BREAK - A Bad Boy Romance (56 page)

BOOK: BREAK - A Bad Boy Romance
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Chapter 4



Karanzen had left the parking lot to his team and returned to his office near the clock tower in the mall. He’d been outside all morning checking the perimeter for any sign of Dion or his friends. Each of his men was issued a picture of the van and told to summon him if they even suspected it was on the lot. Officer Karanzen was finished with halfway measures. This time he intended to stop the van the moment it was near the lot and pull Dion out of it. He still had the ability to summon elementals, but Karanzen had a few tricks to keep him under control. He didn’t want to use them this late in the day when shoppers were in the lot and headed to the entrance of the mall.

But the morning was uneventful. No sign anywhere of Dion and company. If he planned to get his final ability, it had to be today, this much Karanzen knew for sure. He’d been on the phone with Seth Back, Dion’s uncle, who was very disappointed his chief of security had failed for the third time in as many days. He couldn’t afford to lose another opportunity. The big man suggested that one more slip up would be his last. Karanzen had no desire to return to living in a van or running cheap roadhouses for sleazy operators. He liked his current position and planned to keep hold of it.

“Just so you know,” Seth Bach informed him that evening. “Dion only needs to be kept away from the mall tomorrow. I have set some plans into motion which will keep him away permanently if you can keep him out tomorrow. Can you do that much?”

“Of course,” Karanzen replied. “I can do more than that. If you would allow me to involve the local cops….”

“Under no circumstances. I want him out of the way, but I don’t need anyone asking questions and snooping around my mall. Is that clear?”

“Very clear, sir. I’ll have the men all over the parking lot tomorrow morning.”

“I said no problems,” his boss cut him off. “Don’t scare the customers away from the shopping. Their money is what keeps this place open.”

“As you say. I’ll have some reason for them to be out there. We’ll tell people they’re checking for stolen property. There’s always ways to make it work.”

He heard the phone line on the other end disconnect and placed the receiver down on the cradle. Karanzen ran his hand through what was left of his hair and tried to think hard. How had that kid managed to bring the water over the parking lot yesterday with such ease? It had to come from the creek. Now this meant he had some connection with whatever lived in the creek. It would be more difficult than he cared to think about to keep him under control. Of course, if he achieved his final power tomorrow, it really wouldn’t matter to anyone.

When he went back into his office, he placed his hat down on his desk and took off his belt radio. No news yet of Dion or any of his friends around the mall. They all knew what he looked like because of the picture, but did all of his men know what to look for if any of the other kids showed up in advance? He doubted it would happen. This wasn’t some Saturday morning cartoon show where he was forced to worry about meddling kids; the stakes were real at the mall. But no sign of them yet. He hoped it would stay that way.

The phone rang and he picked it up.

“Officer Karanzen,” he spoke into the receiver. “Who do I have the pleasure of addressing?”

“This is Matt,” an all-too-familiar voice said on the other end. “Guess what? Dion and his intrepid crew are already inside the mall. Were you aware of this?”

“How could they have gotten into the mall?” he exclaimed on his end. “I’ve had men all morning checking the lot. They all have his picture. I don’t believe it!”

“It’s not a matter of what you believe. Dion is in the mall and headed to the final place he needs to go. I’ve already relieved your crack troops, but don’t worry; we have a team of replacements on their way. They should be arriving in a few minutes, but until then you better pray there’s no trouble it he mall because you’re now all the security we have. Don’t worry about your job, it’s still secure, for now. The new men will report to you as soon as they arrive. We can’t take any more chances. Sorry, but your crack team didn’t work out so well.”

“Who are these guys?” Karanzen demanded. “Are they trained to deal with mall security? Because if they aren’t you will be in worse trouble than you were with my guys. At least my guys knew the mall lay-out.”

“Don’t you worry about them. You’ll quickly see why they’re important. Just allow them to do what they’re supposed to do. They’ll take care of this damn kid and his friends.”

“You better be right. I don’t need any questions about my own status.”

“Oh, shut-up and do your job for a change.” The call ended.

Karanzen placed the receiver back on the phone and tried to concentrate. But all he could see was the Chosin Reservoir again and an endless wall of Chinese soldiers. He ran as hard as he could and heard his men yell in the distance. There was a sound of random rifle fire and all was quiet. He concentrated hard and the scene vanished and he was still back in his office.


The vestibule, which would take them into the mall, loomed before Dion and his friends. It was the final chamber they needed to enter before the door to the mall. It didn’t appear to be much on the inside. In fact, it was little more than a broom closet for the maintenance crew. But they had no clue as to what waited for them on the outside. Dion stood there in his jean jacket, in an attempt to figure out what to do next. The map had failed to show him the exact location of the Fire Grandmaster’s store. There were close to a hundred shops in this part of the mall. For all he understood, there could be a hundred security guards outside the door, each ready to beat them all to a pulp to keep him from finishing his quest. Or there might be nothing at all.

“So are we ready to go out there?” Sean asked Dion. He too had no clue as to what lay behind the door. All he was told was that the final part of the mall was outside.

Sean still had difficulty realizing this mall was like no other in the world. Yes, it was a big shopping mall with multiple anchor stores, but the mall was built over the abyss, which linked this reality with the beyond. Seth Bach, he was told, had built it to channel the tremendous energy he could harvest from the abyss. Energy that could make him more powerful than any man on the planet. Or any man in history for that matter. He’d kidnapped Dion’s parents and held them inside the tower to keep his nephew away, but his plans merely drew Dion closer. And with his multiple elemental abilities, Dion was a foe unlike any other than his uncle had encountered. Or ever would encounter.

“Almost,” Dion told him. “I have to check one final thing. Just give me a minute.”

He walked over to the wall and searched for something attached to the ceiling. Dion reached up and pulled down a small box, which was attached to the upper wall and opened it. He pulled a wire loose and set it on the ground.

“Fire sensor,” he told his friends. “It will trigger an alarm if it detects any unusual amount of heat in the room. I need to light a match to get some information and I don’t need this thing going off. Somebody remind me to reset the alarm before we leave.”

“I will,” Lilly said.

“Thanks,” Dion said as he fished around in his pockets. “I hope I remembered to bring these things because if I didn’t, we may have to go back. Ah, there they are!”

Dion held up a pack of matches. They were a standard pack which could be found anywhere at any store or bar in town. “I need these to get some information.”

Dion took out one match and struck it on the strike board. The matchhead instantly ignited with the blue and yellow flame casting shadows across the dim light of the room. The flame climbed up the thin matchstick and began to crawl to Dion’s fingers.

“That’s enough!” Dion snapped at it and the fire elemental jumped off the matchstick and landed on the floor.

“I need information,” Dion said to the flame on the floor. It stood there and burned without any sign of fuel. The flame soon grew to a foot in height.

Next, the flame shaped itself into the form of a human. Since it still burned, the shape changed while they looked at it. However, it merged into the overall outline of a humanoid shape, complete with eyes and mouth. The fire on the top of it formed into hair.

“What do you need, boss?” the fire said to him. “I’m your man, just tell me what you need and I’ll run it past you.”

“How many guards outside the door?” he inquired of the flame.

“Just let me check,” the flame told him and shot to the door. It shrank in size and slipped under the door before returning to them.

“It’s groovy,” the flame announced. “Dig it man, no cops, no guards, just a hall full of squares flipping their lids.”

“Thank you,” Dion spoke to it. “And by the way, where did you learn to talk like that?”

“I was at a boutique downtown near the college. Plenty of cool cats down there.”

“One final thing I need of you,” Dion told the flame.

“Fire away, heh, heh.”

“Who is the Fire Element Grandmaster? I need to see that person.”

“Michael Hades. He should be in the map listing.”

“Thanks,” Dion said and waved his hand over the flame creature. The flame shrank in size until it disappeared. “Time to send you back.”

“I didn’t think you had fire ability,” Sean said to him.

“I don’t have all my abilities,” Dion explained. “It’s why I have to see the elemental grandmaster to get the final power. I can still work with lesser fire elementals provided they want to help me. As you saw, that little fire spirit wanted to be useful. Too bad I couldn’t keep him around longer. You can’t stick an elemental in your pocket.”

“You asked me to remind you about the fire sensor,” Lilly told Dion.

“Oh yes.” Dion replaced a wire on the one he’d taken from the ceiling. “It works fine now.” Then he brought out the map once again. He found another table in the vestibule where it could be spread out and examined.

“Isn’t there any kind of directory for these things?” Sean asked Dion as the four of them poured over the map.

“A few basic bits of information,” Dion said. “Not enough to find the right location. I should’ve been specific when I asked the fire elemental what I needed to know.”

“Can’t you bring it back?” Emily asked him. “I mean, is there any rule which says a fire elemental can only be used once?”

Dion stopped perusing the map and turned to her. A strange look came over his face. “As a matter of fact, there isn’t. It’s not a good idea if you can’t bind them because fire elementals tend to burn things up. The smaller ones are the most playful and don’t understand how dangerous they can be to humans. But no, I suppose I could bring back the one I just released.”

Dion reached back in his pocket and took out another match and struck it after concentrating for a few minutes. The flame, once again, grew bright on the stick and fell to the floor where it grew in size.

“You need something else, daddy-o?” the fire elemental asked him. “Just let me know, but make it quick because I want to make the scene with a water pipe.”

“You didn’t tell me which store I could find the elemental master at. I need to know.”

“You didn’t ask, pops. I’ll show you right now.” The flame leaped on the map and bounced over to a schematic of a restaurant. As the flame cast light on the map, Dion leaned over and read where it sat.

“Texas Style Chili,” Dion read off the map. “It would figure. You may leave now.”

“I’m booking on out of here,” the flame announced and vanished.

“A chili parlor,” Sean said. “It makes sense. He’s been putting fire in people’s guts for a long time.”

“My dad used to go to his place downtown before he moved it into the mall,” Emily said to her friends. “He told me the food was good, but you needed to hit an ice cream parlor when you left.”

“At least we know where it is,” Dion said. “I’ll have to roll this map up and… hey, does anyone smell smoke?” Dion looked down and saw a big black hole in the middle of the map where the fire spirit had rested before it left. The hole expanded as he looked at it and sent up clouds of smoke as it consumed most of the papyrus.

Fearing it would set off the fire sensor, Dion yanked off his jacket and beat out the smoldering map before it could spread any further. The smoke alarm stayed quiet, much to his relief. Soon the smoke was drifting down into the subbasement, but the map was ruined.

Dion held up the map. Just about an entire section, which covered the fire part of the mall, was destroyed. A few stores and passages were readable on the sides, but most of it was gone. What the elementals hadn’t managed to steal, the fire had burnt.

“Ruined,” Dion said as he looked at it. “The map is useless for this last section. Now I remember why it’s not a good idea to use the same fire elemental a second time. They like to have fun at your expense.”

Dion sighed and rolled up what was left of the map. He put his jacket back on and returned the remains of the map to the inside of his jacket.

““It wasn’t a total loss,” Lilly said. “At least we know where you can find the elemental grandmaster. Is there still the clock tower part on the map?”

“The map never covered the clock tower,” he explained to her. “When I go into it, I will have to do it alone. We might know where to go today, but the map was useful if we ran into trouble. It’s not going to be of much use in this section of the mall since it was burnt away.”

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