Read Broken Justice (Justice Brothers) Online

Authors: Suzanne Halliday

Tags: #Justice Brothers Book 1

Broken Justice (Justice Brothers) (21 page)

BOOK: Broken Justice (Justice Brothers)
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The longer he’d stayed in that bed, and in that room, with memories of the intense sexual interlude he’d shared with the warm, compliant female snuggled in his arms, the harder it was to shift gears. He knew it was arrogance on his part to believe that simply because he was the man, his decisions and actions would be for everyone’s good. But that’s what his oddly scattered mind was telling him this morning.

Determined not to let this thing with the Ponytail get any more out of control, he flipped a switch in his brain and decided, with as much puffed up male sanctimony as he could muster, to keep her at arm’s length from here on out. The voice of doubt in his head that wouldn’t shut the hell up had taunted him unmercifully as he slipped from the bed and dressed. Pausing to look at her sleeping form before running off in the early dawn light, he knew it was for her own good. At that thought, the doubting voice in his head erupted in laughter.

Lacey was just zipping up her overnight bag when Cameron let himself into his side of their connected rooms. She heard him toss his sunglasses on the table and yank open the mini-fridge. When he appeared in her doorway seconds later, drinking from a bottle of water, she was ready for him.

“Hey, you. Have a good run?” She surprised herself at how calm and nonchalant she sounded. Even on the worst day of her life she’d never succumb to being a stage four clinger. His look of mild surprise at how matter-of-fact she appeared struck her as hilarious.
. This man was in for a surprise. She was issuing a challenge of her own, by not being all a-flush with romantic fantasies.

His voice hinted at having been set back a notch or two. “Let me jump in the shower and we’ll go grab breakfast before getting on the road.”

“You go on ahead. I’ve already eaten. I’m going to run by the front desk for a newspaper. Can I get you anything from the gift shop while I’m down there?”

Okay. Color me surprised,
Cam thought as Ponytail acted as though nothing important had happened in the bed just beyond his vision
. What the fuck was she doing,
he wondered. Expecting to find her all shy and giggly after having surrendered her innocence to him, he wasn’t in any way prepared for the fully dressed and business-like woman that presented herself.

Feeling peeved that she wasn’t moony-eyed and clingy, he was finding it hard to get in sync with this unexpected turn. Instead of letting her know that last night had been a one-off they shouldn’t repeat, he was grinding his teeth with frustration that she wasn’t all over him like a damn rash.
God dammit
Did she think she could quite literally fuck his brains out and then act like it never occurred?

What the hell happened to keeping his distance for the good of everyone involved?
His inner voice was falling down laughing. When she looked at him like he had half a screw loose because he hadn’t answered her yet, an actual blush spread across his face. Her manner left him feeling flat-footed and clumsy. Not at all how he envisioned this scenario playing out.

“No. I’m good. I take it you’re ready to go? If we get moving soon we should be outside of Sedona later tonight.”
How many times had he cleared his throat before any of that made sense? Jesus Fucking Christ.
Keeping things light and uncomplicated between them wasn’t going to work if he kept behaving like a smitten teenager.

Smiling, she turned toward the bed straightening the covers. “Ready when you are, boss.” Cam’s jaw ground even tighter as he watched her yank the bed back into some semblance of order. Knowing what they’d done to create the jumble of sheets wasn’t helping his frame-of-mind.

“Okay then.” He slugged back the rest of the bottled water and crushed the flimsy plastic in his hand. “Yep. Okay.”

“Okay,” she answered sweetly.

Really? That was it? That was all she was going to say?
He may have run for the bathroom after that, he wasn’t sure. All he knew was she hadn’t reacted the way he expected and he wasn’t happy about it. Whatever resolve he’d fashioned to keep her at arm’s length evaporated in the face of her response, or lack thereof.
That damn inner voice cackled hilariously at his foolish arrogance the entire time he was in the shower.

Lacey enjoyed watching Cameron fumble and trip over her non-response to their lovemaking.
Yes. That’s what she was calling it. Lovemaking.
Sure, they’d engaged in some pretty hot, steamy sex but that didn’t mean it hadn’t been seething with unspoken feelings. The emotional fallout was only beginning as far as she was concerned.

She’d shocked him by not falling adoringly at his feet. Glad that she had no prior experience to go by, trusting her instincts made it easier to stay as true to her inner compass as possible. She knew without a doubt that if she’d run to him he’d only take off in the other direction all the faster.
Didn’t take a genius to figure out that her dark, brooding knight wasn’t comfortable in the world of emotions

He’d been prepared with a guy speech when he came back from his run. She’d seen it written all over his face. Acting like she hadn’t just creamed and shuddered on top of him hours earlier was not what he expected. She would have preferred to strip him naked and do it all over again. And again. And then maybe, again. But giving in to those impulses would only freak him out so she somehow managed to keep her tone light and her smile firm.

He said they’d be in Sedona tonight and the thought made those butterflies appear again. A lot was coming at her, fast. She couldn’t exactly ask for a time-out so she could think things through and come up with a plan. Keeping up with the changes happening in her world was taking a lot out of her as the highway sped by and they neared their destination.

She’d listened quietly when he’d called and spoken to the head guy, Alex. He was using a blue-tooth device, so she’d only heard Cameron’s side of the conversation but she knew he’d let Alex know he wasn’t alone. Silence and the way his jaw clenched after that announcement led her mind on a rambling journey of possibilities as to how his friend and business associate had reacted. Watching him in the shadows of the evening light, her stomach performed a series of impressive cartwheels when a storm of doubt and uncertainty blew through her thoughts.

She wanted these people to like her, even if just a little, and to give her a chance. If there was one thing she was terrifically adept at, it was adjusting quickly to whatever situation she found herself in. Cameron had told her about Betty, the woman who ran the office for the Justice Agency. She’d been the only person in that position, having started in its earliest days. A family matter had called her away, leaving them in a bit of a bind. Three weeks had turned into six weeks and things got out-of-control at the office. Since Betty wouldn’t be able to return to Arizona for some time, they were forced to find a replacement to fix the mess.

Even without knowing how things ran, Lacey was sure she was up to the task. Looked forward to it, in fact. However Cameron was another matter altogether. Figuring him out was likely going to be a hundred times more difficult than running an office. Proving herself in both instances was a challenge she would willingly take on.

He’d had precious little to say during the final leg of their drive as the desert southwest dominated the vistas rushing by her window. Biting her lip for the thousandth time, she had to stop from dithering on about how beautiful the scenery was. Fascinated by the endless colors found throughout the landscape, she’d been dying to share her excitement with him.

Instead, she had played his game, staying calm and quiet as the hours ticked by. She may not know what he was thinking exactly, but she could hear his mind working overtime. She didn’t care what had come before, she was only interested in what the here and now was offering. Unfortunately, he was caught up in old beliefs about himself that were preventing him from seeing the future.

When they passed by Sedona, she knew that this would be the last hour they would spend together before the world intruded.
Should she say something about last night?
If she wanted to, this was going to be her best opportunity.
Or should she remain quiet and wait for his next move?

Squirming restlessly in her seat, Lacey made quite the show of removing the band from her hair allowing her ponytail to collapse around her shoulders. Not knowing what to do next she scratched her nose and cleared her throat, hoping for divine inspiration. When it came she nearly choked with laughter. Keeping him half a bubble off-plumb was essential if she was going to get inside that complicated head of his.

Cam’s thoughts were wandering all over the place. Thank God they were almost home. Without saying a word she’d been invading his senses with her scent, soft sighs, and small gestures. He wanted to hear her voice so badly that his stomach was in knots with yearning. He’d never known a woman to be so fucking quiet. It was driving him nuts.

She’d caught him off-guard this morning and he’d struggled all day to understand his uncharacteristic reaction. Instead of being the one to put on the brakes it seemed like she was in the driver’s seat. With every passing mile, the silence from her side of the truck cab grated more heavily on his nerves. As a grown man who had plenty of experience with the opposite sex, he was wholly unaccustomed to dealing with a woman who didn’t spend every waking minute trying to grab and keep his attention. His silent Ponytail was unnerving the shit out of him with her cool poise and lack of communication.

So much for wanting to keep things chill between them. If she kept this up much longer he was certain he’d be begging for her attention.
My, my how the mighty have fallen,
sneered his inner voice. Right now he’d like to grab his conscience and kick its ass.

“Do you ever smile?”

Glancing her way quickly to make sure she actually spoke and that it wasn’t his desperate imagination, he mumbled an inelegant, “What?”

“Do you.
. Smile?” He could feel her blue eyes studying him in the darkness. “C’mon Cowboy. You know what I mean. Smile, as in laugh. When the corners of your mouth turn up so you don’t always look like something bad is about to happen.”

He contemplated what she said for a moment and then shrugged. “I guess if I have to stop and think about it the obvious answer would be no. Not really.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me, right?” Her tone and the snort that accented her words spoke of disbelief. “Cameron, everyone smiles sometime. Even you.”

“Maybe there’s not a lot to smile about.”
Lame answer, dude

“Betcha I can get a smile
a laugh out of you,” she taunted.

“Mm Hmm. Many have tried. All have failed.”

She laughed outright at that and then fell silent again.
He didn’t want silence. He wanted to hear more of her sexy voice. Searching like a bumbling idiot for something to say, he didn’t expect what she did next.

“Why did the one-handed man cross the road?”

“What?” He seemed to be saying that a lot.

“Why did the one-handed man cross the road?” Her delivery suggested she thought he was dumb as dirt.

BOOK: Broken Justice (Justice Brothers)
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