Breaking Out (15 page)

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Authors: Gayle Parness

Tags: #urban fantasy, #demon, #paranormal, #magic, #shapeshifter, #faerie

BOOK: Breaking Out
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While the dryer spun, Jay sat next to her,
allowing her to rest her head against his arm. In less than a
minute, she was asleep, smiling like she was having a great dream.
She was probably just tired.

Guilt was nagging at me. Should we give her
guardian a call? Was that who she wanted to report to? My instincts
told me not to allow it, especially since she’d just lied about him
being good to her.
My family will be killed if I don’t report
. She’d been telling the truth when she told me that.

I’d have to question her again soon, because
it wasn’t only my mixed-up life affected by the decision to hold on
to the girl. Jay had decided to stick it out with me, and that put
him at risk, too.

I folded our jeans and shirts, finagling a
plastic garbage bag from the attendant for the rest of the stuff.
We found a motel that looked decent and booked a room with two
queen beds. After showers we crashed.

Samson was growling softly and licking my
hand, the usual “stranger danger” signal. I glanced at my phone— 2
am—and nudged Jay, who woke up instantly on full alert, an ability
that had shocked the crap out of me the first time I saw it happen.
I‘d always thought of him as pretty laid back, except when he was
angry. Then watch out.

Our room was dark, so Jay peeked through the
curtain. “Don’t see anything.”

I sent out magical feelers, searching for
signs of any supernaturals in the immediate area. Bingo. “There’s a
fae outside our room.”


“Don’t know.”

“What should we do?”

“I’ll put up a couple of protective spells.
Then we wait.”

Jay and I took turns sleeping and listening.
Samson curled up by the door, ready to bite the unlucky supe who
decided to break in. Around dawn I sensed the fae had gone. Jay and
I took one look at the time and crashed again.

Ivy had slept through the whole thing.




Wow. Waking
up in a room with two shirtless guys who were the personification
of hotness was not so bad, even though it was way too early to
actually make a move out of this comfortable bed. I stretched my
arms over my head, my legs to their fullest length, luxuriating in
the space I had all to myself. I made a silent wish that we’d be
back in this room again tomorrow.

The males’ dreamy state gave me the perfect
opportunity to check them out. Jay was closest and snoring softly,
the sound more soothing than annoying. His usually animated face
was relaxed and peaceful, making him seem younger than Charles,
even though he was a couple years older. As he’d slept, his light
brown wavy hair, shorter than Charlie’s, had fallen across his
face. With his hair like that, I wouldn’t be able to see his eyes,
the blue so vibrant it always surprised me. His lips were full for
a guy, his face normally expressing extremes of happiness,
irritation or curiosity. His personality was open, leaving little
doubt about how he felt on a subject. I liked that about him.

Charlie kept his feelings off his face
whenever possible. He was pretty successful, except for his eyes.
Everything was there, even though the color was wrong. I wished I
could see him as he really was, the way he was inside the lines.
The black and white picture I’d seen while we were researching him
and his powers showed a slim young male with very light hair. He’d
seemed to be laughing in the picture. I hadn’t seen much of that
since I’d met him.

Most of the time he looked worried.

Charlie sighed and turned over, facing away
from me now. Their blanket had fallen to their hips giving me an
eyeful of Jay’s sculpted chest and Charlie’s muscular back. My face
suddenly heated in what was probably the queen of all blushes,
warmth traveling through my limbs and pooling in my belly. I
covered my face with my hands, stunned by this intense reaction.
I’d never been this close to two young half-naked males, two
males, and it was affecting me in unexpected

When I returned home, maybe with Charlie in
tow, I’d be expected to mate with someone the chieftain chose for
me. I had no say in the matter because I was one of the few
remaining females still able to reproduce. A male of good lineage
would be chosen, and I would have to do my part to save my

“Are you okay?”

Jay must have seen me wipe away a tear. “Just
woke up kinda early.” I said.

He yawned, his enormous mouth opening beyond
what should be physically possible. “We were up half the

“Why?” I asked.

“There was a…”


Charlie had stopped him from saying something
and now they were looking at each other strangely. “Did those guys
who took me come back?” I asked. “Those wolves?”

“No. It was nothing for you to worry about.”
Charlie answered. “I’ll let Samson out and then we’ll get dressed
and get some breakfast.” I watched as he mumbled something in
Samson’s ear, opening it when he was done.

“Why can’t I know?” I asked, already in a bad

“It has nothing to do with you.”

“None of my business, in other words.”

“Well, yes.”

I grabbed my clothes and changed in the
bathroom, swearing under my breath. If there was something
dangerous going on then I had a right to know what it was.

Jay and Charlie had changed while I was in
the bathroom, so we were out the door in record time. “What’re we
doing after breakfast?” I asked.

“Looking for a place to rent.”

“An office or a house?”

“Maybe both.”

“You’re gonna find something in one day?”


I looked at Jay, hoping to find someone else
who thought he was crazy. No go. “He can do it. Watch. “

“You gonna glamour someone into giving us the
keys to their house?”

“Where do you get ideas like that? We’re
going to a real estate office. But first we’re buying some

Two hours later we were walking into Seven
Hills Real Estate, decked out in brand new business attire. The
guys were in sports jackets and slacks and I’d gotten the most
awesome blazer with a matching short skirt and a silk blouse. I’d
also convinced them to buy me a leather skirt and boots but they
made me swear that I wouldn’t wear the outfit to business

“Ms. Riley?” Charlie was smiling, extending
his hand. Yeah, he was smooth.

“What can I help you with Mr. Crawford?”

“We’re looking to rent a house with an office
we can see clients in. It would need to have a separate door to the

“I have three that might fit your criteria.
Would you mind showing me some ID?”

“Of course.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t consider renting to
you until you’re over 21.”

“We’re not discussing alcohol.” He smiled.
God, he sure had charming down.

She flushed. “I understand, but you can’t
possibly have a high enough credit rating at this age.”

“Why don’t you see for yourself?”

“830. And how is it you have a ten year
credit history?”

“Child prodigy. Now could we perhaps see the

She looked at her watch. “Of course.”

Charlie took house number two. It was a two
bedroom, two bath, with a separate office that had its own
entrance. There was even a garage. Off the beach and near the
highway, it was perfect.

The rest of that day was spent in a
crazy-assed flurry. Charlie and Jay bought a TV and somehow managed
to get the cable guy in. Goodwill delivered the few items of
furniture they’d purchased and they never deliver. Then we’d hit a
bed and mattress place and they delivered too.

I’d been watching Charisma Man pretty closely
throughout the day. He’d do his thing with the salespeople and the
managers. But around us, he’d be his normal worried, sometimes
grumpy self. I couldn’t figure out why he didn’t use that gift all
the time. I mean he’d have friends up the kazoo, plus he’d be so
much easier to hang out with.

I watched Jay and Charlie teasing each other.
He was always friendly with Jay. It must be me.

That night we wrapped it up by hitting a
super discount store for towels, sheets and food. The guys let me
have one of the bedrooms. It was the first time I’d had a room to
myself. Ever. I slept like the dead.

After breakfast, we were lounging on the
small couch and chair from Goodwill, when Charlie said, “Time’s

I ignored him. “Man, this place is the bomb.”
I put my feet on the cushiony ottoman and leaned back with a

They looked around the room and frowned. Jay
poked at the arm of the chair. “It’s okay, I guess.”

“Peter would laugh himself silly, ” Charlie

“Why?” I asked.

Jay answered, “He’d say it’s about one step
up from camping out.”

“Well I think it’s awesome. You guys must be
rolling in moolah.”

“Actually, we’re rolling in the direction of
almost broke, which is why I took that job with the werewolf.”

“The woman you spoke to was a werewolf?” I
asked, sitting up, a creeping sensation rolling down my spine.

“Yeah, from a pack on Catalina Island. We’re
going there Monday.”

No. No. No, this can’t happen.
I stood
up, but there was nowhere to go.

“What’s wrong?” Charlie asked.

“The prophecy was right.” My eyes filled. I
didn’t want it to be true, but if he was going to help the Catalina
wolves, he must be an enemy.

“I don’t understand. What part of that
prophecy applies to your race?” Charlie asked.

“It…it says you’ll side with the wolves, turn
your back on your own people, the glorious fae, and you will lead
your demon armies against the kingdoms of the unseelie.”

“Who told you that bull crap?” Jay asked,
almost laughing.

I frowned and turned to Charlie. “That’s not
in the prophecy,” he said. “Someone lied to you.”

“So what does it say?”

“Pfft. It’s all bull.” Charlie stood and
walked toward the kitchen. “I’m making coffee.”

Jay leaned closer, speaking softly. “It’s not
bull. A demi-fey who’s a seer spoke the words. She said he’s going
to lead the fae against the demons who attack them and that his
mixed blood will make him stronger and that he’ll always be Tuatha
De Danann
That’s a name for the ancient

“But this isn’t what we’ve been taught. At
least it’s not what Tellek says.”

Charlie had come back, plopping down on the
couch next to me. “So your people have it in for me?” He gave me a
twisted grin, as if that idea was funny.

“You’re a prince of Faerie. They’d probably
be so terrified of you, they’d bow.”

“Yeah, well I won’t be going there, that’s
for sure.” After his kindness, I couldn’t imagine taking him to
Tellek, but if I brought him to the chieftain, then Tellek would
still have to honor his agreement, wouldn’t he? And the chieftain
would never harm a fae.

Charlie ran a hand through his hair. “With
me, what you see is what you get. I’m finished becoming what other
people want me to be. That’s part of the reason I’m interested in
this kind of work. I can help other supes, even the unseelie
species.” He winked.

“You look like you’re gonna barf, Ariel.” Jay
sounded concerned.

“You can’t work for the wolves.” I tried to
stand up again, but Charlie grabbed my arm.

“Tell me the truth. Your twenty-four hours
are up, anyway.” He pulled me back down.

“The island was our…” I groaned, bending at
the waist. Sharp pains were digging into my temples, a reaction to
the spell I was under. “I can’t…I can’t tell you.” My skin was
heating up, burning every nerve ending. “I need water. My head
hurts.” I dug fingers into my scalp, trying to massage away the

Jay ran ahead to the kitchen, pouring me a
glass of water. “I’ll look to see if we have any aspirin.” He
headed for the bedroom where they kept their packs.

Charlie had his arm around my shoulders. “Do
your people have something to do with the missing werewolves?”

“We’d never attack their pack. We have a… Oh
god.” The pain was worse.

“Do you know who might have taken them?
Harmed them? Do you know where they are?”



“Leave me alone,” I pleaded, stumbling to the
door, wrenching it open and running down the stone path to the

“Wait.” With his long legs and cheetah speed,
Charlie was able to cut me off easily.

I sank to the grass of the neighbor’s yard,
perched on all fours and panting like a rabid dog. The pain—my
eyesight had blurred, my focus lost as I started to panic. What if
I’d gone too far and the spell killed me? “Please…”

“I’m a healer, remember? I might be able to
help you.” His voice cracked. He was afraid for me.

“If I try to tell you…anything…it hurts.” I
was sobbing now, clutching at his shirtsleeve.

He lifted me easily, carrying me back into
the house. When he laid me on the couch, Jay was there with a
couple of aspirin and more water. “It won’t help. It’s a spell,”
Charlie said, his hand cool on my forehead. “Let me inside. Trust

“I can’t.”

“You’re suffering. Please. I won’t do
anything to hurt you.” He put my hand against his chest, right
above where his heart beat. “I swear to you on my blood and by my
honor. I will not harm you.”

“Please...” And the world went dark.




It made me
ill to see how they’d messed with her head. I’d known her aura
wasn’t human, but for someone to force these kinds of magical
blocks in someone’s mind, particularly one of their own subjects,
was sick.

This wasn’t a spell. A spell could be
dissolved with a counter-spell. My mom’s dad, Simon would have been
able to show me what to do to release her. No, this was different.
It was like they’d re-wired a part of her brain and then blocked
off another.

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