Breath Of The Heart (11 page)

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Authors: Victoria June

BOOK: Breath Of The Heart
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Chapter Nineteen



The end of term came and with the exception of a few easy exams, I was free of school. My worry now was the Walker Christmas party. Genie had convinced me to spend an extra day at her parents' home before the big party. We'd go Friday night, have a spa day Saturday, the Walker Christmas party that night before I'd grab my things and take the bus home on Sunday.

And on the subject of getting home, Dad was highly suspicious. He asked a hundred different ways why I wasn't going home with Jake. That prompted me to send Jake a text, our first correspondence since Thanksgiving when he decided to spend it with Bianca and not return to Pine Falls. We had to come up with something, otherwise all I had left was the truth.

As I packed the last of my things for the weekend at the Walkers', my phone rang Jake's familiar bullhorn tune. I stared at my screen, Jake's name popping up. My hand shook. Why was I so nervous?

"Hello," I said.

"Hi, Emma, I got your text. Instead of texting back and forth, I figured I'd just call. It's quicker that way."

"Well, you read my text so you see the dilemma."

"Tell your Dad that I'm staying through my exams and that's why I'm not coming home right away."

I knew he wanted to rush me off the phone, but I wanted to talk. I loved hearing his voice again even though it had an edge to it, like I'd been bothering him from something really wonderful like a hot steamy bath with horrible Bianca.

"You know that Dad is going to ask me more questions when I get home. I'm going to have to tell him something soon."

Jake cleared his throat. "Haven't we already been through this? You said you'd tell him Zach is your boyfriend and you moved in with him."

His words hit me like a pointy hammer. "Dad won't believe that."

"Then you need to convince him. I think he needs to know you're living with Zach now." I could hear bitterness. Was he mad that I was living with Zach, or did he just dislike Zach in general? I couldn't read him.

"I don't like that idea at all."

"It has elements of truth to it."

He was so smug and it irked and pissed me off. The old me, the girl from six months ago, long before the cabin incident, would have gone along with Jake's BS, but in those short few months I'd grown up a lot, and my epic punch to Bianca's face had a lot to do with it.

"Why should I protect you?"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Why should I protect you? In your scenario you and Bianca come off unscathed while I have to explain to Dad why I not only didn't tell him about my imaginary boyfriend, but now I've moved in with said imaginary boyfriend. How does that work? Maybe I should just tell Dad everything, right down to all those nasty texts."

Jake let out a huff. "Yeah, why don't you tell Paul the truth? Tell him how you ruined my girlfriend's face by breaking her nose and knocking out her teeth. I'm sure he'd be really impressed."

"If he knew what kind of bitch she was, he might be."

"You know what, do what you want! Sounds like Zach has been a great influence on you. Does he feed you what to say?"

"What are you talking about?"

"This isn't you, Emma. It's not you talking. You go ahead and let Zach manipulate you because I don't give a shit. Goodbye."

He hung up and I slammed the phone down on the nightstand. I wanted to throw it against the wall, but the phone didn't deserve the abuse.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but that was awesome."

I jumped at hearing Zach's voice. "I didn't know you were there."

"I heard you talking and I figured it was to Genie. I'm guessing it was the asswipe."

I plopped down on the bed and air-punched an invisible Jake. "He really wants me to go with this lie about moving in with a new boyfriend. That way he comes off smelling like roses."

"While I'd happily go along with that story, I think the truth is a better option."

"I'd rather not think about it and focus on this weekend instead."

"I'm waiting for Genie to call and we'll pick her up. Speaking of lying, don't mention that Genie is living with Steve."

"These web of lies . . ."

I zipped up my overnight bag and set it near the front door. Zach was on the phone with Genie and he gave me the thumbs up that we were ready to go. When we pulled up my jaw dropped at the assortment of designer bags and luggage on the curb.

"I have way too much stuff," she said.

"And half of it is still back at my place," Zach said.

"Are you looking forward to the weekend?" Genie asked me, ignoring her brother. I'd taken the backseat, insisting Genie sit up front.

"I'm a bit nervous. What if I say or do anything stupid?"

"We have Steve for that," Zach deadpanned.

Genie beamed. "And I have my little brother to thank for making it happen."

"Just make sure he doesn't say anything too stupid."

Genie waved him away and turned to face me. "I thought tonight we'd have a nice relaxing evening. After dinner we'll have a soak in the Jacuzzi and a quick swim in the pool. We don't want to stay up too late because our appointment at the spa is at eight a.m."

Jacuzzi? Pool? "I don't have a bathing suit and isn't it a little cold to go swimming?"

"Oh, it's an indoor pool. I thought you knew. As for a bathing suit, I have a million of them. I haven't worn half of them. You can take your pick."

"Thanks." To say I was a bit overwhelmed would be an understatement, but I kind of appreciated that Genie had everything planned out.

"Zach, you going to join us?"

"We'll see."

We chatted about nothing really for the next forty-five minutes. We drove into Forest Park and I took in the huge estates. I'd driven through Forest Park when Dad had the odd delivery to drop off, but I'd never been in any of the homes, not even on a front doorstep, always waiting in the car for Dad to finish the transaction. All I knew about this area of town was that the richest of the rich lived here in multi-million dollar houses.

Zach pulled up to a tall metal gate. I couldn't see beyond it, but when he put in the pass code and the doors swung open I know my mouth gaped open in awe. The house was magnificent, the kind you see on television that celebrities lived in. Lights illuminated the stone face and as we drove up the long driveway I wanted to yank out my phone and take pictures to show Dad and Grandpa.

"This house is so beautiful," I managed to get out.

"Wait until you see the inside. I'll warn you now," Genie said, "don't touch anything. The party planners and decorators are setting up and if you move a thing they get really pissed off."

Zach parked the truck and I followed them inside. The house was filled with people looking busy, but I looked past all that. The house was even more amazing on the inside. The winding staircase, the marble floors, the priceless works of art adorning perfect walls, the antiques and all the collectables. Dad and Grandpa would fall all over themselves to see them. And the indoor pool? I couldn't wait!

"I don't get why you'd want to live in an apartment near campus when you could live here every day," I said, doing a three-sixty turn.

"I like living five minutes from campus and not with my parents."

I couldn't wipe the awestruck look from my face. I wanted to dance around the main entrance which was nearly the size of our apartment. And then the kitchen. The thought of all the fancy appliances that called that room home. To have a few hours alone in there would be pure nirvana.

"We better find Mom and Dad," Genie said.

I followed them down various hallways, but my attention got diverted by artwork and antiques, some I recognized from the books Dad kept around. He'd never had any of these artists in the shop and would salivate just to see them in the proverbial flesh. I snapped some pictures and quickly caught up to Genie and Zach whenever I fell behind.

We travelled to the backend of the house to a large family room that was untouched by party planners. There we found Genie and Zach's parents. I recognized them because I'd googled them. Mr. Walker was reading the paper and Mrs. Walker was on the phone, an iPad in front of her. Mr. Walker glanced up and smiled at the sight of his children.

"Look who's finally here," he said, setting down the paper and rising.

Genie gave her Dad a big hug while Zach just nodded. Mrs. Walker continued her conversation about the upcoming party, but smiled and waved. She put her finger up, indicating it would only be another minute, then left the room to finish her call.

"Daddy, this is Emma," Genie said.

Mr. Walker extended his hand. Like Zach, he was tall, easily six foot two and had Zach's same chocolate-colored eyes and strong jaw line.

"A pleasure to meet you, Emma," he said with a firm handshake. He sounded like a politician with his strong confident voice. "I hear you will be joining us this weekend."

"Yes, and thank you so much for the invitation."

"We are happy to have you."

I wanted to ask about the Grant Wood in the hallway, but my meek little self didn't want to, but if Dad knew I'd seen it and not asked, he'd kill me.

"Mr. Walker, the oil painting, is that a Grant Wood?"

He looked at Genie and Zach then back at me. "Why, yes it is. Very impressive. These two wouldn't know a Grant Wood if American Gothic was hanging right in front of them."

"My dad and grandfather have an antique shop in Pine Falls so I've been around antiques and art my entire life. I saw the oil painting and hoped it was a Grant Wood. It's gorgeous."

Zach whispered to Genie asking who Grant Wood was. She shrugged.

"Well, thank you. My wife is more of the art connoisseur. She's also been to her fair share of antique shops, so I'm sure she'll want to have a chat with you."

I glanced over at Zach. His expression said it all. Was he proud of me?

"I'm going to show Emma to her room," Genie said. "I'm guessing we have access to the Jacuzzi and pool?"

"Yes, but don't make a mess. Zach, don't disappear. I want to talk to you about a few things."

Genie and I set off leaving Zach behind.



Chapter Twenty



Dad led me into the study. What had I done now? Or worse, what had I not done? I took my seat across from him as he shuffled through papers on his desk. He took off his glasses and set them down.

"I see you got your marks up. Your mother and I are pleased."

The threat of being cut off could scare anyone straight.

"I've been working hard."

"Good. We're proud of you."

"Thanks, Dad." I knew he meant it. Dad was out of town for most of the year, but he still tried to be around for us. I had to give him credit for that.

"About Steve."

"I know. She insisted on having him here."

"If he steps out of line, I want to know. That bastard will not embarrass us tomorrow."

"I'll let you know if I see anything untoward."

"I thought Genie might tire of him, but clearly I was wrong. How serious are those two?"

"I don't know for sure." I couldn't tell him she was living with that idiot.

Dad leaned back in his chair and tilted his head. "About this Emma. Who is she?"

"A friend."

Dad nodded. "A friend who lives with you."

My mouth fell open. How the hell did he know? "Who told you?"

"Your sister."

Shit! Genie and her big mouth. Could she not keep a secret? And here I was covering her ass and she was blabbing any chance she could get. "Dad, it's not what you think."

"Zach, I was once twenty years old. I know how this works."

"Really, it's all innocent. I'm helping her out because she fell into some trouble."

Dad's eyebrows raised. "What sort of trouble?"

Right, optics. I gave him the short version. "She needed a place to stay. It's temporary."

"That Smythe family drives me crazy. They are supporters, but those kids of theirs are uncontrollable."

Meaning Bianca's older brother, the coke head. "I know. Bianca isn't a nice person."

Dad grunted. "That's putting it mildly. But back to this girl, Emma. She doesn't have any baggage we need to worry about? If people find out about your situation with her, they may get the wrong idea. We don't need any trouble."

"She's a small town girl, nothing more. And like she said, her Dad owns an antique shop. Her mother is out of the picture." Did I tell Dad more? "Look, her parents were very young, teenagers, when they had her. Her mom walked out and her dad raised her with the help of his parents. Nothing else."

"She seems like a good kid. Don't let her distract you."

"I won't."

"And if you're wondering, I know about Genie's living arrangements too. She's not fooling anyone."

I fought a smile. Nothing got past Dad. "I'm not sure what you're talking about."

Dad smirked. "That's all then. If you're hungry, Louisa made dinner."

For once I left a meeting with Dad unscathed.

I went to my room and collapsed on the bed. I took out my phone and googled Grant Wood. Man, I was an idiot. That Grant Wood.

A text popped up.

Genie: We're going down to the pool in ten minutes. Emma is going to look hot in her new bathing suit. Made sure to give her a choice of ones that will make her look amazing.

Me: Okay?

Genie: Did I mention how hot she'll look? Try to keep your boy parts in check.

Me: Did you really just text me that?

Genie: Yup!

Me: Nice of you to tell Dad she was living with us.

Genie: Oops. That kind of slipped. And she's living with you. And you like that.

Me: Goodbye!

Genie: See you in ten. Take a cold shower before. And after, lol!



Chapter Twenty-one



"Great mention of the Grant Wood. I think Dad loves you."

"It was all right that I asked? I felt like I was overstepping and being nosy."

"Dad lives for that shit. It impresses him."

Genie showed me to my room and told me she'd be back with some bathing suits for me to choose from. I put my bag down on the bed and took in my room for the weekend. It was huge twice the size of our living room in Pine Falls and I had my own bathroom! I'd always assumed that Zach's family was well-off, but this was far more than anything I could have expected. And not once did Zach and Genie give off the rich kid attitude like Bianca and her bratty friends.

"Found three brand new ones that should fit you," she said, tossing them on the bed. "Sorry, they are all bikinis. I don't have any one pieces."

Bikini? I'd never owned one in my life, mostly because I didn't think I could pull it off. I certainly didn't have Genie's cleavage or much in the way of hips. I looked through my choices and picked a plain navy blue one with white polka dots. It had the most material. I might have been slim, but I was more muscular, not anything like Genie's hourglass figure.

"Great choice and if you want to keep the other two you're welcome to them. They're too small on me," she said. "There should be a robe and towels in your bathroom along with some flip flops. I'll meet you downstairs when you're ready."

She left and I went into the bathroom to change. I carefully removed the tags from my new bikini and put it on. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. The top pushed up my boobs making them look larger than their barely B cup. The bottoms fit like a glove and I had to admit I looked pretty good. I'd even consider wearing it again. I slipped into the white fluffy robe and it was so soft against my skin. I wrapped it tight around me and rummaged through the various sizes of flip flops until I found mine. I took one towel from the stack piled high in one of the cabinets. The Walker home was the poshest of hotels.

I went downstairs and Genie was waiting for me in the family room. She grasped onto my arm, leading me down another hallway and down a set of steps that led to the pool and Jacuzzi. There was no one else there.

"I've been looking forward to a soak for weeks," she said, shedding her robe and revealing a tiny pink bikini. I tried not to stare, but her body was fabulous. I was a bit jealous. She eased into the water and let out a moan of satisfaction.

I removed my robe and piled it neatly off to the side on a nearby chair, and set my flip flops underneath. I put one foot into the water and the heat enveloped me. It was glorious. I sunk deeper into the water as the jets massaged each muscle of my body.

"I don't ever want to get out," I said, resting my head on the edge and closing my eyes.

"I know. Let's just stay here until morning."

We relaxed in silence for a few minutes, the only sounds coming from the thrusting jets. Thoughts of Jake and my upcoming predicament with Dad floated away. I intended to enjoy every single second of this weekend.

"So Zach convinced your parents to let Steve come to the party?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Yes, and I owe the bastard. He's making me go with Dad to visit some hog operation next month. It goes against all my principles," she said in a sleepy voice. "I'm going to want to take all those pigs home. I hate factory farming and Dad knows that. But if I can sway a farmer or two on letting pigs live better lives before slaughter, it won't be a total waste."

"I didn't know you were an animal activist. Kudos."

"And I didn't know you were a tennis ace."

"Zach told you that? I'm not exactly a tennis ace."

"Ranked second in the state? I'd say you're an ace. We have a tennis court out back. This spring you could give me some pointers."

"You guys have your own court?" Why did that surprise me?

"Yup. Mom plays and so does Dad occasionally. Even Zach's pretty good."

"What's Zach good at?" he asked, breaking the tranquility of the moment. I opened my eyes to see him standing next to the Jacuzzi in his blue and black swim trunks, holding a towel.

"You're good at ruining a girl's night," Genie said without flinching.

"Is there room in there for me?" he asked.

"Sure," I said, scooting over. There was room for ten people.

He got in and sat across from me and stared. I was getting a bit self-conscious. What was so fascinating about my face? That's all he could see.

"What did Dad want?" Genie asked.

"Nothing important."

"Did he grill you about Steve? I did promise them he wouldn't embarrass anyone."

"It wasn't about Steve. Why are we talking about Dad when I'm trying to relax?"

He shut his eyes and stretched out, one leg brushing mine. I thought to move, but didn't. Even though it was only a passing touch, my heart skipped a second. Any girl with a pulse would be attracted to Zach, but I kept telling myself to keep it strictly platonic. Any feelings or secret crushes on Zach would lead to heartache. Besides, I didn't want a boyfriend. Boys were trouble and always seemed to hurt me. The single life was fine with me.

An intercom blared through the pool room, startling me. "Genie, we need to talk about tomorrow. Please come see me in the study."

"Great," Genie muttered. "Let me guess, it's about Steve." She got out of the Jacuzzi and into her robe. "If I'm not back in ten minutes, please come get me."

"Have fun," Zach said, not moving an inch.

She gave him the finger and was gone. It felt strange being alone with him. Sure, I was alone with him all the time, but never this close. I took the opportunity to take him in, his broad shoulders, the scruffy face, his placid, peaceful expression.

"Can I ask you something?"

Zach's eyes opened, a sleepy gaze. "Sure."

"When you're at school, don't you miss all this?"

"Nah. It's nice and all, but this belongs to my parents. Besides, I kind of like communicating with people directly and not through an intercom."

I stifled a laugh which made him smile.

"I've only been here an hour, but this is pretty amazing. Thank you again for inviting me."

"You're invited anytime."

I was dying to hit the pool but that would have meant getting out of the Jacuzzi and putting myself on full display, but a nice swim on a cold December evening sounded attractive.

"How cold is the pool?"

"Compared to this? It's like jumping into a frozen lake."

"You make it sound so appealing," I said with laugh.

"If you don't believe me, try it."

"I'll see that as a challenge." I got out of the Jacuzzi and was greeted by room temperature air that felt like a gust of cold wind. Compounding that was Zach's eyes trained on me, possibly checking me out in a bikini I never thought I'd wear. I acted fast and dove in. The water slapped me like a bag of ice. I surfaced and let out a mini shriek.

"Told you," he called out.

"At least I did it. I think you're being a suck."

"Them's fighting words. Are you daring me to jump in, Miss Andrews?"

"I am."

"What do I get if I do it?"

"I'll make you dinner for a week."

"You already do that. Something better."

"I don't know."

"Tell you what, we'll determine it later as long as it's within reason."

"I'll take that bet."

He climbed out of the Jacuzzi took a running start then cannon-balled into the pool only feet from me, sending up a wave that soaked me again. He surfaced and laughed at my stern expression.

"Did I splash you?"

"Yes!" I splashed him back and he swam away.

Neither of us were interested in staying in the pool when we'd lounged in a Jacuzzi. We got out and I wrapped myself with a towel before a chill set in.

"What's tomorrow going to be like?" I asked.

"Lots of people and lots of BS," he said. "I tow the party line all evening while wishing I could get drunk."

"What if I say the wrong thing?"

"You're a guest, you can say what you want."

"If that's the case, why is everyone worried about what Steve will say?"

"Because he's an idiot and an attention whore."

"Why does Genie like him so much?"

"I don't know. He's good in bed?"


"You asked."

I put my robe back on and wrapped the towel around my wet hair. "Does it go late?"

"Usually, but I put in a few hours then watch movies the rest of the night."

Genie breezed back in, unscathed by whatever she'd just experienced. "Are you guys hungry? There's some food for us."

"I'm going to hit the sack. Long day tomorrow," Zach said. "Goodnight, ladies."

I watched him go and when I looked back at Genie a wide smile was on her face. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing," she said.

"No, what? I want to know."

"Never mind. Are you hungry or not?"

"No, not really. What time to we have to be up?"

"I want us up and out before seven."

"Then I better go to bed too."

"See in the morning."

She was still smiling and I couldn't help but wonder what was going on.


Grandma took me to get a manicure and pedicure done at the mall when I turned sixteen. The Ivy Spa was no afternoon at the mall. We got our own robes, softer than those at the Walker house, a tall glass of sparkling juice, various mini muffins, cookies and cakes, and an assortment of fancy teas I'd never heard of. Before they'd even taken us in for our manicure, pedicure, facial and whatever else Genie had planned, I got the most relaxing and mind-blowing head and neck massage. I didn't want it to end. I felt all tension float away.

Next came the facial, the seaweed body wrap, a light lunch then our manicure and pedicure. With all that done we moved on to hair and makeup.

"Is this how celebrities live?" I asked, as Pamela, my hair stylist, worked on my updo.

"This and more," she replied.

"I could get used to this."

By three p.m. we were all done. Pamela presented me in the mirror and I barely recognized the face staring back at me. I looked like a movie star. I felt like I could walk any red carpet. Even with my subdued makeup – I'd specifically asked for my neutral tones – Pamela had made me look flawless. I actually looked pretty.

"You're gorgeous," Genie said. "The guys are going to fall all over you tonight, especially when they see you in the dress I picked out."

"You think so?"

Genie hugged me, something foreign to me. "Emma, I just love you. You're so adorable! Now let's get out of here. We still have to get dressed."

A car picked us up and took us back to the Walker house. We meandered through the serving staff and party planners up to Genie's room. We had about an hour before guests arrived.

"Here it is," she said, holding up the dress. The navy gown with navy embroidered beads and crystals looked like nothing I could ever afford. Already Genie had done so much for me by paying for our spa day, the bathing suits, but this dress? It was fit for a princess. "Try it on."

I took it from her and went into her bathroom. I slipped it off and hanger and slid into it. It fit perfectly, hugging every subtle curve of my body. The v-shaped neckline didn't plunge too much, but showed just the right amount of cleavage. The slit up my right leg went mid-thigh revealing my toned legs. They were definitely my best asset.

"Let me see," Genie called.

I came out of the bathroom and she whistled. "Holy shit! You look gorgeous."

"Thanks," I said, my skin tingling with excitement.

"Let me find you some jewelry," she said, going through her massive collection. She picked out a strand of pearls and teardrop pearl earrings. "These will complete your look."

I took them from here, feeling my eyes well up with tears. "Genie, thanks for everything."

"No crying! We just had our makeup done," she said, hugging me again.

"It's just so much . . ."

"Don't worry about it. Now let me get dressed and you help me with my jewelry."

Once we were ready, it was time to make our grand entrance. I was so nervous that I couldn't get my hands to stop shaking. What if I said the wrong thing? Or fell flat on my ass in the heels Genie and I had bought that afternoon? What if I threw up all over Genie's pretty dress? I told myself to pull it together.

Light dinner music was now playing through the house. I followed Genie through the main entrance where a few of the servers had set up a bar. We drifted into the main living room which I saw for the first time. It was a wide open room as large as our house in Pine Falls and filled with expensive art on the walls and antiques on full display. There we found Mr. and Mrs. Walker and Zach, dressed smartly in a black suit and grey tie looking as handsome as ever. They all looked at us when we entered.

"Wow," Zach said. "Em, you look beautiful."

My cheeks burned. "Thanks," I said shyly.

"I told her the guys would go crazy the moment they saw her. Zach, you might want to keep an eye on her."

"I think I will," he said with a wink.

"About Steven," Mrs. Walker said to Genie, who retreated to a corner with her mother while Mr. Walker was ushered away by one of his aides.

"So, you come around here often?" Zach joked.

I giggled. "Come on, stop teasing."

"Genie's right. The guys will be all over you. I think I should be your personal bodyguard."

"If you think I need one," I said, trying not to giggle some more.

"Everyone, gather around," a tall man in a pin-striped suit boomed. I had no idea who he was but he sounded prickly so I did as he said. "Remember, don't mention the pipeline or the upcoming election. Let's keep this a light evening and where are the Walker kids? I only see Zach."

Genie popped her head out and waved. "I'm here. Mom is just grilling me."

"Right. Walker kids, take lots of photos. We want to see you working this room. Handsome children get their mothers and fathers re-elected. And don't forget to smile." The man focused on me, his black eyes like laser beams. "Who are you?" he asked.

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