Broken Love (2 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

BOOK: Broken Love
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“I would have thought you’d be happy that I told you this before we got married.”

Holy freaking hell.

What did I ever see in this jerk?

Letting out a chuckle, I nodded. “No, you’re right. Better you told me before I went off and married you and God forbid had a child with you.”

“Ava, you have to admit this was all rushed. We got caught up in the whole romance side of things and lost focus on reality.”

“Reality? You think I’ve lost focus on reality? You know what’s real, Johnny?”

He lifted his hand and gently placed it on the side of my face. His thumb moved ever so slow as his eyes softened. “The pain you’re feeling right now, Ava. I know this hurts, but baby, you’re going to find someone else.”

He did not. No. He. Did. Not.

“You got one part of that right. Pain. But it’s not the pain I’m feeling, it’s the pain you’re about to feel, you asshole.”

I lifted my knee and hit him right in the balls. I hadn’t seen a guy go down on one knee since I accidentally hit Walker in the balls with a golf club.

Johnny doubled over as he cried out in pain.

“Have a happy life with Lisa.”

Turning on my heels, I walked away quickly. Not sure whether I should cry or scream, I pulled out my phone and dialed the one person I knew would understand.

My mother.

“Hey, baby girl. How did the cake tasting go? Did you pick out a cake?”

Pressing my lips together, I tried to figure out how to deliver the blow. “No. But I did kick Johnny in the balls out on the sidewalk in front of the bakery.”


“You remember that time I hit Walker with the golf club?”

“Yes,” my mother said slowly.

“Picture that. He went down on one knee pretty damn fast.”

“What happened?”

Rolling my eyes, I wiped the tears away. “He met someone else. Someone who made him feel alive. He had sex with her, Mom. The bastard cheated on me. I hate him.”

“Oh, sweetheart. I’m so sorry this has happened to you. Baby, why don’t you head on home and spend a few days with us. I know your father would love to have you home.”

Laughing, I shook my head and said, “Oh, I’m sure he would. The second he sees me he’s going to say I told you so.”

“He would not, Ava Moore. Your father loves you and cares about you.”

Closing my eyes tightly, I whispered, “I know.”

Before I had a chance to open my eyes, I slammed into someone. My eyes flew open as my phone flew out of my hand and I let out a curse word.


I had been stopped dead in my tracks. Dropping down, I reached for my phone and for the papers I’d just caused this man to drop. As I lifted my eyes, I sucked in a breath of air.

Beautiful hazel eyes stared into my blue. “I-I’m so sorry,” I said as I handed him a few pieces of paper.

The smile that spread across his face caused the earth to shake. Okay, not really, but it felt like it. I almost fell back onto my ass as I tried to contain the crazy feeling that zipped through my body when his hand brushed lightly across mine.

“I wasn’t looking where I was going,” I said, as he helped me into a standing position.

The beautiful mystery man pinned me with his stare. My eyes roamed his perfect face. He was slightly tan, but I couldn’t tell if that was from the sun or his genes. His dark hair had that perfect messy look to it as he ran his hand through it and laughed.

“You don’t say? It’s not every day I run into a beautiful lady. I believe my day has officially been made.”

His voice sounded like an angel.

Okay, so I don’t really know what an angel would sound like, but if I could imagine it, I’d say this guy had it down. It was soft, yet masculine. Sexy, yet compassionate.

“I’m glad,” I whispered.

He lifted his eyebrows and tilted his head as his eyes landed on my lips. “Glad you ran into me?”

My cell phone began ringing in my hand as I lifted it up to see it was my mother. Shit! I’d forgotten she was on the line. Giving him an awkward smile, I said, “No! Well, yes. No wait, I’m glad your day has been made … by me running into you.”

Oh dear God, Ava. Stop talking.
Lifting my phone, I grinned and said, “It’s my mom.”

“May I at least get your name?”

My teeth sunk down into my lip as I let out a soft chuckle. “Ava.”

Mystery man’s eyes lit up as he gave me a slight nod, followed by the sexiest wink I’d ever seen. He lifted his hand to my chin and forced my eyes to his. If I hadn’t been acutely aware of every single action he made, I’d have missed his thumb move lightly over my bottom lip.

“The pleasure was most defiantly mine, Ava.”

The stupid goofy grin on my face was evident as he chuckled, dropped his hand, and began walking off as I stood there in a stupor.

My phone rang again as I hit answer and whispered, “Hello?”

“Ava, are you okay? What happened?”

I shook my head to clear my thoughts as I glanced over my shoulder at my mystery man walking away from me. Getting a grip on myself, I headed toward my car. I was so thankful I had suggested meeting Johnny at the bakery.

“Sorry, Mom. I accidentally ran into someone. Hey, I think I’m going to do what you said. I need a few days of fresh country air. Besides, I can work from anywhere.”

I could practically hear my mother jumping. “Oh good! When are you coming?”

“Today. I just need to go to my place and pack a bag.”

“Okay, sweetheart. Be careful driving, and we’ll see you in a few hours. Oh, I’ll make your favorite dinner!”

Reaching my car, I turned around again. I wasn’t sure why. Maybe I was hoping my mystery man would be standing there.

“Sounds great, Mom. I’ll let you know when I’m on my way. I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too, Ava. We’ll have you forgetting Johnny in no time.”

Slipping into the driver’s seat, I started my car and said, “Johnny who?”





RUSHING INTO MY condo, I felt my phone buzz. My mother had been coddling me ever since I went back home and spent two days with my parents in Llano.

I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh as I swiped across my phone and breathed out. “Hey, Mom. I’m fine. I’m still alive, and no I haven’t cried once. It’s been almost three weeks. I’m so beyond over it.”

“Ha ha. You can’t be mad at me for wanting to make sure my baby girl is doing okay.”

With a loud thud, the bags that were in my hand landed on the floor. “I’m more than fine, Mom. I’m going out tonight with friends and we’re going to have a good time.”

“Don’t drink and drive.”

“Mom, I live in a condo in downtown Austin. I walk everywhere.”

I could hear her frustrated sigh so I decided to play nice. “But, I promise I won’t drink too much.”

“Good. Remember, your father has that thing tomorrow about the ranch and he really wants you, Walker, and Liza to be there.”

“I’ll be there. I swear!”

“Have fun tonight, sweetheart, and be careful and remember … don’t drink too much.”

I couldn’t help but smile. I knew my parents loved me and just worried. It had to be hard letting their little girl move to Austin and start a new life.

“Mom, I hardly drink anyway. I’ll call you tomorrow before I leave to head home. Love you! Bye!”

“Bye, sweetie.”

I pushed out a fast breath of air as I glanced around my room. My eyes caught the teal cocktail dress hanging up on my closet door. “Hello, beautiful,” I said as I grabbed the dress from the satin hanger and headed to my bathroom. I’d had my eyes on this dress since it first came into Mon Amour, the boutique I worked at as a manager. I also worked for Maurice Parker, one of the top wedding dress designers in the country. I’d met him while in Paris and he hired me practically on the spot. Designing was my number one desire and what I wanted to do.

Slipping the dress on, I pulled my hair up and wrapped it around a few times, making a somewhat elegant, yet kind of sloppy, bun on the top of my head.

Maroon 5’s song “Animals” blared over my phone. I headed back into my room and picked my phone up.

“Hey, Jay.”

“Back at ya, babe! Are you ready to get your party on? It’s not every day we celebrate the fact that I’m giving my va-jay-jay to one man.”

With a soft chuckle, I slipped on my heels and leaned in toward the mirror to check my makeup one more time. “Yes, I’m ready. Are you here?”

“Fixin’ to pull up, so hurry your ass up. My last night of freedom is upon us.”

Grabbing my clutch, I headed out of my condo, locking it behind me. “You aren’t even getting married for another two weeks, Jay.”

“Doesn’t matter. Tonight is the last night all my girls will be able to get together before I’m taken off the market.”

“Um … you’re already off the market.”

Jay sighed. “Details, Ava. Why are you always stuck on the details?”

“Oh shit, I’m going to lose you. Getting in the elevator.”


I hit End on my phone and chuckled.

Looking over to my left, I noticed the guy who lived on the floor above me. He glanced at me and smiled. “You look beautiful this evening. Hot date?”

I let out a nervous laugh as I shook my head. “Nah. I’m not dating anyone right now.”

His smile grew bigger.

“Girls’ night. One of my best friends is getting married in a couple of weeks.”

“Ah, let the trouble begin.”

Deciding I wanted to be naughty, I looked over my shoulder as I stepped out of the elevator and said, “Here’s hoping.”

By the time I made it outside, Jay was pulled up and waiting for me. “Night, Harry!” I shouted at the doorman as I attempted to run over to Jay’s convertible in five-inch heels.

Slipping into her car, I grabbed a scarf and wrapped it around my head. Jay drove with the top down every single day. Even if it rained, she put it down.

“Holy kittens on a cracker, you look hot!”

I laughed as I turned my head to face her. Her jet black hair was pulled up in a ponytail and she had on her signature red lipstick. “You know that doesn’t make sense.”

“What doesn’t?”

“Holy kittens on a cracker. It makes zero sense.”

Jay shrugged her shoulders and said, “I don’t care. I like it, therefore I use it.”

Rolling my eyes, I sighed and said, “Whatever. I need to seriously flirt with at least one man tonight. A little light petting might be fun too.”

Jay laughed as she hit the gas and took off on the green light. “That’s my Ava! It’s so freaking great to have you back!”



WAS THE ROOM spinning or was I spinning? I couldn’t tell as I tried to focus on walking from our table, across the dance floor and to the bathroom.

I’ve got this. I’m a strong, independent woman. I can make my way to the bathroom.

“Hey, Ava!”

Ugh. I’d know that voice from anywhere. Plastering on a fake smile, I turned and looked at Dee Monroe. My old college roommate. “Dee!” I said as I threw myself into her body.

She hugged me and pushed me back as she gave me a once over. “Holy shit. Look at you looking so hot.”

I raised my hand and tried to brush off her comment, but I accidentally hit her in the face.

“Ouch! What the hell, Ava!”

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