Bread (87th Precinct) (20 page)

BOOK: Bread (87th Precinct)
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The poker game was finished. It was now time to count the chips and turn them in for money—which was, after all, the name of the game.

They questioned Alfred Allen Chase alone in the lieutenant’s office. They told him many truths and many lies. They started off with a lie.


Q: According to your partners, you’re the real heavy in this thing, Alfie. You’re the one who told Charlie Harrod to burn down Grimm’s warehouse, you’re the one who…

A: That’s a lie.

Q: Charlie wasn’t working on your instructions?

A: No. It was their idea. Robbie and Oscar. They’re the ones who got Charlie to do the job.

Q: To burn down Grimm’s warehouse?

A: Yeah, and his house, too.

Q: Why?

A: Because they found out about him.

Q: About the Bremerhaven deal, do you mean?

A: Yeah.

Q: About the deal with Bachmann?

A: Yeah. They really spilled everything, didn’t they? Some partners.

Q: You want to tell us
side of it?

A: My side of what?

Q: The deal with Bachmann.

A: Go ask Grimm.

Q: We’ve already asked him. We want your side of the story.

A: What’d the stupid bastard tell you?

Q: What makes you think he’s stupid?

A: Because he’s stupid, that’s why.

the one who burned him out, how does that make

A: I didn’t burn him out,

Q: Why’d they do it, Alfie?

A: I told you. They found out about the deal, and they figured the only way to scare him off was to burn down first his warehouse and then his house. Any other time, they might have let him get away with it, but not now when the market’s so tight.

Q: When did they find out?

A: The end of July.

Q: Who told them? Bachmann?

A: No, why the hell would he? He had his deal, he had his money, he was happy.

Q: Then who told them?

A: Some fink they know in Germany. He put a call through to Robbie, figured he’d do Robbie a favor, get one back from him later.

Q: Told him that Grimm was dealing with Bachmann, is that right?

A: Yeah.

Q: What kind of deal was it, Alfie?

A: I thought you knew already.

Q: No. What was it?

A: Go find out. I thought they already told you. What the hell is this?

Q: We’ve got a call in to the Bremerhaven police, they’re going to search the cargo and get back to us. You might as well tell us.

A: (Silence)

Q: What do you say, Alfie?

A: The contract is in Grimm’s name. For having the animals packed. He’s the one you should hang this on. The contract’s your proof.

Q: You had nothing to do with it, is that what you’re saying?

A: Nothing at all. Nothing with the Bachmann deal, nothing with the fires. I’m clean.
was doing business with Bachmann, not me.

Q: How’d Grimm happen to know him?

A: Well, Diamondback did a little business with him before.

Q: With Bachmann?

A: Yes.

Q: When?

A: About six months ago. I had nothing to do with that deal, either. It was all Robbie and Oscar.

Q: What kind of a deal was it?

A: Penny-ante, hardly worth bothering with. We netted two million three.

Q: We?

A: The company. We put eight hundred grand in the bank and split the rest three ways.

Q: In a safety deposit box?

A: The eight hundred? Yeah. They told you that, too, huh? Jesus!

Q: And the rest you split three ways?

A: Yeah. But I didn’t know where the money came from. I was clean then, and I’m clean now. I thought it was company profits.

Q: And your share was five hundred thousand?

A: That’s right.

Q: Why’d Diamondback keep the eight hundred thousand in reserve? For future deals with Bachmann?

A: I suppose so. But I didn’t know anything about what the company planned. I thought it was a legitimate development company. Those guys are trying to put everything on me, when all along
the ones who’re maybe involved in some criminal activity. Man, I’ve been in jail before, you don’t think I’d get involved in anything illegal, do you?

Q: You weren’t involved in
of these deals with Bachmann, is that it?

A: That’s

Q: Not even Grimm’s deal.

A: Right.

Q: Then why’d you send Rosalie Waggener to Germany?

A: Who told you that?

Q: Rosalie.

A: Said
sent her to Germany?

Q: That’s right.

A: She’s out of her mind.

Q: She said you gave her five hundred thousand dollars to deliver to Erhard Bachmann.

A: Oh.

Q: Did you?

A: Yeah, but that was a favor to Grimm. He needed somebody to take the money over for him, so I suggested Rosalie. I mean, we knew each other from prison, I figured I’d do him a favor.

Q: That’s not what Rosalie told us. Rosalie said it was your money.

A: Well, how would
know whose money it was?

Q: She said you were going to make millions.

A: Well, I don’t know where she got that idea.

Q: You’re not leveling with us, Alfie.

A: I’m telling you the truth.

Q: No, you’re
telling us the truth. The truth is you were Grimm’s partner in the deal.

A: Who told you that?

Q: Grimm.

A: That stupid bastard.

Q: Equal partners. Five hundred thousand each. Come on, Alfie. We know all about it.

A: (Silence)

Q: What do you say?

A: Can’t trust a goddamn soul. Boy, oh boy.

you partners with Grimm?

A: Yeah, yeah.

Q: And it
your money Rosalie took to Germany?

A: Yeah.

Q: Why’d you risk sending her?

A: Nobody knew her there. She was using a phony name, there was no way she could be traced back to me. Besides, who was I
to send? That stupid bastard Grimm? Who let everybody over there tip to him in the first place?

Q: How’d he do that?

A: He told me he needed a cover, he needed to make it all look legit. Protection, he told me. So he actually signed a
for having those wooden animals packed, would you believe it? And he used his right name on it!

Q: What’s so special about those animals, Alfie?

A: Nothing.

Q: The Bremerhaven police are right this minute…

A: What do I care? Grimm signed the contract, not me.

Q: You just admitted you were partners.

A: That’s right, but I didn’t know what kind of business he was doing over there.

Q: What kind of business
he doing?

A: I wasn’t involved in it.

Q: Nobody’s saying you were. What was it?

A: There’s half a million dollars’ worth of heroin inside those animals.

Q: The animals are hollow?

A: Not the other ones Grimm shipped in, but these, yeah. He had them hollowed out, and the dope put inside. The bottoms are plugged.

Q: Then Bachmann’s a dealer, right?

A: A merchant.

Q: And what you did was go to Grimm with a source for dope…

A: No, no.

Q:…knowing he had a way of bringing it in…

A: No, you got it all wrong. I was a businessman making an investment. I didn’t know what Grimm was involved in.

Q: You’re full of shit, Alfie.

A: (Silence)

Q: Alfie?

A: All right, I was trying to make a little money for myself, what the hell’s wrong with that? You know how much that scag would’ve been worth after it was cut? Eleven million dollars! And Jesus, what a sweet setup! I knew where to get the stuff, and Grimm already had a tested way of bringing it in. Every customs official on the dock knew he was running a legit operation, they never so much as glanced at that wooden crap he was importing. Hollow out the animals, stuff them with dope, plug them up again, and we’re home free. Perfect. We used to dream of a setup like that when we were in jail together.

Q: But your partners found out about Grimm, and you decided it was safer to sacrifice him than to…

A: Sacrifice him? He was a stupid bastard. It was
fault they found out.

Q: But you couldn’t risk their finding out it was
who’d double-crossed them in the first place.

A: I
double-cross them. This was business, pure and simple. A two-way split is better than a three-way split any day of the week.

Q: You’re just an enterprising businessman, is that right, Alfie? First you double-cross
set of partners, and then you throw your
partner to the wolves.

A: What’d you expect me to do? You think Robbie and Oscar were kidding around? Getting Charlie to burn down the warehouse was the first warning. The house in Logan…

Q: Why’d Elizabeth Benjamin spend two nights with Reardon?

A: Because he was getting cold feet. They’d already given him five grand, but all of a sudden he was running scared. Liz went over with a little female persuasion.

Q: And the house in Logan?

A: That was the second warning. If Grimm had still tried to bring that shipment in, they’d have had him killed. The way they had Reardon killed after the fire.

Q: Did Charlie take care of that, too?

A: Charlie would’ve shoved his own mother off the roof for a nickel. He was a junkie, man. He needed lots of loot to keep that habit of his going.

Q: Didn’t he make enough with his pornography business?

A: Where’d you guys
all this stuff?

Q: Didn’t he?

A: He
to. But nowadays you can buy porn right in the open, so what’s so special about it? Charlie was on the skids, the Caddy was four years old, the threads were out of style. They supplied him with junk, and he did what they told him to do. In case you haven’t heard, the supply’s a little short these days. Which is why this would’ve been such a sweet deal if it wasn’t for that stupid bastard Grimm. Why’d he go to
guys, would you tell me that? Dumb, that’s why. He’s involved in an eleven-million-dollar dope deal, so he runs to the cops for help.

Q: He wouldn’t have run to us if you hadn’t burned down his warehouse.

A: I keep telling you I didn’t burn it down,
did. Send him back to jail, will you? You’ve got the contract, that’s all you need. Send him away for a million years. He’s a menace to society.

Q: But not you, huh, Alfie?

A: I was only in it for the bread. You’re the ones who taught me, man.

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