BREAKAWAY (The Dartmouth Cobras) (35 page)

BOOK: BREAKAWAY (The Dartmouth Cobras)
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"You had not planned to start without us, had you mi cielo?"

Jami sat up straight, snapped her legs shut, and let out a little squeak. She shook her head and bit back a smile. "You're late."

He chuckled. "And you are cheeky. Back into position, gatita."

With slow, provocative grace, Jami let her legs part, tossed her head to sweep her hair away from her breasts, and lay her hands, palm up, on her thighs. The black lace, crotchless panties he'd asked her to purchase, framed her pink folds nicely. The matching chemise barely covered her breasts with the V neckline reaching all the way down to her navel. Her sweet young face was all innocence, but she was displayed in a deliciously shameless way. He could tell from the flush of her cheeks, from the moisture between her plump pussy lips shining in her well lit bedroom, that she knew exactly what they saw when they looked at her. And she relished it.

By his side, Luke tugged at his tie, a wolfish grin on his lips as he savored every inch of Jami with his eyes. "You have no idea what I want to do to you."

Sebastian took hold of the end of Luke's tie and wrapped it around his fist. He jerked on it to bring Luke against him. "Tonight is about what I will do to you."

* * * *

Jami panted as she watched Sebastian undo Luke's tie, then undo the buttons of his shirt, one by one with a flick of his thumb, while he claimed Luke's lips in a fierce kiss. Her hips wiggled as she fought the urge to touch herself. Seeing her men, together like this, sharing the same wild passion she'd shared with them both, lit a fuse deep within. Her whole body had become a stick of unstable dynamite, ready to go off even without the flames licking at her from her hard nipples, to her incredibly wet pussy. She'd never been this turned on in her life.

Sebastian turned Luke to face her as he pulled off Luke's shirt. His eyes locked onto hers as he pulled down Luke's pants and boxers. Then he straightened and pressed against Luke from behind, fisting his hand around Luke's dick.

"Remove the chemise, mi cielo." He pumped Luke's cock at a languorous pace and smile at her as he gripped Luke's shoulder with his free hand to hold him in place. "Take your time."

Easing off the bed, Jami slid her hands over her breasts, down to the bottom of her chemise, loving the way the soft lace felt as she caressed herself. She trembled as she looked into Luke's eyes and saw the hunger there. Even though Sebastian was touching him, she was part of his arousal, which made her more than a voyeur to the scene. It made her an important part of it.

She drew the chemise up, over her head, then tossed it aside. She needed to please Sebastian, needed to feel he controlled her as much as he did Luke, but she couldn't prolong the teasing.

Take him.
Her lips moved with the silent words and her teeth dented her bottom lip as she looked to Sebastian to see if she'd disappointed him by going too fast.

She found no disappointment in his dark brown eyes. There was only heat and it spilled over her, through her, so intense moisture slicked her inner thighs.

"On the bed as you were before. Use your fingers and play with your clit as you watch us." Sebastian moved away from Luke and went to turn on the shower. He tested the temperature, then inclined his head to Luke. "Get in."

Luke nodded, but stayed where he was, staring at her. His hand dropped down to his cock.

"No." Sebastian raked his fingers into Luke's hair and forced him up to the bath. He pushed him down so Luke had to brace his hands on the ledge. Then he pulled off his belt. "Who does your pleasure belong to, Luke?"

"You." Luke growled. "Sir."

"Yes." Sebastian folded the belt in half. "How many strikes would you give a sub so willful?"

"Five." Head bowed, Luke's voice became muffled, but she could still make out his every word. "If it was Jami, no more than five. Hard and fast so she wouldn't enjoy it."

"Because she enjoys pain."


"And so do you." Sebastian placed his hand between Luke's shoulder blades. "Do not make a sound unless you need to say red."

Luke glanced over his shoulder and gave her what she was pretty sure was supposed to be a reassuring look. "Yes, Sir."

Sebastian hauled back and the belt came down with a ripping
A wide red welt spread instantly over both tense butt cheeks. Jami squirmed, then winced at the next
She was torn between admiring Luke's firm ass, and being a little jealous because she'd love nothing more than to be in his place right now. Somehow, she knew Sebastian would never hit her that hard. Not using his full strength.

Not unless she proved she could take it.

She rubbed her clit until the tiny nub at the tip swelled, and bit back a moan.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Holding Luke up as his legs gave out, Sebastian murmured something and kissed his temple. "In the shower, semental. Unless you can’t stand on your own?"

Luke shook his head and laughed. "I can stand, but—fuck, that hurt more than I thought it would. It's not the same without warm up."

Since they weren't looking at her, Jami dipped her finger into her throbbing cunt and stifled another moan. She was . . . . So. Damn. Close! Her lips parted as she reached the pinnacle.

"Jami." The sharp way Sebastian said her name made her go still. His lips were fixed in a firm line as she met his eyes. He shook his head. "I have few options to punish you at the moment. But I can shut the laptop and deny you this night, which will ruin what I hoped to share with you. It displeases me that you would attempt to be sneaky."

"I won't do it again." She placed her hands by her hips and blinked fast. The way his disapproval affected her was almost physical. Like the way she'd felt after taking her first drag of a cigarette, then her first joint—knowing it was wrong, and bad for her, but doing it anyway. The way the acrid smoke made it hard to breath. "I-I'm sorry. I really am."

"Mi cielo, do not take it so hard. You are testing your limits. I do understand." He approached the camera and lifted his hand, as if he wished he could touch her. "I need you to know the limits are there. We will work on it together."

She took a deep breath and nodded. She had a feeling she had been missing something before, missing how this was more than just sex. As far as she knew, sex had one goal, and the kinky games revved up the heat. But the way Sebastian handled her—handled them both—made it seem less like a game. Not only this time, but every time they were together. He was trying to show them something.

And she was finally ready to see it.

Sebastian's smiled at her as if she'd told him so out loud. "Move to the center of the bed, gatita, knees bent and parted as much as possible. Tease yourself with the toy, but do not push it inside you until I tell you to."

The glass dildo she'd bought earlier that day sat on the bed behind her, disinfected and ready to use. She picked it up and ran her fingers over the wide head, then down the pale blue winding ridges. Sebastian had told her to pick one that matched him in size, but she must have overcompensated. If Sebastian was this big, he never would have fit inside her.

"I showed it to you, right?" She tongued her bottom lip. "It's pretty big."

"I can see that." The edge of Sebastian's lip twitched. He reached into the shower where Luke stood under the spray and ran his hand from the nape of Luke's neck to the small of his back. "But it will be the only thing to fill you until I am with you again. Try it, Jami. If it hurts too much then I will buy you another."

"Yes, mi Rey." She scooted backwards on the bed and opened her legs. Then she stroked the cool, smooth glass head of the dildo between her folds. Her eyes fluttered shut as arousal flared deep in her core. She forced them open and moaned at the sight of Sebastian stripping, of him stepping into the shower to pull Luke, dripping wet, into his arms. They kissed, slower than before, with Sebastian easing off several times and speaking quietly to Luke when it looked like he was trying to rush things.

Jami had a hard time paying any attention to the glass dildo, growing warm with her body heat. She stared as Luke clasped his hands behind his neck and closed his eyes. He swallowed, nodded, and let Sebastian guide him down to his knees.

Her lips parted as Luke's did. Her mouth went dry as Sebastian took hold of his dick with one hand, put the other hand on the back of Luke's head, and eased him forward.

"That's it, semental. Very good." The muscles in Sebastian's forearms and stomach hardened, as if it took all his strength not to thrust it. "Circle the top with your tongue. And breathe. Yes. Now open wider."

Inch by inch, Sebastian's dick disappeared into Luke's mouth. He stopped with about half his length inside and drew out.

"More this time. Use your lips with the same pressure you enjoy Jami or I using on you."

A rough sound came from Luke as his lips glided over and over the slick, flesh, as he accepted more and more. Sebastian groaned and began to fuck Luke's face at a faster pace. His balls bumped Luke's chin and he rasped in a harsh breath. Held Luke in place with his cock stuffed in his mouth.

"I love the way you look like this, niño. On your knees, sucking my dick. I could fuck your hot mouth all night." Sebastian slid out and pulled Luke to his feet. "But I'd rather fuck you."

"Oh God!" Luke shook as Sebastian turned him to face the wall which had the cuffs on suction cups stuck to it. "God, I'm

"Not yet." Sebastian reached around and fisted his hand around the base of Luke's cock and squeezed. "I won't help you next time. Calm yourself. You may come when I am inside you."

Luke's jaw hardened. He nodded and positioned his hands so Sebastian could attach the cuffs.

Once Luke was restrained, Sebastian stepped out of the bath to retrieve something from the counter. He glanced over at Jami as he held up the lube and squirted some into his palm. "We will be watching you now Jami. Stretch yourself open with that glass dildo as I stretch him. Match my pace."

"Okay." Jami held the glass dildo against her slit as Sebastian stepped behind Luke. She was so wet that half the head slid easily inside her as she watched Sebastian push one lubed finger into Luke's ass. She worked the tip in and out, panting as Sebastian's thick finger sank in all the way.

"Push back against me, niño," Sebastian said as he added a second finger. "Yes. Yes, just like that."

"Fuck that feels . . . almost too good. Ah!" Luke bowed his head and gasped as Sebastian pumped his fingers in and out. "Please! Please . . . ."

Sebastian combed his fingers into Luke's hair and jerked his head back. His tone was rough with passion. "Tell me what you want me to do."

"Fuck me, Sir!" Luke rasped out. He twisted his head slightly and looked at Jami. "I need you to fuck me now!"

Jami whimpered as she pushed the dildo in deeper. It felt uncomfortably big. And she was so desperate to be full.

But then Sebastian latched onto Luke's hip with one hand and used the other to aim his dick to where his fingers had been. He rocked his hips forward and she shoved the dildo, crying out as it impaled her and her core rippled around it with a violent orgasm. She had to hold the end to keep her body from pushing it out. Her thighs quivered with the sensation, like an electric bolt striking the same spot, over and over. Red spots filled her vision, but she could still make Sebastian out, on the screen, watching her.

He held still for a moment. Then made Luke bend over a little more.

She held her breath as he thrust in.

* * * *

Luke nearly bit through his tongue to keep from shouting as the shock of burning pain spread. He rested his forehead against the tiled wall and clenched his fist above the cuffs, tempted to fight them until he freed himself. Until he escaped the pain.

A gentle stroke down his side startled him and he locked his knees to stop himself from jerking away. But he moved just enough to feel Seb shift inside him. To trigger a strange pleasure unlike anything he'd ever—no. No, he'd felt something almost like this once. With that damn butt plug Chicklet's sub had used.

No way would he embarrass himself and come that fast again. Not in front of Jami.

He looked over his arm at her and grinned as she twitched with that huge dildo stuffed in her cunt. Fuck, he wished he could be with her now. He would lift her legs over his shoulder and ram his dick into
ass. Make it so she'd feel him and the dildo slamming into her together. It would be pretty hot if Seb fucked her mouth at the same time. Scenes like that were always hot.

Scenes like that were what he was used to. Not this.

Everything else, having Seb suck his dick, even getting on his knees to suck Seb's, wasn't so bad. But this—this seemed like he'd crossed a line and he wasn't sure he should have.

"Look at me, semental." Seb caught hold of his jaw and forced his head back and to the side to face him. "Do not close yourself off from me now. Feel me, feel what I am doing to you. You wanted this."

"I don't think—"

"You shouldn't be thinking. You will convince yourself this is wrong." Seb kissed him and rotated his hips, grinding in deeper. He smiled against Luke's lips as Luke panted into his mouth. "It's not wrong."

BOOK: BREAKAWAY (The Dartmouth Cobras)
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