Brightflame Accension (Book 1) (20 page)

BOOK: Brightflame Accension (Book 1)
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“Inconceivable! I would have never expected this kind of magic of one so young,” a man with a graying beard and bushy eyebrows exclaimed.

Balthazar frowned, “An amusing tavern trick, but it means nothing if he is not on our side. Men, Boewdard here may have created our solution… or another Furialist nightmare. The question remains, will he cooperate?”

“We shall soon see, won’t we? I propose we test his loyalty with the little activity we have planned for this evening,” Boewdard responded evasively.

“You assume too much, Boewdard. Too much is at stake tonight for one of your experiments,” Balthazar said, looking for another flagon of ale. “Whores of Alesai! More ale, you stupid wench.”

At the rough handling of the young serving girl flitting about the table, Boewdard grimaced, malice glinting in his eyes as the cold, black orbs bore into Balthazar’s brutish face.

“Very well,” the Blademaster said evenly. Turning to the recruits, he forced a smile, “Lady Payne, Brightflame, you may take leave. I do not wish to keep you from enjoying all the night has to offer.”

As soon as they were out of hearing range of Boewdard and his companions, Vivyan pulled Will into the Foyer, “Come, I have waited too long. It’s not what a proper lady would do, but I have needs and I cannot resist. Let us take advantage of the evening.”

Surprised at her forwardness, Will grinned, following her up the stairs and into an empty classroom. Spinning around, Vivyan looked at Will expectantly. Will took her hands in his, staring into her enchanting eyes.

“Vivyan, I’ve always known you were the one. From the first moment I set eyes on you, I’ve been drawn to you. When this is over, I want to take you into the country where we can raise a family. I want to make you mine,” said Will, surprising himself at how easily the half-truths rushed from his lips. It seemed, however, to be just what Vivyan had wanted to hear.

“I cannot wait for that future; I need you now.”

Vivyan lunged at Will for a kiss. Wrapping her arms around his neck, her embrace was warm; the tender contact of her lips on his made his skin tingle with electric energy. Will thought for a second that the moment could not be any more perfect, then promptly forgot how to think, his mind clouded. They stood pressed together, lips and bodies. Lips locked, Vivyan guided Will into a chair.

After the initial surprise of the event, Will had let his eyelids fall. Shortly after that, Will’s mind went blank of everything but the young woman writhing in his arms.

Eyes closed, Will did not see the ropes Vivyan conjured float from the corner of the room. In moments, the unsuspecting Will was bound tight to the chair. Realizing with a start of fear what was happening, Will struggled to free himself, but the knots were strong as Vivyan had tied them tight with magic. “I’m so sorry, Will. They were Boewdard’s orders,” Vivyan said. She found she could not make eye contact with him, so she turned away. Vivyan would not let Will see the tears welling in her eyes.

“Why?” he growled, ineffectively struggling against his bonds.

“So that you could not interfere with his plans. You heard that thug Balthazar; Boewdard would be mad to trust you. So, he won’t... yet. Will, you cannot even begin to imagine what good Boewdard will do for the Empire. His work here tonight will change the face of the Shadow Liberator’s struggle.”

“What?” Will exclaimed, “You mean to say that Boewdard is the Shadow, the man my father has been fighting all those years? Balthazar was right; I would never help him!”

“No, you still fail to see all in its entirety. Boewdard isn’t intelligent enough to plan the entire war and evade the Emperor’s troops for so long. He is only a pawn to my master, only a small player in the grand scheme,” Vivyan said.

“Whom exactly do you serve then, daughter of troll? I curse you and your family to oblivion,” Will spat, his eyes turning red as his fury rose. “To think I trusted you.”

“Will, please, you must understand,” Vivyan cried. In her face was desperation, but Will’s face remained hard to her plea. “In truth, I know not whom I serve, but I know His plan. In the end, all will benefit. Social order will be returned and all will know their place. Only then may peace be returned to the Empire. As for our beloved Blademaster, Boewdard is one of His commanders; to think a weak-minded bastard like him is highly regarded. I laugh at the thought. You saw those men at the feast, how they have so little respect for him. They are Boewdard’s lieutenants. They despise him, yet they obey. And tonight, they seek to bolster their ranks here at the Academy, slaughtering all who oppose them.”

“How did you come to know all this?” Will asked.

“The plan? I knew Boewdard’s loyalty laid not with the Empire for some time. When Boewdard
found me out, I told him all I knew, and he initiated me into the Shadow’s Liberated Army. I myself devised the plan shortly thereafter. I will admit, it is not elegant, rather barbaric for my tastes, but I saw no other option. There will be resistance, but the safest course of action is to put it down with blade and spell. Tonight, Boewdard makes his move. If all goes according to plan, the Blademaster will induct many of the cadets here at the Academy into Liberated Army. The rest shall be slain, a whole generation of leaders lost to the Empire and gained by the Shadow Liberator.”

“Why, Vivyan? Why join with the Shadow? And does he not want me as well? Could he not foresee that tying me up in an abandoned room will alienate me?”

Vivyan laughed. Despite the circumstances, the sound still softened Will’s temper. Vivyan smiled, “If nobody else wants you, Brightflame, I do. I do not lie when I say that my desire for a man has never been so great. To have you warm betwixt my thighs every night… The thought is the essence of my dreams.”

“But why the Shadow?” Will asked, now surveying his temptress with a mixture of pity and longing.
If only she had not chosen this path
, Will thought despondently.

Vivyan pulled a strand of hair out of her face agitatedly. “The Paynes are a proud Bloodline of long lineage. Of late, the Emperor has been prone to elevating gold-obsessed merchant families far beyond their station. Positions rightfully belonging to my brothers, my uncles, and my father have been filled by this sublimated peasant filth. It is my duty as a Payne to join against my family’s enemy. Paynes protect our own.”

“A bigot, you hold prejudices against those who seek advancement for their children, to provide a better life than that in which they were raised. I thought you better, Vivyan. Have you no empathy?”

“You speak to me of empathy? Do pirates raid your lands? Do your villagers know the sound of death at their doors? Death is oars on the river and the shout of an armed bandit as he jumps the gangplank. My people know death. They also know rape, theft, kidnap, and massacre. The income stolen from my family by those of lesser Bloodlines would have been used to protect our lands. As is, our coffers run dry and our people are in need of drink. Do not lecture to me on issues of empathy, William.”

“This is not the way, Vivyan,” Will pleaded. “Can you not see that the Shadow’s is the path to ruin? Rebellion against the Empire is betraying all that the Academy taught you. It is betraying me.”

“Will, I have no choice. And neither do you. When Boewdard arrives, he and his men will have killed all that oppose him. Cadet, instructor, and serving wench will know the same fate should they refuse to enlist. When Boewdard arrives, he will offer you only two options: join or die. Join with me, Will. Power, fame, and glory, we will have it all. You and me, Will, we can do this together, just as in our lessons, just as in my dreams.”

Power, fame, glory!
Will thought with contempt.
No, I will never join with these traitors. Vale, can you hear me? I’m trapped on the second floor of East Tower. Beware; they may have an ambush prepared.

“You wound me, Brightflame. Calling for help? You think we have not prepared for an attempted rescue?” Vivyan threatened.

Will hung his head in his chest. A scream sounded downstairs.

“Good, then it is starting,” Vivyan said coolly, relaxing in her chair. Growing louder, the clash of arms clanged awfully in the distance. More screams. Then, men’s shouts joined the terrible chorus. The door creaked open. Expecting help, Will looked up hopefully. Boewdard stepped into the room, and Will’s heart plummeted.

“Come, Vivyan, join the fray,” Boewdard said gleefully. “More recruits will be persuaded to see our point of view if you are seen in our ranks. William, I hope you will understand why I had to do this. When I have I need, I will be back to discuss
next course of action.” The Blademaster’s coal black eyes narrowed maliciously.

Vivyan’s eyes lingered on Will, but she obeyed the Blademaster’s request, leaving him alone in the room and still tied tightly to the chair.

Hearing the two pairs of feet dashing down the corridor, Will saw his window of opportunity open; it was his chance to escape. But before he could utter the words to free himself from his bonds, something large and powerful crashed through the door. Splinters flew through the air as Vale snorted, standing before Will.

Will thought as Vale freed him from his bonds with a cautious swipe of his claws.

I could have left you there,
the leopard purred.

No, no, you did well.

Freed, Will leaped over the fractured door and into the corridor. Thoughts of revenge flying through his mind, Will sprinted towards the Foyer, but Vale held him back, biting his tunic.
Even with your powers, you would not survive the night.

I must save my friends,
Will argued, struggling hopelessly against Vale’s restraint.
My dream,
Will suddenly realized.
Vale, this is my dream!
He resumed thrashing with renewed force.
My father will be here; he needs my help. The Academy will burn tonight, and my father marches into the center of the inferno.

It is too late.
The words were said with a finality and bleakness that sobered Will. The boy stopped flailing and stood unresponsive beside his frevmat. Vale nudged Will with his muzzle.
We must go lest we are spotted.

Hesitating for a moment in the realization of the horrid truth, Will knew he could not be of assistance to the cadets unarmed. He would be just as helpless before Boewdard’s militia as those he intended to save. Will turned in the direction of the Pit.

“Not so fast, Brightflame,” sounded a voice from behind him. “Brightflame the Warrior, Brightflame the Hero, Brightflame the Invincible. You would deny me contest?” The snarl was filled with angry sarcasm. Turning slowly, Will saw Daniel Ogdin, in human form standing in the Foyer entrance way.

“Running away? The Brightflame’s true colors shine through at last. You’re mine now!” Ogdin said, beginning to transform.

Will turned and fled as fast as he could. Without a weapon, Will would quickly perish before the lycanthrope’s lethal claws.

Vale roared, a mighty sound. Will looked back to see wolf and leopard facing off. Ogdin jumped as if to attack Vale, but cleared the frevmat, shambling on all fours to catch his true prey. Eyes narrowing, Will resumed running, faster than he ever had before, yet still Ogdin was quickly gaining ground on him. In an attempt to slow his pursuer, Will knocked over a suit of armor, but he was far from the safety of the Pit, and the heaps of metal did little to hamper Ogdin’s stride.

Out of the corner of his eye, Will glimpsed a white streak ram into the dark wolf. As Ogdin stumbled, tripping over his long arms, Vale rushed forward, allowing Will to jump on his back. Vale then ran at a pace double Will’s, so fast that Will fancied they were just a blur. Feeling the exertion of Vale’s legs in his own, Will’s courage was steeled by the connection they shared. His frevmat’s sharp intakes of breath were his and for the first time, Will realized how much the snow leopard meant to him--how much Vale

In sight of the Pit, Will leapt off Vale and wrenched open the door. Slamming it behind them, Will relaxed; they were safe for the moment. A group of frightened cadets rushed forward with questions, demanding answers of Will.

“Where are the others?” a muscular recruit demanded.

“The horror! Why?” another bleated.

“Who is behind the assault?”

Will did not have an answer for most of their queries, but knew that they could not survive holed up in the Pit and said as much, “We must leave here now before Boewdard’s men lay siege to the room. Gather weapons, armor, and shields. We will have to fight our way out of the castle. If you can carry it, pack a small bag of clothes and other necessities.”

Immediately, the Lumbertons, who as a rule are not likely to loaf when action can be taken, dispersed. Will gathered his own pack, filling it with clothing. He knew he couldn’t carry all of his plate armor, but he placed his barbute helm on his head, slung his bow over his shoulder, strapped his scabbard to his belt, and hefted his unadorned heater shield in his hand.

Will stepped out into the main room and was met by a grave formation of boys and girls. They were laden with belongings and brandished an array of swords, axes, and bows. These were brave Lumbertons every one of them and were prepared to fight for victory or for death.

BOOK: Brightflame Accension (Book 1)
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