Broken Love (13 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

BOOK: Broken Love
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I PACED ACROSS the tile floor as I waited along with everyone else in the waiting room.

“Ryder, please stop pacing and sit down next to me.”

I glanced over toward my mother and gave her a faint smile. “I can’t sit down, Mom.”

“How about a cup of coffee then?” Dani said as she placed her hand on my arm.

My eyes looked up at the clock on the white wall. It had been almost two hours since they brought Ava back for surgery.

“Nah, the doctor might come out.”

I caught a glimpse of Reed watching me. After our little talk this morning, everything had been perfect. I told him the truth, that I cared very deeply for his daughter and I was going to do everything in my power to make her happy. His only concern was me moving to Montana. A problem I had chosen to ignore for the time being.

Dani sighed. “Fine, Rich and I are going to get some coffee; will you drink it if I bring you one?”

I absentmindedly nodded my head. Before turning to leave, Dani leaned in closer to me and whispered, “Don’t get upset, but I saw Dad talking to Destiny a little bit ago.”

My head snapped over to my father who was currently talking to Layton. “What? Where?”

“She was here; you know she does charity work for the hospital. I overheard her telling dad how much she missed you and wished you would give her another chance. She brought up the two families merging.”

My heart jumped to my throat. “What did he say?” I asked in a hushed voice.

Dani’s grin spread from one side of her face to the other. “He told her it was time for her to move on … that you and Ava were together now and it would be best if Destiny accepted that the two of you were never going to work out.”

My eyes about popped out of my head. “No shit? Dad told her that?”

Scrunching up her nose and nodding her head quickly, my sister rubbed her swollen belly. “Yep! Looks like our father knows true love when he sees it.”

I narrowed my eyes as I searched her face. There was no way I was getting into that with her now.

“Well, that certainly makes things a hell of a lot easier on me.”

Dani patted my chest and winked. “I thought that might cheer you up some! I’m going to get that coffee now.”

Rolling my neck, I headed over to a chair and sat down as I watched my father intently. I had to admit I was stunned he wasn’t going to push the whole family merger thing with me again. Especially since he knew I was moving back here. Relief instantly flooded though my body as he glanced my way and smiled. With a smile back, I made a note to myself to talk to him about Destiny and the future of our ranches. I had an idea on how we could make a merger happen and it sure as hell didn’t involve me having to get married to Destiny.

The doors opened and a doctor dressed in surgical scrubs walked out. Reed and Courtney jumped up when the he called out Ava’s name.

“We’re her parents,” Courtney said as he walked up to them. Liza and Walker were next to them, along with Jase. I stood back with Layton, Whitley, and my parents.

“I’m Doctor Monroe. Has anyone talked to you yet since they brought her in for surgery?”

Reed shook his head. “The ER doctor just told us she had fractured the tibia and fibula. He said she would need surgery.”

The doctor shook his head. “Yes, it was a severe but clean break of both bones so everything went back together nicely and are secured with a plate and screws. She also had a small fracture of her ankle, but I’m not worried about that at all. It will be more painful than anything and should heal up fine.”

Courtney covered her mouth as Reed said, “She has a broken leg

“I’m afraid so. Healing for those breaks will take six to eight weeks, and I’m going to recommend physical therapy as well since she will be off that leg for a good amount of time.”

My stomach recoiled at the thought of Ava being in such pain.

Reed reached his hand out to the doctor. “Thank you so much for taking such good care of her. When will we be able to see her?”

“She should be out of recovery in about an hour and a half or so.”

As the doctor walked away, I stopped him. “Doctor Monroe, may I ask another question?”

He stopped and looked at me. “You are?”

“Um, Ava’s boyfriend.”

Damn, that sounded good.

“What is it, son?”

I glanced over to Reed before turning back to the doctor. “Ava was only here for a long weekend; she’s originally from Texas. What about traveling?”

“I would think she might want to delay heading back for a least a few days. Just the traveling alone would be rather uncomfortable.”

My mother walked up to Courtney and Reed and gave them a warm smile. “You know Ava is more than welcome to stay at the house for as long as she needs to. Plus, we have two housekeepers, MaryLou and Janet. They will be able to help her with getting around.”

“I’ll be there as well,” I replied.

Doctor Monroe shook my hand and said, “Give me a shout if you have any concerns. The nurse will make sure you have my cell number when Ms. Moore is released.”

With a firm handshake, I replied, “Thank you, I appreciate it.”

“Let’s all go get something to eat while we wait for Ava to get to her room,” my mother stated as she looked at Nate. “Text Dani and Rich and let them know what’s going on. We’ll go to the Post Oak Café down the road.”

I wasn’t surprised at all my mother took over. Ever since my sister Kate died, whenever there was a crisis, she seemed to jump into action. Because she couldn’t help Kate, she tried to make up for it in any way she could.

“Food sounds amazing right now,” Courtney said with a smile.

Everyone made their way to the elevator as I stayed back. “Ryder? You coming?” Nate asked.

“Yeah, I’ll meet you guys there. I have something to take care of.”

Nate nodded and followed everyone down the hall while I pulled out my cell phone and started making calls.



I SAT IN the corner of Ava’s room while Courtney and Reed were on either side of her bed. When they brought her up from the recovery room, they had just given her a strong dose of pain med’s which put her to sleep almost instantly the nurse said.

“She’s waking up,” Courtney said as I stood up. Ava looked at her mother and smiled.

“Hey, Mom. What’s up?”

Courtney let out a chortle and said, “Hi, sweetheart. How are you feeling?”

Turning her head, Ava looked at her dad. “I feel like a train hit me. Oh hey, Dad.”

Reed pushed a strand of hair away from Ava’s eyes as he gently spoke to her. “Hey there. Are you in a lot of pain?”

Ava let out a dry laugh. “I’m feeling okay. I’d feel better if Ryder was here.”

Reed glanced over his shoulder at me and smiled. “He is here.”

Walking up to the side of her bed, I leaned over and gently kissed her lips. “Hey,” I whispered as her eyes lit up.

“Thank you for carrying me down the trail. It was very swoon-worthy of you.”

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” Reed said as I stole a glance in his direction. He smiled at Courtney and then gave me a head pop and said, “We’ll talk later.”

With a chuckle, I nodded and turned back to Ava, giving her a warm smile.

“So, how bad?” she asked.

I peeked up to Courtney as she motioned for me to talk.

Clearing my throat, I answered, “Well, to start with you have a small fracture in your ankle.”

Ava scrunched her nose up. “Ouch.”

“That’s not the bad part.”

“My leg?”

“You broke both the tibia and fibula.”

Ava frowned. “That explains the pain when my ankle twisted. I think that’s why I lost my balance and fell.”

Courtney sighed. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart, that you’re going through this.”

Ava gave her a weak smile. “For now it’s okay, but I’m not so sure how I’ll feel when the pain meds wear off.”

Reed chuckled and stood next to Courtney. “There’s another problem.”

“Another problem? Like three broken bones isn’t enough!” Ava exclaimed.

Reed stole a glance in my direction before focusing back on Ava. “I don’t think you’ll be flying back to Texas with us tomorrow.”


I couldn’t help the small smile that spread across my face when Ava grinned and looked at me.

“So, I’ll have to stay here? In Montana?”

Reed cleared his throat and flashed me a dirty look that caused my face to drop.

“Only for a few days, until you feel like you can fly home,” Reed said.

Ava stole a glimpse my way before staring down at her hands. “How long will I be in the hospital?”

“They’re talking about releasing you tomorrow. Lucy and Nate Sr. offered to let us stay as long as we wanted and—”

Snapping her head up, Ava practically cried out, “No!”

Courtney’s eyes widened in surprise.

It was obvious the stronger pain meds were wearing off because Ava was now moving about and grimacing with each movement. “I mean, really Mom, you don’t have to delay your flight because of a broken leg.”

“Well, I mean, Ava, you’re my daughter and I’m leaving you behind with a broken leg
ankle? I’ve already talked it over with your father and he’s going to go ahead and fly back with everyone, and I’ll stay behind to help you out until you’re ready to come back home.”

Ava’s eyes closed and I knew she wanted a few moments alone with her parents. “Do you need the nurse, buttercup?” I asked.

Her head slowly nodded as I excused myself and left the room to find the nurse. I loved that Courtney wanted to stay and help her daughter, but I prayed like hell Ava talked her out of it.





OH FLIPPIN’ SHIT balls. The last twenty-four hours I had been trying to dream up some excuse to stay in Montana a few days longer, but never did I dream I would have broken my leg and ankle to accomplish that goal.

The moment my mother mentioned staying in Montana, I felt the claustrophobia setting in. I loved my mother, but she babied me and I was a grown woman. Plus, this was the perfect excuse to spend more time with Ryder … alone.

I closed my eyes and tried to adjust myself. The pain in my leg felt like it was getting worse, along with the headache I was getting.

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