Brick (Double Dippin') (29 page)

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Authors: Allison Hobbs

BOOK: Brick (Double Dippin')
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“Hold your ass open while I beat my meat.”

She reaches back and obliges—no questions asked.

I need to unwind and really enjoy myself, so I take my shirt and pants off, and come out of my drawers. I’m butt naked. Evette has that grandmom nightgown pulled up to her waist.

We’re at the point in our relationship where we embrace everything about each other. She likes wearing grandma shit, so I don’t try to change her. I like dabbling in freaky shit, and doling out small amounts of pain. I can be myself with Evette.

I crouch in the split between her legs and rub my lubed Johnson up and down the crack of her ass. “Whew. Baby, your ass feels so good.” I’m humping in between the space between her cheeks, but I need some type of cushion, so I smack her hands. She knows what to do.

She squeezes her buttocks together, sandwiching my dick like it’s a hot dog. “Ah, I love this shit,” I say as I’m sliding up and down, confined inside her warm and luxurious ass cheeks. I don’t go inside her asshole because I’m not a faggot. Dig me? I keep my dick restricted to a certain area of the ass.

On my upstroke, I bust my load. Fuck! I forgot all about drinking that Chinese ginseng shit. Now I’m slipping around in an ass full of cum. My dick is soft but if I keep stroking, I know it’s gon’ pop back up.

I have a better idea. I get up on my knees. “Sit up, Evette. I need my dick sucked.”






ll of a sudden the door bursts open. Evette lets out a terrified scream. She’s yelling so loud, I have to cover her mouth up before somebody calls the cops and reports a murder in progress.

I forgot about that fucking Munch. Damn! I’m doing all right, and I don’t even need him anymore.

“Yo, man. This ain’t a good time for your bullshit. Take your ass back downstairs and finish getting high.”

He’s got that crazed look in his eyes and talking to him is a waste of breath.

Evette’s panicking and screaming. Her eyes are bugging out of her head; I’m damn near sitting on her chest, trying to hold her down. “Be quiet, Evette. If you keep screaming, somebody’s gon’ call the cops. I’m on probation…you tryna get me locked up?”

She’s not listening to me. She’s out of her mind with fear, and still yelling. With my hand clamped over her mouth, the sounds are muffled, but I can feel the vibration of her screams against my palm.

Munch is making a lot of noise, too. This nigga is going berserk between Evette’s legs.

Even worse, Munch is naked except for the dog collar. What the fuck! I don’t know what possessed him to take his clothes off. That glue got Munch going bananas.

I glimpse his Johnson because it’s hard to miss. Ol’ Munch has the nerve to be holding down there. This fool is blessed with a big-ass, horse dick. The dumb bastard is hung, and don’t even reap any benefits.

“I know you scared, Evette,” I tell her, trying to calm her down. “Munch got problems and I’ma handle him when he gets back to his normal frame of mind. But I can’t do anything with him right now. So I need you to cooperate. Stop fighting and open your legs for him. He won’t hurt you. He’s messed up in the head. Nigga got a pussy-eating fetish. Give him some pussy, baby. It’ll be over soon. Aye?”

Evette refuses to calm down. She’s still struggling with me. Shaking her head in defiance. Thrashing, trying to get Munch off of her. She’s acting so wild, I think she might be in pain. I’ma fuck Munch up if he’s down there biting on her shit without my permission.

Does this nigga realize he might get me in a world of trouble if I get caught up in a sex-related offense?

Munch is acting real vicious down there on Evette’s coochie. I peek down to see if there’s any bloodshed. To my relief, everything looks cool. I still can’t take my hand off Evette’s mouth because she’s trippin’, screaming like she’s being murdered.

“Shut up, Evette,” I say, seething. I’m not trying to go back to jail over this nut-ass broad.

She keeps yelling, so I slap her. I slap the shit out of her. “If you don’t be still and let this man eat your pussy, I’ma give you something to yell about.” I ball up my fist. “You want me to crack your head open?”

She blinks rapidly, and I can see fear in her eyes. She quiets down. “Get a grip, Evette. Now open your legs like you got some sense. I’m not going to jail for your fucking ass,” I hiss.

She gets her act together and spreads her legs wide. Now that Munch doesn’t have to fight for his food, I hope he’ll hurry up and handle his business. I know one thing; this nut bull ain’t gotta worry about me extending another invitation to my house.

While Munch is slurping, he’s growling as usual and damn near howling. I don’t know what’s wrong with this nigga. How much glue did he sniff? I got Evette quieted down and now Munch is going bonkers.

While Munch is doing his thing, he pushes her legs up. Out of curiosity, I lean to the side to get a good look at what’s going on. I grimace. It seems like this nasty nigga is lapping up the cream that’s dribbling out of Evette’s ass.

Aw, shit. My Johnson is starting to act up. It’s throbbing—giving me the kind of aching sensation that’s a cross between pleasure and pain. Damn, it’s crazy how the most unexpected shit gets my dick hard.

I’m stroking my dick while I witness Munch eating my nutt out of Evette’s ass. The crazy thing is, dude don’t even realize what he’s slurping.
Eat it, Munch. Lick my nutt up. That’s some sexy shit right there. Mmph!

Munch gets greedy and suddenly flips Evette over. Now he’s spreading her cheeks and sucking cum straight out of her ass.

“Whoa! Goddamn!” My dick is pulsating. This nigga can’t be so far gone that he doesn’t recognize the change in flavor. Munch is a freak. This nastiness has me so worked up and furious at the same time, I’m jacking off and sporadically cussing.

“Lick it, nigga,” I blurt out loud. “Ooo, shit! Get all up in that ass.” I don’t know why I can’t keep my mouth shut. I’m verbally expressing the kind of shit that needs to stay inside my head. Fuck it! Munch ain’t listening. And Evette won’t pass judgment. She already knows that I get off on all types of freaking behavior.

I’m overheated. Angry and aroused by all this filth and lust. I’ma have to whip her ass when Munch gets finished. Then I’ma invite Munch to jerk off with me. Together, we gon’ give this smut broad a cum shower.

From the corner of my eye, I detect a flurry of motion. “Oh, hell no! You taking this too far, Munch. Get the fuck off of her!”

This nigga done pulled Evette to her hands and knees and he’s fucking her from behind. Munch is grunting and talking real nasty. “You’re my bitch, bitch. And I’m your dog,” he grunts. His balls are swinging like an animal’s while he’s thrusting into my bitch.

“Grab it,” Munch groans.

“Grab what?” Evette responds breathlessly.

“Yo, nigga. You outta pocket, don’t be telling her what to do.”

I grab Munch by the loop of the collar, tryna choke this mufucka, but he’s steadily dog-fucking Evette and she’s giving it back. Her pussy acts like it’s starving, swallowing up Munch’s horse dick and shouting the crazy bullshit that he tells her to say.

“I’m your bitch; you’re my dog.” Evette is chanting those stupid words. I can’t believe they’re fucking like two stuck-together mutts.

This is a disaster. My plan to hurt and humiliate Evette is backfiring. What was I thinking when I brought Munch home with me tonight?

As I watch my world collapse, I’m so distressed I feel dizzy. I’m even tottering somewhat as I anxiously pace while Munch is smashing my girl.

I pull myself together. If you can’t beat ’em, then join ’em. So I pick up where I left off, and continue stroking my dick. When I’m ready to bust, I aim my dick at those two dogs in heat. I spray ’em with my dick juice, a last-ditch effort to try and separate them.

My nutt is trickling down the back of Munch’s thigh and pooling inside the hollow of his knee. But that nigga acts like he don’t even notice.

I shoot out some more cum. It lands on the sole of Evette’s foot. That freak bitch is wiggling and moaning as if her sex experience is heightened by the wet splash of jism.

Nothing is stopping these doggish fools. They’re still going strong—fucking like rabbits.

I’m beside myself with fury. I feel like peeing on these two nasty mufuckas. I bet a blast of hot piss will bring ’em back to their senses.






invite Munch to come have a beer with me. I’m being the bigger person, tryna let him know that there ain’t no hard feelings over the wild night he had with Evette. “I know you had no idea what you were doing…being high off that shit and whatnot.”

He looks at me with a puzzled expression. “Whatchu saying, man?”

“I’m saying that I’m not holding no grudge over the way you came to the crib and went wild, guzzling up Evette’s pussy and even fucking her right in front of me. I couldn’t stop you.”

“Why do you care? Ain’t nothing between you and Evette. She’s your boarder, right?”

“Nah, it’s a little deeper than that. Evette and I got a lil’ something going on. I keep it on the low…you know, because her face is all jacked up.”

Munch gawked at me. “Ain’t nothing wrong with her face; it looks good to me.”

Now it’s my turn to look bewildered. “Yo, man. I know that you two were going at it like two dogs in heat, but you had to notice she got that Bell’s palsy disease.”

“Nah, I ain’t notice nothing. Evette’s a good-looking woman.” Munch gets up and goes in the kitchen. He opens the fridge.

I’m frustrated over Munch calling Evette good-looking. He ain’t
all there, mentally, but the nigga ain’t blind. In addition, I’m offended at the gall of Munch, acting like he lives here. First, he comes over here sucking and fucking my woman right in my face; now he’s taking liberties, going in the fridge and whatnot. “Whatchu doing, man?” I ask him, aggravated.

“I’m about to throw something together for dinner. Surprise my baby with hot grub when she gets home from work.”

“Nah, that ain’t gon’ work. Evette got responsibilities to me as soon as she walks through the door.”

“Man, you crazy. Evette ain’t got no responsibilities toward anyone, except me and her. We’re talking about getting married.”

“Married! You just met!”

“Love at first sight.”

“Munch, you really haven’t seen her. You were so busy fucking her doggy-style, you ain’t look at her droopy face.”

“Man, I know what she looks like. I’m getting her a ring first of the month, when I get my social security check.”

“You get a check?”

“Yeah, man. It comes in my mother’s name, but I’ma switch it over to Evette’s name as soon as we get married.”

I knew this mufucka had mental health issues. But still, the news about him and Evette is staggering. I don’t let it show. I keep my astonishment and anger to myself. While Munch is fiddling around in the kitchen, I call Fawn. Maybe she’ll pick up the phone and come around here and comfort me. After the third ring, she picks up.
It’s about damn time!

“Whassup, Fawn? Where you been?”

“Hey, Kaymar. Uh…I’ve been meaning to call you and let you know that I’m back with my ex. So…I’ll be around sometime tomorrow to pick my stuff. Is that cool with you?”

“Back with your ex? What ex? You never told me nothing about a mufuckin’ ex,” I bellow.

“I don’t have to run down my whole life story for you. We were only messing around; why are you tryna act like we were into something serious?”

“Bitch, I was serious.”

“Well, that’s too fuckin’ bad. Matter of fact, I don’t even want that bullshit I left in your bedroom. Keep it and have a good fuckin’ life!”

Fawn hangs up. Shocked, I hold my cell for a few minutes, trying to figure out why my life is suddenly falling apart. I let Fawn’s pretty face and candy-flavored coochie knock me off my square.

On some real shit, I need to beat the crap out of Evette, though. That cock-eyed ho has a lot of nerve, dumping me for Munch.

I catch a sudden whiff of what Munch is cooking. Smells like something with garlic and onions. Shit smells good. But my pride won’t allow me to sit down and share a meal with him and Evette.

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