Brodie's Gamble (26 page)

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Authors: Shirleen Davies

BOOK: Brodie's Gamble
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“Quinn, your whole purpose in life is to see how many women will succumb to your charms.” Blaine slapped him on the back. “Although it confounds me what they see in you when they’ve a choice of a fine male specimen like me.”

Brodie looked at Colin, both shaking their heads as Colin rested an arm across Brodie’s shoulders. “Lads, it’s obvious the two best men are taken and have laid claim to the two best women.”

“So true. At least about the women.” Blaine picked up the shovel, looking up to see Caleb riding up to join them.

“Need more help?” A grin split his face, seeing the work had been completed.

“Nae. Your timing is perfect. We’re done.” Quinn glanced behind him and frowned. “I thought you were going to get Heather, convince her to join us for Thanksgiving tomorrow.”

Dismounting, Caleb stroked his horse’s neck, a scowl replacing his grin. “Quinn, your sister is as stubborn as they come. She’s agreed to stay for supper at the Evanston ranch, help the widow cook for the rest of the men.”

Quinn’s jaw dropped open. “Heather, cook?”

“That’s the excuse she gave me for not coming home.” Caleb grabbed a handful of rocks from the ground, leaned against the fence, and starting throwing them across the pasture. “I think there’s more to it, but she refused to say anything else.”

The four cousins glanced at each other, no one knowing how to respond. They might know what to say, how to pull him out of his frustration if Caleb ever admitted his feelings for Heather. Instead, he’d kept them to himself, never inviting comments and never sharing.

Caleb tossed the last of the rocks a few feet away, brushing the dirt off his hands before looking at the four men. “I’m done with her.” Grabbing the reins of his horse, he strode away, disappearing into the barn.

“What do you think he means?” Blaine stood next to Colin, his gaze still on the empty space where Caleb had been standing.

“I believe the man has wasted enough time on a woman who isn’t interested.”

Quinn stepped up beside them. “Heather’s daft if she thinks she’ll find better.”

“It’s a shame.” Brodie clasped Quinn on the shoulder. “I was looking forward to the lad becoming a legal part of the MacLaren clan. Guess not everyone can be so fortunate.”

“This looks wonderful, Ma.” Colin looked at the platters of meat, bowls of vegetables and potatoes, and baskets of bread spread out on the table.

Kyla nodded, her mind on her husband, Angus, who’d been murdered, along with Quinn’s father, Gillis, a few months before. Angus had been the one to embrace the holiday when President Lincoln signed the proclamation, encouraging the family to support it as well.

“Well, I hope there’s enough. Go find the rest of the family and tell them to come inside.” Kyla disappeared into the kitchen to help Lorna, Audrey, and Gail finish the rest of the preparations.

“I’ll go with you, Colin. Your mother and aunts are almost finished with the food.” Sarah took off her apron and hung it on a chair, then grabbed her husband’s hand. “I think they’re all out at the corral, watching Bram break another horse.”

“Except for Brodie and Maggie. I believe he took her for a ride toward Boundary River.”

Sarah sent Colin a meaningful smile. “Ah, then they may not make it back in time for supper.”

“I think you may be wrong, sweetheart.” He nodded toward two riders coming toward them. “She sure recuperated fast.”

“Maggie doesn’t talk about it, but I believe she lives for Brodie’s visits.”

“Aye, lass. As I lived to fetch you back here.” Colin leaned down, placing a lingering kiss on Sarah’s lips.

“Appears we’ve interrupted something, Maggie.” Brodie slid down from Hunter, took the reins to Maggie’s horse and helped her to the ground, his hands lingering longer than normal on her waist. He wanted to wrap his arms around her and have the freedom to kiss her the way Colin kissed Sarah, but it was too soon to show such affection in front of his family. Besides, it might embarrass Maggie, something he’d never intentionally do.

“With her being pregnant, she requires more attention,” Colin joked, tightening his arm around Sarah’s waist.

She pushed away, slapping him on the arm. “Ach, Colin MacLaren. You’d best behave or you’ll find yourself sleeping with your horse.”

Maggie slid close to Brodie, wrapping her hand in his. “Theirs is a special love.”

“Has Sarah told you their story?” Brodie squeezed her hand, then let go as the others walked toward them.

“Some of it. She promised to tell me the rest before I leave.”

Brodie’s heart stopped at the thought of her no longer living at the ranch. “Leave? Where are you going?”

The shock in his voice had her turning toward him, placing a hand on his chest. “I’ll have to leave someday, Brodie. I can’t stay with your family forever.”

“And why not?”

Maggie couldn’t contain a burst of laughter. “Because I’m a grown woman who needs to support herself. Although, I’m not quite sure what I’ll do.” Her face darkened when she thought of her lack of skills, other than cooking and cleaning. “Perhaps the Gold Dust Hotel will hire me.”

Brodie grabbed her by the elbow, turning her away from the family and leading her to the side of the house. Looking around, certain no one had followed, he leaned in close.

“What are you talking about?” His voice was calm and filled with anger. “You’ll not be cleaning rooms, picking up after drunks, and being ordered about by those who think they’re better than you. I’ll not have it.” Dropping her arm, he placed fisted hands on his hips and paced a few yards away.

When he turned around, his stomach plummeted at the look on Maggie’s face. Walking toward her, he held his arms in front of him, palms out, but she cut off whatever he’d intended to say.

“You may think you have the right to tell me what to do with my life, Brodie MacLaren, but you don’t. We’ve made no promises, and I’ve certainly not given you the authority to lord over me. My life is mine and I mean to live it the way I want.” Her words were fierce, voice hard, even as her eyes watered. Swiping at tears, she swiveled away from him, wrapping her arms around her waist.

A minute passed, then another, before large hands settled on her waist and drew her back to the solid wall of his chest.

Leaning down, Brodie placed a kiss on her neck, then sighed when she tensed.

“I’m sorry, Maggie. It’s just…” His voice stalled. He didn’t know what else to say. Declaring his love for her could scare Maggie away, a circumstance he couldn’t imagine. Even the possibility of not having her in his life sent an odd ripple of terror through his body.

“What, Brodie?” She turned in his arms, placing her palms on his chest.

He swallowed the lump building in his throat, knowing the time had come to be honest about his intentions.

“You must know how I feel about—”

“Are you two going to stand over there all afternoon, or are you going to join us for supper?” Jinny stood with her hands on her hips, a smile on her face.

Brodie cursed his luck, turning to face his sister, shielding Maggie so no one could see the line of tears still evident on her cheeks. “We’re coming.”

“Good, because Ma is about ready to give your food away.”

He waited until Jinny disappeared, then inhaled a deep breath, taking Maggie’s hand in his. “I promise, we will finish this conversation, lass.”

Sam hadn’t been in Conviction long, but he joined the cousins in sharing his own stories about Brodie. Each tale built on the last, everyone laughing as Brodie’s faced reddened. Sitting beside Maggie, he reached over, taking her hand in his as she shifted a little closer.

“Are any of these stories true?”

“None of them.” He reached for the bowl of potatoes, casting a look around the table that dared anyone to dispute him.

“Ach, Brodie. You know that isn’t true. At least one of them is close.” Quinn stuffed another forkful of turkey into his mouth, a cocky grin on his face as he chewed.

Brodie’s mother listened to the conversation, glad for a chance to get to know Sam and Nate.

“Are you enjoying your time in Conviction, Mr. Covington?”

Sam set down his glass. “I’m not sure the word
can be used in the same sentence as Conviction, Mrs. MacLaren.” Nate nodded next to him. “Since I arrived, Miss King fell under the hooves of an angry horse, there’s been an earthquake, explosions resulting in Miss King’s kidnapping, and the killing of two brothers. I may be wrong, but it seems a good amount of mischief goes on in your small town.”

Brodie’s sister, Jinny, sat on the other side of Sam, watching the way his features changed as he spoke. He’d dressed for the occasion, wearing black slacks and jacket, a red and gold brocade vest, white shirt, and thin black tie. In Jinny’s mind, the outfit made him look like a gambler more than a lawman. Either way, she thought him the most attractive man she’d ever met.

“Mischief, indeed,” Lorna answered, glancing at her sons, Brodie and Fletcher. Unlike her oldest, she knew Fletcher had no intention of leaving the ranch, preferring to concentrate on the horse breeding business with Bram and Sean. “I can’t recall a time since we moved here where Conviction has had so much trouble in such a short time.”

“Aye, Ma. Perhaps our son has attracted a certain amount of tomfoolery.” Ewan settled a hand over his wife’s, cocking his brow at Brodie.

Sam listened to the continuing banter, not unaware of the beautiful young woman next to him. Blonde and fair-skinned with deep blue eyes, he noticed her the moment he’d stepped foot into the house, her welcoming smile touching him in a way he couldn’t describe. Then he’d learned her brother was his boss. At first, he’d been pleased she’d taken a seat beside him. As supper progressed, the increased attraction made it difficult to concentrate on his food or the conversation.

To his relief, and disappointment, Jinny seemed oblivious to his attraction or discomfort, which he accepted was for the best. He had no interest in striking up a relationship with any woman, especially one tied to Conviction whose brother was the sheriff, and who probably sat on the wrong side of twenty. At twenty-five, he had a good deal of life to live, having no intention of tying himself to one woman. Although if his interests were otherwise and she wasn’t related to Brodie, he might feel a good deal different.

“Mr. Hollis, do you plan to stay in Conviction?” Sarah’s sister, Geneen MacGregor, glanced across the table at the deputy sitting next to Sam.

Nate had said little during supper, preferring to listen to the continuous conversation. By the looks the MacLarens sent him, he knew Brodie had failed to say anything about the loss of his left arm. He’d always felt fortunate to have the amputation occur below the elbow, giving him more ability to perform most daily functions, as well as defend himself. It didn’t take Nate long to learn a well-placed elbow worked as well as a punch to the jaw.

“I do plan to stay a while, Miss MacGregor.” He nodded at Brodie. “The town is growing and it’s obvious the sheriff can use whatever good men he can find.”

“Aye, Nate. I can use a couple more good men. Fielder has given his approval, so if you know of someone…” Brodie’s voice trailed off, his body going still when he felt Maggie’s hand rest on his leg. “Uh…other men who are interested…” He choked the rest out, noticing the knowing smirk on Quinn’s face.

“Jinny and Geneen, would the two of you help us with dessert?” Kyla pushed back from the table. She didn’t know about the other women, but she hadn’t failed to notice the looks the two women gave Sam and Nate.

“Of course, Aunt Kyla.” Jinny began to rise, then waited as Sam stood, pulling out her chair. “Thank you, Mr. Covington.” She could feel her face heat, hoping it hadn’t turned to crimson.

“My pleasure, Miss MacLaren.”

Those around the table sat in silence for a moment before Blaine took pity on Jinny and steered everyone’s attention to another topic, one that let his cousin escape the questioning eyes of her family.

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