Bridge Too Far (76 page)

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Authors: Cornelius Ryan

Tags: #General, #General Fiction, #military history, #Battle of, #Arnhem, #Second World War, #Net, #War, #Europe, #1944, #World history: Second World War, #Western, #History - Military, #Western Continental Europe, #Netherlands, #1939-1945, #War & defence operations, #Military, #General & world history, #History, #World War II, #Western Europe - General, #Military - World War II, #History: World, #Military History - World War II, #Europe - History

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Airborne].  Retired, Wilmington,


N.c. Stein, Lester, Capt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Eye surgeon,


Steubenville, O. Steinfield, Manfred, S/sgt.


[82nd Airborne].  Furniture

manufacturer, Skokie, Ill.

Strayer, Robert L., Lt.  Col.  [101/

Airborne].  Insurance executive,


Springfield, Delaware County, Pa.  Strieter, William L., Sgt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Real-estate broker,

Arlington, Va.  Strunk, Willard M., P.f.c. [82nd

Airborne].  Carpet-store owner,

Wheatridge, Colo.  Sult, Vernon Ralph, S/sgt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Liquor salesman,


Granada Hills, Calif.  Swanson, James A., Flt.  Off.  [9th

Troop Carrier Command].

Material-control manager, Industrial

Corporation, Park Forest, Ill.  Swanson, Wallace Albert, Capt.

[101/ Airborne] Geologist;

general foreman and supervisor with W. S.

Dickey Clay Mfg.  Co.,

Fairfield, Ala.  Sweeney, Neil J., Capt.

[101/ Airborne].  Civil

service, Villa Park, Ill.  Sweeney, Patrick J., Sstbled [101/

Airborne].  Public-relations

coordinator, Wappinger Falls, N.y. Taft, Chester Weldon, P.f.c.

[82nd Airborne].

Millwright-machinist, Seneca Army

Depot, Clyde, N.y. Tallerday, Jack, Lt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Col., U.s. Army,

Fort Bragg, N.c. Tallon, Robert M., Sr., S/sgt.

[82nd Airborne].  Department-store

owner-manager, Dillon, S.c. Tarbell, Albert A., Sgt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Ironworks employee,


Nedrow, N.y. Taylor, Frank Curtis, Sgt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Retired, Albuquerque,


N.m. Taylor, John H., Sgt.  [101/


Airborne].  Paint and floor-covering

contractor and retail-store owner,

Lufkin, Tex.  Taylor, Maxwell D., Maj.  Gen.

[C.o., 101/ Airborne].

General, Chief of Staff (retired),

U.s. Army.  Taylor, Ray Edward, S/sgt.  [101/

Airborne].  Plasterer, Ashtabula,


O. Thain, Carl Ernest, Capt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Contractor, McAlester,


Okla.  Tisdale, Paul Arthur, Lt.  [9th


Troop Carrier Command].  Col.,

U.s. Army, Arlington, Va.  Tomardy, Bernard Joseph, Sgt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Washington Gas and Light

Co., Vienna, Va.  Travers, Thomas R., 2nd Lt.  [9th

Troop Carrier Command].  Operator van

and storage company, Berkeley, Calif.  Tremble, Leonard G., P.f.c.


Airborne].  Staff assistant,


petroleum company, Fort Worth, Tex.  Tribe, Robert Wayne, Lt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Specialist, U.s.

Bureau of Reclamation,


Sacramento, Calif.  Truax, Kenneth W., P.f.c. [82nd

Airborne].  Agency manager, rural

insurance companies, Wisconsin Farm

Bureau affiliate, Ettrick, Wis.  Tucker, Reuben H., * Col.  [82nd

Airborne].  Administrative department

of The Citadel, Charleston, S.c. Tucker, William Humphrey, Jr.,

Sgt.  [82nd Airborne].

Attorney; formerly Chairman, U.s

Interstate Commerce Commission, Washington,

D.c. Tyler, John Norman, Major [101/

Airborne].  (Retired), Cleveland,


Tenn.  Vandervoort, Benjamin Hays, Lt.  Col.

[82nd Airborne].  Col.

(retired), U.s. Army, Hilton Head

Island, S.c. Van Duzer, Franklin Kenneth, S/sgt.

[101/ Airborne].  Owner of

Ris-Van Realty Co., V.-P.,

Community National Bank;

director, Guardsman Life

Insurance Co., Clear Lake, Iowa.  Van Ort, Richard M., Cpl.  [82nd

Airborne].  Truck driver,


Summit, Ill.  Vanpoyck, Walter S., Capt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Administrative officer,


Eastern Air Lines, Miami, Fla.  Vantrease, Glen Wilson, Sgt.  [82nd

Airborne].  C.p.a., Gary,

Ind.  Veach, Donald, P.f.c. [82nd

Airborne].  Farmer, Manila, Ark.

Vest, Hansford C., Sr., Cpl.  [101/

Airborne].  Machinist, Boeing Co.,

Renton, Wash.  Vuletich, Michael, S/sgt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Steelworker, South

Holland, Ill.  Wade, James Melvin, 2nd Lt.

[82nd Airborne].  Lt.  Col.,

U.s. Army, Fort Bragg, N.c. Wagner, Richard Paul, S/sgt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Electric welder,


Baraboo, Wis.  Waldt, Anthony M., P.f.c. [101/

Airborne].  Clerk, Aberdeen,


S.d. Webster, Leonard J., P.f.c. [82nd


Airborne].  Heating and air-conditioning

engineer, Milwaukee, Wis.  Weil, Bernard L., Lt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Manager, furniture

store, Norfolk, Va.  Weinberg, Stanley, 2nd Lt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Haberdasher, Jersey

City, N.j. Wellems, Edward N., Major [82nd

Airborne].  Col., U.s. Army,

Ft.  Lewis, Wash.  Welshons, Don R., Sgt.  [101/

Airborne].  Minister, Sunland, Los

Angeles, Calif.  Wetsig, Chester J., S/sgt.  [101/

Airborne].  Micro-electronic

engineering at General Electric Co.,

Marcy, N.y. Whitacre, William B., Col.  [9th

Troop Carrier Command].

Retired V.-P., American

Airlines, Hot Springs, Ark.  White, Myron A., P.f.c. [82nd

Airborne].  Farmer, Grinnell,


Iowa Wienecke, Robert H., Lt.  Col.

[82nd Airborne].  Major Gen.

(retired), U.s. Army; consultant and

director of insurance company, Ventura,

Calif.  Wierzbowski, Edmund L., Lt.  [101/

Airborne].  Special

representative, insurance sales,


Chicago, Ill.  (Note: Uses name

Edmund L. Weir for business.) Wilder, Thomas Patten, Capt.  [101/

Airborne].  Yacht consultant,

Balboa, Calif.  Williams, Adriel N., Col.  [9th

Troop Carrier Command].  Brig.  Gen.,

U.s. Air Force, Washington, D.c. Williams, John Henry, Pvt.  [101/

Airborne].  Instructor in

R.o.t.c. program at Central High

School, Chattanooga, Tenn.  Williams, Warren R., Jr.,

Lt.  Col.  [82nd Airborne].

Director, U.s. Army Board for

Aviation Accident Research, Fort Rucker,

Ala.  Winton, Walter Farrell, Jr., Lt.

Col.  [82nd Airborne].  Brig.

Gen., U.s. Army, Annandale, Va.  Woll, Shepherd, P.f.c. [101/

Airborne].  Owner, Wholesale Drug

Sundries, Rockville Centre,


N.y. Womack, Waymon W., Pvt.  [101/

Airborne].  Dow Chemical,


Freeport, Tex.  Wood, Rev.  George B., D.d.,


Capt.  [82nd Airborne].

Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church,

Fort Wayne, Ind.  Wood, Leslie Earl, 1/ Sgt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Laboratory

technician, Wunda Weve Carpet Co.,

Travelers Rest, S.c. Wurst, Spencer F., Sgt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Laboratory

technician, General Electric

Co., and Lt.  Col., National Guard,

Erie, Pa.  Wyngaert, Julius A., P.f.c.

[82nd Airborne].  U.s. Army,

3Do Special Forces, Fayetteville,

N.c. Yates, Gorden Wyatt, S/sgt.

[101/ Airborne].  Assistant

produce manager in a supermarket.

Attends college nights, Phoenix,

Ariz.  Yedenock, William, Jr., S/sgt.

[82nd Airborne].  Insurance

broker, Berwyn, Pa.  Yeiter, Robert D., P.f.c. [82nd

Airborne].  Restaurateur,


Traverse City, Mich.  Young, Charles H., Lt.  Col.  [9th

Troop Carrier Command].  Commercial

airlines captain, Grapevine, Tex.  Zagol, Walter Frank, P.f.c.

[101/ Airborne].  State

instructor, savings-bank life insurance,

Taunton, Mass.  Zakby, Abdallah K., Major

[82nd Airborne].  Middle-East

representative, tractor company,


A.p.o., New York 09694.

Zapalski, Daniel J., 1/ Sgt.

[101/ Airborne].  Retired Army

officer, field representative for

Prudential Savings and Loan Association,

Rosemead, Calif.  Ziegler, Roland C., 1/ Sgt.  [82nd

Airborne].  Electrician,


Baraboo, Wis.  BRITISH Montgomery, Sir Bernard Law, Field

Marshal [21/ Army Group].

Viscount Montgomery of Alamein,

K.g., retired, Hampshire.  Adair, Allan, Maj.  Gen.  [Guards

Armoured].  C.v.o., C.b.,

D.s.o., M.c., General, British

Army, retired, London.  Allsop, D., Capt.  [1/

Airborne].  Transport and dairy

manager, Pontesbury, nr.

Shrewsbury.  Anson, Geoffrey F., Capt.  [Guards

Armoured].  M.c., Area manager, Ford

Motor Credit Co., Ltd., London.  Ashington, George, Pvt.  [1/

Airborne].  Tool setter operator,

Birmingham.  Ashley, Neville L., Sgt.

[1/ Airborne].  Teacher, Cheshire.  Ashworth, Walton, S/sgt.  [Glider

Pilot Regt.]. Watchmaker,

Essex.  Atwell, Douglas, S/sgt.  [Glider

Pilot Regt.]. Valuer,


Somersetshire.  Austin, John Edward, Pvt.  [1/


Airborne].  Civil servant,


Surrey.  Axford, James Alfred, L/cpl.  [1/


Airborne].  Postman, Kent.  Back, Harold E., L/cpl.  [1/

Airborne].  Post-office clerk,

London.  Bagguley, Reginald, Pvt.  [1/

Airborne].  Snack-bar proprietor,

Staffordshire.  Ball, Donald, Pvt.  [1/

Airborne].  Ambulance driver,


Yorkshire.  Barclay, W. J. J., Pvt.

[Pathfinder, 1/ Airborne].

M.m., Major, Ndola, Zambia.  Barnes, Frank, Sgt.

[Guards Armoured].  Hospital clerk,

Belfast.  Barnett, J. Patrick, Lt.  [1/

Airborne].  Golf club secretary,

Kent.  Barry, Peter, Lt.  [1/ Airborne].

Medical doctor, Somerset.  Basnett, Edward F., Sgt.  Pilot

[Glider Pilot Regt.].

Housemaster, Home Office Boys

School, Salop.  Baylis, George Sidney, S/sgt.

[Glider Pilot Regt.]. Cargo

superintendent, Kent.  Beckett, Sir Martyn, Capt.  [Welsh

Guards].  Architect, London.  Bedford, Ronald G., FirstSgt.

(r.a.f.]. Salesman, Torquay,

Devonshire.  Beech, James W. A., Pvt.  [1/

Airborne].  Agricultural store

manager, Spalding, Lincolnshire.  Bennett, Clifford J., Guardsman

[Guards Armoured].  Grocery

manager, Rugby.  Bennett, Frederick C., Pvt.  [1/

Airborne].  Stock audit, Redditch,

Worcestershire.  Bennett, Henry, Pvt.  [1/

Airborne].  Stockbroker’s messenger,

London.  Bentley, Thomas C., Sgt.  [1/

Airborne].  Warrant Officer,


British Army Recruiting, Nottingham.  Binick, Norman, Sgt.

[Pathfinder, 1/

Airborne].  Entertainer, London,


S.w. 14.  Blunt, John Graham, Lt.  [1/

Airborne].  Major, Zambia

Regiment, Ndola, Zambia.  Blyton, Henry, Pvt.  [1/

Airborne].  Plant operator,


Lancashire.  Boldock, Walter, J. P., Pvt.  [1/

Airborne].  Rodent operator,


Lincolnshire.  Boulding, George H. W., Sgt.  [1/

Airborne].  Printing-machine minder,

Kent.  Bowden, T. D. L., Trooper

Signalman [1/ Airborne].

Manager, the National Kenya

Sweepstake, Nairobi, Kenya.  Bowers, Reverend Raymond E., Chaplain

[1/ Airborne].  Parish priest,


Richmond Place, Bath.  Bowles, Dennis A., Signaller [1/

Airborne].  Analytical chemist,


Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire.  Brace, Terry, Cpl./medic [1/

Airborne].  Storekeeper, Kent.  Breese, C. F. O., Major [1/

Airborne].  Brigadier, retired;

Company director, Yorkshire.

Breitmeyer, Alan N., Lt.  [Grenadier

Guards].  Colonel, commander, Grenadier

Guards, London, S.w. 1. Bridgewater, William George, Sgt.

Major [Glider Pilot Regt.].

Petworth, Sussex.  Briggs, Bernard W., Capt.  [1/

Airborne].  Lt.  Col., British

Army (retired), Dortmund

Station, B.f.p.o. 20.  Brook, Henry, L/cpl.  [1/

Airborne].  Bank messenger, nr.

Manchester.  Brown, Francis Edward, Sgt.  [1/

Airborne].  Porter, British

Railways, Yorkshire.  Bruce, David, Capt.  [Guards

Armoured].  Stock jobber, London,

S.w. 10.  Bruce, Joseph Morrison, Sgt.

[Irish Guards].  Retired, Belfast

13.  Bryant, Reginald, Pvt.  [1/

Airborne].  Printing engineer, Bristol

5. Buchanan-Jardine, Rupert, Lt.  [Guards

Armoured].  M.c., Farmer,

Dumfriesshire.  Burton, Arthur Edwin, Cpl.  [1/

Airborne].  Assistant superannuation

officer, Leicestershire.  Butcher, John M., W/sgt.  [1/

Airborne].  Works manager,


Manchester.  Cain, Robert, * Major C.o.

[1/ Airborne].  V. C.,


Retired, Oxted, Surrey.  Callaghan, Harry, Sgt.  Major [1/

Airborne].  O. B. L., Civil

servant, Aldershot, Hampshire.  Campbell, Alexander Wm., Cpl.  [1/

Airborne].  Patrolman, County

Durham.  Campbell, Gordon, S/sgt.  [Glider

Pilot Regt.]. Order clerk,

Workington, Cumberland.  Campbell, P., Sgt.  [1/

Airborne].  Motor parts manager,

Johannesburg, South Africa.  Cannon, Brian Frank, Pvt.  [1/

Airborne].  Engineering foreman,


Luton, Bedfordshire.  Carr, B. D., Lt.  [1/ Airborne].

Supervisor, trust company, Vancouver,

British Columbia.  Cassie, James, Signalman [1/

Airborne].  Bookbinder, Edinburgh

11, Scotland.  Cawrey, Victor F., Pvt.

[Pathfinder, 1/ Airborne].

Haulage contractor, Leicestershire.  Chandler, William F., Trooper

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