Brent Acuff - Undead Nation 01 (5 page)

BOOK: Brent Acuff - Undead Nation 01
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"You've completely lost your mind, Alex. Put the fucking gun away before you hurt someone else tonight!" Morgan looked as if she was ready to attack Alex. "Someone had to see the license plates of the car, and the police are probably looking for us right now."

"The police are about to have more on their hands than they are capable of dealing with. They'll never bother looking into the murder of a dead man." Morgan looked again as if she had been hit. "Get Gemma out of the car and get her inside. I'm sorry I had to do this Sam. You should go inside too." Alex lowered the gun and moved towards the car, his eyes still never leaving Sam. Carefully Alex unlocked the trunk and started unloading the contents. After removing the rifles he asked, "Mr. Ingram, Sam, would you mind taking those into the house for me?" Alex indicated the rifles propped next to the car. "They're unloaded right now, but we are going to need them."

Dumbstruck, Sam moved to grab the rifles. He knew that Alex would never give him the chance to even the odds, so he resigned himself to doing as asked, hoping that he would soon find the opportunity to take out the man he had once called son-in-law.


Morgan's mother, Paula, and Morgan sat on the sofa, cradling Gemma between them. Sam stood guard in front of them, eyes locked on Alex. "Would you mind turning on the TV, Sam." He was pacing back and forth on the opposite end of the room, revolver still clutched in his hand. At the request, he stopped and faced Sam. "Please, Sam. Would you mind turning on the TV."

"Anything in particular you are looking for?" Sam's voice was tinged with sarcasm.

"We need to watch the news. Morgan...needs to watch the news." Alex's voice was distant. He could not comprehend what had happened today and prayed everything was just a bad dream.

The TV kicked on and Sam flipped through the menu until he had found CNN. "This work for you, son?"

"Actually, sir, if you could change to channel 36...we need a local station." His voice was matter-of-fact, as if everything was an ordinary visit.

Sam huffed, but did as he was asked. The scene that greeted them was unexpected by everyone. Everyone except Alex.

Emergency broadcasts were scrolling rapidly across the screen.
"A mandatory curfew has been issued for the entire KXAN viewing area. Officials have ordered everyone to stay indoors. All highways have been closed and anyone attempting to enter the quarantined area for any reason will be arrested and detained by local authorities..."
Newscasters were speaking rapidly, repeating much of the information that was scrolling across the screen, offering very little new information about what was happening in downtown Austin.

"Emergency officials have not released any information as to the extent of the viral outbreak, nor have they given any possible causes for the emergency. There have been unconfirmed reports of a terrorist bomb, a dirty bomb, that may have been detonated just outside the Capital building, causing the current quarantine of the area and curfew for the surrounding area..."

Morgan gasped suddenly, startling Paula and nearly knocking Gemma to the floor. She looked between the television and Alex, hand over her mouth, unable to believe what she was seeing. Morgan met Alex's eyes; tears were streaming down his face.

  "I'm sorry..." was all that Alex could say. He held the empty revolver out to Sam. It had never been loaded.


Morgan and her family sat huddled around the television. News reports were coming in from around Austin of new and potential outbreaks of the virus. City officials could be seen on every channel urging the public to stay indoors and remain calm. Their assurances that everything was under control kept being undermined by new outbreak reports. The world was coming to an end and Alex knew it.

"City officials still have not released any information about the nature of the virus, but continue to remind the public that it is highly contagious. Everyone is urged to remain at home and to stay away from the hospitals and emergency rooms. Any medical emergencies should be reported to 911 immediately."

"This is absolute madness," Paula muttered, more to herself than to anyone in particular. "Sam, what does all this mean?" Paula looked to her husband, worry and desperation lining her face.

Sam looked as if he had aged ten years in a matter of moments. "I don't know, Paula...I don't know." He looked to Alex who remained on the opposite side of the room, now talking frantically into his cell phone. He cursed and punched the table in front of him. Everyone in the room jumped.

Sam asked "What's going on?"

Anger clouded Alex's features. "I can't get my parents to see reason."

"And what would 'reason' be at this point?" Sam was genuinely concerned. Their world was coming apart around them and only Alex seemed to know why. "What do you want them to do?"

"Get guns; get out. Do anything but what they are doing  right now. There's no outbreak in their area, so they don't think it will be a problem." Alex punched the table again. "All they have to do is get to my grandmother's. She's far enough out of any major town that things will be okay for a while." He slumped in the chair. "God, why is this happening?"

"What is happening, Alex? So far, nothing makes sense, so tell us...what's going on?" There was an urgency creeping into Sam's voice. He needed to know, to understand what was happening in the world. Why everything was falling apart.

Alex sighed and resigned himself. "I don't suppose you would think me any more crazy than you already do." He pushed himself back into his chair and propped his feet on the table. "Would you believe me if I said that the dead were rising from the grave?"

Sam snorted, but Alex was not sure if it was out of humor or disbelief. "Do you mean to tell me that the virus is causing dead people to come back to life? Shit boy, you are crazy."

Alex's expression never wavered. "Actually, Sam, that is exactly what I'm saying. But it's not happening how you think it is. There is a virus that is spreading, and spreading fast. It is highly contagious and is spread through bodily fluids...mainly blood." Alex stood quickly and continued. "The virus replicates quickly and attacks the brain. People start to experience sickness, pained skin, sweating and soon after exposure die. Once the infected person has died, the virus then is able to reanimate the body, using the nervous and musculature systems to move the body." Alex spread his hands wide in resignation. "That's it in a nutshell. Oh, and it also causes the reanimated body to crave living flesh. They're...well...zombies."

As if on cue, the newscaster on the screen announced a shocking discovery. They had obtained footage from inside the quarantined zone itself, and the reporters responsible for the footage had not been able to be reached since minutes after they had transmitted the video.
"We warn our viewers that the next images are very disturbing..."

A shaky camera filled the screen. The camera crew seemed to be headed towards a movie theater near the Capital building. Shouts and screams could be heard, followed quickly by a massive volley of gunfire. People could be seen running from the theater entrance, passing the camera on either side, their shouts and screams too garbled to make out clearly. The gunfire was quickly fading away, now sounding only as random bouts of gunshots. The camera crew moved closer, still focusing on the theater entrance, the reporter off screen frantically pleading with the cameraman to go back to the truck.

When they were about twenty feet from the theater entrance the reporter pointed out movement from inside the building. The person appeared to be injured, moving slowly and shuffling along in a slow and awkward gait.
cried the reporter.
"Are you okay? Sir, is everything okay in there?"

The shuffling figure exited the building and a cry escaped the reporters lips, the camera shuddered as if the cameraman had nearly dropped the device. The sight before them was horrific.

The man couldn't have been, and shouldn't have been alive let alone moving and able to walk. His lower jaw was completely missing and the left arm hung at its side, attached to the shoulder by only a few strands of skin and tendons, the bone a jagged and shredded mess protruding from the wound. At least a dozen bullet holes could be seen on his torso alone. The man's glassy and milk white eyes fixed upon the camera. It let out a terrifying and horrid moan.

The camera shook again as the cameraman began moving away from the theater entrance as quickly as he could while trying to avoid the debris that littered the sidewalk and roadway in front of the building. Another man could now be seen coming out of the theater. This man was dressed in army issue BDUs and he was clutching the side of his face. Blood streamed from between his fingers as he screamed and held the tattered remains of his cheek and ear to the side of his head. The man was nearly blind with panic and fear and he never saw the creature that was now stalking him.

Blood sprayed in a wet cloud as the creature grabbed the man and tore into his throat. The soldier was begging the cameraman and reporter for help, but only the sounds of wet gurgles could be heard. The creature tore at the soldier again, sinking teeth into the man's shoulder and back, tearing flesh away in great strips. The soldier fell to the ground unable to stand the onslaught of the creature and the pain any longer. The creature descended on him and began to feast on still living flesh.

"Holy fuck! Go, go, go! Get out of here. Get..."
Another scream on pain and terror echoed from off screen. The cameraman turned in the direction of the reporter to witness yet another gruesome attack. Blood splashed across the camera lens as the throat of the reporter was torn away. His screams stopped instantly, his throat held tightly in the jaws of another man, eyes milky white, its face burned almost beyond the point of recognizing it as human. Through the blood and gore smearing the camera's lens one could see that this man's body was scorched and blistered down the left side as if the man had walked through an enormous bonfire. The skin had melted away from the bone exposing the lower ribcage and spilling intestines that now dragged in a bloody trail behind the creature.

Panic and what little common sense the cameraman still possessed now took over. There was no fight left, only flight. He began running erratically, presumably back towards the same news van from which he would send back the horrific and disturbing scenes everyone had now seen. A picture would flash of more shambling and disfigured creatures exiting into the streets. A van came into view, a frantic search for keys and finally he was inside. Desperate prayers could be heard from the cameraman as he fumbled with the camera to retrieve the tape and its contents. The picture froze on the camera man's face...

Morgan vomited on the floor at her feet.

"Fuck..." was all that Sam could utter.


All of the stations had been broadcasting static for almost twenty-four hours now. There was nothing on television or radio, no internet or land line phone service. It was almost as if a switch had been flipped, immediately plunging the world everyone knew into another time. Electricity was still flowing, but the blackouts were becoming more and more frequent. Gunshots echoed through the neighborhood and surrounding area constantly, the screams of the dying and the moans of the dead a constant reminder that this was not a dream.

Alex had not had any complaints when he told everyone to grab all of the food, weapons, and clothing that they could carry and move quickly across the street. The Ingram's neighbors lived in a two-story home which Alex believed would provide them with a greater defensive ability that the Ingram's own single-story. Windows had been blocked and the doors leading outside secured with whatever could be found. In preparation for the worst-case scenario, the doors from the inside of the house had been removed and fastened to the staircase to prevent the stairs from being used by anything that might get inside.

Alex was able to make all of the arrangements that he needed without argument. No one seemed willing to even offer suggestions or ideas, giving their safety and well-being over completely to Alex. Weapons, both conventional and improvised were collected and sorted. A watch schedule had been draw up and implemented; Alex had given them as much of a chance to survive the night as he could.

Sam was out on the roof of the first story keeping first watch. The moans of the dead were coming from miles around, accompanied by the screams of their neighbors and loved ones. Alex walked through the separate rooms checking on those in his charge. "Here. Put these in your ears. They won't keep the sounds out completely, but they will help." He handed out small bits of cotton to everyone in a vain attempt to block out the sounds assaulting them all. He knew that one of the biggest dangers now was not what was out there, but the madness that could come from the creatures hunting their prey.

After checking on everyone Alex headed to the window and the first floor roof. Sam paced nervously outside, his head in constant motion looking for anything that might be considered dangerous. The noise of the opening window startled him and he swung the rifle in his hands to meet the perceive danger.

"Careful there Sam, we don't need any accidents." Alex's hands were raised and his voice was calm. Everyone needed some down time to relax their nerves, but that would not be happening anytime in the near future. "Just wanted to come out and see how you were doing."

The gun lowered and Alex continued out onto the roof. Carefully moving to stand next to Sam, Alex looked around the neighborhood to get some idea of the situation. "Have you seen anything yet?" Alex asked this with surprising ease and nonchalance, as if they were out on a hunting trip and the quarry was playing hard to find.

"There hasn't been anything moving that I've seen, but there sure has been a lot of gunfire in the neighborhood. And God, that moaning..." Sam shook his head in a vain attempt to get the sound out of his ears.

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