Broken (40 page)

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Authors: Marianne Curley

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had the message all this time and didn’t pass it on to me, though he came to the house every night! But
Did he really think so little of me?

Nathaneal picks up that something is wrong. ‘Sweetheart, you did receive my message, didn’t you?’

I drag my eyes back to him. ‘From Gabriel, right?’

He nods and smiles his beautiful smile again, relief evident in the softening of his jaw and the slowing beat of his heart. ‘I couldn’t trust anyone else with that information.’

Ambiguously, as I’ve always done to avoid straight-out lying, I say gently, ‘You were right to be careful.’

‘I made you a promise.’

Arrows split the air above our heads, reminding us that this battle isn’t over yet. I point out the blocked exit and he sighs under his breath. ‘It’s nothing we can’t deal with now Gabriel has brought reinforcements, with more on the way,’ he says while sliding me down to the ground.

But my legs buckle beneath me. ‘Nathaneal, what’s happening? I feel unsteady.’

He pulls me up against his chest, taking most of my weight. ‘Using all that power in one thrust has exhausted your energies. It happens. Don’t worry. You just need nourishment and rest.’

‘My legs are numb. I’ve felt weak and tired before when I used my power, but nothing like this.’

‘You’ll be all right. I’ll teach you how to measure out the energy you use so you don’t drain yourself, but now I have to get you out of here.’

No sooner does he say this than a troop of masked soldiers wearing all-black armour that even covers their eyes flies into the entrance. Incredibly, they’re bigger, taller, clearly superior to all the other dark angels here, including the unit controlling our exit to the Crossing. There are so many of them in such a tight formation that they block out almost all the light behind them. Their leader looks around, sees what he’s after and orders his soldiers to move. They do so with terrifying speed. My heart races as the twenty or so massive angels head straight for us.

‘Dark Thrones!’ Nathaneal shouts, throwing me behind him. In one lightning move he discharges his four wings, covering me with them, and generates his protective shield. ‘Michael! Isaac!’

As the wave of Dark Thrones rise over us, Nathaneal uses the force from his hands to blast them away. But as soon as they fall back, stumbling blindly, another black wave of their kind appears at the entrance. This time one gets through Nathaneal’s blast and, discharging his weapon, ruptures the shield. Bones crunch and feathers fly as the Throne blindly tries to grab me. I bite down on his armoured hand and somehow make contact with his skin. He growls and goes feral in trying to get me, destroying what’s left of the shield.

Through the spaces opened up in Nathaneal’s wings I see Michael trying his hardest to reach us even though several Dark Thrones are restraining him. My heart thuds in a slow, thunderous beat. This is what Zavier meant. This is Prince Luca’s ultimate plan for revenge. A plan he developed during the months he healed in the underground cave. Surrounded by his Prodigies, the elite of his army, they would have strategised day and night, preparing to set this plan in motion, allowing for all possible variables, while their bodies regained strength.

And the realisation that Prince Luca might win today makes my heart sink with the heaviness of lead.

Nathaneal reaches round, grabs the Throne trying to get me, and hurls him far away. He doesn’t get a moment to catch his breath before another wave of Dark Thrones appears at the entrance, forcing Nathaneal to forge a desperate mind-link,
Michael, where are you?

Don’t despair, cousin. They have me contained, but not for long. I’m coming.

Isaac! Uriel!

It’s an ambush!
Isaac replies.
First they isolated us, then sent their Dark Thrones to restrain us. We just need a few more seconds.

Gabriel! Where are you? I need you now! I don’t have a few seconds.

I know, brother. I can see them. They have surrounded me too. But I’m almost done, so hang on both of you – I’m coming.

As soon as you can, brother! Get Ebony out of here. Hurry!

The next wave of Thrones seems to come at us faster than the first. While Nathaneal blasts them away, another row, hiding beneath them, shoots up over the top of their fallen comrades. The sneak attack takes us by surprise. Nathaneal doesn’t get time to regroup. They move in, flying low over the top of us. Their many sets of beating black wings bring darkness and confusion as they tighten their circle round us. Arms, like iron braces, shoot down from a frenzy of feathers and drag me out of Nathaneal’s protective wings.

I twist and turn, punch and kick, trying to free myself, but my body remains weak. I try to reach for my power, but can’t focus with everything happening so fast.

Gabriel arrives at the same time as Michael, then Isaac and the others. I hear their shouts as they try to wrench me from the Dark Thrones’ arms. Then Nathaneal bursts free from those holding him down. Body parts in black armour and portions of black wings fall like debris caught inside a tornado’s funnel. But other dark soldiers are lying in wait, and drag them into fierce combat.

As the Thrones carry me over the edge and into Skade, Nathaneal’s tortured scream rips the very fabric of the air and shatters my heart. It’s the scream that tells me we lost the battle. It’s over. And everything is not going to be all right ever again.

The next thing I know, the black wings part and there’s enough light in this strange-smelling atmosphere to see my surroundings again. But what I see makes me sick to my stomach. I’m in the arms of Prince Luca himself.

I should have realised his strength had fully returned. There were so many signs.

With Dark Thrones surrounding us, he begins the descent into Skade.

I stretch and twist my upper body to peer behind and catch sight of dozens of angels coming for me with Nathaneal leading the charge. A surge of hope makes my heart quicken. But just as they near the edge and are about to fly out the tunnel and into Skade, the six Gatekeepers, locked in their cabins during the entire battle, activate the gates. In a mere fraction of the time they’d taken to open, all twelve gates slam down in front of them.

Devastated, shocked, unable to look any more, my body slumps and the horror of what’s happening – the finality – starts to sink in. A sob threatens to erupt from my chest, but I won’t cry, not in front of this monster.

The air is thick with smoke; the sky is heavy with dark clouds streaked with crimson from a sun that hides itself from view. Lightning slashes the mountain ranges on the horizon as volcanoes pump toxic gases into the atmosphere. In the distance I hear the unfamiliar cries of wild beasts roaring for food. Overhead, a purple moon hangs low in the sky while, below, thousands of human souls and thousands more dark angels line the streets, waiting for a glimpse of their new queen.

It takes a heartbeat to acknowledge that the new queen they await is me.

A Final Word

Thank you to my beautiful family for all your support and assistance during the writing of this book, with special thanks to my daughters Amanda Canham and Danielle Curley for their insightful comments and critiques; and to my sister Therese Mallia who has supported this series from the start and who has not been disappointed yet!

To my good friend and agent, Geoffrey Radford, a heart-felt thank you. And to my London agent Janelle Andrew, I appreciate all you do for me.

To the brilliant editorial team at Bloomsbury’s London Office – you always bring out the best in me, and I thank you for that. With special mention to Ele Fountain, Emma Young, Sam MacIntosh, Isabel Ford, Maurice Lyon, Helen Jones, Katie Everson and Katie Smith.

A big thank you to the Bloomsbury New York Office for all you do to make the Avena Series a success in the US.

And to Bloomsbury’s Sydney office; what did I ever do before you set up in Australia? You are a great supporting machine with many amazing and invaluable talents. Thank you to Louise, Hannah, Elizabeth, Kristin, Brendan, Bethia and Jennie. And a very special mention to the lovely Sonia Palmisano – I promise next time you won’t have to hold my hand quite so much!

Also by Marianne Curley


The Avena Trilogy





Old Magic

The Named

The Dark

The Key



Bloomsbury Publishing, London, New Delhi, New York and Sydney


First published in Great Britain in March 2014 by

Bloomsbury Publishing Plc

50 Bedford Square, London WC1B 3DP

This electronic edition published in March 2014 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc


Copyright © Marianne Curley 2014


The moral right of the author has been asserted


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eISBN 978 1 4088 2270 8


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