Broken Heart 07 Cross Your Heart (15 page)

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“This isn’t the savanna,” I said. “It’s Broken Heart. They have an accord with the town. I seriously doubt Queen Patricia would put up with were-cats trying to harm me, or any vampire.” Of course, they didn’t need to know Patsy was incapacitated, and quite mad.

Good Lord. This had been a helluva bad day.

I heard Tez and Tawny’s voices and realized my vampire hearing had picked them up while they were still several feet from entering the house. Serri had heard them, too, with her cat ears, and she immediately got busy arranging things on the counter.

I didn’t think I could behave pleasantly with Tawny, and I knew that Tez would realize right away something was wrong. He had that silly Elizabeth radar. Why was it that the only man I couldn’t have, that I shouldn’t want, had me figured out?

“I’m not feeling well,” I said. I was being a poor hostess as well as a poor sport. “Would you make my excuses?”

“Of course,” said Serri. She looked at me, her gaze filled with empathy. “I’m sorry, Elizabeth.”

I nodded, and then I hurried to my bedroom. I locked the door behind me and leaned against it, trying to find my center. I did so miss breathing.

I heard Serri make my apologies, and offer to pour tea. I assumed that Tez would try to get rid of the girls as soon as possible. At which point, he’d want to talk to me.


I clambered down the stairs, and flipped on the lights. All I needed was a minute or two to gather my wits. Then I could face Tez, and do what needed to be done. Probably. Elizabeth Bretton: she who understands duty, and its deplorable price.

To rein in my agitation, I brushed my hair and redid my makeup. Then I straightened my room. I put the stack of romance novels I’d finished this past week into a bag to donate to the library. I realized my bed was still crusted with mud from my woodland trek, so I stripped the bedding and remade the bed with fresh sheets and a clean comforter. Then I plumped the pillows.

I supposed I could have gone through my closet to collect the clothing I didn’t wear anymore. I had some shoes and bags that were still in good condition, too. When we—that is, I—went to Tulsa tomorrow, I could drop it all off at my favorite charity.

I flopped backward onto the bed.

What I really wanted to do was kiss Tez. I wanted to talk to him and laugh with him. I wanted to take the chance he’d offered. Why was he so sure about our potential? It was flattering and frustrating. When had I ever been that certain of anything? I was tragically not one who took leaps of faith. I tended to think situations to death, just as I was doing now.


I rolled onto my side, tucking a pillow under my head, and lamented my inability to, as Patsy might say, put on my big-girl panties and deal with it. With Tez.
With the shadow.
With my own insecurities.

I focused on the lamp situated on my nightstand. Maybe I should replace it. It was pretty enough, I supposed, but I was envisioning a redesign of my bedroom. I was feeling the call of blues and silvers, and certainly I could—

I rose up, my gaze on the shade. Draped on the side facing the bed was a gold pendant necklace.

It wasn’t mine.

But I knew who it belonged to. I remembered it from the vision of Elizabeth. She’d been wearing it as her killer carried her out to the woods.

The hairs rose on the back of my neck, and I slowly sat up. How had it gotten here? I clutched the pillow to my stomach, feeling a little sick.

Had the shadow brought it to me?

Another token. But this had not been on the shelf in the attic.

Was that why he’d gone to the grave? To find the necklace as a backup connection? It didn’t make sense to give me the objects imbued with her essence.

I shook off my fears, and tried to call upon some reason. Why on the earth would the dark entity leave me another gift? If Tez and I were right in our supposition, then I was only one of five victims. And if I was supposed to be the recipient of all the stolen objects, then why just send over the silver box? And now, this necklace?

I studied the pendant. It was a lovely sapphire, about the size of a quarter, inlaid in gold and surrounded by diamonds.

It occurred to me then that perhaps the gift was from Tez.

Knock, knock, knock.

Silly, wishful thinking. I glanced at the staircase. I shouldn’t touch it until I knew for sure how it had gotten here, and who had put it in my room. I didn’t want to issue another invitation to the brutal phantom. He’d only shown up, and managed to strangle me, when I was holding the silver box. So, he needed a conduit—something from the past in order to touch the present.

I hated feeling vulnerable in my own home. Until we were able to figure out the shadow’s purpose, and what my role was in the whole debacle, I couldn’t assume anything was innocuous. Not even very lovely jewelry.

Knock, knock, knock.

“Elizabeth. Can I come in?”

I stood up, tossed the pillow onto the bed, and made my way up the staircase. I opened the door. “Did our guests leave?”


His gaze flicked over me, and he frowned. “Why did you disappear?”

“I have other things to do than entertain your potential girlfriends. If you’ll excuse me, I have some chores to finish.”

I tried to shut the door, but he grabbed the edge and held it open.

“I expect better from you,” he said. The disappointment in his tone raked me like a shard of glass. “You know I’m not interested in them. I’ve made it clear I want you. Only you.”

“Hah! How egotistical of you to assume I will simply swoon at your feet.”

“No, you don’t, princess.” He pushed open the door and grabbed my wrist, yanking me through the door. He spun me around in his arms and kissed me.

I tried to protest such a he-man move. Honestly! Did he think I would just melt under the assault of his wonderful mouth? I had pride. I had strength of will. So what if his arms felt good around me? And the hot press of his body against mine made my shiver?

“I really must protest,” I managed, pulling away just enough to attempt to glare up at him.

“Okay,” he said. He held me tight, giving me no room to wiggle free. He leaned down and nibbled my bottom lip. Then he looked at me, challenge glittering in his eyes. “Go on, princess. Protest.”

Broken Heart 7 - Cross Your Heart
Chapter 10

“We shouldn’t get involved, “I said, though my voice held little resolve. “You should date your own kind. And m-marry and have children. You would be an excellent alpha for the Broken Heart were-cats.”

“Alpha,” he stated flatly.

“Oh. Um, yes. Serri told me that Calphon is dying. They need a new alpha. They want you.” I tried for a smile and failed. “Didn’t you know?”

His gaze flicked away, and hurt ghosted through me. “You did know.”

“I came to check it out,” he said. “I was tired of being alone. I could never get close to anyone. Being a shifter isn’t a secret you can share with your pals.” He captured my gaze. “I haven’t agreed to anything.”

“But you’re considering it.”

“I didn’t know I’d meet you, okay?” A muscle ticked in his jaw. “You… you… goddamnit!” He kissed me so hard my lips felt bruised and swollen when he came up for air. His breath feathered my mouth, and I noticed that the irises of his eyes were diamond shaped. The jaguar was stirring. “I have never wanted anyone like you, Elizabeth. I want to be near you all the time. I love the way you smell. I get a jolt at the sound of your voice, your laugh. I know it sounds crazy.”

He was doing it again—using his words to show tenderness. Yet, there was a raw quality to his tone, as though he were not used to saying such things. Of course, that could also be the perception of my romance-starved imagination. His honesty carved through my jealousy, my doubts, my self-control.

“You deserve a life with a wife, or two, and children, Tez. I can’t give you a family. I can’t lock you into my marital curse, either.”

“Uh-huh.” He stared at me, his expression inscrutable. “You through with all your protesting?”

He sounded angry. I was just trying to be practical! For both our sakes. “I believe so, yes.”

“Sure?” he asked impatiently. “All done?”

I nodded.

“Good.” He kissed me again—administering a full-on sensual attack with teeth and tongue, and his hands stroked from my hips to my rib cage, and dared to touch the undersides of my breasts. My body tingled with need, and all points south were experiencing quite the reawakening. I heard a moan, and was shocked to realize the low sound had come from me.

Tez stepped back, his hands settling on my hips. “I’m not interested in any other woman, human, undead or were-cat.”

“Tez, it’s premature to make any decisions about your future.”

“Our future.
Fine. Let’s focus on the right now, princess.” He rubbed his knuckles under my jaw. “I want you. You want me.”

“Yes.” Why deny what was so obvious?

To my astonishment, he dropped to his knees. His fingers dipped under my shirt and undid my pants.


“Don’t give me the ‘sex is marriage’ lecture again, all right?” He peeled back my trousers and wiggled them down my hips. I felt exposed… and expectant. The impromptu eroticism shushed my common sense.

He pressed his mouth to the vee of my thighs. Oh. My. God. His accuracy was uncanny. The wet warmth of his lips penetrated the thin lace of my panties. His breath fluttered through the barriers and ghosted over my labia.

Shock and pleasure reverberated in my core as I tried to form words of protest. No, enough of protests. Yet, I couldn’t even form words of encouragement.

“The black ones are nice,” he said. His fingertips dipped under the band. “I can’t wait to see you in red.”

I didn’t even bother to deny he would see me in red. I already knew we’d be getting naked soon enough. I just didn’t know how we were going to effectively manage this affair.

I grasped his shoulders to steady myself, and to readjust a tiny bit to the left.

He took the hint. He pulled my panties down, and took precious seconds to strip off shoes, socks, pants, and undies. I was completely exposed, and vulnerable—physically and emotionally.

Tez pushed my legs apart and studied the thin strip of blond curls between my legs.

“Brazilian waxing,” I stated unnecessarily. I was nervous. He was being too quiet—channeling that jaguar stillness of his. “One of the last beauty treatments I did before dying. I had no idea I’d never need to suffer through it again.”

“Beautiful,” he murmured. Then, because he obviously took torture lessons from the CIA, he blew on my exposed clitoris… and then he sucked it between his lips. His tongue flickered over the sensitive nub, and the floor tilted. Or maybe my knees just gave way.

I couldn’t believe I was standing in my kitchen while a man I’d know forty-eight hours pleasured me with his very talented mouth. And tongue. Dear God. Did I mention his tongue?

He spread me apart and slowly licked the titillated flesh. Honestly, I didn’t know how I managed to remain standing. My thighs quaked and my knees kept threatening to buckle. I had never known this kind of wicked pleasure, not even with my husband. I wasn’t naïve about the ways to make love; I’d just never had much of a chance to explore the possibilities.

He rained kisses everywhere, his lips soft and warm and persistent.

His tongue swiped me, deeply, and I grabbed his hair. I’m afraid I pulled rather hard, but Tez didn’t seem to mind at all.

He cupped my buttocks and pulled me to his mouth… kissing… licking… sucking. Then he pushed his tongue inside me, and thrust over and over, until I was soaked and panting (Breath? Who needs breath?) and squirming.

He pulled back and looked up at me, breathing hard, his eyes glazed with passion. “Come for me, Elizabeth.”

His words were as powerful an aphrodisiac as his actions. His fingers dug into my buttocks as he returned to suckling my clit, alternating the tender assault with sweeps of his tongue.

“Oh!” I tipped over the edge, falling into white-hot bliss. The intensity of the orgasm was nothing like I’d ever experienced. It was a free fall into electric pleasure, and I wanted it to last forever.

Alas, it did not.

When I was finally able to form a coherent thought, I looked down at Tez. I was still shaking, but he held me upright. He was lazily licking away the evidence of my enjoyment.

“Tez.” It’s all I could get out. I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to say, except maybe, thank you.

There was something to be said for he-man behavior.

He helped me to redress, all the way to putting back on my shoes; then he climbed to his feet and gathered me into his arms. “You are delicious.”

His hard-on was very obvious. I lightly touched the ridge of his shaft through his jeans.

He took my hand and brought it up to his lips. “Don’t worry about me, princess. We’ll have time later to play.” He smiled. “Unless you’ve thought of more protests.”

“Me? Protest? Don’t be ridiculous.”

“ ’Atta girl.” He smoothed away my hair, and looked deeply into my eyes. I could see he was still feeling rather lusty, and I was more than willing to reciprocate the pleasure he’d given me. Granted, I wasn’t well-versed in fellatio, but I was certainly willing enough. Tez put a finger to my lips. “Don’t even offer. I wanted to give something to you, Elizabeth. You don’t owe me.”

“I don’t feel as though I would be repaying a debt.”

“Good to know. I have every intention of exploring that luscious body of yours, and allowing you to take whatever liberties you want with mine.” He stepped back a little, but kept his hands on my waist. “When you said I was sure about us, you were right. I am. My mother was a human, but she raised me the best she could in the shifter ways. My father told her a lot about our kind, and she used that knowledge to help me.”

“She sounds like a marvelous woman.”

“She was.” He swallowed hard. “She died last year.”

“I’m so sorry.” I laid my hand against his cheek and turned his face to kiss my palm. I realized now that for so long as Tez had his mother, he probably didn’t have the desire to seek out others like him. How lonely he must now be without the only person who’d known, and accepted, his true nature. My heart ached for him. He probably needed the connections with other parakind, and that’s why he traveled to Broken Heart.

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