Brie Masters Love in Submission: Submissive in Love (70 page)

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Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Romance, #Anthology, #Brie, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Erotic

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Brie smiled as she pointed in the direction of the tobacco shop down below. “I was sitting in a dead end job, just trying to make ends meet while filming shorts on the weekend. I would still be there if it hadn’t been for Sir.”

“No, honey. I believe you would eventually have found your way into the industry.”

Brie shrugged. “I guess we’ll never know, but what I
know is that I love the path I’m on, and I wouldn’t change a thing. How many people can say that?”

Her mother looked over the city as she squeezed her daughter. “Not many, Brianna. Not many.”

Although it was hard to see her mother head back to Nebraska, it was even harder watching Sir pack for his trip to China.

“I don’t want you to go, Sir,” she lamented as he folded a shirt and laid it in his suitcase.

“You need to start packing too, babygirl.”

“I know, but I’ve been putting it off because I don’t want us to be separated again.”

Sir stopped what he was doing and walked over to her. “Mr. Wallace is struggling. He needs your encouragement, and I must go to China.”

“I understand…” Brie sighed. “We can’t change what is happening, but I hate these separations.”

“It’s amusing you feel that way, since you’re a film director by trade. You did
it requires a lot of travel.”

“Yeah, yeah…”

“In that vein, I suggest you use any free time in Denver to film missing elements while you have people at your disposal. Time is running out.”

“I know, because soon we’ll be getting married!” she squealed with joy.

“Yes, we will, Miss Bennett.” He grabbed a fistful of hair and pulled her head back, kissing her deeply. “So let’s get through this difficult part, focusing on the fact that the best is yet to come.”

When Brie lay in his arms that night, she could barely keep her eyes open.

“Go to sleep, babygirl,” Sir whispered.

She dutifully closed her eyes and images of her bridal dress came to mind. Brie could just imagine walking down the aisle, seeing Sir’s expression when he beheld her in the gown for the first time…

Tono’s smile took her breath away. “Are you ready, toriko?”

She smoothed out the exquisite dress, admiring the lace details of the ivory gown before looking up at him and answering confidently, “Yes, Tono.”

The Asian Dom held out a piece of jute and she purred, willingly offering her wrist to him.

Tono gently wrapped the rope around her delicate wrist, creating a decorative pattern of rosettes.

Brie examined it closely when he was done, sighing in contentment. “It’s beautiful.” She looked up at him, tears in her eyes. “It’s perfect, just like you.”

He took her hand and gently kissed the rope. “No tears, toriko.”

She wiped them away, giggling. Brie pushed her shoulders back and lifted her chin as the music began to play. She clutched the bouquet of orchids and smiled. Her moment was at hand…

Brie started when she woke.

“What were you dreaming about?” Sir asked, stroking her cheek. “I was watching you and saw a hint of a smile on those sweet lips.”

“I was dreaming about my wedding.” Brie blushed, confused about why she’d been dreaming about Tono. Thankfully Sir could not see the flush on her cheeks.

“Good,” he said in a low, soothing voice. Sir tucked her against him. “Now try to go back to sleep. We both have a long day ahead.”

Brie nodded, but she lay there wide awake, pondering her dream. Why was she dreaming about Tono, and what the heck did it mean?

Brie’s Mile High Club

rie boarded the plane headed to Denver, along with a bunch of groggy passengers. It was four in the morning and, other than the businessmen, the majority of travelers were slow-moving and sleepy. She waited patiently for people to stuff their luggage into the upper bins, but had to quell her irritation when some of them took far too long to do that simple task.

At one point, an older woman tried several times to lift her baggage above her head to slide it into the bin. When the man in front of Brie refused to extend his help, she pressed past him to offer her assistance.

“Thank you, dear.”

“My pleasure, ma’am.”

“It’s so rare to find gracious young folk these days.”

“They’re still around, ma’am. They’re just harder to find at four o’clock in the morning.”

The woman laughed, insisting that Brie stay as she dug in her purse and produced a piece of wrapped candy. “It’s from my secret stash. Best chocolate in the world,” she stated proudly, handing it to Brie.

Brie thanked the woman before moving farther down the aisle, curious where Sir could be hiding. She was surprised to spot her handsome Master at the very back of the plane.

“Fancy finding you here,” she said when she reached him.

Sir winked as he took her bag and placed it in the bin above. He took out a blanket and a small pillow, handing them both to her.

“Oh no, Sir. There’s no way I’m going back to sleep.”

He leaned in and said in a seductive whisper, “Trust me, téa, you’re going to need it.”

Her heart quickened at the use of her sub name in public. “Ah…well then, thank you.” She scooted to the window seat and buckled herself in, placing the two items on her lap. “I’ve never ridden at the back of a plane with you before, Mr. Davis,” she teased flirtatiously.

“When I noticed this wasn’t going to be a full flight, I decided we should take advantage of the fact,” he replied, grazing his finger under her chin.

“I must say I like your way of thinking,” she replied, adding in the barest of whispers, “…Master.”

He sat down and commanded in a low voice, “Lay your head on the pillow and cover up with the blanket.”

Brie grinned to herself as she followed his directions, propping the small pillow against the window, wondering what he had planned for her.

After the plane had taken off and the lights had been turned off so the passengers could sleep, Sir instructed her to close her eyes. She was thrilled by the mystery behind his unusual requests, and lowered her eyelids, refusing to open them even when the
above her announced that the seatbelt sign had been turned off.

Brie heard Sir take out his computer, followed by a light clicking sound as he started to type.

It was pure torture sitting there with her eyes closed, not knowing what he was up to, but she remained still, as per his command. When a stewardess passed by, Brie heard Sir stop her and explain, “We would prefer not to be disturbed for the rest of the flight, but I would appreciate a glass of water.”

“Certainly, sir.”

Brie giggled to herself, never tiring of hearing service people unwittingly call him by his title.

After the woman returned with his water, she heard him pull down her tray and placed the plastic cup on it before lifting the armrest between them. “Now, téa, unbuckle yourself. Place the pillow on my shoulder and lay your head against it while you cover my lap with an extra portion of your blanket.”

They released their belts at the same time and Brie nonchalantly switched her position, settling her head on Sir’s shoulder. She noticed a movie playing on his computer screen and noted that he was wearing earphones to make it appear as if he were actively watching the show.

Brie dutifully closed her eyes again, waiting for her next set of instructions.

After several minutes, Sir murmured, “Slowly, so no one will notice, slide your hand under my boxers and take hold of my cock.”

Her pussy contracted pleasantly upon hearing his command. With measured movements, she headed towards that sacred spot between her Master’s legs. Sir had already unfastened his slacks, allowing Brie easy access to his shaft. Her fingers slipped under the elastic band of the boxers and grasped his rigid shaft.

“Don’t move.”

She remained still as she felt his hand move ever so slowly under her skirt and beneath her lace panties. He rested his hand over her mound and stopped.

They stayed like that—neither moving—but each deliciously aware of the other’s hand resting on their sex.

Finally, Sir directed her, “Slight movements. Don’t attract attention.”

Brie pressed herself closer against him to get a better reach and gently squeezed and released his cock in her hand. Sir met the challenge by separating her outer lips and lightly fingering her clit. She was already moist due to the nature of her task, and he whispered appreciatively, “Nice and wet.”

Brie remained silent, keeping up the ruse of a sleeping partner as she explored his shaft with imperceptible movements. She was rewarded with drops of pre-come on the head of his shaft, announcing his enjoyment to her without words. She used the coveted liquid as lubricant, rubbing it over his shaft as she stroked him ever so slowly, his manhood throbbing in response.

Not to be outdone, Sir increased the tempo of his fingering, causing her to unconsciously arch her back.

“Stay still,” he warned.

Brie nestled her head against his shoulder, squeezing his shaft tighter as she stroked him, longing to make the challenge as difficult for him as it was for her. She heard the stewardess pass by again and froze. When Sir assured her that the woman hadn’t given them a second glance, she started up again.

Brie relished the fact that this was their first ‘official’ encounter since deciding to have a child. He had warned her there would be no intercourse until their wedding night, but he’d also promised they would enjoy alternative activities while they waited. Never in a million years would she have guessed they’d be pleasing each other miles above the Earth—in the presence of strangers, no less—the very next morning.

Wicked, wicked Sir.

“No one is near. Stroke me harder, téa.”

Brie grasped his cock and pumped it with real gusto until he gripped her wrist tightly. She heard someone pass by and whispered, “Close.”

“Closer than you think,” he groaned, his cock pulsing in her hand with denied release.

After the individual had returned to their seat, Sir ordered, “You’re to remain still, a pleasant expression on your face, with your eyes closed. Anyone walking by will only note that there’s a beautiful girl sleeping beside me.”

Brie gave a slight nod.

Sir proceeded to roll his finger over her clit, wetting it with her own excitement. He teased her opening with his middle finger while he occasionally flicked his thumb over her clit. The randomness of that additional contact had her body hyper-sensitive. Each time his thumb rubbed against her, a burst of electrical energy headed straight to her core, building her sexual desire.

When he determined she was primed and ready, Sir started stroking his finger from her entrance up to the tip of her clit in slow, rhythmic motions that mimicked his long, tantalizing lick. She let out a soft gasp and he stopped.

Keeping her eyes closed, she pretended to yawn and pressed against him, hoping he would continue. After several minutes, the stroking started up again. Brie could think of nothing but the sensations his touch evoked, and the only way to assure it would continue was not to respond in any way.

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