Bride by Design 3: Manchala Nights (9 page)

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"Fine," I said,
standing up,
"I'll get changed for dinner."


I unbuttoned my blouse
and tossed it onto the chair, and did the same with my skirt.


"Where are those clothes you bought for our trip?"


's mouth was slightly open as he
looked at me, standing in the middle of the room in my bra and panties, and
pointed to a walk-in closet. I went there and found some lingerie and a nice dress, and walked back out.


"I guess I should wear some nicer clothes," I said, and unhooked my bra.


I took it off and tossed it into the closet, letting my breasts hang free. I did the same with my panties and Colin groaned out loud. "Why can't you just go change in the bathroom?"


I stepped into a pink lingerie set
and did up the hooks. "I don't know what you're talking about. And why do you have to keep watching me?"


Colin rolled his eyes, and I bent down, putting on some nice stilettos
, letting my breasts swing down enticingly
. I walked around the room as if I wasn't sure that the shoes were right for me, and then I bent down again, pretending to adjust the straps
, and made sure Colin got a good view of my breasts


I noticed Colin pursed his lips and narrowed his eyes
each time I bent over
By the time I slipped on the dress, the bulge in front of his pants had gotten much more prominent, and he breathed a sigh of relief when I was fully dressed.


"You'll pay for that later," he growled,
and I laughed innocently, as if I had no idea what he meant.


I let him lead me downstairs, and we waited in the sitting room till Sir Donald arrived.


He shook Colin's hand and embraced me warmly. "I'm sorry to drop in like this," he said, "But things with Roger didn't work out and
it made me understand that
I should be more careful about choosing who I work with."


"That's quite alright, Don," said Colin smoothly, "Lisa and I are happy to have you over for dinner."


I smiled in agreement, and we walked up to the dining room, and let Sheila serve us a delicious meal of home-cooked steaks and
Waldorf salad


After dinner, we gave Don a tour of the house. I let Colin do all the talking while I tried my best to hide the fact that this was the first
I was seeing the house, too. The crooked picture in the bedroom and my work clothes strewn over the back of a chair gave the impression that I'd been living here for a while, and I breathed a sigh of relief when the tour was over and we all headed down to the dining area again.


Colin poured us some lovely decaf, and I sipped the strong brew and let my mind wander off as
and Don began to talk about work. They discussed
budgets, plans and architects and I felt a sense of warmth as I understood that Colin would be officially taking on the project from next week.


"I'm assuming Lisa will do the interior design for the resort?" Don asked, and I was jolted out of my day dream about me and Colin.


"Yes, of course," said Colin, "Right, Lisa?"


"Yes," I agreed, suddenly realizing that I'd be doing more serious work
. I couldn't help but feel excited, but
I wondered how it would affect things with Colin.






"You two are very obviously in love," said Sir Donald, before he said goodbye and left us alone.


Sheila went home for the night, and Colin took me back upstairs to his bedroom. He had a serious look on his face, and I wondered if
I should go home for the night, now that my job was done.


"Don't even think of it," he said when I brought up leaving for the night. "I still have to punish you for the way you tortured me earlier."


I blushed and was about to protest when Colin interrupted me.


"Lisa," he said, "I realized something on Manchala when you told me you wanted to leave."


"I'm really sorry about that, Colin, I didn't
realize - "


"No, let me finish. When you wanted to go away, it suddenly hit me
that I didn't want you to leave. I mean, not just for the work stuff, but just… I don't want you to leave me
People close to me have been leaving me alone all my life, first my mother, then my foster parents. I don't want you to leave me.
tried to deny it
when we were in Manchala
, but this week, being alone and without you just drove me nuts. You're kind, beautiful and honest,
you're the only girl I trust and I'm addicted to you.
you around me
, the way I need air to breathe
. I love you, Lisa."


I stared at him, the words flooding through my head. He loved me. Was this another dream or fantasy? But Colin was staring at me, his jade eyes intent and watchful and he was waiting for me to say something.


It finally got through to me that this was actually happening, it wasn't just something I imagined. I felt myself drowning, as reality sunk in.


"I love you, too, Colin," I managed to choke out. "I think I always have, I just didn't trust you enough to believe it."


I let Colin hug me tight and he kissed me softly.


He pulled away and looked at me and I felt myself


"That's good to know," he said, "But it's really not enough for me."


I watched, as if in a daze, as he produced a small box from his pocket and got down on one knee.


I know this is far too son, but
I believe in controlling what I can and trying my best
to keep what's mine
," he said, and gulped. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm going to do my best to stop you from ever wanting to leave me again."


He opened the box with a tiny "pop" and I gasped out loud. It contained the most beautiful ring, a large diamond surrounded by a
of tinier diamonds, and I felt my eyes misting up and my throat constricting.


"Lisa Jones, will you be my wife in real life, and promise to never want to leave me? Will you…"


I lost control when I heard those words, and tears st
arted streaming out of my eyes. I had no idea what Colin said next,
I couldn't even see straight because of my tears,
but I know that at some point he got up and hugged me, and stroked my hair until I stopped sobbing like a baby.


I let him hold me quietly, and then he leaned back and lifted my chin. "You still haven't answered me," he said softly, and I laughed


"Yes, yes, of course I'll marry you and stay with you!"


He lifted my hand to slip the ring on and I started crying again. I had no idea how it happened, but I found myself lying in bed, sobbing into Colin's arms.


When I managed to dry my eyes, I sneaked a glance at Colin, who looked both amused and worried.


"I didn't expect this reaction," he said slowly.


I laughed again. "I'm sorry,
I'm normally not such an emotional wreck,
I just… I don't know! This is crazy."


Colin smiled back. "Good. You need some craziness in your life. And you need to let someone else take care of you, for once, and I plan to spoil you till you can't even imagine leaving me. No, don't start crying again!"


I traced my finger along Colin's jaw and
somehow managed to
choked back my tears.


"I love you, Colin Anderson," I said
, "And
I'm never going
to leave you, ever."








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Alicia Roberts is a self-published author, and leaving a quick review on Amazon is the easiest way to help others discover her work, and to encourage her to continue writing. Unlike traditionally published authors, she does not have a publisher or "marketing department" and relies
on word of mouth from happy readers.




Alicia Roberts Is Also The Author Of:


Stella's Submissiveness Challenge Trilogy, BDSM Romance Series:

Provoking The Dom: Stella's Submissiveness Challenge

Punished By The Dom: Stella's Submissiveness Challenge

Playing With the Dom: Stella's Submissiveness Challenge


Keira's Journey: The Billionaire's Submissive, BDSM Romance Series:

Keira's Punishment: The Billionaire's Submissive

Keira's Visit: The Billionaire's Submissive 2

Keira's Past: The Billionaire's Submissive 3


The Billionaire's Contract Trilogy, Adult Romance Series:

The Billionaire's Contract: Proposals

The Billionaire's Contract 2: Considerations

The Billionaire's Contract 3: Aftermath


Bride By Design
, Adult Romance Series

Bride By Design: Flights of Fancy (Taken By The Billionaire)

Bride By Design 2: Manchala On The Mind (Taken By The Billionaire)

Bride By Design 3: Manchala Nights (Taken By The Billionaire)



She is available on twitter
enjoys chatting with her readers; her username is

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