Brink Of Passion (Alpine Woods Shifters)

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Authors: Sondrae Bennett

Tags: #Romance, #Shifters, #Paranormal Romance, #Fantasy Romance, #Alpha Male

BOOK: Brink Of Passion (Alpine Woods Shifters)
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He’ll do anything to protect his mate.


The last thing Laurie expects when she bumps into Max at the shifter convention is finding her mate. Certainly not that her mate can shift into a leopard. Wolves and leopards mix about as well as water and oil. Or should she say, dogs and cats. Mating him means leaving her family, her town, and the only home she’s ever known. But the possibility of a happily ever after is worth the risk, right?


Max couldn’t be happier with his brazen, feisty wolf, but returning home isn’t the welcoming affair he’d expected. In his absence, his brother has been attacked within the leap complex. Something must to be seriously wrong. Could someone be using his loved ones to get to him? When his worst fears prove true, his protective instinct goes into overdrive. Will keeping Laurie mean putting her in danger?


Other books by Sondrae Bennett


The Alpine Woods Shifters series

Arctic Winds

Chasing Paradise

The Wolf Within

Worth Fighting For

Covert Desires


Stand-alone books



Brink of Passion

By Sondrae Bennett



Brink of Passion


Copyright © 2015, Sondrae Bennett

Edited by Piper Denna

Book design by Sondrae Bennett

Cover Art by Renee Rocco

Firs electronic publication: February, 2015


Sondrae Bennett



Ebooks are not transferable. All Rights Reserved. This book may not be reproduced, scanned, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.



This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely coincidental. The author does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for third-party Web sites or their content.


Published in the United States of America by Sondrae Bennett.




To everyone who asked, “Will Laurie get her own story?”






Cover Copy


Other Books by Sondrae Bennett


Title Page






Chapter 1


Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Chapter 4


Chapter 5


Chapter 6


Chapter 7


Chapter 8


Chapter 9


Chapter 10


Chapter 11


Chapter 12


Chapter 13


Chapter 14


Chapter 15


Chapter 16


Chapter 17




About Sondrae Bennett


Want More?



Chapter 1


“I still don’t see why I had to come,” Laurie complained as she walked into the lobby of the Tucson hotel where the multi-breed gathering was being held.

“We’ve been over this,” her brother, Danny, raked his hands through his hair with a drawn-out sigh. They had been over this. Many, many times. Their sister-in-law Samantha was six months pregnant and Laurie’s overprotective brother Jason refused to leave her side. Ethan, the second oldest brother, and his wife, Gwen, had left the day before on a belated honeymoon to Hawaii. Blah,blah,blah. All of that still didn’t explain why
had to come. Just because her oldest brother was the Premier of the pack, and her other two brothers were his officers, didn’t make her qualified for a leadership position.

Her younger sister’s mate, Brendan, would have been a better choice. Patient, cool-headed, and just a bit intimidating, he would have been perfect. Laurie, on the other hand, had the intimidation part down. The patience and level headedness…well, everyone had weaknesses, right?

Laurie rolled her shoulders, tuning in briefly to find Danny still in lecture mode. Jeez. Did he ever stop? Okay, granted, she was being crabby, like a pouting toddler. It wasn’t that she didn’t recognize it, but that didn’t mean she could stop it. Almost as if she had a missing filter between brain and mouth. She simply felt ornery.

No doubt Danny wanted to be here even less than she did. He had, quite literally, just mated his girlfriend Amber. Being separated from her must be dreadful. Yet, when she glanced at him, she could see none of the turmoil he must be feeling. One more illustration of why he ruled the pack, and she didn’t. Laurie didn’t have it in her to hide her turmoil. If she was miserable, everyone around her would damn well know it.

Rather than listen to yet another lecture on doing her part for the pack and for the family, Laurie turned away from Danny and glanced around. Damn. Swanky hotel. A chandelier, complete with dangling crystals that sparkled from candle-shaped lights, hung in the large lobby, and black tiles decorated the floor, giving the area a sleek, expensive look. White chairs and couches, made of some soft and inviting material, were artfully placed around the room, offering comfort and a false sense of privacy for small gatherings. With full human guests there might have been seclusion, but with a hotel full of shifters, the smallest whisper would be heard.

The pack must be paying a fortune for their room for this event. All pack members paid a due twice a year to cover incidentals, but even though Danny and she were only here for one night, the place must have taken a large chunk out of those funds. No wonder Danny had insisted they share a room.

Under different circumstances, partying with a bunch of unique shifters from all over the country sounded like one hell of a good time. But this was different. Instead of partying, she’d be going to lectures and debates on how to keep the communities safe, and how to interact with humans both inside and outside their communities. The Council governing all shifters had organized the event after a series of hybrid shifter riots almost exposed shifters to the human world.

All of which, if she were honest, did sound interesting and certainly useful. Except, unlike her brothers—and, she assumed, most of the other people here—she wasn’t an officer in the pack and had no real authority, which meant all she could do was look pretty and keep her mouth shut. Looking pretty, no problem. But she considered herself a very self-aware person. She knew her strengths. Keeping her mouth shut? Not one of them.

She wrinkled her nose as the scents of all the different shifters in the room assaulted her at once. None were particularly unpleasant, at least not on their own, but combine them all together and the whole lobby smelled like a barn. Or more accurately, a zoo. A human wouldn’t notice anything different about the smells in the lobby, but with an increased sense of smell, she’d bet half the shifters in the room were struggling not to cover their noses.

Her gaze slid over the room once more, this time absorbing more details about the people around her. To her left, a couple horses were making small talk with a trio of bears. In front of her, some deer eyed a lone coyote warily. Two felines of some kind walked through the main doors to her left. Definitely a zoo.

A group of men across the room snagged her attention. Holy crap, were those rhino shifters? Their foreheads protruded over small beady eyes as they scanned the room, the look distrustful, almost skeptical. As if they didn’t quite know what they were doing there. They all had the same build, with large shoulders and a stocky frame. They probably all had mad football skills. If she saw one of them charging down the field toward her, she sure as hell would get out of their way.

Laurie had heard of rhino shifters before, but she’d never seen one. She had no idea there were rhino packs in America. Packs? What did one call a group of rhinos?

“What’s a pack of rhinos called?” A hush fell over the crowd around them, as Danny turned toward her, his eyes wide with shock.

She turned left and right to see similar looks from the people around her. Uh oh, had she done something wrong? Stumbled into some shifter no-no without realizing it? All she’d done was ask a question. But the accusing stares of the shifters around her told her she’d misstepped somewhere. Well, crap. She knew she wouldn’t be good at this diplomatic stuff.

“Tell me you did not just ask that, out loud, in a room full of shifters?” Danny’s whisper held disbelief, anger, and just a touch of incredulity. Laurie looked at more of the faces around her, all staring at her, each holding a different mixture of the same emotions Danny portrayed. Anger stronger on some, amusement stronger on others.

Risking a glance at the rhinos, Laurie tried to read their expressions, but their faces were masks of granite as they studied her right back. She lowered her head, something alpha wolves like herself really
didn’t like to do, and whispered a muted apology to Danny.

Apparently she’d screwed up. Hopefully Alpine Woods wouldn’t suffer as a result. Damn it, this was exactly why she hadn’t wanted to come. Well, okay, maybe not this exact situation. But something like this. There was a reason she’d let her brothers form their group of officers for the pack without including her, and it wasn’t because of her gender as some of the men in town liked to taunt.

No, she chose to remove herself because biting her tongue just wasn’t in her nature. If she’d tried to become one of the officers, her inability to work the political angle would have weakened the leadership as a whole. Her brothers were too good for the pack to risk them failing because of her.

Annoyance bled into Danny’s sigh as he turned back around to check them into the hotel, making Laurie feel even stupider. Not something she felt often, and she sure as hell didn’t like it.

A pair of large feet in old school brown tie-up dress shoes stepped into her line of vision. Her gaze moved up legs the size of tree trunks covered by a gray business suit, pausing at the overly large shoulders before moving up to collide with the slate gray eyes of one of the rhinos. For a moment, her stomach bottomed out. She was strong…for a wolf. But even she wasn’t crazy enough to want to go toe to toe with a rhino. Then she caught the slight up-curve of his lips, and a breath of relief slipped out.

“A crash,” he stated.

“Yeah, and burn,” she replied, her stomach calming at his friendly demeanor. Thank the Lord he wasn’t easily offended. It had seemed like an innocent enough question, but with this many different groups and sensitivities, she supposed everything needed to be extra PC.

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