Breathless In Love (The Maverick Billionaires #1) (14 page)

BOOK: Breathless In Love (The Maverick Billionaires #1)
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“Jeremy, don’t you have some homework for tomorrow?” Harper heard the snap in her voice, but she wasn’t able to moderate it just yet.

Her brother looked at her over his shoulder. “Uh-huh.”

“Then you’d better go do it.” She heard a sound in her head like rocks grinding. It was her teeth. “And say thank you to Will for dinner.”

“Thanks, Will.”

As Jeremy turned off the TV and headed for his room, Harper continued to feel like the breath had been knocked out of her. Her brother had been verbally abused at work. And she shouldn’t have had to hear it from Will. She should have known, should have been checking in with Jeremy to make sure everything was okay at the store every day. But every evening when she picked him up, he came bounding out full of stories about anything and everything. She’d told herself that must mean things were okay.

How could she have been so careless?

She stood and grabbed her plate of food, which was growing more unappealing by the second.

“Harper,” Will said, but she stalked out of the room without answering.

Will had figured out how to fix the situation. How to fix her failure. How to fix the fact that she was a rotten sister and a terrible guardian. She thought she’d been doing everything for her brother, but had she really, when all Will had to do was walk into the grocery store and spot all the problems in a second?

“Harper,” Will said again, following her into the kitchen.

She almost slammed the plate down on the counter. The immaculate counter. He’d even cleaned up after her like she couldn’t take care of her house. Like she couldn’t take care of Jeremy. If she hadn’t folded the laundry last night, he probably would have done that, too, showing what a mess she was. And look—he’d even cleaned up Jeremy’s crayons.

Damn it
, she thought as frustration ate her up from the inside,
I’m doing the best I can.

But clearly it wasn’t good enough.

“How could you tell Jeremy without even talking to me first?”

“I wanted to gauge his reaction. If he wasn’t interested, the new position wasn’t something I would have pursued.”

“You should have gauged
reaction first.”

“I see that now, and I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize,” she snapped, because he kept saying the same to her. “Just stop imposing your will on us.”

“I wasn’t trying to impose my will.”

will. His name said it all. Didn’t he get what would happen down the road? “Look, when this car project is over—”
And you’ve moved on to another pet project.
“—Jeremy will be out of a job. He won’t have anything.”

“The car won’t be finished for months. Besides, the Maserati has nothing to do with his working in my mailroom.”

“So you’ll just keep on sending your driver to pick him up?”

He shrugged, shook his head slightly, like she wasn’t even making sense. “If that’s what it takes, that’s what we’ll do.”

Did she really have to spell it out for him? “What about when you get tired of doing all this for him?”
And what about when you get tired of me?
“Buying a Maserati because Jeremy wants it. Dreaming up a job for him. In a few weeks or even months, if you get bored with the whole thing, where will that leave Jeremy? Out in the cold. He’s not going to understand. I’ve seen this happen before. I’ve dated men who befriend him. Then they’re gone. And I don’t want to see Jeremy get hurt like that again.”

“I’ve already told you this, and I’ll keep saying it until you believe me—I’m not going to hurt your brother. I promise.”

“Right.” She was on a roll and couldn’t seem to stop. “And I’m just supposed to take your word on that.”

Something changed in him then. After she’d freaked out, he’d been on the defensive, trying to explain himself, trying to get her to understand that he’d meant no harm. But now, it looked like she’d managed to wound him.

“My word means everything. I do not break it.” He held her gaze. “I’m not like the men you’ve dated, Harper. And don’t forget, I met Jeremy first, not you. He wrote to me. I liked what I read. So what’s between you and me has nothing to do with him.” Will held up his hands. “You’re right that I should have talked to you first. But I wouldn’t have given him the job if I didn’t think it would be something new and different for him to try. He can stretch himself. He might even be fine for a few hours by himself. You’ve got to see that he’s capable of pushing himself to do more. Is there something you’re afraid of, Harper? Something I haven’t figured out yet? You know your brother a hell of a lot better than I do. What am I not seeing?”

He sounded so reasonable and his explanations so good. Which made her feel churlish on top of everything else. He had a way of making her feel totally out of control, whether it was over Jeremy, or on the hood of his car, or while practically naked on her living room sofa.

Honestly, at this point, she wasn’t sure there was much Will wasn’t seeing. Not when it sometimes felt as though his dark eyes could see all the way through every wall she’d built up.

Finally, she told him, “I’m just afraid of seeing Jeremy hurt.”

And yet she hadn’t been there to rescue her brother today. Will had done that. And then he’d come up with a solution. One that she knew she had to consider, especially if there was a chance that what he offered might truly be the best thing for Jeremy.

Harper had always been afraid change wasn’t good for her brother. But what if she was wrong about what Jeremy needed? And what if the problem was more that she wasn’t fond of change herself? Especially after all that had happened in the wake of his accident and then their parents’ deaths.

She worked to swallow the emotions threatening to rise up in her throat and strangle her. And as her head of steam finally began to peter out, she realized the injustice of what she’d been saying. Will had only ever been good to Jeremy. He was endlessly patient as he showed her brother how to do each new task on the car. He was never short with him on Skype. He was always considerate of his feelings. And he was the one who’d discovered the problem at the store.

That was why she’d gone off on him. Not just because he’d screwed up by not checking with her first about the new job, but because she was so damned guilty over her own failures. It was humbling to realize she needed to put her own ego aside—the decision had to be about what was best for Jeremy, nothing else.

“I might have been a bit hasty just now,” she admitted. “You’re right that a new job might be good for him. And that it might expand his horizons.” But she’d still ask if Jeremy wanted the job as badly as Will needed to give it to him.

“It might be good for you, too, Harper.” He came close again, his body heat enveloping her. Cupping her face in his hands, he held her steady, captured her with that dark, commanding gaze. Mesmerized her. “Your brother has you to protect him. But who looks out for you?”

“I do.” But she honestly didn’t know if she was any better at that than she was at taking care of Jeremy.

“Let me help.” His voice was just short of a whisper.

She felt herself weakening, bending, needing,
. But if she allowed Will to take over even a little, what if she lost herself completely?

And then, when he was gone, what if she couldn’t manage to find her way back?

“You’re doing enough already for Jeremy,” she said softly. She had to draw on the iron will she’d developed over the past few years to force herself to step out of his arms. “Thank you for picking him up and feeding both of us. Thanks for cleaning up my house, too. You went above and beyond tonight, Will, and I appreciate it. But it’s been a long day, so...”

He stared at her for a long moment, one where she got the sense he was trying to decide between kissing her—or letting her kick him out again. She knew it was bad that she was secretly hoping for the former...and that she was so disappointed when he chose the latter.

“Say good-night to Jeremy for me.”

“I will.”

“You won’t be coming to work on the car this weekend, will you?”

How could she when she desperately needed to take a long, hard look at what she was doing? Because it was one thing to tell herself she was having a fun, sexy affair—and that she deserved to have something so delicious for once in her life. But it was another thing entirely to watch how easily Will could take over if she wasn’t careful. Especially when the only thing that had held Harper and Jeremy together for the past several years had been her tight grip on their lives.

“I think it would be best if we skipped this weekend.”

Will’s eyes were as dark and intense as she’d ever seen them. Full of disappointment, and something that looked like regret, too. “I know I screwed up,” he said softly, “and I’ll do whatever it takes to make it up to you.”

Before her conflicted brain could even try to think of a reply, he was gone.


Will didn’t blame Harper for pulling back to reassess things—he had completely screwed up by forgetting that she was the boss when it came to her brother. Will might be able to make suggestions, but he’d never again make the mistake of taking decisions out of Harper’s hands. She was too strong, too smart, for that kind of behavior. He knew he had a lot to prove, and a lot of ground to make up, but he wasn’t giving up.

They quickly established a routine over the next few days. His driver Benny picked up Jeremy from school, and Will drove him home. Fortunately, Harper’s brother loved his new job and he also loved the people he worked with. Will checked several times each day to make sure his employees were treating Jeremy right. He’d promised Harper he wouldn’t let anything hurt her brother, and he would die before he broke that vow.

The first night, Harper thanked him for bringing Jeremy home—and then shut and locked the door.

The second night, he brought takeout and made sure the bags he was holding at her front door smelled so good that it would be really hard for her stomach, at least, to turn him away. She’d been quiet as they ate together in her kitchen that night, mostly letting him and Jeremy do the talking, but even if it was just a baby step, at least it was one in the right direction.

The third night, while they were eating another takeout meal, he wanted to tell her that she and Jeremy filled up all his empty places. He wanted her to know that he’d drop anything at a moment’s notice when one of them called. He wished he could tell her that taking care of them had grown into a need inside him, on a deeper level even than the bond he had with his fellow Mavericks. His friends—his brothers—weren’t kids anymore, and they hadn’t needed anyone to fight their battles in years. But Jeremy and Harper

Although sometimes he felt like he needed them even more.

By Thursday night, he couldn’t stand it any longer and asked her if he could take her out again. She told him she needed to think about it, and he wasn’t sure he managed a full breath all the way through until Friday night, when he brought Jeremy home from work again...

...and she finally said

Will couldn’t remember a time he’d ever been happier, or more relieved, in his life.

Now, with Mrs. Taylor watching Jeremy at home, Will had Harper sitting beside him in his ’57 Chevy. Though she was still too quiet, he was content just to be with her. To let her delicious scent wash over him, cleanse him, make him new.

Of course, when he saw an overlook along Skyline Boulevard with a great view, he couldn’t resist pushing for more. Because he couldn’t resist
She was gorgeous in the moonlight. Stars sparkled in her eyes, and the full moon made her skin glow. There was no wind deflector in the mammoth Chevy and her hair was a mass of sexy tangles.

“Let’s park,” he said after he’d stopped the car, tugging her gently over to his side of the bench seat.

Thankfully she didn’t tense up, but he remained on tenterhooks waiting for it to happen. Waiting for her to pull back. Because they hadn’t talked about what had happened last Thursday. He’d wanted to give her time to process, and to forgive. But should he have pushed a little harder to make sure there weren’t any lingering mistakes that he still needed to make right?

He’d never been afraid of pushing anyone before. But with Harper, everything was different.

Because he was terrified of losing her.

“Harper.” He wanted so badly to reach for her. “Are we good again? Like before? Or are you still upset with me for overstepping my bounds with your brother?”

She looked a little surprised by his question, as if she hadn’t expected him to come right out and ask. But also, relieved.

Had she been wanting to clear the air, too?

“To be honest,” she said slowly, “those first couple of days, I didn’t know exactly how I was feeling. Still a little mad. Still a little guilty. But more and more, as Jeremy came home happier every day, I was able to see just how right you were. He needed this change, needed to get out of that grocery store. I wish I’d been able to see it—”

“You’re the best sister in the world. You do so much for him. You can’t beat yourself up about this.”

“But I did.” She took a deep breath. “And I think I’m finally ready to let it go.” She looked him in the eyes and held his gaze. “And I’m finally ready to
again, too.”

She reached for his hand, and the act felt
Bigger even than a kiss might have.

“Being with you, being wild and free for a little while—it made me happy, Will. Whereas when I was holding you at bay this week?” She frowned. “I wasn’t as happy anymore. Wasn’t as free.” She threaded her fingers through his. “I’m ready to be free again. Ready to fly fast with you, if you still want me.”

“If I still want you?” He didn’t even try to keep the incredulous tone from his voice. “All I do all day long, all night long, is want you, Harper.”

The smile she gave him was so beautiful, it nearly knocked his heart from his chest. “I want you, too, Will. Just that badly. Only...”

“Anything you want, anything you need, just tell me what it is and I’ll make it happen.” This was the first real, meaningful relationship he’d ever had with a woman. Whatever Harper needed, he’d give it to her, come hell or high water.

She bit her lip, then let the damp flesh go to say, “You can’t make what I want happen tonight, Will. Only I can. Every time we’re together, I completely lose control. But you’re always so steady. I need to know...” She paused for a moment as if she was deciding whether to finish her sentence or not, and he held his breath until she said, “Tonight I need to know if I can make you as crazy as you make me.”

“Crazier, Harper. A thousand times over.”

“Let me see it.” She leaned forward and whispered against his lips, “I need to see it.”

“I’m yours.” He now knew that he had been from the first moment he’d set eyes on her. “All yours.”

She looked up at him in surprise, as though she hadn’t actually expected him to agree to give up his control tonight. And she was right that there was almost no one he would consider doing that with. But she was different. She was special. And he trusted her in a way he didn’t trust anyone else.

“Come closer,” she said softly.

He immediately moved across the seat. When Harper straddled him, her dress billowing down around them, he couldn’t remember ever being happier. She’d forgiven him
she wanted to make love with him until he lost his mind.

Was there a luckier guy on the planet?

Summer was just around the corner and a warm breeze rippled through her hair. Stars lit up the sky around her as he thought,
I want you, Harper. I want you like I’ve never wanted anyone else. I want you more than I can remember ever wanting anyone or anything before in my life.

He opened his mouth to say the words, but she stole them away. Cupping his face, she kissed him as if she were making love to his mouth, licking him, taking his tongue. Her whole body got into the kiss, swaying and moving on his, her breasts caressing him, her legs tightening along his thighs.

He’d always been the one in control, not just with her, but with all women. He’d always set the pace and the tone, decided where the night began and ended. Even when Harper had kissed him in the garage, he’d taken over, pushing her down on the hood, using his mouth on her because he’d been desperate to taste her. To have her.

Yet now that she was the one controlling his reins, she wasn’t rushed. Not at all. Even though he could hardly remember his own name.

“You taste so good,” she murmured against his lips. “I wonder how you taste all over.” She leaned back to work the buttons of his shirt. When his chest was naked to her touch, and she ran her fingers down his skin, he actually felt a quiver deep in his gut. A part of him worried that she’d want to strip his shirt away completely, and that she’d finally see his tattoo, but even that worry could hardly take hold when she was touching him like this, kissing him like this.

“You have such a magnificent chest.” Curling her body, she bent to his nipple. She licked him, sucked him, then bit down lightly. “You like this as much as I do, don’t you?” She hummed with pleasure against his chest, the vibrations sending shockwaves through him.

“God, yes, I like it.” His voice was hoarse, his hands flexing on her hips, pulling her tighter against him. “You make me crazy.”

“Good. Because you make me crazy, too.”

When he lost control and went to kiss her, she laughed as she pushed against him. “No, no, no. Tonight, it’s my turn to have

He understood that she was turning the tables, taking charge the way he had that morning in her house. The way he always did. Who would have guessed that the turnaround would set him on fire like this?

“I’m yours,” he said again, something he’d never told another person, but which felt impossibly right with her. “For whatever you want.”

She slid farther back so that she could trail kisses down his abdomen. He remembered doing the same to her, her skin smooth and sweet against his lips. He was hard, aching, and only just barely resisting the urge to toss her into the backseat.

The night air was still warm, but his skin was hotter. The sound of an occasional car on the road was far off and muted. They were in a world of their own, and his heart was pounding in his ears as she ran her hand over the rock-hard length of him.

“Holy hell.” The words shot out on his exhalation.

“Remember when you said you
to taste me...and that I was going to taste you, too?” She pushed her hand inside the denim of his jeans and wrapped her fingers around him.

“I remember.” The words came out a little choked.

“Do you still think we should make good on all those intentions?”

His Adam’s apple slid along his throat. He felt like a teenager who had finally managed to make out with the untouchable girl he’d been lusting after. Breathless. Desperate. “Yes.”

God, yes.

She touched her lips to his, licked him until he opened for her. But instead of kissing him, she whispered, “Good, because I’ve decided I want to taste you. All of you.”

“Please,” he said. He couldn’t even come up with a quip or a word of sexy banter.

Each time with Harper was new.

And every time it meant

* * *

Harper had felt out of control with Will so many times.
time. Tonight, she’d thought the final piece of putting everything back together inside of her would be to turn the tables on him. Yet even as she led their lovemaking tonight, she still felt his power coursing through her body, everywhere she touched him, everywhere he touched her.

By the time she sank down to taste him, she realized that it didn’t matter anymore who was in control. All that mattered was the joy—and the pleasure—she felt whenever she was with him.

She used her hands, lips, mouth, tongue on him. He was a savory treat. Better than chocolate. Better than ice cream. She loved the feel of him, the heady scent of his skin, the quake and shiver of his rock hard flesh as she took him deep.

He growled her name, and then, a heartbeat later, she was on her back against the leather seat as he came over her. “
Need. You.
” Each word was separate, gasped, harsh. She heard the tear of a condom, felt him between her legs.

When he flipped up her dress and tugged her panties aside, she was just as desperate as he was, miles beyond ready as he pulled her leg high up on his hip and drove into her.

Oh God
...being taken hard and fast by Will in the front seat of his car was better than anything she’d ever felt in her life.

“Kiss me, Harper.

He was a dark shadow above her, backlit by stars and moon. She pulled him down, locked her lips to his. His body tensed and flexed inside her as she opened her mouth. She kissed him back as hard as he kissed her, tasting his heat, savoring his need.

With one foot on the floorboard to brace himself, he thrust deeper, and she put a hand on the car door behind her head, pushing to meet each plunge. Hard, delicious, explosive. She dug her fingers into his shoulder as she burst wide open, exploding into a million perfect pieces as he exploded, too, with her name on his lips.

Just as his was on hers.

* * *

Harper snuggled against him as he drove back toward home, one arm thrown around her shoulder, holding her tight.

There was no point in trying to deny anymore that she was in too deep. But honestly, she was having a hard time caring about that, no longer counting down the days until he got tired of her and Jeremy.

Maybe it was stupid. Maybe she would regret it later. But right now she was simply too relaxed—and too full of soul-deep pleasure—to keep shoring up her barriers.

The wind blew through her hair, but with Will’s arm around her, she couldn’t tell that the night had turned cool. She could only feel his warmth protecting her.

Other men had been after Jeremy’s trust fund, or begrudged her the time and energy she gave to her brother, as though it took something from them. But Will didn’t need Jeremy’s money. And he gave so much of himself to her brother, the car, the new job, driving Jeremy home. Even Jeremy’s teacher, Miss Richards, had noticed a marked improvement.

All because of Will.

He slowed for a downhill curve. “I’m having a barbecue on Memorial Day with a few of my friends. I’d like you and Jeremy to come.”

“Me? And Jeremy?” She blinked at him. “You want us to come to a barbecue with your friends?”

“Evan met you both, but no one else has yet.”

Sex was one thing...but meeting his friends? That felt like something different. Something

But was it? Or was it just her heart running hopeful because Will Franconi was the most irresistible man she’d ever met?

The night air was suddenly a cool draft down her neck as those worries she thought she’d just buried poked up their heads again. Not only about what Will’s wanting her to meet his friends meant about their relationship, but also about whether his friends—aka the Silicon Valley elite—would look down their noses at her and Jeremy.

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