Breakwater: Rick (BBW Bad Boy Space Bear Shifter Romance) (Star Bears Book 2) (100 page)

BOOK: Breakwater: Rick (BBW Bad Boy Space Bear Shifter Romance) (Star Bears Book 2)
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“I’d like that.”

Mark grinned, and setting his bass aside, he came forward and took her into his arms.

You were right, Granny
, Addy thought as he held her close, and she felt his lips brush the side of her face.
You were so right

They finished their final set to a rousing round of applause, and Mark thanked everyone, reminding them to drive home safely. Addy felt as though she was floating above the stage, as she gently set her guitar in its stand. Before stepping down, she scanned the still-crowded reception. Granny was sitting with Mark’s two grandmothers, chatting amiably as the elderly often did at the weddings of their grandchildren. Mel and Matt had invited Granny to their wedding, and their family home was close enough to Granny’s place, that it was no trouble for one of the many Saint cousins to pick her up and take her back home again. Addy wouldn’t be going home tonight, and she wasn’t entirely certain of what she felt about that.

“Buy you a drink, darlin’?” Mark asked, coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

“Just something cold, thanks. I need to talk to Granny, though.”

Mark gave her a squeeze of understanding. “I’ll bring it to the grannies’ table, then.”

“Thanks, Mark.” She smiled up at him and blushed when he dropped a light kiss on her lips.

Winding her way across the crowded room, she was waylaid several times by people who had nothing but positive things to say about her performance with the Saint brothers. They had publicly débuted “Appalachian Home” during the actual wedding ceremony, and according to everyone who had spoken to her about it, there hadn’t been a dry eye left in the house. Addy was glad for many reasons, not the least of which was knowing it was the best wedding present she could have given to her new friends.

Addy had been rehearsing and recording with The Four Saints for a couple of months, now, and they all had such confidence in her that Matt had asked her to sit in with the band on stage while he and Mel were on their honeymoon. Uncertainty still plagued her, but there was no way she was going to let them down—short of a complete breakdown, of course.

It was Uncle Bart who had taken it upon himself to make certain that wouldn’t happen. He’d spent countless hours with her over the past eight weeks, working with her to help her understand what was happening when she Shifted, how to anticipate it, and how to control it instead of letting it control her. She’d never felt the kind of confidence around other people she now felt, and while she’d been acutely nervous before the wedding, she’d managed to hold it together in the time leading up to “Appalachian Home,” and she and Mark and the others had “nailed it,” as John had claimed. And throughout the reception, she had covered Matt’s guitar parts, adding her voice to the band’s regular songs. Addy couldn’t imagine not being scared to death, when she finally stepped on stage in front of an audience of strangers, but she knew she was going to be just fine, thanks to this entire family of new friends who believed in her.

“There’s my darlin’,” Granny said, when Addy stepped up to the table.

“Have a seat, Addy,” Mark’s Grandma Larkin said, gesturing to another chair at their table.

“Thank you, Mrs. Larkin.”

“Oh, just make it Grandma, dear. Mrs. Larkin is much too formal on such an occasion.”

Addy smiled her thanks and felt Granny squeeze her hand.

“Didn’t I tell you my Addy was doin’ just fine by your boys?” Granny asked, hugging Addy’s arm to her.

“You certainly did, Flora,” Mark’s Gran said. “We especially liked that new song,” she said, turning her attention to Addy. “The one you did durin’ the wedding? Oh, my, but I wept through that one.”

“We all did, Agatha,” Gran said. She sighed. “It was so beautiful.”

“Ladies,” Mark said, as he came up to the table and handed Addy a glass of punch.

“There’s our boy,” Gran said, putting her arm around him.

“You look tired, sweetie,” Grandma Larkin said. “Are you sure about drivin’ all the way back to Nashville tonight?”

“We’ll be fine Grandma. We’ll trade off on the drivin’, if we get too tired, but we’re all feelin’ pretty frisky right now, so it shouldn’t be a problem. And no one’s been drinkin’ alcohol, either, so don’t you worry.”

“Well, of course we’ll worry,” Gran said, reaching across her in-law to take Mark’s hand. “That’s what grandmothers do, you know.”

Mark laughed and leaned in to kiss both their cheeks.

“I need to start packin’ up,” he said, glancing over at the stage and seeing Luke starting to break down his drums.

“I should help,” Addy said.

“You’ve done enough, today, Addy,” he said, resting his hand on her shoulder to keep her seated. “We’ve got this.”


“Such a nice boy,” Granny said.

Addy nodded, her eyes following Mark as he returned to his brothers.

She took a deep breath and turned back to Granny.

“I’m goin’ back to Nashville with them, Granny,” she said, keeping her voice low so only her own grandmother heard her.

Granny put her arm around her and squeezed. “Of course you are, darlin’.”

Addy saw Granny’s knowing smile and blushed.

“You knew?”

She nodded. “And I’m not even goin’ to say ‘I told you so.’”

Addy laughed and wrapped her arms around her grandmother’s neck.

“You deserve to,” she whispered. “I love you so much.”

“Oh, and I love you, darlin’, so much.”

“I’ll miss you.”

“Of course. But don’t you be worryin’ about me, Addy Ann. I have a lot of new friends, now, and they’ll be stoppin’ by to keep me from gettin’ lonely.”

“You bet we will,” Grandma Larkin said, hearing the last bit. “We had no idea Flora was livin’ so close to us. We’ll visit often, and I’m bettin’ our granddaughters will be lookin’ in on your granny in the future as much as they look in on us now.”

Addy smiled. “Please thank them for me.”

“We will. Now as your granny said, don’t you be worryin’ about a thing.”

Addy hugged and kissed Granny one more time said, goodbye to the others then headed off to pack up her guitar.

Whatever happens now
, she decided then and there,
I’m gonna do what Granny says and not worry about it anymore

Addy stood in the front widow of Mel’s third-floor apartment, looking down at the street below as traffic continued moving into the night. She’d changed into her nightgown and robe, but couldn’t seem to settle. The night lights and sounds in the city were so different from what she was used to, that even after only a couple of nights back home, they were keeping her awake again.

“You okay?” Mark asked, coming up behind her.

“It’s the city,” she murmured. “I wonder if I’ll ever really get used to it.”

They heard a siren in the distance.

“I know the feelin’, darlin’,” Mark said, wrapping his arms around her from behind in a now-practiced move.

Addy leaned back in his arms, comforted in a way she never would have imagined only a few weeks before. She shouldn’t feel this way after knowing Mark for only two months. She shouldn’t have let him stay in Mel’s apartment with her. But Mel and Matt were at this moment on their honeymoon in a cozy cabin somewhere near Gatlinburg, and she didn’t want to be alone tonight.

She thought of the rest of the men in the apartments below. The original owner of the building—who had been living on the first floor—had decided to sell it to Uncle Bart after all when the second floor tenant had moved out. Luke and John were staying on the second floor, now, and Uncle Bart had moved into the first floor apartment. What her living arrangements would be once Mel and Matt got back was still up in the air, but for one week, she was going to explore what she and Mark might have together.

Addy hugged his arms about her and sighed.

“I shouldn’t be here with you,” she whispered, “but I can’t seem to care. I don’t want to be anywhere else.”

“I’m glad,” he said, kissing the side of her neck, “’cause I want you here with me, too.”

She sighed and turned in his arms, wrapping hers around his neck and laying her head on his broad chest. She might have been content to stand that way all night, but as his lips began to explore her neck and move to her jaw, she raised her face and brought her lips to his. Her mouth opened under his prompting, and their kiss deepened until his arms were the only thing keeping her from melting into the floor.

When he shifted to return his exploration to her neck and throat, she tipped back her head to give him open access.

“I don’t know about you, darlin’” he murmured, “but I don’t think we’ll be sleepin’ in separate beds tonight.”

“I hope not,” she said on a gasp, as his tongue explored a sensitive place along her collar bone.

Mark chuckled and brought his lips back to hers.

“I’m thinkin’ we’re a little too exposed out here in the livin’ room, too,” he said between kisses.

Addy felt herself blush, and she would have pulled away from him and the front window, if Mark hadn’t been holding her so tightly. He laughed and lifted her into his arms.

“Just like Scarlet O’Hara,” she murmured dreamily as he headed for the bedroom.

“Except I don’t think I’d make it up a flight of stairs,” Mark said on a laugh.

She giggled, until he set her down at the foot of the bed and went back to work, kissing her fiercely. She kissed him back, trying desperately to get her hands beneath his shirt so she could touch him. He was still wearing the jeans and sweater he had changed into before getting into the car, but the t-shirt beneath was tucked snuggly into his jeans.

“Easy, darlin’,” he whispered, letting go of her just long enough to pull his shirttail free. Then her hands were on him, molding his torso, feeling the hard, smooth contours of his muscular chest. When her fingers found his nipples, he jumped and pulled her hands away.

“That’s for me to do, sweetheart,” he said, trapping her arms behind her back with one hand while he used the other to pull the front of her robe open and went to work on the buttons on her nightgown.

Then she felt both garments slip away, and she froze as the night air found her bare breasts. No man had ever seen her like this, and she was both embarrassed and excited as never before. She was breathing hard, her breasts heaving, and she could see by the street light leaking around the drapes that he was staring at her with bright eyes.

Mortified, she pulled away, grabbing at her nightgown and robe.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”


She took a deep, fortifying breath. “I…I’m sorry.”

“You haven’t anythin’ to be sorry for, darlin’. I think maybe I should be apologizin’ to you, though. I thought you wanted…”

“No!” She was crying now, almost frantic with needs twisting inside of her. She felt herself tingling with the first onset of a Shift, and she angrily grabbed at her hair, using the pain to keep her in the now.

“Just tell me what you want, Addy,” he said, his words a gentle balm to her frantic nerves.

“I want you!” she cried. “Only I’ve never done this before, and I’m bound to make a mess of it!”

She heard his sigh, and was startled to hear relief rather than frustration in it.

“Then I
be apologizin’ to you, darlin’,” he said, taking her gently by the shoulders. “I can’t say I’m the most experienced buck around, but I know better than to treat you like I just did your first time out.”

Mark turned her to him once more and tenderly brushed the hair back from her face. He smiled.

“I remember the first time I saw you. Your hair was this wild, jumbled mess, soft as a kitten and the color of summer wheat.”

Addy felt herself blush again and dropped her eyes.

“I used to cut it myself.”


She nodded. “I’d just hack at it with scissors when it got in my way. Misty—the hairdresser Mel took me to see?—took one look at it that first time and just rolled her eyes.”

He chuckled. “I guess she didn’t appreciate how much I wanted to run my hands through it,” he said, combing out the tangles of her new haircut with his fingers, until the soft feathers were in place once more. “I do like your new haircut, though,” he added.

She managed a small smile. “I do too. And I think Granny was relieved to see it.”

Mark laughed and pulled her to him once more.

“We’re gonna take it slow this time, darlin’,” he said, lightly brushing his lips over her forehead and along her jaw. “Anything I do that makes you uncomfortable, you tell me. Hear?”

“All right,” she said, though the touch of his lips was doing those magical things to her insides again.

This time, he shed his own sweater and t-shirt before reaching for her robe and nightgown. She marveled at his musculature, running her fingers over his shoulders and down his arms. His chest was dark with thick, curly hair, which arrowed down and disappeared into his jeans. She barely noticed when her robe and nightgown slid to the floor, leaving her completely naked once again. She was too busy trying to unbutton his jeans. Then the zipper nearly defeated her, but he took over, slipping off his jeans, leaving only his shorts behind as he gently pushed her back onto the bed.

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