BREAKAWAY (The Dartmouth Cobras) (60 page)

BOOK: BREAKAWAY (The Dartmouth Cobras)
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“In her own bed, right?”


“All right.” Luke sat back and pulled on his seatbelt. “Fair enough.”

Too easy.
But Sebastian didn’t say a word until they returned to the Villa and he had Jami comfortably settled in bed with the air conditioner on high. He found Luke in the kitchen, gulping down water as if they’d just spent days in the desert. After Luke uncapped the third bottle, Sebastian moved in, cornering him between the granite counter and the sand colored wall.

“Enough, niño, you’ll make yourself sick.” He took the bottle from Luke, finishing it off himself. He licked a droplet from his bottom lip, smiling as Luke’s made a gruff sound in his throat, gaze fixed on the intentionally provocative gesture. “I know what you are trying to do, but I thought I should warn you. There will be consequences.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything less, Master.” Luke leaned forward, sliding his smooth cheek against Sebastian’s. “Enjoy your nap.”

For the longest time, Sebastian lay in his bed, alone, wishing he could simply invite Jami and Luke to join him. But what had started off as a way to bring them all closer, to give them a solid foundation for the relationship, had become something more, and it wouldn’t end with a brief—albeit explosive—fuck.

He knew what they wanted. But learning what they really
was a little more complicated. Because neither of them could tell him, openly or clearly.

They had shown him, though. A little more every day.

Now all he had to do was wait and see what they did next.

* * * *

Ropes snaked around Sebastian’s wrist, a gentle caress before swiftly tightening. Instantly alert, he wrapped his arm around a trim, yet solid
, flipping the body under him before he’d fully opened his eyes.

Luke panted, then laughed. “Shit, I wasn’t fast enough.”

“What exactly did you plan to do with me once you had me bound?” Sebastian fisted his hands in Luke’s hair, jerking his head back so he could take his mouth in a brutal kiss. “Would you have fucked me?”

Eyes wide, pupils dilated, Luke shook his head. “You’re . . . you . . . I couldn’t—”

“But you want to.” Sebastian ground his hips into Luke’s, hissing through his teeth. “Say it.”

“Fuck yes!” Luke pressed his eyes shut. “Only . . . I
having you in control. I don’t want that to change.”

Sebastian chuckled. “It won’t. Do you think a
surrenders control when her sub pleasures her with his cock?”


“When I suck your dick, am I still your Master?”

“Yes,” Luke said, opening eyes glazed with lust. “You’re my Master. Always.”

“Good, niño.” Sebastian pushed off the bed, throwing his legs over the side to stand. He held out his hand, clasping it with Luke’s and pulling him to his feet. “Where is Jami?”

Luke swallowed hard, then glanced towards the door. “Umm. Hiding?”

” Sebastian’s jaw ticked as he strode from the room. After what had happened to her, letting her out of his sight for any length of time was pure hell. He’d smother her if he kept as close an eye on her as he’d like to, so he’d forced himself to come to grips with the fact that she was a grown woman and had learned from her horrible experience. But in a strange country where she didn’t even know enough of the language to ask for help?

His palms dampened as he stared at her empty bed. Then reason kicked in. Jami would not leave the house. She was playing a game. Being naughty. Likely hoping to be punished.

Relax, Ramos.
Sebastian counted under his breath in Spanish. Tension eased from his muscles. “Jami?”

“Polo!” Jami’s giggles echoed through the villa.

“Polo?” Sebastian grabbed Luke by the front of his shirt when the carbon laughed. “What does that mean?”

“Marco Polo. It’s a game.”

“I see.” Sebastian cleared his throat. “Come out, Jami.”

Another giggle. “That’s not how hide and seek works, mi Rey!”

“Hey, you okay, dude?” Luke gave Sebastian a cheeky grin. “Did you think someone had kidnapped her to make her part of their harem?” He cocked his head. “Do Spanish guys have Harems?”

“I do.” Sebastian slid his hand around Luke’s throat and shoved him against the wall, shattering the composure his niño had temporarily regained.
So they want to play?
his teeth. “Do you think my
will come to save you,

“Slave?” Luke chewed his bottom lip. Then shook his head. “I won’t let her.”

“You do not have a choice.” Sebastian dragged Luke back to his bedroom. He pointed to the floor at his feet. “Kneel.”

Luke dropped hard to his knees, clasping his hands behind his neck and spreading his thighs, copying a pose Chicklet’s sub, Tyler, often took at the club. Sebastian watched Luke’s chest heave with rapid breaths, stared down at him until defiance faded from his eyes. He doubted submitting would ever be easy for Luke, but the internal struggle that played over his face each and every time made it even more precious when he finally gave in. He’d moved beyond needing to be forced to surrender control. There would be times when he craved the fight, craved being physically overpowered, but this wasn’t one of them.

“Very good, niño.” Sebastian stroked Luke’s rumpled hair, pleased when Luke leaned into his touch. “I will restrain you. Beat you until you scream loud enough to bring her to us.” He crouched down, tipping Luke’s chin up to look into his eyes. “Unless you call for her now.”

“I . . . .” Luke blinked fast, opening his mouth as though ready to call for Jami simply because Sebastian had asked it of him. He’d sunk into submission so quickly it took him a moment to bring himself into the game. But then his eyes narrowed. He jerked back. “No. Do your worst. I’ll never betray her.”

“So loyal.” Sebastian chuckled and straightened. “Charming, really. But I believe you will reconsider before long.”

His large, leather toy bag was well equipped, and he felt Luke’s eyes on him as he carried it from the closet to the bed. Luke had asked his permission to go through it once, so he knew exactly what kind of wicked tools of erotic torture it contained. Sebastian took his time laying them out on the bed, standing off to the side so Luke could see what he planned to use. He left Luke kneeling in the bedroom while he prepared a few supplies in the kitchen, then returned to attach a set of straps to the bedroom door. He retrieved two pairs of cuffs from his bag, then went to Luke and pressed two fingers to the side of his throat to check his pulse. Nice and steady, if a little fast. Excellent.

“The wrist cuffs have ‘panic snaps’, so do not tug too hard unless you intend to free yourself.”

Luke snorted. “Really, Seb? I can handle—”

“I know that, semental. But I will ask you to free yourself at some point.” Sebastian took a firm hold on Luke’s jaw. His tone dropped, low and cold. “And I should warn you, if you speak again, I expect you to refer to me as ‘Master’ or ‘Sir’, or I will be forced to punish you.”

“Aren’t you punishing me anyway?” Luke paled slightly as Sebastian dug his fingers into his jaw. “Ah . . . Sir?”

“You know very well there is a difference between real punishment and what we are about to do.” Sebastian lowered his hand to Luke’s throat. “Unless you need a reminder?”

Lips parted, Luke shook his head. “No, Sir.”

“Very well. Then strip. Make it fast. I will not be pleased if we bore mi cielo to the point that she falls asleep wherever she is hiding.”

Rising with more grace than he’d shown kneeling, Luke tore at his shirt. The bottom of his t-shirt ripped as he wrenched it over his head. He tossed it aside, then fumbled with his belt. Sweat gleamed on his bare chest. His stomach muscles rippled as he unbuttoned his jeans. He paused, gulping in air before shoving his jeans down and stepping out of them. His cock jutted out as he stood at attention, like a soldier facing an interrogation, strong and proud, ready to take any amount of pain without giving an inch.

Sebastian circled him, admiring his solid, unmarked flanks, the curve of his ass, nicely rounded despite the carved muscles of his thighs and torso. Luke swam outdoors often during the summer, and had done so often enough over the last few weeks to give him a golden tan. Oddly enough, the tan wasn’t broken below his hips as it had been before.

“Have you been sunbathing naked, niño?”

“Ah . . . yeah. My balcony is high enough, and big enough.” Luke’s cheeks darkened slightly. “We all do it.”

“We all?”

“Me, Tyler, and Demyan.”

“I see.” Sebastian shook his head slowly. “I will not share you with Scott.”

Luke’s eyes widened. His face reddened even more. “It’s not like that! Hell, I see the guys naked in the shower all the time. It’s not like I’d—Hey, wait.” Luke frowned. “You’ll share Jami, but not me?”

Snapping every word, Sebastian spoke into Luke’s ear. “I will not let anyone else fuck her. Or you. And after the way Scott treated Zach, he is not fit to suck your dick.”

“Oh.” Luke’s brow furrowed. “But you’d let me suck—”

“If the idea has you so distracted, perhaps I should find several men to use your mouth.”

“Fuck no!”

“No is not a
, Luke.”

Luke rasped in a breath. “Red. A big fucking red. I’m not ready for that.”

“Then put these on.” Sebastian slammed the cuffs into Luke’s chest, sharpening his tone to hide how much he liked Luke’s objecting to any other man using him. That could change, and he would deal with it if it did, but for now this young man belonged to him alone. He gave Luke a stiff smile once the cuffs were in place. “Face the door.”

Without another word, Luke positioned himself in front of the wide open door. Usually, Sebastian would close the door to prevent unnecessary movement, but with the door against the wall, Luke would be stable enough. And it would be easy for Jami to join them.

He secured Luke to the straps, ran a hand over his back to comfort him, then gathered a few toys and some lube to begin the scene.

The snap from the glove Sebastian pulled on made Luke flinch. He knelt behind Luke, running a lubed finger down the crease of his ass. Pressed gently against Luke’s tight hole, giving his ass a sharp slap when he clenched.

“Relax. This plug is rather large. It will hurt if you fight it.”

“Ugh, a plug?” Luke
his head against the door. “I hate butt plugs.”

Sebastian’s brow furrowed. “Why?”

“I was doing a scene with Chicklet once and her sub, Laura . . . .” Luke groaned. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“If you do not, this scene ends now.” Sebastian moved his hand, then used the one without the glove to stroke Luke’s thigh when he sighed. “Set the game aside and consider carefully, semental. Would you continue if something you did hit a trigger for Jami that she would not share?”

“No . . . but it’s not a trigger. It was just . . . .” Luke clenched his fists. “Uncomfortable. I wasn’t expecting it and I came and . . . .”

“A straight man should not enjoy having things stuffed in his ass.”

“Exactly. But . . . .” Luke ground his teeth hard enough that Sebastian could hear his jaw crack. “Ugh, I hate talking about this stuff. But I get why I have to. Since it’s you, it’s . . . it’s okay. I swear, if anything’s not okay, I’ll tell you.”

“Thank you, Luke. Now . . . .” Sebastian massaged Luke’s ass cheeks, then pushed one gloved finger inside him. “Relax while I stretch you. I need to know if you can take it all.”

“I can take you.” Luke panted, sweat beading on his back as he opened himself to accept another finger. “Oh fuck, I don’t know how long I can—”

“You do not have permission to come, so you will not.” Sebastian pushed in deeper, thrusting in and out, testing Luke’s control. He stopped when Luke shuddered. “Once I have the plug in, you may have your release. Thankfully, you are young enough to recover quickly. I plan to use you hard tonight.”

“Jesus.” Luke threw his head back as Sebastian fucked him with his fingers. “I can’t—”

“Call for her and I will stop torturing you.” Sebastian pulled his fingers out, replacing them with the slim tip of the metal plug. “Otherwise . . . .”

The lube on the plug made the first few inches slide in easily, but as it widened, Luke cried out, jerking his hips forward, then pushing back, as though not sure whether he wanted it or not. Sebastian drizzled more lube over the plug, working it in and out slowly. Luke took it, first only a few centimeters, then a full inch as the widest part stretched him. He moaned as Sebastian seated the plug inside him.

“You enjoyed that, didn’t you?” Sebastian stood and pressed his chest against Luke’s back, reaching around to grasp Luke’s cock in his fist. “You are more of a slut than she is. Come for me now. You will scream. Even if you refuse to call her, she may stop hiding once she hears what she is missing.”

“No!” Luke gasped as Sebastian stroked him. He quivered as he came, bowing his head as much as he could with his arms stretched over his head. “

Hot cum filled Sebastian’s hand. He waited until Luke stopped shuddering before stepping away. Using a napkin from his bag, he cleaned his hand, letting out a sound of disgust. “You leave me no choice. Perhaps pain will do what pleasure cannot.”

He chose the flogger first. Warmed Luke’s flesh, hitting his back, ass, and thighs with raindrop light strokes. As the strikes intensified, he found a sharp clarity that only ever came when he felt completely in tune with his sub’s needs. Delivering pain was not enough. It was the harmony, his own surrender in a way. Reading each sharp breath, sensing when to push further. And when to ease off.

Very few subs pulled him as far as Luke. Before long he was snapping his wrist to increase the impact, drawn in by the way Luke pushed out as far as he could to meet the lick of the long leather strands.

Not enough.
Sebastian could almost hear Luke saying as he tugged at the restrains, careful not to tug too hard. He traded the flogger for a
, running his hand over Luke’s hot flesh, letting it cool before swinging back.

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