Bred by the Spartans (11 page)

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Authors: Emily Tilton

BOOK: Bred by the Spartans
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“And punish you,” his spear-brother said.

As they were getting ready to start off again, Thaleia asked, “But why will you punish me?” To be sure, she had heard them speaking a few moments ago about the need to make her obey, but she wanted to hear their explanation of it—and she had to admit that the subject fascinated her. To her dismay, Thaleia could not help longing to receive these warriors’ stern discipline.

“Some of Leontes’ seed spilled,” Theoleon said seriously, as they set out again, “and you did not watch him.”

“When I gave you bliss with my mouth,” Leontes finished helpfully. “But that is not the true purpose of the punishment we will give,” he continued.

Theoleon said, “You are in our power.”

Leontes elaborated, saying, “We will punish you, truly, in order that you understand that you are in our power. That is what Spartan discipline is all about.”

“Tell me about Spartan discipline,” Thaleia said.

“It is different for men and women,” Leontes said. “I will tell you about the disciplining of women, for that is the kind of discipline you will experience from us. Young women in Sparta can expect to be whipped and punished with the plug for many different kinds of offenses. We are going to spank you with our hands, and then whip you with our punishment strap. Then we will put a leather plug in your backside, to make you feel shame.”

Thaleia certainly felt shame just hearing about it, but as usual with such things, the idea seemed to drive her nearly wild with arousal as well. She found that she was breathing a little bit harder as she said, “Will you both punish me?”

“Certainly,” said Theoleon.

Leontes continued, “… for a warrior finds it very pleasant to punish a girl, and Theoleon and I share all our pleasures.”

“Does it… make you… hard… when you punish girls?”

“Very hard,” said Theoleon.

“And will you… take me, afterward?”

“Tonight we will,” replied Leontes. “But if we truly must punish you and make you remember it, we will not give you that privilege.”

Thaleia thought to herself. The privilege of those enormous cocks inside her. The idea that she must behave herself in order to earn ravishment by her protectors seemed to drive her arousal to a fever pitch. Thaleia felt her wetness dripping down her thighs, and she wished that her hands were free, so that she could touch herself at least a little bit. At the thought that suddenly came to her unbidden, of one of those huge Spartan cocks entering her in front and the other in back, the ultimate privilege, she felt her little furrow clench over and over.

“And,” Thaleia said rather breathlessly, “who punishes the young women in Sparta?”

“Their protectors,” said Leontes. “We do not have marriage in Sparta the same way they do in most of the other cities in Greece. Many protectors share their women with other men.”

Thaleia’s lightheaded feeling only grew at hearing this. “And will you take me back to Sparta?” She had a sudden vision of a house where she was shared between Theoleon and Leontes every night, and to her aroused mind it seemed like a better place than Olympus.

Thaleia saw Theoleon and Leontes look into each other’s eyes for a moment, and then turn back toward the road down which they ran.

“We will have to see,” said Theoleon, “what the god in Delphi says.”

“But I think it is safe to say,” said Leontes, “that we would like to have you for our own in Sparta.”

A light appeared on the road ahead, and the warriors turned toward it. There was a small house there, and Leontes knocked at the gate of the courtyard. The householder emerged, and it became clear to Thaleia that a Spartan guest-friend was always ready to house Spartiate warriors. He called his servants, and they took some of the things Theoleon and Leontes were carrying besides Thaleia herself. When the householder saw Thaleia, though, it was clear that the curse of Eros lay strongly on him. Thaleia blushed under that look, and remembered for the first time in a long while that she remained completely naked. The householder said nothing, but his face showed clearly, as she knew now from experience, that he would like to take her somewhere and ravish her immediately.

Theoleon and Leontes saw it too. “This is our girl,” Theoleon said to the householder.

Leontes continued, “We are going to do the deeds of Eros with her here tonight. So please show us to our room.”

“Yes, sir, but…” said the householder. He paused. “Might I by any chance… join?”

“You may not,” said Leontes. “We are this girl’s protectors, sent by the gods. It is our right alone to have her.”

The householder looked at his servants, who wore same hungry expression he did, at the mere sight of Thaleia’s charms, and Thaleia saw Theoleon and Leontes exchange a look as well.

When they got to the little room appointed for them, Theoleon said quietly to Leontes, “Trouble from the household.”

“I know,” said Leontes. “It should not be too difficult, though, and I think it no reason not to have our sweet Thaleia right now, especially as I do not think my cock can stand to wait any longer.”

Thaleia trembled at that and even more, as she saw Theoleon and Leontes getting undressed and taking off their codpieces.

“Sweet Thaleia,” Leontes said, “do you realize what effect you have on us? My cock has been hard for the last three hours. It is time for me to do something about that.”

“Over the side of the sleeping couch now, Thaleia,” Theoleon said. “Punishment time.”

Shaking like a leaf, Thaleia obeyed. The room was small and the sleeping couch took up almost all of it. She laid her upper body down upon the couch, with her knees on the floor. She felt how exposed her bottom must be as her protectors looked at it, and felt herself blushing.

“You start, Theoleon,” said Leontes. “Keep that face to the bed, Thaleia. Get on your elbows and push your bottom up for us.”

Feeling herself go even hotter, both with shame and with the arousal that the shame was causing, Thaleia did as she was told, and made her backside even more prominent for the Spartans.

“Let’s get those knees apart, too,” said Leontes. “We like to see a girl’s tender little furrow when we’re spanking her, especially if we know we’re going to have her together afterwards.”

“Alright,” said Theoleon, “let’s get started,” and began to spank Thaleia.

He spanked her steadily with his open hand, giving her three or four slaps in a row in one place, and then moving on to another spot. His hands were enormous, like his manhood, and he struck her hard, so that Thaleia was crying out very soon at the tenderness of her bottom.

He spanked her thighs, too, very hard. Thaleia could tell that he liked to hear her cry out, and that he would spank her in the places that hurt the most until she did. Then, when he knew that he had brought her to her limit there, he would move methodically to another spot, and do the same there.

“Your turn,” Theoleon said, and then Leontes began to spank her. Now the tears were running down her face and onto the rough woolen blanket that covered the sleeping couch. She wondered if the householder and all the servants were listening to her being punished.

“Why are we spanking you, naughty girl?” Leontes asked. He did not spank as hard as Theoleon, but he rubbed between spanks, to make her feel how shameful it was to have to be spanked like a child.

“To teach me about your precious seed?”

“And?” Leontes asked.

“And to teach me about obedience?”

“That’s right,” said Leontes, “and now it’s time for the strap, naughty girl.”

They each whipped her ten times with the strap. It was short and heavy, and it hurt much more than their hands. Thaleia cried out loud at every blow.

Theoleon, again, was first, and his purpose, as when he had spanked her with his open hand, seemed to be to hurt her. The strap found her inner thighs, and even her furrow, again and again, until she rewarded her quiet, brown-eyed Spartan with cries of agony. That used eight of his strokes. Then, with his last two, Theoleon struck her bottom right across it, in a way she felt must be to make his mark there.

Leontes said, “Dear Thaleia, I hope you are learning that our will must govern you.” Then he struck with the strap. He went at a much slower pace, and caressed her bottom and her thighs and her bare furrow with the leather between strokes. “Do you feel this, Thaleia?” he would ask.

“Yes, sir,” Thaleia would sob, and then Leontes would give her another lash, upon her right bottom cheek, or her left, though it seemed again that he did not wish to make her cry out as Theoleon did.

“Plug?” asked Theoleon, when Leontes had counted out his tenth stroke.

“Certainly,” said Leontes, “but that means we have to cast the lots, doesn’t it?”

“Indeed,” replied Theoleon.

“Good,” said Leontes. “I’m eager to see who gets what.”

Again Thaleia had that strange floating sensation she’d had when she listened to the spear-brothers discuss the matter on the road. Somehow knowing that they wished to share her, and divide her, this way made her feel secure with them beyond anything that she could describe. With her bottom still blazing and the tears still dripping from her eyes, she looked down at the blanket and thought about what it would be like when the one who won her furrow put his enormous cock there.

She heard one of them getting a helmet from their packs, and then she heard the clink of the metal lots in the helmet and the shaking of the helmet, and then there was silence, as Theoleon and Leontes withdrew their lots from the helmet. Then Theoleon let out a satisfied grunt and said, “The luck is mine.”

Leontes replied, “But I can’t help but have a different opinion, Theoleon. You have her cunt, but I have the backside. So give me the plug now.”

Leontes presented to Thaleia’s lips a strange leather object, and said, “Get it wet, now, Thaleia.” He pushed it between her lips, and she had to suckle at it for a while to prepare it. The shame of knowing that she was preparing the thing to go into her bottom was almost more than she could bear. And Leontes was rubbing her bottom at the same time, working his middle finger down between her punished bottom cheeks, to seek out the little ring.

Then he took the plug from her lips, and a moment later she felt it against her tiny back opening, where only Zeus had been before. She gave a little sob as she felt Leontes pushing the plug relentlessly into her.

Leontes said, “Here’s your real punishment. Thaleia, are you going to spill a drop of our seed again?”

“No, sir,” Thaleia sobbed.

“Are you going to obey us in everything?”

“Yes, sir,” Thaleia said.

Leontes kept pushing, until she thought that the plug must be a whole cubit inside her bottom. She whimpered continuously now at the terrible feeling of fullness inside her rump.

That was the moment when the householder and his servants entered the tiny room, now with swords, as Thaleia could see as she turned her head wildly at the sounds of more men coming in to see her humiliating punishment.

“No one will be hurt,” said the householder, “as long as you let us have a turn with your little slut.”

“You are insane, man,” said Theoleon. “We are Spartiate. We will kill you.”

“Oh, come on,” said Leontes. “Have a heart, Theoleon. Let’s just strip them and tie them up outside.”

Thaleia heard the sounds of the battle beginning, but the battle was brief. From what Thaleia could hear, the householder and his servants simply rushed at the Spartans. They made a great deal of noise, but her Spartans seemed to be absolutely silent. One after the other, Thaleia heard the aggressors fall to the ground, while their swords clattered down at Leontes’ and Theoleon’s feet, where the Spartans stood just outside the doorway of the little sleeping chamber, having immediately pushed the fight out onto the little balcony.

As the swords fell, the Spartans seemed, as far as Thaleia could tell, to kick their opponents’ swords nimbly back behind them and into the room where Thaleia lay helpless. The only words she heard from her Spartans were warnings of “Stay there, or you die,” after an opponent had fallen to the ground. Finally, she heard the sound of one of the servants—she thought—saying “I yield!” and of his sword dropping to the ground.

“Stay right there, Thaleia,” said Theoleon after the sounds of the fight had quieted down. “We will be right back.”

“Come along, you fools,” said Leontes.

Thaleia turned her head, and just got a glimpse of the four men with their hands tied behind them, being led out of the room.

Feeling strangely content, she lay there, with the leather plug in her bottom, making her feel well punished but also well loved.

When Theoleon and Leontes returned to the room, Leontes said, “Really, it’s not their fault, Thaleia. That curse of Eros you bear is very powerful indeed.”

She felt his hand upon her backside, seizing the plug, and beginning to tug on it. Thaleia whimpered.

“Hush, Thaleia,” Leontes said. “Help me get this out of you.” Gasping, she pushed with her bottom, and finally the big plug was out.

“You will wash it in the morning,” Theoleon said.

“For now, though,” Leontes said, “I don’t want you to move a muscle. Theoleon is going to have that sweet cunt at last. And then I am going to have it after him. We’re going to pump you so full of Spartan seed that it runs down your thighs.”

Thaleia felt Theoleon positioning himself between her legs. He raised her hips up in his huge hands, until she was standing on her feet, still bent over and resting her elbows on the sleeping couch. He placed the head of his cock right at the entrance to her grotto. The feeling was so marvelous to have her protector’s manhood there, ready to enjoy her, that she shuddered with pleasure. With one long thrust, Theoleon sheathed himself in her furrow.

Thaleia heard Leontes’s voice say, “Beautiful. How does it feel?”

“Oh, my brother,” said Theoleon, “she is very tight.” He began to move gently back and forth. “Gods. I will not last long. It is the sweetest cunt I ever fucked.”

Thaleia blushed, but she also felt her wetness gathering more and more at the feeling of Theoleon’s massive cock filling her up over and over. Her punished bottom cheeks were still warm from the spanking and the whipping, and her little ring still felt hot from its opening by the plug. The sensations blended together inside her furrow, and she felt herself finding bliss of a kind she had not yet ever felt. She screamed in ecstasy, as Theoleon pounded into her harder and harder, and finally found his own bliss. Thaleia felt his hot seed shooting into her, and whether because of the regard in which the Spartans held it, or because there really was something very special about the seed of the Spartans, she felt that the gift of Theoleon’s was one too marvelous to be described.

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