tells me?” he asked looking so devilish and so sexy
Alex was doing everything in her power not to just jump him. “It tells me that,
if you are this excited without me doing hardly anything, imagine how good it’s
going to be when I actually do make love to you.” Alex’s knees actually felt
weak. She thought that was just an expression used in romance novels. But now
she finally realized it was real. Her heart started pounding even harder and
she tried to raise her hands again but his were still on her wrists and he
shook his head again, “Am I going to have to restrain you,
Alex knew she flushed and she could feel that her panties were soaking wet.
“Hmmm, it seems that somebody likes that idea.” Then he leaned over to whisper
in her ear, “Do you like that,
? The thought of me tying you up?
The idea that I could do whatever I want with your body?” again, Alex’s breath
hitched. She’d never been tied up, but thinking about Marco doing that to her,
really, doing anything to her made her quiver.

There were too many questions, too much
stimulation, even though there was no real physical stimulation… yet. Alex
couldn’t process what he was asking. She was panting, her heart was racing, she
wanted to reach up and grab him, pull him down to her, but every time she tried
he just held her wrists tighter. She had heard his last question. That was the
only one she could answer. In a haze she answered, “Yes, Marco, whatever you
want. Please, please.” She couldn’t believe she had been reduced to begging but
she wanted him so badly. Just the night before she had pushed him away, and
now, she would have done anything to get him to do exactly what he had wanted
to do all along. It didn’t matter. All she knew was that her pussy was
throbbing, aching to be touched, really, more than touched, and she was half
naked with one of the most gorgeous men in the world, number 3 according to
People magazine, she thought and chuckled.

 “What’s so funny, Corazon?”

Alex had no idea she had actually laughed out
loud. She tried to explain, “You’re People magazine’s third most sexy man in
the world.”

 “And that is funny?” he whispered into her
ear and started nibbling on her neck, still holding her hands at her sides. He
was so close that her nipples were lightly rubbing up against his shirt. She
tried to get closer, she needed more friction, she needed more of everything.

 “Noooo, not funny ha-ha.” She panted, “funny
that I’m here all I can think about is how badly I want you to kiss me, to fuck
me, yet…”

Before she could finish her sentence his mouth was
on hers, his hands finally releasing her wrists so that he could cup her face
and hold it to his as he devoured her, kissing her, tasting the sweetness on
her lips, nibbling at them, thrusting his tongue inside her and playing with
her mouth, with his. Alex took advantage of the fact that her hands were freed,
greedily sliding inside Marco’s shirt to feel his skin. It was both smooth and
hard at the same time.

He kept his mouth on hers, hungrily kissing her as
his hands slid around her waist pulling her to him. She could feel the heat
coming from both their bodies even though he was still completely clothed. More
than that, she could feel his erection pressing against her which just made her
want him that much more. She wanted to press harder against him. She felt like
she wanted to climb him. The more she tried to direct him, lead him, the more
he lead her, making it clear who was calling the shots, who was in control.
After holding herself back for so long, she felt like a wild animal. And it was
obvious he could sense this as he finally turned her around, walking her
backwards as they continued devouring each other till the back of her knees hit
the bed. Marco lifted Alex up and laid her down on the bed so that her entire
body was flat. He paused for a moment to look down at her and smile. Just his
smile alone sent tingles throughout her.

He leaned down and unbuttoned her shorts, sliding
them and her underwear off together in one swift move. Her sandals had already
come off earlier, so she was now, completely naked. And he was completely
clothed. As she looked up at him, she suddenly felt very vulnerable. 

As sexy as she was, and as much as he wanted to
take her right then, he could also see the trepidation creep into her mind as
she lay there looking up to him. “It’s just you and me, Alexandra. Here for
each other, to be with each other because we both want it. I know you want it,
but you need to be sure.” Alex heard what he was saying and tried to process
it. Was he backing out now, or was he just being a gentleman, trying to prove
again to her that he wasn’t what she thought he was. As he stood over her, he
pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the floor. She propped herself up on her
elbows to watch, enjoying the show. He raised his eyebrows and she licked her
lips, making him smile as he unbuttoned his pants and pulled them off, along
with his briefs, so that he was now naked too. Alex had seen him in his bathing
suit at his house, so she had seen pretty much all of him already. But now, she
was seeing everything. And any hint of trepidation was replaced by lust and
longing as she focused on his huge cock, proudly standing at attention,
pointing towards her. She smiled again as she got up and crawled towards him,
towards it.

He stayed standing at the edge of the bed
watching. When she got to her prize, she kept her hands on the bed and stuck
her tongue out to lick the precum off the tip. She heard Marco inhale as her
tongue made contact and she smiled as she looked up at him. He was looking
down, watching, clearly liking what he was seeing. Encouraged, Alex licked the
head, around the ridge, tasting as she went. It had been such a long time since
she had been intimate with a man, she had forgotten how good their cocks could
taste. She played with his head, taking just it into her mouth, sucking it,
remembering how smooth, spongy and hard it could be. Then she went deeper,
sliding her mouth down his long shaft. He was big, and she couldn’t fit it all
in, but she reveled in taking as much as she could, feeling the head hit the
back of her throat, eliciting a soft moan from Marco. She sucked up and down,
using her tongue as she went, getting lost in the wonderful feeling of having a
man’s cock in her mouth until she was suddenly broken from her moment as she
felt Marco’s hands on her head, stilling her. She looked up at him with her
eyes, not removing her mouth from his cock, which earned a smile from him.

 “Mmmm, Alexandra, what I wouldn’t give to
grab your camera right now and get a picture of this.” He said sexily. Alex
released his cock from her mouth and smiled.

 “I don’t think that would be very good for
either of our careers.” She teased.

mi amor
, I wouldn’t let anyone
see. It would just be for me.”  Alex raised her eyebrows. “But I don’t
need to take pictures, I have you right here, in person.” He said and then
leaned down, pushing her onto her back, crawling over her until he was on top
of her. He had both of her wrists in his hands, pinning her arms to the bed as
he leaned in to kiss her again. He moved down to her breasts, taking one nipple
into his mouth and she moaned. She could feel his mouth smile against her as he
started sucking and biting her nipple. As he worked on the one in his mouth, he
took the other between his thumb and forefinger. He bit and sucked and nibbled
on her nipples, increasing the intensity as he went. The more he focused on
them, the hornier she got. Her hips started moving, grinding her mound against
his cock. She couldn’t believe the sensation she was feeling just from his
mouth and hands playing with her nipples. Her pussy was throbbing, desperate
for attention. She felt like if he kept at what he was doing, she just might
come from this alone. But he had other plans.

He slowly made his way down her torso, kissing her
stomach as he went, until his face was between her legs. He put both of his
hands on her inner thighs and pushed them back and just looked at her,
“Alexandra, you have such a pretty pussy. And so nice and wet.” He took one
long lick, from the base of her opening up to her clit, stopping on her clit
and sucking it, making Alex shiver. “Mmmm, and you’re so sweet, Alexandra. So
sweet and so wet.”

Alex wanted to reply, wanted to say something, but
she was so lost in feeling that the words just didn’t come. No matter, Marco
wasn’t interesting in talking as he dove back in, exploring her sex with his
tongue. Alex was glad she had shaved that morning. After a memorable shoot
years ago, the actress who Alex was shooting was rather proud of her body, and
had asked Alex for her opinion on wardrobe. When Alex walked into her dressing
room, she was taken aback by the fact that the starlet was completely naked.
And completely hairless down there. Her surprise must have been obvious as the
actress offered, “Oh, honey, it’s so much better without hair. It’s so much
more sensitive and just cleaner. And I think it’s prettier, don’t you?” to
which Alex nodded and agreed. She had seen plenty of models naked, but
actresses were usually much more aware of their privacy. Regardless, Alex
decided to try it to see if it was true, and sure enough, it did feel better,
so she had shaved ever since.

Not that many people had seen it, but Alex enjoyed
the way it felt and the little thrill it gave her. Now, she had a very
appreciative audience. “You’re
.” Marco said,
in between licks. “I can see and feel everything.” He continued to lick her,
using a flat tongue as he lapped up her juices, then sucked on her clit. God it
felt good, so good, but Alex wanted his cock. She was so turned on, so horny.
And she knew she couldn’t come like this. She’d heard all her friends extoll
the virtues of oral sex, but it had just never worked for her. As nice as it felt,
she just wanted his cock inside her. She lifted herself up, putting her hands
in his hair to pull him up to her. He looked up with those piercing blue eyes
and simply shook his head.

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