Brick Shakespeare: The Comedies—A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Tempest, Much Ado About Nothing, and The Taming of the Shrew (7 page)

BOOK: Brick Shakespeare: The Comedies—A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Tempest, Much Ado About Nothing, and The Taming of the Shrew
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That’s all one: you shall play it in a mask, and you may speak as small as you will.


An I may hide my face, let me play Thisby too, I’ll speak in a monstrous little voice. “Thisne,

Thisne;” “Ah, Pyramus, lover dear! thy Thisby dear, and lady dear!”


No, no; you must play Pyramus: and, Flute, you Thisby.


Well, proceed.


Robin Starveling, the tailor.


Here, Peter Quince.


Robin Starveling, you must play Thisby’s mother.

Tom Snout, the tinker.


Here, Peter Quince.


You, Pyramus’ father: myself, Thisby’s father:

Snug, the joiner; you, the lion’s part: and, I hope, here is a play fitted.


Have you the lion’s part written? pray you, if it be, give it me, for I am slow of study.


You may do it extempore, for it is nothing but roaring.


Let me play the lion too: I will roar, that I will do any man’s heart good to hear me; I will roar, that I will make the duke say “Let him roar again, let him roar again.”


An you should do it too terribly, you would fright the duchess and the ladies, that they would shriek; and that were enough to hang us all.


That would hang us, every mother’s son.


I grant you, friends, if that you should fright the ladies out of their wits, they would have no more discretion but to hang us: but I will aggravate my voice so that I will roar you as gently as any sucking dove; I will roar you an ’twere any nightingale.


You can play no part but Pyramus; for Pyramus is a sweet-faced man; a proper man, as one shall see in a summer’s day; a most lovely gentleman-like man: therefore you must needs play Pyramus.


Well, I will undertake it. What beard were I best to play it in?


Why, what you will.


I will discharge it in either your straw-colour beard, your orange-tawny beard, your purple-in-grain beard, or your French-crown-colour beard, your perfect yellow.


Some of your French crowns have no hair at all, and then you will play bare-faced. But, masters, here are your parts: and I am to entreat you, request you and desire you, to con them by to-morrow night; and meet me in the palace wood, a mile without the town, by moonlight; there will we rehearse, for if we meet in the city, we shall be dogged with company, and our devices known. In the meantime I will draw a bill of properties, such as our play wants. I pray you, fail me not.


We will meet; and there we may rehearse most obscenely and courageously. Take pains; be perfect: adieu.


At the duke’s oak we meet.


Enough; hold or cut bow-strings.

ACT II. Scene I (60–145).


Ill met by moonlight, proud Titania.


What, jealous Oberon! Fairies, skip hence:

I have forsworn his bed and company.


Tarry, rash wanton: am not I thy lord?


Then I must be thy lady: but I know

When thou hast stolen away from fairy land,

And in the shape of Corin sat all day,

Playing on pipes of corn and versing love

To amorous Phillida. Why art thou here,

Come from the farthest Steppe of India?

But that, forsooth, the bouncing Amazon,

Your buskin’d mistress and your warrior love,

To Theseus must be wedded, and you come

To give their bed joy and prosperity.

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