Break Free The Night (Book 1) (9 page)

Read Break Free The Night (Book 1) Online

Authors: E.M. Fitch

Tags: #zombies

BOOK: Break Free The Night (Book 1)
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re not to talk to me like that Emma
he said but his voice had lost it
edge; it was still cold but he was distant now, far away
m still your father
He looked back at the girls and his forehead was wrinkled beyond his years
m glad yo
re okay, Kay


              And he walked out of the room.



You push him too hard
Kaylee scolded her sister once the door had shut behind their father.



And you do
t push him hard enough
Emma countered, exchanging her old sweatshirt for the tee shirt that she had clenched in her hand
I mean, for heave
s sake, did you not hear the conversation they were having about you the other day? Do you want them planning out your sex life with no input from you? Do
t you care



You know why h
s like this
Kaylee said softly, ignoring her siste
s outburst as she plopped down on her bed
s terrified h
s going to lose one of us ever since Mo

she trailed off as she saw Emma try to hide her cringe behind the folds of the hooded sweatshirt she pulled from a hook by her bed.



I know
Emma said. She rounded on Kaylee, pulling on the hoodie and yanking up the zipper angrily
But how long are we supposed to play the helpless, little children for his benefit? You said yourself we are
t so young anymore. We deserve a say in this! You know why he wo
t even consider leaving this place


              Kaylee had several theories about that actually. The most prominent one involved the fact that her father spent most of his days staring out the living room onto West 223
street. He did
t want to leave his wife.



s not because of her
Emma sneered, throwing a contemptuous look out the window.



He does
t want to leave Mom
Kaylee insisted, looking imploringly at her sister.



s. Not. Mom
Emma spat, her face twisting in disgust. Kaylee felt the muscles of her jaw clench in anger but she tamped it down.



Then why
she asked through grit teeth.



s us
Emma answered shimmying out of her sweats before sinking onto her bed and bending to pick her jeans up off the floor
He does
t think we can handle it



Or he does
t want to expose us any further
Kaylee offered.



Either way
Emma allowed, shoving her legs into her jeans and standing to tug them up
m sick of being an excuse for him. We ca
t stay here forever. I do
to stay here forever. Quinton and Jack are heading north. I think we should go with them



Dad wo
t want to



I say majority rules
Emma said, shrugging. Kaylee frowned.



You should apologize to him, you know
Kaylee said after a minute during which Emma brushed out her hair and pulled on her boots.



I will
Emma said softly
m going to that meeting



Me too


              Emma paused in the act of re-tying her laces to look up at Kaylee
I really am glad yo
re okay
she said around a bit lip.



I guess I have
t thanked you yet for tackling Jack
Kaylee returned, grinning towards Emma. There was a light flush stealing up Emm
s neck.



Yeah, well that jerk deserves more than a split lip and a bruised hip if you ask me, or Andrew for that matter
Emma muttered, frowning.



s that


              Emma shrugged
He just was
t a
I do
t know, concerned as I thought he should be. I mean, you were really out of it, mumbling and whatnot, and he was just prancing around



I was mumbling
Kaylee asked in a whisper, nervous now
What did I say



I do
t know
Emma waved dismissively, sitting back on her bed
Sometimes it was something about pine trees and other times you just kept repeatin
not from there



Kaylee mumbled, lowering her eyes. She knew exactly what had been going through her mind then. Jack.


              Must just be because he was the reason I was hurt.



Not that it mattered
Emma continued
No one knew what you were on about and do
t you think he should have carried you from the start
she asked, switching subjects right in the middle of her sentence, as she was often prone to do.






Jack! Back in the cornfield. You were a wobbly mess and he set you on your feet to walk! Jackass






t tell me h
s not, Andrew thinks so too
she said, as though the fact Andrew agreed settled the matter.



He made me breakfast
Kaylee murmured, not sure why she was even mentioning it.






No, Jack. He had honey to put on the oatmeal
Kaylee explained, looking down to watch as she twisted her fingers together
We took it to the roof and ate before Andrew came to get us



Emma hummed through her frown as she got up and grabbed the doorknob
I still say h
s a jackass


              And as she strode from the room Kaylee heard her say
But I might take some of that honey




              His grip was warm and calloused and very strong and his eyes had an intensity that pierced you right through, nailing you to the spot.



Nice to meet you
Quinton said, the words rumbling from him as he shook Kayle
s hand. She nodded up at him and returned the pleasantries, his skin a pleasant dark contrast against her pale hand. He was tall, taller than Nick or Bill and when she stood this close Kaylee had to lean back to look into his dark eyes.



Bill pressed eagerly, the most eager Kaylee had seen him in a while
Now that w
re all here, wha
s your plans


              This question was most obviously directed at Quinton, who had backed away from Kaylee and taken a seat at the kitchen table. The silence swelled for a moment as Quinton took in the group. Kaylee was
t sure if this was for effect or because he was nervous speaking in front of groups. It most certainly was
t lack of confidence in his leadership abilities. Quinton exuded leadership. Everything about him from his posture and stance, to his calm demeanor, to the way he spoke with absolute certainty shouted that he was a leader. Andrew was right, there was something about this guy that made you think he was in the military. And maybe just not in the military, but in charge, a captain or lieutenant or whatever they called the men that told everyone else what to do.


              The entire group was there, perched in various positions around the kitchen. Nick, Bill, and Anna had joined Quinton at the table while Andrew and Emma had jumped up on the countertops. Jack was leaning against the back window, chewing through another apple. He looked up and winked at Kaylee. She started, jumping from her position in the open doorway and quickly crossed the room to Andrew and her sister. Jack chuckled before taking another bite of his apple. Kaylee leant back against the countertop between Emma and Andrew, the latter knocking her with his knee and grinning.


He must not have seen Jac
s greeting,
Kaylee mused, biting her lip after smiling back at him.



Quinton started, his deep voice rumbling from him as he shifted in his chair and redirected his piercing gaze to the tabletop. Kaylee decided right then that though leadership truly suited him, he was
t all that excited about it
Jack and I are going to Alaska. W
re starting over. W
ve been through the lower half of the United States. W
ve been making this country livable again

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