Broken Road (Fate's Intent Book 7) (7 page)

BOOK: Broken Road (Fate's Intent Book 7)
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Chapter 10





This place was done in me. I didn’t want to have to stay here another minute but I had no choice. We still had a function to attend and I still had my plan to carry out.

“It’s almost time. We should get out there.”

My father entered my room just as I had completed my own dressing. “Oh, looking forward to it. Are the arrangements set for us to leave right after?”

“You still think that’s going to be a respectable choice?”

“Like they know anything about respect around here.”

“Zayden, don’t make me regret this night.”

“I won’t, father. Just stating a true fact. They don’t. The sooner we get out of here, the better. I want to get back to Adele. We haven’t been apart this long before.”

“I know. We’ll leave as planned. I was actually thinking you could speed up the trip to the docks so we could sleep on the ship like normal.”

“Sounds like a better plan.”

It really was and I really wanted it to be now but I knew my father would have objected and so I obeyed.


“And what?”

He looked down towards my feet and I did too. Rift was looking up and already seemed sad.

“This is the last time you have to stay. It will be a little longer but we’ll be out of here tonight.”

He whined a little and walked back over to the couch.

“You really do have him trained.” My father said. “Can you understand him yet?”

“Why does everyone ask me that?”

“What do you mean everyone?”

“Well, you and Ryon. It’s like you’re all waiting for me to tell you the signs before it will happen.”

“Aside from Ryon still being involved, I’m just being cautious. It can be dangerous.”

“He’s going to help me so it shouldn’t come as a surprise, remember? I just don’t know when I even want to.”

“You better tell someone when you do feel those changes. Now, let’s go. Don’t want them to start without us.”


The ceremony was beautiful. The Hintin colors of sky blue and their prosperous diamond mines lit up the ballroom with its own kind of light like ice. I guess it made sense since it was always cold and there was always snow in some part of the country year round. Tables were set up and music played peacefully as the guests mingled with one another. Everyone seemed full of joy to be there. Well, everyone except for the bride.

I sat with my Kitten as my date to my right and had a clear sight of Meg at another table. She looked simply miserable to be there at her own wedding. I could see it and planned to do something about it. I had to help her. I knew Adele would insist on it too and that just made me completely devoted to getting it done. I had to get her out of this dark place she was in and I knew exactly how. I just had to plan it out perfectly; no mistakes.

Darius and Troy moderately tried taking my advice to not drink like they wanted to because we were going to be leaving. It would have made the quick trip and the ride across the sea an unpleasant experience but they still opted to have fun. I limited mine while I kept my watch on Meg’s behavior and my conversations with others were short.

Dancing was a main focus of the night and that’s when I saw my chance. “Would you excuse me for just a moment?”

My date only responded with a nod and I walked out into the crowd to where Wyatt was dancing with his unwilling bride.

“May I?”

They stopped and Wyatt looked over with a surprising smile and took my request well. “Zayden, why of course.”

Meg’s eyes were wide when Wyatt handed her off into my arms and we started dancing along with the music.

“How are you, Meg?”

Her eyes were still wide and for some strange reason, I didn’t know why at first. “You’re the Zayden? Zayden Vendel?”

Her heart was fluttering and it must have been some kind of fear but I remained completely relaxed so maybe she wouldn’t see me as a danger. “I’m fairly positive. You seem awfully unhappy to be here, don’t you?”

“It’s not my place to say.”

“You know it is. I could get you out of here.”

Meg’s heart almost stopped. It was clear she was one to the idea but she didn’t sound like it. “You mustn’t even think such things. There isn’t a place I could go where they wouldn’t find me.”

“Come back with me. I have a place that no one would ever find except for those who already know where it is and it’s few.”

“I couldn’t—the consequences—”

“Wouldn’t apply to you there. No woman deserves to be forced into a life such as this. I could take you away from here where you’d never have to worry about it again.”

“That’s very kind of you but he will always find me.”

“Not if you’re with me. You’ll have to learn to trust again. You don’t want to be here. That I can see.”

“And out of curiosity, how would you attempt such an escape?”

I almost had her agreeing and explained the plan so that she may. “We leave tonight. We’ll be taking a ship back to the mainland.”

“But it takes hours to get to the docks. There’s no way they let even you use the trading docks.”

“They didn’t but you have to trust me. It won’t take hours for me.”

She looked up in my eyes but I don’t know what she was thinking. She was still afraid on some level but her response made her wants clear. “Where do I meet you?”

“Right after this. Whenever you can get away and dress darkly. I’ll take you to the ship first and come back in time before the others leave.”

“That makes no sense to me.”

“It will. Be ready.”

The music ended and we clapped for the performance.

“Okay.” Meg replied. “I’ll try.”

I smiled as we bowed to each other and walked our separate ways back to the tables. It was all working out. She agreed within just a single dance. It was good progress and now I had to wait it out a little longer for the opportune moment.

Another hour passed and that’s when I watched Meg get up from her table and leave the ballroom completely. The partying started to slow down and other guests started to leave anyway so no one found it suspicious that she was. That was the signal and I waited a few more moments to give her time to change before I too got up.

I didn’t leave right away. I knew someone would come looking for me if I just left without an explanation and I gave it to the one who would need it most; my father. “I’m going to go make sure I have everything ready to go and then I’ll be ready to take everyone to the docks.”

“Okay, son. Take your time. No rush.”

That was a relief to hear. I backed away and started to leave. It would surely give me the time I needed to take Meg all the way to the docks and hide her on the ship without the others having to know at all.

I walked the halls as if I was going back to my room and Meg pulled me into the shadows unexpectedly with fear in her voice. “I’m a little nervous about this.”

“It’s all right to be but we’re going to get you out of here. Come on. I have the time.”

Meg nodded and put her dark hood up so it shadowed her face from anyone trying to view it and she walked casually out of the palace with me.

So far it was going well. We got out which is farther than she probably thought she’d get and I could feel that it made her hopeful.

“I need you to close your eyes.”


“I’m going to get us to the docks really fast and you need to keep them closed or you’ll probably throw-up.”

“What are you?”

The question wasn’t asked in terror but awe and I smiled. “I’m a new breed. You have to trust me.”

She closed her eyes and the moment she did, I picked her up in my arms and started for the docks. We left the city in the matter of seconds without anyone seeing us and Meg’s hold around me was tight like she felt something that scared her. It might have been the wind.

The trip only lasted a few minutes until I stopped in the cabin on the ship. “Okay. We’re here.”

I put her down and she opened her eyes. “Whoa.”

“I need you to stay here and hide like in the closet or something. No one is supposed to find out that you’re here until we leave Hintin waters completely.”


“I’m going back to get the others. I’ll be back with them in just a few minutes. Wait here and don’t leave.”

“I won’t. Thank you, Zayden for doing this. I never thought I’d—”

“I know. I’ll be back as soon as I can and this ship will sail. You’ll be free.”

Meg nodded and I turned to head back. I made it to the palace but didn’t slow down until I got to my room. No one would see me and it was the easiest way.

Rift was excited to see me and knew we would probably be leaving.

“Ready? Everyone else is getting their stuff and heading outside.”

I turned and my father had unusual timing for coming through the door. “Yeah. Let’s get to the ship. I’m ready to get home.”

“I know exactly what you mean.”

I took my bag I had packed and waiting all day and we left the room to meet the others outside of the palace.

“We ready?” Darius asked. “I need sleep.”

“Don’t worry. We’ll get there quick. Just hang on.”

“To what?” Troy asked.

“Each other.”

Darius and Troy looked at each other for a moment.

“Couldn’t we ride in the carriage and you be our horse?” Darius asked.

“Or—I could just leave you here.”

“No!” Darius and Troy shouted at the same time and grabbed each other’s arm.

I laughed to their sudden anxiousness. “I wish Ruby was here. She’d have a great sarcastic comment for you right now.”

Darius immediately let go of Troy and pushed him away from him with some of his gifted strength. Troy flew to the ground hard and rolled right up to his feet from the force. “You’re so dead.”

He stepped towards him for his revenge but my father got in between them and simply dropped Troy to his back. “Later, son. We have to go.”

Once Troy got his breath back, he saw my father over him, holding down his hand. “Was that you?”

Darius laughed. “That was so great!”

“We don’t have time.” My father said. “You’re both going to play nice and we’re going to get to the ship. Zayden.”

“Yes, father.” I picked up Rift with one hand and held out my other. “Hold on tight.”

He locked wrists with me and looked back at the others. “Aleks.”

Aleksander stepped up and locked wrists with him and they looked at the last two. They both sighed and stepped forward.

Troy locked wrists with Aleksander and held out his hand to Darius. “Just don’t break my wrist or I’m letting go.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Darius said as he grabbed him tight. “You let go and I’ll take your whole arm.”

He rolled his eyes but I cut into it. I didn’t have time for this right now. “Okay. This will be the short trip. Close your eyes.”

Everyone did it and I started us towards the docks. It didn’t feel that trying having to do it again. It wasn’t far compared to the one I had to make tomorrow.

“Finally.” Darius fell back on his bed the moment he opened his eyes to see it. “Don’t bother me until we get there.”

“We should all get some rest.” Aleksander suggested.

I wasn’t paying much attention to what was going on around me. I sat on the edge of my bed, looking at the cracked open door next to me. Meg was inside and I was focused on making this plan work.

“Zayden!” My father said my name loudly like he’s been trying to get my attention.


He looked at me strangely for a second and shared a look with Aleksander. “What did you do?”


He looked at the door next to me and his eyes narrowed as he went to it. I couldn’t do anything but sigh and my father opened the door just a little bit to see Meg inside with a smile and a small finger wave.

He huffed and slammed the door shut. “Troy, go tell the helmsman to turn this ship around.”

I stood up. “Father, no.”

“Why?” Troy asked.

“We have a stowaway.”

“Father, you can’t.” I said. “Troy, stay!”

“Go!” He demanded. “I thought we had this talk, Zayden? I will not go to war over this. Take her back.”

“Wait a second.” Troy said. “What are we talking about?”

My father opened up the closet and pulled Meg out of it, removing her hood.

“You kidnapped the Princess?”

I laughed. “Kidnapped? Troy, come on. You know it’s not like that.”

“Zayden, this is serious.” My father said in his classic deep voice.

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