Read Breeding Mom and Daughter Online

Authors: Natalia Darque

Breeding Mom and Daughter (11 page)

BOOK: Breeding Mom and Daughter
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Chapter Twenty-Eight





Kevin answered all of the cop’s questions, and gave a graphic and descriptive narrative about the events of the evening.  

“So you had reason to believe that you were in danger as well as these ladies,” the cop asked him. 

“Well,” Kevin said, “when Mark yelled that after they finished taking turns kicking my ass that they intended to take turns with Crystal, that pretty much told me what they intended to do.” 

“You have any injuries?” the cop asked. 

“I got hit in the face once, but it didn’t do any damage that I can tell.  I might have a shiner in the morning, but no big deal,” Kevin told him. 

The cop laughed.   

“You did all this, and all they managed to do was hit you one time?” he asked. 

“Yeah,” Kevin told him. 

“Well, either they’re the worst fighters in the history of the world, or you’re just real good,” the cop said with a chuckle. 

“Well, I’ve studied martial arts a little bit,” Kevin said. 

“A little bit?” the cop asked. 

“Yeah,” Kevin said simply.  He didn’t feel a need to elaborate on the level of his skill unless directly asked. 

“So do you want to press charges?” the cop asked. 

“You’re damn right I do.  That’s the second time that asshole has caused a problem,” Kevin said, jerking his thumb in Mark’s direction. 

The cop looked over at Mark, who had been awakened by the paramedics.  He was holding an icepack against his crotch. 

“The one holding his balls?” the cop asked, with a chuckle. 

“Yeah, his dad is some sort of hot-shot here in town, I hear,” Kevin said. 

“Yeah, he is, but his son, Mr. Balls over there, is a real prick.  He’s a member of what the local police here calls our “Frequent Flier Club,” the cop explained.  “He causes a lot of trouble.” 

“Anyway, I don’t see anything that you or the lady did that is a problem.  Firing a shot in the air was technically a Class A Misdemeanor, but I’m not going to make an issue of that,” he told Charlotte. 

She nodded. 

“What I’m going to do,” he explained conspiratorially, “is say that you fired at one of the suspects and missed.” 

“Why would you do that,” she asked. 

“This is going to sound strange, but state law has no provision for firing a warning shot.  Deadly force is deadly force.  A warning shot into the air is considered reckless.  It’s strange, but if I just say you missed, nobody will give you any crap about it,” he explained in a low voice. 

“Other than ribbing me for being the worst shot in the world!  Anyone that misses at that range with a twelve gauge shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun,” Charlotte said with a laugh. 

“And also, from the reports of the witnesses, nobody actually saw you fire the shot.  They just heard it,” the cop said continued in a hushed tone.  “So whatever you say is going to go.” 

“Officer, upon further reflection, I guess I was nervous or something, but when I shot at that boy right there, I just flat out missed,” Charlotte said, having clearly listened to the officer’s well-intentioned, but clandestine advice. 

The cop looked down at the tow-headed oaf with the piss-soaked jeans. 

“Well, it doesn’t look like you missed by much.  You made him piss himself!” the cop said laughing. 

Kevin and Charlotte both laughed. 

“As for these guys, they’re going to face some pretty serious charges.  The three with the bats will face felony charges.  The three who attacked with fists only, will probably just be cited for simple assault, which is only a Class C Misdemeanor. 

“This is all in addition to four of them getting a trip to the hospital,” he finished with a chuckle. 

As the last of the boys were taken off either in police cars or ambulances, the cop looked at them. 

“You folks have an enjoyable rest of the evening.  Call us if you have any more trouble,” he told them. 

“Thank you, Officer,” they both told him. 

The cop extended his hand to Kevin. 

Kevin took it. 

“And thank you for the public service you rendered tonight,” the cop whispered. 

Kevin laughed. 

“My pleasure,” Kevin said.  “Anything for the boys in blue.” 

The cop waved away to his car, shaking his head in disbelief. 

“I’m tired,” Kevin said to Charlotte.  “I think I’ll go to bed.” 

I’d love to go to bed,” Charlotte answered.  “But I’m not in the least bit tired.” 

Kevin smiled. 


Chapter Twenty-Nine





Several months later, things were still going along swimmingly.  Charlotte was graduating from high school and was making plans for college.  She was considering going to the local school where Kevin taught, in addition to considering some out of town schools. 

Mark and his posse were no longer in the picture.  Mark, with his daddy’s money, had avoided jail time, but left town to avoid the stigma attached to his actions.  His two companions who joined him in attempting to attack Kevin with baseball bats were convicted of a felony charge of Assault with a Deadly Weapon.  Both served jail time, but had been paroled with strict guidelines about their future behavior.  The other three were convicted of simple assault and paid fines.  However, Kevin’s smooth presence in court, and his skillful testimony had insured convictions for all of them.  It was one more factor in Mark, and his entire posse, deciding to let bygones be bygones.  They hadn’t so much as seen a single one of them in months. 

Kevin continued to “room” at their house, although the financial aspect had pretty much gone by the wayside.  He no longer paid rent, but without even being asked, he was paying for quite a few of the expenses of the house. He also largely had taken over the cooking duties since he was the best cook in the house. 

The night before her graduation, Charlotte and Kevin took Crystal to a really nice steak restaurant in Dallas, a two hour drive away.  It was there that they were going to present their graduation gifts to Crystal, but neither had confided in each other what they had done. 

At the restaurant, as their meal was concluding, Charlotte handed a small gift box to Crystal. 

“Crystal, I love you very much and I’m very proud of you,” she told her. “This is my present for you graduating from high school.” 

Crystal opened the box.  She pulled from it a key. 

“Mom, this is a car key!  A Ford!” Crystal said excitedly. 

“Yes, it is.  I couldn’t carry the car.  It was too heavy and wouldn’t fit in my purse, “Charlotte said with a smile.  “It’s in the garage at home.”  

“But I do have a picture of it,” Charlotte continued. 

She pulled from her purse a snapshot of a cherry red Ford Mustang convertible.  Around the middle of the car was a foot wide ribbon capped by an impressive bow. 

“Mom! This is amazing!  Thank you so much!” Crystal squealed, jumped up and hugged her mother.  Other patrons in the restaurant looked over at the hubbub. 

“Quick, let’s go home so I can see it!” Crystal said excitedly. 

“Don’t you want to know what my present is?” Kevin asked. 

“You got me something too?” Crystal asked. 

“And like your mom, I didn’t bring it with me,” he told her.  “You’ll have to wait and get them later.” 

“What is it?” she asked suspiciously. 

“A set of those,” he said, pointing at Charlotte’s breasts as discretely as possible. 

“Implants!  You’re going to get me implants?” she asked excitedly. 

He knew that Crystal desperately wanted implants.  She loved her mother’s body and the only real difference was Charlotte’s impressive rack.  She had mentioned how she intended to get a boob job as soon as she could. 

Since he had begun working at the college, he had gotten himself a new car, but still had saved an amazing amount of money since his living expenses were so low.  With Charlotte no longer charging him for rent, he had socked away an impressive amount of cash.  Springing for Crystal’s boob job wouldn’t even make a dent in his savings. 

“Kevin, are you sure about that?” Charlotte asked. 

“Definitely,” I talked to the same doctor you used, and figured out what it would cost,” he told Charlotte.  “It’s not a problem.” 

“So you can do it as soon as you are ready, and I’ll take care of it for you,” he told Crystal. 

She leaped to her feet in her excitement and wrapped him in a huge hug. 

“Thank you so much!” she said. 

“There is one condition, though,” he said seriously. 

“What?” she asked. 

“I get to play with them whenever I want to!” he whispered in her ear. 

“Well, of course!” she told him. 


Chapter Thirty





Kevin was living on cloud nine. 

He was teaching a light schedule for the summer, so he had lots of time to spend at home.  Crystal and Charlotte insured that he never lacked for good sex.  He spent the night with one or the other every night.  Sometimes, they even all slept together, although there wasn’t any sex involved on those occasions.  Crystal had been to the plastic surgeon was anxiously awaiting her implants, which were scheduled to be done later in the week. 

Crystal loved her new car, and looked damned sexy in it.  Predictably, she took him for a ride in the car.  They drove out to a remote area of a state park nearby.  She told him that she wanted to christen the car.  She proceeded to let herself get fucked silly in the backseat of the car and then on the hood of it. 

Kevin had finally gotten himself a new car.  I got a great deal on a gently used black BMW convertible that he loved to death.  He had talked both girls, one at a time, into taking a drive in the country.  So his car got christened twice. 

Several weeks later, Kevin came home from work.  Coming into the house, he found Charlotte and Crystal both in the living room.  Crystal had a long expression on her face.  He looked at them, puzzled. 

“Sit down.  We need to talk,” Charlotte told him. 

“Sure,” he said.  He took a seat between them. 

“Crystal went for her pre-op bloodwork today.  She’s going to have to wait for her surgery,” Charlotte said. 

“Why?” Kevin asked, turning to Crystal. 

“Because they don’t want to use unnecessary general anesthetic on someone who’s pregnant,” Crystal said, looking down, obviously not wanting to look Kevin in the eye. 

“You’re going to have a baby?” Kevin asked, dumbfounded. 

“Yes,” Crystal said. 

“I thought you were on birth control,” he said calmly. 

“I was.  I am!” she told him, exasperated and grasping to explain. 

“I checked my pill dispenser,” she went on.  “I’m terrible at it.  I always seem to miss a few pills every month.  A couple of months ago, I actually missed three in a row.  I’m guessing that’s when it happened.” 

He was speechless.  He was going to be the father of an 18-year old’s baby. 

“Are you mad at me?” Crystal asked, looking down. 

He took her lightly by the chin and turned her face up to his.   

“Baby, no.  Of course not.  I love you and your mother very much,” he told her.  “Maybe I should have said that before now, but I do.  Very much.” 

Tears streamed down her cheeks. 

“I’m sorry, Kevin,” she whimpered. 

“Don’t be,” he told her.  “It’ll be OK.” 

“I’m afraid there’s more,” Charlotte said behind him. 

He turned to look at her, and saw that she was holding a small plastic object.  It had a round window at one end.  Inside the window was a blue plus sign. 

“That’s Crystal’s, right?”  he asked, fearing what the answer was going to be. 

“No.  This one’s mine,” she said. 

“You too?  How?” he asked. 

Charlotte had told him she was pre-menopausal.   Her periods came very irregularly.  While she had discussed birth control with him and her doctor, her understanding that she was highly unlikely to conceive due to her age.  Frankly, they just hadn’t worried about it. 

“So are you mad at me?” Charlotte asked. 

“Of course not,” he stammered. 

“You better not be, or you’ll never get laid again!” she said laughing. 

He laughed, and put his arms around both of them.   

“I love you both very much.  We’ll figure out what to do.  And whatever we do, we’ll decide as a family,” he said. 

“Sounds good,” Charlotte said, snuggling into him. 

“Yeah,” said Crystal from his other side. 

He knew that they had a lot of thinking to do.  The girls will have opinions on which course they want to take.  At Charlotte’s age, there was a high risk of having a Downs Syndrome baby, so that was a concern.  Crystal’s college plans were now sidetracked due to her pregnancy.   

He just knew that he had a wonderful life with Charlotte and Crystal, and he didn’t want anything to mess that up.  He would do whatever was needed to keep things going and on track, and he would manfully accept the responsibility for what he had done. 

He could think of worse predicaments to be in.  He had two beautiful women who loved him, and he definitely returned their feelings. 

But one thing was very clear.  His simple and easy life would still be wonderful, but would be much more complicated now that he had bred a mom and daughter. 


BOOK: Breeding Mom and Daughter
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