Broken Halo (14 page)

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Authors: Zoey Marcel

BOOK: Broken Halo
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lips parted and he looked completely caught off guard. “I did not give you permission
to say that.”

don't care. If I was to die and you never knew I felt that way about you, it
would kill me.” She stood on her tiptoes trying to reach his lips, but he
pulled away.

yourself, slave,” was all he said, but she would have sworn she saw emotion
pass through his eyes as he walked back around and stepped into the chariot.
Why had he held back?




race proved a thrilling event with plenty of hype and preparation. Apparently
this was an annual occurrence between demons and vampires and was held at
twilight so the vamps could participate without dying. Each contestant was
permitted a single horse, their choice of either male or female, which would
pull their chariot. Being Nimbus' only pony, Sonya was to carry him in his chariot
across the finish line. It was difficult not to feel the excitement wafting
through the air, but she was nervous and eager to bring her master glory to
repay him for all he had done for her and taught her.

in the buff made her self-conscious in spite of the fact that her body was in
the best shape of her existence, but the audience rendered her bashful. Still,
the other horses were nude as well, so that helped to even things out a bit.

were permitted to wear shoes to protect their feet in their mad dash toward the
finish. The sandals reminded her of what the Romans wore back in the age of the
Roman Empire. The chariot was like a throwback to ancient Egypt. Both made her
feel regal and important like she was drawing a royal pharaoh in his chariot,
or leading a Roman soldier into battle.

horn was blown announcing the commencement of the race and the horses trotted
off down the racetrack, pulling the chariots containing their masters and
mistresses behind them.

men have the advantage of strength over you,” Nimbus had told her before the
race, “but you have the upper hand where speed and agility are concerned. They
will serve you well.”

will win this race for you, master,” Sonya had promised him.

for me, but win for you.”

advice. It moved her to know that he viewed this in perspective. It was only a
sport to enjoy and do one's best at. He wanted her to win for her own glory,
though he would of course share in it with her if she proved successful in her

pulled the chariot with all the strength vested in her. Her master called out
encouragements to her as she dashed as fast as she possibly could while pulling
him. She wished she was stronger for him, faster. He deserved the best, but she
could only offer him all that she was and hope it was enough. It seemed to be
enough for him, but she wanted it to be enough to win. She would win. She must.

and Demornae threw taunts at one another as they passed, posturing like
arrogant birds fighting over a territory in question.

banter entertained Sonya, but she didn't let it distract her. The finish line
was in sight and Demornae's strong mare slipped ahead of her. Seeing her
master's taunting foe advance, threatening to leave him in the dust, spurred
something deep inside of her - an iron determination she didn't know she had in
her. Her heart pounded furiously in her chest and her lungs felt tight and
blazed with the punishing fires of physical exertion to the point of
exhaustion, but she wasn't giving up. The obstacles in her body said: “You
can't,” but the solid emotion she felt somewhere inside of her answered: “Oh,
yes, I can.” It was only a race, but it meant everything to her. Her master's
pride and glory were at stake against the already proven Demornae.

found the strength and speed she needed to carry on and move more swiftly until
she was neck and neck with the buff mare. Her tongue hung out of her mouth like
a panting dog and it looked rather adorable, but she had a race to win. Sonya
fought her weakness as she sailed past the finish line barely a breadth ahead
of Demornae's mare, but she finished ahead. She won. Her master won.

was a good deal of cheering and congratulating, during which Nimbus kissed her
in front of everyone and the judges placed an olive wreath around her head. She
had to smile at this. Crowns of garland, it was like ancient Greece. Funny to
be reliving customs of ancient civilizations long past, but it was a good deal
of fun and victory tasted sweet.

was bathed afterward and dressed in a beautiful green gown Nimbus bought for
her. They attended a ball together in honor of their mutual victory. She was
ecstatic that he introduced her to everyone as his woman. He danced with her
like she was a well-bred lady. She felt like a princess dressed in all the
finery and holding the attention of the handsomest man in the ballroom.

Chapter Six



led her into one of the guest bedrooms later on that night. Sonya was surprised
to see Jude already in there waiting for them.

time you two came and relieved the damned pain.” He winked at her with a
voracious salacity that had to spell innuendo.

you injured?” she asked politely.

laughed at this and turned to Nimbus. “How can she live with you and still be
so bloody naive?”

smiled at her fondly and rubbed her bare shoulder blade escaping from the back
of her gown. “Simply a natural dedication to innocence I suppose.”

swallowed. “What is Jude doing here?”

is my way of saying thank you to you,” Nimbus explained, “We are going to share
you tonight.”

gaped at him. “What? Y-you mean in bed?”

winked at her. “Either that, or against the wall, I'm not particular.”

kissed the top of her head to calm her anxiety. “Yes, little flower. We are
going to have a ménage a' trois with you. One of us will be in your cunt and
the other in your ass. Since this is your night of victory, I will let you
decide who goes where.”

head was swimming in this surreal moment. She was going to sleep with another
man and for some reason Nimbus seemed okay with this. If he wanted to sleep
with another woman she would be sorely tempted to claw the floozy’s face off
for touching her man, but he didn't show any signs of killing his friend. Was she
selfish in her thinking of wanting to have him all to herself? Or was she in
the right and Nimbus simply didn't care about fidelity in the traditional sense
of the word in that he had no problem sharing her because he didn't love her?
The thought shot her soul down from its soaring high and made her heart ache.
He had to love her. Just because he never said it...he didn't love her.

pushed the unbearable possibility away, because she couldn't cope with it. He
was merely trying to be nice and say thank you for a race well run. She should
accept his offering and be grateful for the gratification it would bring her,
not question his feelings for her, if he had any.

started on his waistcoat, which got her hands to shaking from being so nervous.
Nimbus cooed softly in her ear and massaged her shoulders to relax her. “Where
would you like us, my lady?”

would like you in my cunnie,” she murmured. Her breath caught when she saw
Jude's lithe, muscled chest. It was too personal seeing another man in this
private manner. She wasn't particularly sure she wanted Jude in her bottom, but
at least it wouldn't be as awkward as having him in front of her and looking at
him while they copulated.

you wish,” Nimbus whispered against her neck before planting a kiss there. He
slowly undid the buttons on the back of her emerald-green dress and helped her
out of her under-things.

was completely undressed now and playing with his cock. She averted her eyes.
He approached her and lifted her chin as he bent down and leaned in.

kiss her,” Nimbus said. “You may do whatever else you like to her, though.”

looked annoyed by the boundaries being constructed, but offered no verbal
complaint. He settled for sucking her neck while he kneaded her breasts.

moaned softly and pushed into his masculine hands. She was glad Nimbus didn't
want Jude putting his mouth on her. That implied jealousy, which implied a bond
between them that he didn't want anyone else trespassing into. He must care for
her on some level.

smell like flowers,” Jude murmured against her skin.

she was nude now, Nimbus started stripping himself. “She always does. She
smells sweet and floral like honeysuckle.”

lowered to his knees. “Yes, that was the one I was thinking of. Such a clean,
fragrant, dulcet ang-” he stopped suddenly as he looked up behind her and
probably caught a warning look of some sort from Nimbus. “Lady.”

he about to call her an angel? It had been a long time since she heard that
word spoken, reminding her of the difference in their species. She hadn't heard
the word demon in a while either. They were always in their human forms around
her and her wings hadn't been outstretched since the evening Nimbus forbade her
to spread them.

this unearthly fantasy set far apart from the rest of the world, reality seemed
to vanish, taking with it all of the angels, demons and vampires that had
originally been poised against each other. The lines of right and wrong had
become blurred and left only very human looking men and women in their wake.
But they weren't human and neither was she, though standing naked in this room
with two sultry, chiseled men, she felt very human and prone to the inevitable
sin that was very much interwoven into their natures.

You are an angel
, a little voice inside of her reminded her.

kissed her tits one at a time. His steely eyes met hers. “You are a woman.”

gaped in shock. Had he read her mind? Was that some capability of soul
devourers? Was he feeding off of her soul?

taut nipples were each given a turn at slipping between his cool, supple lips
and he sucked them gently in the cold, minty recesses of his hungry mouth. The
distraction was enough to paralyze her, though her mind swarmed inquisitively
at his telepathic ability.

go with us, Sonya. You know you want this as badly as we do,” Nimbus whispered
into her ear as his rough, manly hands ran up and down her bare arms.

felt his erection brushing against her back and clouding her better judgment.
The scent of expensive soap fused with the intoxicating musk of his cologne. A
fragrance she always associated with him. It was like coming home every time
she smelled it on him and he wrapped his arms around her.

feel of his warm skin against hers was mesmerizing and any chance of protesting
the indulgent liaison they offered her had been shot to hell. She wanted this
too much. She wanted to know what it felt like to have two men inside of her at
once. It was bound to be phenomenal, but then again, they were hung rather
generously so they might not even fit inside of her at once, even in opposing

kissed a sweltering trail of feather-light kisses down her smooth back while
Jude continued to engage her breasts in a frigid suction that made her nipples
pucker and tingle with the icy fire he bathed them in. It was heavenly and
decadent to be pampered and loved on by two experienced men. They worked slowly
and deliberately as though they had all night to please her. Wouldn't that be
something – to go all night? She would probably die of nirvana.

feels so good.” It did feel good, but she felt silly saying it. Of course it
felt good. They were obviously reading her body language and knew what to do to
satisfy her, but she had to say something in the heavy, scorching silence.

stood with a lusty half smile and started nibbling and sucking her ear while he
tickled her clitoris. She gasped at the personal contact and her knees buckled,
but Nimbus held her up. He was evidently kneeling on the floor behind her as he
parted her globes and flicked his tongue against the puckered rosette they
guarded. Her groan became more audible now and her breathing more ragged and
desperate. They just might be the death of her.

are a naughty, filthy girl, aren't you?” Jude taunted in her ear, “Only harlots
permit two men to touch them intimately at once. Are you a harlot, Sonya?”

words sent a pool of heat to the pit of her stomach and an even hotter fire
sparked in her nether region. Being called a prostitute shouldn't be as
appealing as it was at the moment.

grunt rumbled deep in his chest like a predatory growl as he fucked her ass
with his tongue, evoking a wave of dark, sinful pleasure from his hot, damp

god, I'm going to come!” Sonya wailed in bliss.

removed his hand, smiling when she whined in protest. “Not until you answer my

blushed. “I suppose I must be, though it wasn't my idea to do this. It was

chortled. “So you are merely doing the bidding of your patrons?”

glowered at him. “That isn't what I meant.”

winked at her and teased her pulsing bud of nerves again. “Spoken like a true
whore. Now come for me, wench.”

wanted to fight her orgasm to show him for his insulting speech, but all she
succeeded in showing him was how riled up they had gotten her. She came with
little warning just after Jude inserted a finger into her vagina so it clenched
around his digit while she came. Her anus sucked Nimbus' tongue and she had a subconscious
fear that she would accidentally pull it off in the throes of her release. Then
he would be tongueless and she couldn't hear his bewitching voice and she would
have a tongue in her posterior. How dreadfully traumatic that would be for

didn't seem concerned by this, so she relaxed and when her climax subsided, his
tongue came out still attached to his luscious mouth much to her relief.

grinned at her as though he had been aware of her thoughts.

flushed, head dropping in embarrassment as she realized he must indeed be
psychic to a certain degree after all.

led her by the hand over to the exceptionally large bed. He lay down on his
back and pulled her between his legs. He pushed her head down into his crotch
which was teeming with the narcotic scent of his lust for her. “Pleasure me,

was thrilled to put her mouth on him and utterly aroused that he forced her
head into his genitals, demanding that she service him sexually. She kissed the
tip of his rod and ran her tongue over his glans with her eyes lidded. She
could already taste a hint of his salty pre-cum. She wiggled her tongue in his
slit the way she knew he liked and tasted his primal essence more strongly now.

groaned with approval and she felt a keen sense of satisfaction at being the
one he chose to allow to gratify him. He could have chosen any woman, but he
wanted her. She sated the ache and hunger in him like no other. He had told her
so before and it must have been true the way he kept her around and used her
for his pleasure.

sat on his knees behind her, licking a snow-cold path up her spine so it
prickled as though he had rolled ice along her skin to torment her. She arched
into his attentive mouth, moaning when he slipped two lube-coated fingers into
her anus to stretch and prepare her for her ravishment back there.

yanked her head down by her hair and shoved her face into his scrotum. His
pubic hair tickled her nostrils, but he held her there, smothering her with his
nuts until her lungs were drowning in the heady scent of him. “You are capable
of multitasking, slave. I have seen it. Now pleasure me while Jude prepares
you. Don't be selfish, girl. You must give us satisfaction too. This isn't just
about you.”

released her head and she came up to breathe. “I'm sorry, master.”

are forgiven. Now pay homage to my genitalia.”

kissed his hirsute balls adoringly hoping to show through her kisses and
touches how much he meant to her. How much she worshiped him, body and soul.
She licked and suckled them gently, humming lightly on occasion so the
vibrations buzzed on his sac and gave him the pleasure he deserved from her. He
moaned loudly and the feral sound sparked a flame of desire in her core.

it; fuck my fingers, you dirty, little trollop,” Jude taunted.

blushed, only half aware that she was riding his fingers with her rear.

yanked her up by her hair. “What is this, a demure, rosy hue in your copper
cheeks? Are you blushing, Sonya? Is the virginal lady in you astounded by this
brazen hedonism?”

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