BREAK - A Bad Boy Romance (11 page)

BOOK: BREAK - A Bad Boy Romance
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“No, it couldn’t have waited. Because if I’d waited then I wouldn’t be able to say what I wanted to say. I mean, I wouldn’t have been able to say what needed to be said to you.” She had been rehearsing what she was going to say to him while in the taxi, but now she was here and he was in front of her she couldn’t seem to get her words out properly. “What I mean is…”

Shawn was trying hard not to laugh at how flustered she was getting. “Have you been drinking?”

“I might’ve had a couple of glasses of wine, but that’s got nothing to do with this.” She sounded like a petulant child, and she knew it, but there didn’t seem to be anything she could do to stop it. “Anyway, we need to talk.”

“I guess you’d better come in then, hadn’t you.” It was a rhetorical question and he stood to one side and held the door open for her to walk past him. “Keep walking straight and go into the room in front of you. I’m going to go make a pot of coffee to sober you up.”

Kassie started to walk in the direction he’d indicated and then paused and turned back to him. “Can’t I come to the kitchen with you? What I need to say shouldn’t take long and then I’ll leave you alone. After I’ve called a taxi. Would it be okay if I called a taxi from here? I think I left my cell phone at home.” She was still rambling drunkenly although thankfully she was unaware of it. Shawn had a feeling that she was going to feel mortified in the morning when she realized exactly what she’d done in her drunken state.

“Of course you can come into the kitchen. Are you sure you can walk that far without falling over?” He couldn’t resist teasing her, and as a blush spread over her high cheekbones he mentally cursed his cock as it twitched in awareness. The last thing he needed right now was an affair with his boss, although what he had in mind could hardly be classed as an affair. The woman needed taking down a peg or two, and if she wasn’t careful he was just the man to do it.

The two of them made their way to the kitchen with Shawn leading the way, and he pulled out a chair at the kitchen table for her to sit down while he made the coffee. “So what is it you need to say to me?” He put the coffee pot on and then turned to face her, leaning back against the counter and crossing his arms over his muscular chest. “It must be important for you to come out of this time of night.”

“You’re a jackass, and I don’t like the way you talk to me on site.” Okay, that had
not been what she had been wanting to say to him and it definitely wasn’t what she’d rehearsed in the taxi, but the words fell from her mouth before she could stop them.

“Sweetheart, if you don’t like the way I talk to you on site, you’re going to hate the way I talk to you off it.” His voice had deepened to a husky drawl that sent shivers running through Kassie’s veins. “We’re not on site now and you’re in my home and on my time not company time, so be very careful what you say because I can’t guarantee that you’ll like the response you get.”

Kassie’s eyes were huge in her face as she listened to him. She could honestly say that no man had ever made her feel such a mix of emotions before. He was infuriating and opinionating, but he was incredibly sexy and, dare she say it, masterful. She wasn’t sure how to feel about him, or even if she was capable of forming any kind of rational impression of him in her current state.

“I didn’t come here to be insulted.” She got unsteadily to her feet, ignoring the pull of sexual awareness that her treacherous body was willing her to act on. Her breasts ached and her clit throbbed, and all he’d done was stand up to her. She needed to get out of here fast, before she made an even bigger fool of herself. “I came here to discuss work matters, but I was obviously mistaken.” She wasn’t sure what she was rambling on about or what exactly she felt mistaken about, but she had to do something to try and save face.

“You were mistaken about what, Kassie?” He pushed away from the work counter and walked towards her. “Mistaken about coming to talk to me, or mistaken about the real reason that you felt you had to come and see me at this time of night?”

She had to swallow before she could talk. “I don’t know what you mean.” She almost didn’t recognize her own voice.

He walked closer until Kassie could feel the heat emanating from him, and she took an involuntary step backwards until her ass came into contact with the table. “Tell me that I haven’t been on your mind since our meeting earlier.” He took another step. “And don’t tell me that when you’ve thought of me it’s all been about work, because I’ll call you a liar.” He reached out a hand and his fingers tucked a stray lock of her hair behind her ear.

She tried not to show any reaction. She really did. But she felt her head tilting into his hand as his palm cupped her cheek and his thumb gently brushed against her skin. She felt hot and bothered, and she had no idea what to say or do. All she could think about was how good his hand felt against her skin.

Shawn stepped closer still, until his body was a whisper away from touching hers, and Kassie forgot to breathe as she waited with baited breath for whatever he was going to do next. She watched his face get closer to hers until she could feel his day-old stubble tickle her cheek as he whispered in her ear. “What do you really want, Kassie?”

She tried her hardest to not react to his closeness. She really did. But as she felt his lips gently come into contact with the side of her neck she knew she was lost. “Is this what you want?” His breath was warm against her ear and she shivered in response. “Or is it this?” His strong arms came up and wrapped around her, crushing her to him in an embrace that took what little breath she had left away.

His lips came down and met hers in a kiss that was as erotic as it was tender; firm but gentle, and totally in charge as he slid his tongue over her startled mouth. He probed until her lips parted and granted him access, and then his tongue mingled with hers in a dance as old as time. Kassie sighed as her arms crept up around his neck and she gave herself up to his kiss. Her hand tangled in his thick hair as she strained against him, trying to deepen the kiss even more as she moaned against his mouth.

Shawn’s hands moved down her back until he reached her hips, and then he pulled her lower body into his and she was left in no doubt as to just how aroused he was as well. As her body came into contact with the very large and very hard bulge he was sporting in his jeans they both gasped in reaction.

Kassie thought about pulling away. She thought about it really hard for a split second. And then she pushed the thought away as he pulled her into him even harder. She might be a little tipsy, and that might make her judgment a little off, but she would be insane to turn down what he was so blatantly offering.
Or maybe I was the one doing the offering
when I came here, she thought briefly before pushing the thought away and concentrating on the kiss that Shawn seemed in no hurry to end.

No words were needed between them; their bodies said everything, and more. Kassie pulled her hands between their bodies and started to pull at the hem of the T-shirt he was wearing, raising it up enough so that her hands could explore the flat, muscular plain of his stomach. Shawn responded in kind by reaching for the buttons of her blouse and undoing them as quickly as he could. She moaned as the cold air of the kitchen hit her bare midriff, and her nipples puckered and hardened in the lace confines of her bra.

She wanted to feel his hands on her. She wanted to feel him cup and squeeze her breasts while she held his head to them and made him suckle on her aching nipples. Her hands came up to take hold of his and she started to direct his touch to where she wanted, but Shawn stopped kissing her and pulled his head back to look into her face.

“It’s not going to happen, Kassie.” For one awful moment she thought that he meant that their love-making wasn’t going to happen, and she felt her heart sink to her toes. “You might be able to take charge on site, and you’re perfectly justified to there. But, if you think you can take charge of me here, like this, you’ve got another thing coming.” He placed his hands firmly back onto her hips again, making it clear that he would touch her where and how he wanted to.

Kassie took a step back, breaking the contact between them as she scowled up at him. “So what you’re saying is that I can’t tell you what I want or how I like things?” She didn’t like the sound of that. Not at all.

“That’s not what I’m saying at all. I like a woman who’s not afraid to take charge when it comes to sex, and I love to give up control to her if the mood takes me. But I don’t think you like giving up control to anybody at any time, do you, Kassie?” He smiled at her knowingly, and she had the feeling that he understood her better than she understood herself, although there was no way on God’s earth she was going to admit that to him.

She automatically went on the defensive and crossed her arms in front of her half naked body. “And how the hell would you know something like that about me? You think you know it all, Shawn, but you know nothing. Hell, you’re nothing but a glorified bricklayer anyway and you think you know better than I do? I’ve got news for you, buddy, you’re wrong.”

She watched as the smile disappeared from his face and his expression darkened to one that she couldn’t quite put her finger on. “You did not just call me a glorified bricklayer. Not even you could be that much of a bitch. You think just because I use my hands for a living that you’re somehow better than me? I don’t know whether to be pissed off at you or pity you if that’s really the way you think.” A thoughtful look came over his face and Kassie felt her heart start to race with a mixture of nervousness and excitement as he reached for her again. “Your problem is that you probably never had a good spanking when you were a child. You’re opinionated and spoilt and I’m not going to take it from you in my own damn home. Fire me if you must, but you need to be taught a lesson in just how well a man like me can actually use his damn hands.”

Kassie actually squealed as he pulled her back into his arms and then turned her around quickly so that she was facing the table. He placed a hand on her shoulder and pushed her so that her body bent at the waist, and his hand held her in place that way while her heart raced and she gasped in response. She had never thought that being man-handled would be a turn on, but she could honestly say that right now she was more turned on than she could ever remember.

Shawn reached around her for the fastening of her jeans, undoing them and pushing them down off her hips impatiently. “You’re probably used to a
doing everything that you want, aren’t you, you spoiled little brat? I doubt you’ve ever felt the rough hands of a glorified bricklayer touching your delicate ladylike body. Well guess what? You’re about to find out exactly how rough-skinned working hands can make you feel.”

Her jeans were now down around her ankles and her thong-clad ass was on full show for his attention. She couldn’t breathe, and even if she’d wanted to object or tell him to stop she didn’t think she would have been able to. Deep down she knew that she should probably have been afraid, but she instinctively knew that Shawn wouldn’t do anything that she didn’t actually want him to do. She had a feeling that he knew what she wanted better than she knew herself, and she held her breath in anticipation while she waited to feel his cock up against her almost naked body.

She wasn’t expecting the harsh sting of his hand as it connected with her ass, and she let out another squeal of surprise. The smack didn’t hurt too much, but it did sting enough for her to wince and wriggle out of his hold. “Ouch! What the fuck, Shawn!”

His hand on her shoulder made it impossible for her to move away, and then he spanked her ass again and she wasn’t even sure that she wanted to move anyway. “This is something that should’ve been done to you when you were a child. Maybe then you would’ve learned some manners.” His hand came down again, a little harder this time and Kassie felt tears of indignation well up in her eyes. “This is what you need. This is what I need to give you.” His hand came down for a fourth time and Kassie’s ass felt like it was on fire.

“Stop! Oh God, please stop!” She was openly sobbing now, unable to stop the flow of tears that dripped onto the table and equally as unable to stop the flood of desire that was coursing through her helpless body. She didn’t know if she was begging him to stop what he was doing, or if she was pleading with herself to stop wanting him to carry on doing it. “Please, Shawn!”

“Please what, Kassie? Please stop making you feel like a woman instead of a bitch? Please stop making you feel as though you’re losing control?” His warm palm came down on her ass again, but this time he rubbed the quivering flesh gently, soothing the burn that his spanking had created. “Or please fuck you? Is that what you want? Are you ready to admit that this is what you came here for?” His voice had deepened and she could hear the desire in his tone which made her moan again.

“Yes! No! I don’t know!” She hardly recognized her own voice. This snooty cold tone of the woman who had a point to prove was gone, and in its place was the softer, dulcet tones of a woman who had met her match and liked it.

“Do you want me to stop?” His hand was still rubbing her ass, and Kassie could feel the pool of moisture that had gathered between her legs. “You want me, Kassie. Admit it.”

She wanted to deny it. She wanted to shake her head, stand up, turn around and slap him across his face so hard that his teeth would rattle. But she wanted to feel him inside her more, so she stayed where she was, draped across the table at his mercy.

“Answer me, Kassie. If you want me to stop you only have to say the word and I will.” She felt him move up close behind her and as his foot parted her legs she felt the heat of his cock rest against the cheeks of her ass. His hand moved from her shoulder and tangled in the hair at the nape of her neck, his fingers tightening just enough to make her wince. “What do you want?” He’d bent over her body to whisper the words in her ear, making her shiver and moan in response.

BOOK: BREAK - A Bad Boy Romance
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