Breaking The Silence (Fatally Flawed Book 3) (10 page)

BOOK: Breaking The Silence (Fatally Flawed Book 3)
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Chapter 25




              The ride to my apartment took longer than necessary, but I wanted to build up Izzy’s anticipation for what was to come. She dug her nails into me, when I rolled up to my apartment building, obviously not happy with my destination of choice. Bringing her here was a strategic decision. Having her feel uncomfortable, like she’s done to me, is all a part of the plan. For the first time in my adult life, I was amused by someone’s actions towards me. Getting out of the shower, seeing what she had done to my clothes, I was angry. Then I thought of all the ways I could make her regret it, and I began to feel excitement.

              Clicking the button, I had installed on my key, the garage door slowly starts to open. Slowly pulling in, making sure to park it the same as always, Izzy removes her arms from around my waist. Once she is off the bike, place the helmet Izzy takes off on the handlebars, and begin walking out of the small garage. “Are you going to stay in here all night, Elizabeth?” I ask, noticing she isn’t following me. Waiting for her normal cheeky response, I’m amused when I’m met with nothing but silence.

              “Are you giving me the silent treatment?” She turns her head away from my seeking eyes, crossing her arms over her chest, walking to the far end of the garage. The tank top she is wearing, barely keeps her tits from spilling out, when she does this. With another click of the button, the garage door starts to close, blanketing the garage in darkness. The only light to be seen is the small gap where the metal door meets the concrete ground.

              “Let’s see if I can make you scream.” I whisper out into the darkness. Taking my knife, out of my boot, I click it in place loud enough for her to hear. Sneaking up behind her, sliding the blade around her throat, I trail it down her chest. When I make it to the top of her shirt, in between those perfect tits that are on display, I turn the knife’s-edge and cut my way to the bottom. Izzy’s gasp of surprise is quickly muted by the hand she brings over her mouth. I smirk into the dark room, once again amazed by her bravery. Most girls would have stayed away from me the moment I brought out my knife, but not my Izzy. This is the second time I have used the knife on her, and I’m positive she enjoys it just as much as me.

              “Does that make you mad?” I taunt her, trying to get her to yell at me in anger. She says nothing, just brings her hand down, giving me no indication she even heard me. My blood starts pumping through my veins faster. I enjoy the effort she puts into not submitting to me right away. With a smirk on my face, I place both my hands on her shoulders, removing the ruined tank top from her body.

              With my right hand I start gliding my fingers across her exposed skin. “This color looks good on you.” I whisper into her ear. I keep her distracted, slowly moving across her skin, long enough to cut the patch of fabric holding the lacey cups together. I remove the bra straps from her shoulders, inwardly smiling, because her fight is starting to wear.

              “Bend over the bike.” I command.

              Izzy starts to turn around, but I stop her with a hand to her waist. “I didn’t tell you to turn around.” I state.  She slowly begins to walk in the direction of the bike, her hand out in front of her, obviously having trouble seeing in the dark. Not wanting her to fall, I wrap my arm around her waist, and help her to find the bike. Arranging her the way I want, both her forearms on the seat with her ass in the air, I take a step back. With the knife still in my left hand, I make quick work, cutting off the remainder of her clothes. I remove my leather jacket, carefully throwing it to the floor, before taking off the once black shirt. The sight of her bent over my bike, waiting for me to do what I want, has my dick harder than it has ever been. The punishment I have planned will have to wait. Unbuckling my pants, Izzy starts wiggling her hips, obviously growing impatient as well. I step in closer, grabbing her curly hair between my fingers, forcing her to look up. With the tip of my dick I tease her entrance, before moving up to slide across her clit. She pushes back, trying to force me into her, no longer wanting to wait.

              I stop all my movement, bringing my hand down hard on her ass, “argh.” She yells out, no longer moving her ass backwards. I count to ten, making sure she is going to stay still, before going back to teasing. Every time I slide over her entrance I stick just the head in, loving the way her pussy walls clamp down on me. I start to build a rhythm, that is driving both of us crazy, but she knows what she has to do get what she wants. Just when I think she’s not going to give in, and I’ll have to change tactics, she finally breaks.

              “PLEASE K.J…. Please just fuck me…I need…” She is cut off mid-sentence when I fully thrust myself into her. I let go of her hair, grabbing her waist with both hands, and fuck her nice and hard from behind. She starts rocking her hips, her legs growing weak, so I hold her up while holding back my orgasm. Reaching around with my left hand, I continue to hold her weight, and place my thumb over her clit. That little friction alone causes her pussy to clamp down harder, making it all the more difficult not to cum. Gritting my teeth, I manage to last long enough for Izzy to orgasm. I let out a small growl of satisfaction before she mutters the three words that change everything.

              “I love you, K.J.”

              “I need you to remember that, Elizabeth.” I command while taking her into my arms. “No matter what happens, no matter what surprises come your way.”

              “You’re starting to scare me” She whispers into my chest. There is nothing for me to say to that. I don’t like liars and Izzy doesn’t deserve fake reassurances. The truth is there’s something big that has been brewing for a long time, but at least I know Izzy won’t be involved. There is nothing I can’t handle as long as I know she is safe.








Chapter 26




              Some people may think it’s selfish of me to wait this long to tell Izzy about my criminal side, but I don’t care what people think. Yesterday, when we finally made it to the apartment, I showed her just how much she meant to me. Is it love? I don’t think so. She is more of an obsession to me. Someone that I could never live without. People fall in and out of love all the time. What I feel for Izzy could never fade. It only grows stronger each time I hear her pleas for forgiveness, when I see the mixture of desire and fear in her eyes, and when I see the look of surrender in her gaze.

              “Where are we, K.J?” She asks.

              I have brought Izzy to the only place she will be safe when the inevitable happens. I bought this land right after high school, making sure to keep it hidden from Lorenzo, to have a safe place to go in case I needed one. I had the cabin built on the back of the property, hidden behind all the cypress trees.             

              “Why would you bring me to a house in the middle of swampy Florida?”

              Reaching my hand out to her, she entwines our fingers, smiling up at me with those beautiful honey brown eyes. There are not many occasions when I let her touch me like this, I’ve never been a touchy feely person, probably due to my upbringing.

              “If I didn’t know any better, I would say you’ve brought me up here to kill me. The creepy cabin, surrounded by woods, perfect for hiding bodies. This just screams Hollywood, am I right?”

              “I don’t watch T.V.” I state.

              “That explains why there was no T.V. in your apartment, but why didn’t you have any furniture?” She questions, quickening her pace to keep up with mine.

              “I have furniture.” I state walking up the steps to the cabin’s porch.

              “Normal people have couches and tables in their living room and kitchen. You have a weight bench. That’s all.”

              “I have a bed.”

              With the mention of the bed a blush spreads out across her neck and face. Last night, when I took her in to my room, I showed her some of the extra components I had added onto my king size bed. I chained her ankles and wrist to the solid wooden frame using material bought from a home improvement store. Spending the entire night, teaching her the many ways I can make her cry out. In both pain and ecstasy.

              Unlocking the door, I step into the cabin, and quickly punch in the code to my alarm system. This place is secluded, but I like the added safety of high tech alarm. Izzy walks in behind me, marveling at all the furniture I have. There is a brown leather sofa and recliner that sits in the middle of the living room. Beside them both are glass top side tables, in front of it all, is a flat screen T.V mounted on the wall.

              “I thought you didn’t watch T.V.” She smugly states.

              “It’s not for me.”

              Closing the door, I follow Izzy as she walks around, her smile growing with each furnished room she enters. The kitchen is set up with black appliances and dark grey counter tops. There is enough food in the fridge and pantry to feed a family of ten for half a year. An island stands in the middle of the kitchen, with cast iron pans hanging on their rack, waiting for someone to finally use them. I sometimes enjoy cooking, so I made sure to provide everything I would need to do so.

              “I love this kitchen.” She beams up at me.

              “I’m glad.” I say.

              When she has touched every surface she can reach, we start to make our way down the hall that leads to the bedrooms. There are three, two guest rooms that are across the hall from each other, with private bathrooms in them all.

              Izzy enters the one to her left first, quickly opening the door, excited to see what this one looks like. It’s not a huge room, just big enough to fit two people comfortably. There is a white dresser and queen size bed with a white comforter. The walls are painted a light yellow with matching pillows and curtains.

              The way Izzy’s lip turns down when she touches the wall tells me all I need to know. She is not a fan of the color scheme. Turning around, and exiting the room, she shuts the door. “Who decorated that room?” She asks.

              “It doesn’t matter?” I declare, “you can change it if you want.”

              Walking to the other guest room, she arches an eyebrow, silently asking me what I mean. I don’t have time to explain before she is opening the door, and closing it just as quickly. “They look the same.” She yells. I know Izzy is really big on fashion and style, so it’s no surprise when she starts mumbling about ugly paint and curtains.

              Arriving at the last door, to the room at the end of the hall, she looks over at me, “I hope this one looks nothing like the others.” When the door is opened enough for her to peek in, she lets out a gasp of surprise, before running into the huge room and jumping onto the king size bed.

              “I love it.” She squeals with laughter while rolling around on the many colorful pillows that are now scattered everywhere. I had Sticks decorate the house. Only giving him specific instructions on this room because I wanted Izzy to be comfortable here. The walls are painted a pastel blue with colorful frames, holding different shaped mirrors, all along the room. The bed looks like a rainbow threw up on it, with all the different colored pillows, and bright pink bed spread.

              Looking over at Izzy, and seeing the pure joy shining through her eyes, is enough to make me feel like all this will be worth it. I may have to wear shades, from the pain all these bright colors do to my eyes, but at least Izzy will enjoy being here.

              “Who decorated this room?” She screeches out as she tosses her shoes, so she can jump on the bed. Her wild, curly, hair is flying through the air along with her hands and arms.

              “Me.” I state over the sound of her squealing laughter. Izzy instantly stops bouncing, after my declaration, her eyebrows arched in the air. “You did this?” She inquires while pointing at me.

              “Mr. All Black picked out this pink comforter?”



              “Does there have to be a reason?” I ask while making my way toward her. When I get to the edge of the bed, I reach out grabbing her by the ankles, and pull her legs out from underneath her. Izzy lets out a yelp of surprise as I pull her to me. With her legs now hanging off the bed, I place myself between her thighs, leaning some of my weight on her.

              “What’s going on K.J.”

              “I decorated this room just for you, because I want you to feel at home, in case you ever need to stay here for a long period of time.” I state.

              “Why would I need to stay here?”

              “Because I tell you to.”

              She pushes against my weight, trying to get out from underneath me. “What aren’t you telling me?” Grabbing both her hands, I pin them above her head, “calm down, Elizabeth.” I demand. Keeping our gazes locked. She starts to take deep breaths, relaxing more into the bed.

              “There are certain aspects of my life I have chosen to keep private.” The scuff she gives me, at hearing me say that, almost makes me smile. “I worked for a man named Lorenzo Alvarez. Lorenzo is a well-known drug lord that is very dangerous. It just so happens he may be after me, and I need to make sure you will be comfortable while staying safe.” I finish my statement, watching for any sign that she is going to freak out. The fact that Izzy’s taking the news so well is enough to let me know she’s planning something.

              “Don’t.” I state.

              Izzy takes a deep breath, before rearing her head up, nearly hitting me on the bridge of my nose. With my free hand, I grab her throat, making sure she can’t do that again.

              “You fucking, BASTARD. You let me fall in love with you knowing I had no clue you were a drug dealing criminal. You’re the reason we’ve all been in danger. Jasper nearly died and Bethany lost her baby, because of you.” She spits out.

              “Lorenzo is not after anyone but me, Elizabeth.” I whisper against her lips before slamming mine down onto hers. There is only one, sure, way for me to calm down, this woman down, and I’m a big enough asshole to use it. I trail my hand, from Izzy’s throat down to the hem of her shirt, and inch my way up the flawless bare skin I’ll never tire of caressing. She turns her head, breaking the kiss, “stop, K.J.” She whispers out in a broken voice.

              I let go of her hands, lifting myself up, effectively letting Izzy free from my hold. The minute she sees she can get free, Izzy rolls off the bed, standing to her full height. “Take me home please.” She says so softly I barely hear it.

              “Izzy, look at me.” I command. “I have never been a drug runner. I was hired by Lorenzo to kill his enemies.”  When she turns around, finally looking into my eyes, I can only focus on the unshed tears that are gathering in her eyes. I have seen Izzy mad, happy, and sad. This is none of the above. Those brown eyes are shinning with anguish and mistrust. I did exactly what I set out to do, but not in the way I wanted. I finally broke her.

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