Brides of the West (26 page)

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Authors: Michele Ann Young

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #Western, #cowboy, #Regency, #Indian

BOOK: Brides of the West
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Eyes pinned on Annabelle, Lauren gulped the
drink down. “You don’t belong here,” she slurred.

“Doesn’t matter whether I belong here or
not, I’m the new owner of the Chances Are. You, on the other hand,
just work here and your services are no longer needed.” She sat
straight and unflinching. “I’m converting the social club into a
hotel and giving you three days to vacate the property.”

“You can’t do that. The Chances Are is
nothing without me.” Daggers shot from the madam’s eyes while her
knuckles went white around the glass. “We won’t leave.” She threw
down the dare.

“Yes, you will. I own this place and if you
don’t leave in three days’ time, then the sheriff will remove you.”
Annabelle stood and turned away. Lauren leaped from the chair and
tackled her. All those years wrestling with her brothers taught her
how to pin the drunken whore to the floor. “Three days, Lauren. I
suggest you all start packing. Now.”


Within three days,
out of the social club, though Lauren complained loud and long to
everyone. They left a mess for Annabelle to clean up. The following
three days she thoroughly scrubbed the rooms. It didn’t matter how
tired she was, they were gone and that had to count for something
with the townsfolk.

Tiredness quickly claimed her. Every evening
Josh came at seven and walked her to the stairs. Tonight, however,
it was seven-thirty and he still hadn’t shown up. She decided not
to wait any longer. Bone weary, she wanted to go to her room. Rufus
was working behind the bar. All she had to do was go out the back
door and climb the stairs. Surely she could make it on her own.

She slipped into the alley with the upstairs
key in hand. There was no light in the back, but she didn’t see
anyone as she hurried to the steps. No sooner had her foot hit the
second step when a hand clamped over her mouth and someone grabbed
her around the waist. She kicked her feet back to beat on his legs
and bit his fingers. Hard.

She tasted blood and the hand left her
mouth. Her hands clawed at her attacker and he fell backward losing
his grip. On the ground she rolled away from him and scrambled to
her feet, screaming as loud as she could.

Rufus came running out the back door,
shotgun in hand. When her attacker saw him with the gun he started
running. Oddly, Rufus seemed dazed and confused. She tried to take
the shotgun from him, but he held firm. He raised it straight up in
the air and fired a shot as the man disappeared around the

“You hurt, Miss Annabelle?” Rufus asked.

She brushed her dress off as Josh rounded the
opposite corner, gun drawn.

“What’s going on?” He quickly surveyed the

“Someone attacked Miss Annabelle. I was
tending bar when I heard her yelling. I grabbed Old Jake here and
run out. She was on the ground and a man was standing over her. He
vamoosed when I let Old Jake go.”

Josh holstered his gun and placed his hands
on Annabelle’s shoulders. “Are you hurt?”

“No, just frightened.” She trembled from head
to toe.

Josh pulled her to him, wrapping her in his
arms. She welcomed his embrace.

“I told you to wait for me before you left
the saloon,” he admonished, then led her back inside. “Rufus, get
her a brandy to settle her nerves.”

“Sure thing, Sheriff. I need one to settle
my nerves after seeing him go after her like that.” He stopped in
the doorway blocking their way. “Who would do something like

“I don’t know, but I intend find out.” Josh’s
jaw set in determination.


Josh helped her into her office. Annabelle
sat shaking. Rufus brought in a bottle of brandy and a glass. Josh
poured in a healthy amount. “Here, drink this.” His emotions were
wound tighter than an alarm clock and he was ready to tear up

Squatting next to her, her blue eyes got to
him. It would be a pleasure to watch those eyes open up every
morning and stare at the world in wonder. It nagged at him that
this was the second time he wasn’t there for Annabelle. He couldn’t
lose her.

“Josh—” he didn’t like the edge of fright in
her voice—“can you take me to my room? I don’t want to stay

“Good idea, but finish your brandy first.”
As she sipped the last of the golden liquid, he told Rufus to keep
his shotgun close by. He grabbed the brandy bottle in his left hand
and wrapped it around her waist to hold her up, freeing his right
hand in case he needed it. A quick look up and down the alley
showed it was safe to leave. When they reached the door at the top
of the staircase, she opened it and he all but shoved her inside as
he followed.

“Wait here while I look around.” He checked
the rooms before holstering his gun. “All clear,” he said returning
to the parlor.

They faced each other without speaking. His
need grew just looking at her. She was an innocent and he shouldn’t
do this, but he couldn’t stop himself. Their breathing grew heavier
and louder. His lips brushed hers lightly, then burst into
full-fledged passion. His tongue teased her lips apart and tasted
the brandy. She intoxicated him in more ways than one.

He was lost and wanted nothing more than
her. He wanted her by his side and in his bed for as long as he
breathed. His hands roamed over her body. He cupped her butt and
pressed her closer. Surely she felt his erection pressing against
her belly. He didn’t remember ever being this hard for any woman.
He was losing control—no, he’d lost it long ago and only the matter
of surrender still remained unresolved. His desire for her was now
becoming too painful to endure.

Annabelle returned his kisses and wrapped
her arms around his neck. Her naiveté excited him even more, if
that was possible. That’s when he recalled she was probably a
virgin. This wasn’t how he wanted to make love to her. He wanted it
to be unhurried and gentle. He wanted it tonight. She was his woman
and he wanted to share with her all the wonders and pleasures two
people in love could feel.

“Annabelle. Annabelle, honey.” He broke the
kiss. “We have all night. First I have to finish my rounds. Have
you eaten yet?” Her lips showed evidence of his branding. She shook
her head. “I don’t want you going out. Do you understand me?” Why
did he think she would listen this time?

“Yes.” She nodded.

“I’ll stop by Gloria’s and pick up two
dinners. I won’t be gone long. Don’t open the door for anyone. I’ll
use the key. Do you have a gun?”

“Yes, Pa gave me one during the war. I
brought it with me.” She reached into her skirt pocket and handed
him the key.

“Get it.” She went to the carpetbag and
removed an old Navy Colt covered with rust. The likelihood of it
misfiring or exploding in her face was something Josh didn’t want
to chance, no matter how small. He removed a Colt from his left
holster and handed it to her. “Use this. Just pull the hammer back,
point and pull the trigger.” Another peck on the lips and he was
out the door. “Lock it behind me.”

Stepping outside, he waited until he heard
her turn the latch. He stopped at Gloria’s and ordered two meals
and said he would return for them. On his rounds he paid particular
attention to every man he passed. Each was a suspect, but he had
nothing to go on.

At the jail he found Roger sitting at the
desk cleaning his gun. Josh filled him in on the trouble at the
Chances Are. “If you need me, I’ll be there.” Josh just didn’t
mention he would be upstairs with Annabelle.

He picked up the dinners from Gloria’s and
headed back to Annabelle’s room. He stood by the building and
watched the alley for a few minutes before climbing the stairs. He
unlocked, then opened the door and stepped into the front room. He
could see the soft flickering light dancing on the wall from a
kerosene lamp she’d lit atop the mantle.

Annabelle lay asleep in one corner of the
sofa, a book in her lap. The brandy must have relaxed her. Placing
the dinners on a chair, he knelt next to her. “Sweetheart?” His
fingers caressed her cheek. “Wake up. I’m back.” She mumbled and
her arms went around his neck as she woke up.

“Umm.” The little temptress pulled him
toward her, wielding her newfound power over him.

His hand squeezed her breast and she moaned
her approval. He sat on the sofa and pulled her across his lap.
Waves of golden hair cascaded over her shoulders and back when his
fingers pulled out the pins holding the tight little bun.

“You make me feel like I’m important, not
just someone to look after you,” she whispered in his ear. Her
stomach growled.

“Sounds like you need to eat. I picked up
two dinners from Gloria.”

The aroma of warm roast beef and potatoes
pulled her off the sofa into the kitchen. He watched as she picked
up two plates and silverware, and fixed two glasses of water.

The roast beef was tender and the potatoes
were lumpy. He sopped up the gravy with the biscuits. Annabelle
seemed to perk up a little as she ate heartily. She would need her
strength for what he had planned for tonight. After eating she set
the dishes in the sink and returned to the sofa.

She sat on his lap and wrapped her arms
around his neck. “How can I thank you? You watch out for me, see me
home, and bring me dinner. Make me feel like I never felt before.
Like I’m alive.” She took his face in her hands.

“And you, little one, scare the wits out of
me, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t stay away from you.” His
hand worked the buttons on her blouse until it was open below her
breasts. Their creamy, rounded tops gave hints of the joys that lay
beneath her chemise and corset.

Her fingers worked the buttons of his shirt,
pulling it open and sliding her hands over his undershirt before
working her hand underneath to his skin. The feel of her fingers
almost undid him.

With little effort, he scooped her into his
arms and carried her to the bedroom. He stripped her clothes off.
The sight of her naked body intoxicated him. Raw passion engulfed
him. She was more beautiful than he imagined. Her breasts were
large and perfectly shaped, tipped with raspberry nipples. He
suckled first on one nipple and then the other, and was rewarded by
more mewls.

In a matter of moments he had his clothes
off and lay next to her. He laved one breast as his free hand
dipped lower and teased her curls and he felt her desire. Their
breathing quickened as their bodies trembled, demanding immediate
union. Her moaning became louder and more frequent as they
continued touching and kissing. He could no longer delay the

Josh slid his body over her and settled
between her legs. He positioned himself and moved to sheath
himself. Her body stiffened and she yelped in pain as he breeched
the barrier to her body. How could he forget she was a virgin? “The
pain will pass in a moment, sweetheart.” He forced himself to
remain still, kissing her and rubbing her breast to distract her.
He didn’t really know that for a fact, but hoped it would. He was
right, judging from Annabelle’s response.

“Don’t stop,” she begged. His shaft throbbed
within her. “It hurt for a moment. Is that all there is?” She
slipped her arms around his neck.

“No, honey, this is just the beginning.” He
spent the night in her bed showing her how a man makes love to the
woman he loves. Yes, he loved her.


Annabelle woke early the next morning to see
Josh propped up on one elbow studying her. He leaned over and
kissed her.

“I was hopin’ you’d wake up. I need to go
make rounds.”

“You should’ve awakened me,” she scolded as
she stroked his arm. The powerful muscles that wielded big, deadly
guns had patiently changed her from a girl into a woman. “I’ll fix

“Mmm, breakfast. I’d like that.” Before she
could speak, Josh kissed her and positioned himself between her
legs. She gasped at his entry into her body. Once again she
responded to him, threatening to fly into a thousand pieces. She
never dreamed it could be like this between a man and a woman.

Feeling every bit of pleasure having him
deep inside her, she took his unshaven face between her hands and
kissed him. He crushed his mouth against hers as he poured his seed
into her.

“I love you,” he whispered in her ear. Her
heart skipped a couple of beats. He loved her!

She lay wrapped in his arms as he dozed. Her
prayers had been answered. This was the life she’d always dreamed
about—wrapped in the arms of the man she loved.

She slipped out of bed, careful not to waken
him and pulled on a wrapper. She built the fire and put on a pot of
coffee before slicing some bacon and bread. The bacon sizzled as
she mixed the eggs together with a bit of cheese. Josh came up from
behind her and wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her neck.
“You should’ve wakened me.”

She turned in his embrace and slid her arms
around his neck. “I wanted to fix breakfast for the man I love. I
do love you, Josh.” The words hardly left her mouth before she felt
his body responding to her and his erection press against her
belly. He whooped and lifted her in his arms and spun her

He reached behind her and using the fork, he
turned the bacon. “It’s too late to go back to bed, so you’ll have
to wait ‘til later. You aren’t too sore are you?”

“No, I’m fine.” She laid out the bread to
toast it and removed the bacon. Then she poured the egg mixture
into the skillet. Josh got out the cups and poured coffee for them

“I don’t want you in the alley by yourself.
I’ll be back to take you to the office.” Clearly, he was serious
and he wanted her to know it. “I mean it. Someone killed Barry
Woods. Twice someone has tried to kill you. I don’t want them to
succeed.” He put his fork down and used his thumb and forefinger to
turn her face toward him. “I don’t know what I would do if
something happened to you. I couldn’t live with myself if I lost
another woman I loved because I wasn’t there to protect her.”

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