BrickWall_Kobo (13 page)

BOOK: BrickWall_Kobo
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Smiling, she opened the door and waved him inside.

He hadn’t gotten a real look at her place before but now he let himself look as she headed toward the back of the apartment.

“I’m going to change.
Give me a minute.”

“No problem.”

As he took off his jacket and loosened his tie, he glanced around.
The open floor plan was pretty cool and the higher ceiling meant the bedroom area was a loft accessed by a short flight of stairs.

She’d hung fabric from the ceiling so he couldn’t see her but he heard her rustling around.
His brain supplied images of her naked body and his dick took the hint and got hard.


“There’s beer in the fridge if you want one,” she called down.
“Or wine.
Help yourself.”

Sounded like a plan.

“Do you want one?”
he called back.

“I’ll have wine.
There’s an open bottle in the door, and glasses are in the cabinet next to the fridge.”

He’d poured her a glass and had just opened his beer when he felt her come up behind him.

Turning, he held her glass out…and nearly dropped the damn thing.

He’d thought she looked amazing all dressed up but…
Holy shit.

She’d pulled her hair back in a ponytail that hung over her shoulder, washed off all her makeup, and wore a sweatshirt with the neck cut out over a tank top and a pair of yoga pants that clung to every curve.

His fucking dick was gonna have the imprint of a zipper.

Damn, he wanted to grab that hair and wrap it around his hand then he’d pull her close and kiss her until she melted against him.
Then he’d lay her out on the bed and put his mouth between her legs.

He’d wanted to go down on her two nights ago but they just hadn’t gotten around to it.

Tonight, if she let him into her bed…

As if she could read his mind, her cheeks turned pink and she swallowed hard.

Her gaze flicked away from his as she took the wineglass out of his hand.
I need this.
I can’t believe—” She cut off with a grimace.
I don’t mean to keep talking about what happened.”

“I guess it’s better he called it off at the last second.
Otherwise, she’d be stuck with the dick.”

Her eyebrows rose as her lips curved.
“You know, you’re absolutely right.”
Then she started to laugh.
“I’m really glad she didn’t marry that asshole.
I just hope someday he realizes what he lost when he decided not to show up tonight.
And I hope he regrets it for the rest of his life.”

“You’re tough.
I’d hate to get on your bad side.”

Her nose wrinkled as she took a sip of her wine.
“I’m really not.
My family all think I’m a marshmallow.”

Looking at her now, he could see why.
She looked so damn soft, he wanted to curl his hand around her neck and pull her against him.
Put his mouth over hers and let himself sink into the kiss.

Something niggled at the back of his brain, but he ignored whatever it was trying to tell him.

Especially because she was looking into his eyes with a heat he recognized from the last time they’d been alone together.

His hand had moved before he realized.
And when he grabbed the end of her ponytail and began to wind it around his palm, he knew why his lungs suddenly felt like he’d done a half hour of sprints.

Because he was going to be inside her again.

“I happen to love marshmallows.”

Her lips parted and he took that as all the encouragement he needed.

Setting his beer on the counter, he took the wineglass out of her hand and set it beside his beer.

They could drink it warm later.

Right now…

He cupped her face in his hands, tilted her face up, and kissed her.

He expected her to meet him halfway.
He didn’t expect her to come at him with such unbridled lust.

But damn, he appreciated it.
Her enthusiasm released his own constraints.

Wrapping his arms around her, now that his mouth had engaged hers in a deep, wet kiss, he pulled her against him.
Her pelvis flattened against his, rubbing against his hard-on in a way that let him know she was with him all the way.

His dick got even harder and jerked against her as she wriggled against him.


He tore away from her mouth so he could look into her eyes.
“Fast and hard first time.
I promise I’ll make you come.
Slower the second time.”

Her cheeks went red but her eyes burned as she nodded.


Her hands were at his waistband in the next second while his grabbed the sides of her yoga pants and shoved them down her hips.
He covered her mouth again, his tongue sinking into her mouth and rubbing against hers.

Then she pulled down his zipper and wrapped her hands around his dick.

Holy fuck.

She immediately started to stroke him as she wriggled her hips while he pushed her stretchy pants farther down her legs.

He had them to her knees when they finally started to fall on their own and he could use his hands for other things.

Like petting her between her thighs.

Her sex lips were silky soft and wet.
So fucking wet.
He let his fingers play there for several seconds and heard her moan deep in her chest.

Her fingers paused, her lungs working hard as he flicked her clit.
Shuddering, her fingers clutched around his cock.

Fuck, yes.

He pulled away, grabbed her shoulders then spun her around before she realized what he was doing.
He caught a quick glimpse of her slack mouth and surprised eyes before he plastered himself against her back and grabbed her wrists, stretching her arms out in front of her.

“Hands on the counter.
Hold on.”

He wanted to beat his chest in victory when she obeyed him.
When she bent forward at just the right angle to let him know she was on board with his plans.

Whipping out his wallet, he grabbed the condom, dropped the wallet, and covered his dick in record time.

Then he put one hand on her hip, rubbed the head of his cock between those wet lips while he slipped two fingers inside her.

Hot and wet.


Pushing back onto his fingers, Bliss moaned again.
No teasing.”

He wasn’t.
Hell, he didn’t think he couldn’t.
Not now.

Taking one step closer, he angled his cock, and thrust home in one motion.

Her back bowed as she took him in.
And he nearly lost it at the feel of her wrapped around him.

Running his hand along her spine, he began to move.
Short, jerky thrusts that made her gasp, her hands clenching at the edge of the counter, her ass tilting up to take him deeper.

That’s it.
Christ, not gonna take long.

He hadn’t been kidding.
This time was gonna be fast.
But she hadn’t come yet.

Keeping up the pace, he leaned forward until he could reach around and get one finger on her clit.

Rubbing in time with his thrusts, he found what she liked fast enough and worked her until she gasped out his name and her pussy milked him as hard as a fist.

He managed to hold out for a few more seconds but the temptation was too much.

His cock jerked and he came with a grunt, one arm wrapped around her waist, the other on her shoulder.

Damn, he wanted to stay inside her for hours.
She felt so fucking good.

And he was still hard.

Without warning, he pulled out, her moan an aphrodisiac that lit his blood on fire.

Before she could speak, he spun her around again and lifted her onto the ladderback stool next to her.


He was on his knees and had his mouth on her before she could finish.

“Oh my god.

His tongue licked through her folds, slick and puffy.
Her hand pushed into his hair, gripping the strands tight as he flicked the tip of his tongue against her clit.
Moaning when he pushed inside her, tilting her hips up so he could reach more of her.

She tasted fucking amazing and he couldn’t stop tasting her, especially as she wriggled and panted and let him know exactly what she liked.
Which seemed to be everything he was doing.

It made him cocky, made him hot as hell.
He wanted her again.

Luckily, he’d stuck two condoms in his wallet.

Pulling away, he looked up to find her staring down at him with dazed eyes.
He wanted to beat his chest like Tarzan.
Standing, he kept his gaze locked on hers as he reached for this wallet.

Her gaze dipped to his crotch, her eyes widened before her lips curled in a smile as he covered himself again.

But she said nothing until he finished with the condom and lifted her off the chair.

Then she swallowed hard.

He didn’t say anything, just let her slide down until his cock hit her mound.
It only took a little adjustment for him to have her right where he needed her.

The tip split her sex lips and he let her sink onto his cock, filling her.

“Fuck, yes,” he muttered.
“So hot.”

Her hands slid into his hair and her lips clung to his as he moved her up and down his cock.
Her rounded ass against his palms made his heart pound harder, and every time he let her slide down his cock, she sighed into his mouth.

And he couldn’t get enough.

He wanted to feel her pussy clinging to him all fucking night.
Would stand here and hold her until his arms gave out but he wouldn’t let her fall.
He’d never let her fall.

Absolute heaven.

* * * * *


“Remember what we’ve been working on, Shane.
Cut down on those corners.
Lock up that five hole.
Get out of your head and don’t overthink.
Eyes on the puck and keep your crease clear.”

Shane nodded at each of his goalie coach’s points, making sure Paul Collins knew he was listening even as he went through his pre-ice routine.

To his surprise, he was the starting goalie for tonight’s game.
Coach was giving him this shot to prove to himself and his team that he deserved it and he wasn’t going to screw it up.

He’d already checked his stick and made sure his catcher and blocker were in good shape.
Same with his helmet.

He had a system and god forbid anyone fucked with his system before a game.

Standing at the front of the line, where he’d been most of the season, Shane allowed himself five seconds to think about Bliss in the crowd.
To let himself remember the scorching sex they’d had Christmas Eve.

Then he shoved it all back into that box where he kept everything that wasn’t hockey.

He’d deliberately not asked where her seats were located when he’d requested them to be left at Will Call.
He didn’t want to know.

“And Shane?”

He turned his full attention back to the coach, blocking out everything else.
It was almost time to head down the hall to the ice.

“Don’t be so focused on the outcome.
Handle each moment as it happens.
Don’t try to think too far ahead.”

He could do that.

Deep breath.

The music hit his cue and he started walking, vaguely hearing the other guys behind him.

But he knew they were there.
Knew they had faith in him to see them through the night.
And knew they had a damn good team.

His skates hit the ice to the cheers of the fans.
He heard the cowbells from the crew directly behind him, heard the chant from the group to the right of his net.

As always, he took a lap around, tapped his blade on the blue line as he passed by then skated straight for his net.

This was his ice.
His net.
His game.

He’d show everyone he was worthy of it.

BOOK: BrickWall_Kobo
3.45Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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