this?” an enraged girl’s voice hollered from the doorway.
The NPC whip-turned their heads, dying to know who could possibly take issue with such perfection.
Layne, wearing a denim bucket hat and an orange DIY T-shirt dress that said
kicked the cotton wall with her black MBTs, leaving behind a muddy round footprint. “How could you
?” Massie shut her vanity and stood. Was Layne Abeley seriously serious? Was it possible she didn’t absolutely ah-dore the makeover? Or was this her attempt at humor? Either way, Massie had no tolerance for anything short of praise and worship.
“Meena, Heather, Dempsey, come see this atrocity,” Layne called, her slitty green eyes targeting Massie.
“Layne, are you a diaper?”
“No!” she snapped.
“Then why are you so pissed?”
The NPC cracked up from their vibrating white massage chairs.
“I’ll tell you why.” Layne shot Claire a
scowl as she marched by. Stopping in front of Massie’s desk, she leaned forward until they were practically bumping eyelashes. Her breath smelled like maple syrup. “We were part of something raw and groundbreaking. We were outcasts. Educational outlaws. Pioneers! Charged with rebuilding and redefining school as we know it. And in one weekend, you came along and made us Main Building again. These trailers belonged to the people! They weren’t
to make over. We should have voted.”
“Puh-lease.” Massie waved her away like stinky spray-tan fumes.
They were interrupted by the quick hiss of a room deodorizer that shot a hydrating burst of vanilla mineral water every seven minutes.
“Oh, I’m sure the asthmatics are gonna love
” Layne scribbled a note on her spiral flip-top Hello Kitty pad.
Massie clenched her fists, trying to quell her thumping heartbeat, which pounded rage into every part of her body and made her palms itch. How dare Layne be anything but grateful? How dare she stand there and—
“Who called Ty Pennington?” chuckled Dempsey as he stomped up the steps in his rugged, unlaced, worn-out work boots. “This place is …” He paused, searching for the right word.
Layne and Massie watched him with unwavering focus, like courtroom opponents, waiting for the judge’s final verdict.
“Wow!” He kissed his golden brown fingers and winked at Massie.
Her cheeks warmed. She quickly turned away to swat a fly that wasn’t there so no one would see her blush.
it?” Layne stormed toward the exit, which was now crowded with curious LBRs.
“Totally.” Dempsey’s voice screeched with certainty. “I learned a lot about transformation and self-improvement over the sum—”
“Spare me.” Layne shoulder-nudged him and a few of the LBRs on her way out. “Prrooooootest!” she shouted, stomping down the stairs and shaking the trailer. “Who’s with meeeee????”
Meena and Heather were the only two who answered. The rest of the LBRs burst through the doorway with force.
They squealed and gushed and gasped and oooohed and ahhhhed and touched and poked and whooped with delight. Outside, masses of Main Building girls gathered, snapping cell-phone pictures and envy-whispering. Layne and Meena and Heather tried to force petitions in front of their faces, but the MB-ers refused to sign. They were too overwhelmed to do anything but stare.
A familiar buzz tickled the bottoms of Massie’s feet. It was her inner alpha-meter. And it was vibrating maximum intensity to let her know she had reached MAP (Maximum Alpha Potential).
“Who wants to see what we did to the inside?” she shouted from the open window. Dozens of MB-ers flocked to the steps, hoping to get a glimpse before the first-period bell rang.
Seconds later, the trailer was filled with yet another round of squeals and gushes and gasps and oooohs and ahhhhs. But it was the people who weren’t there whom Massie noticed most.
Alicia, Derrington, Josh, Cam, Plovert, Kemp—the ones who needed to know she was back and more fabulous than ever. Where were
Another incoming text message hummed on Massie’s iPhone.
Get them out! ASAP!
Make them want access. Then deny it. They will want what they can’t have. Hurry!
Massie snapped her phone shut. “All nonmembers must get out!” she shouted. “We have some secret overflow business to attend to.”
Dylan, Kristen, and Claire immediately herded the MB-ers toward the door. And before long, the LBRs were helping.
Once the MB-ers had cleared out, Massie sat and gazed out at her cotton-filled kingdom. Something was off. The room was flawless. Her friends were by her side. And the LBRs worshipped her again. So what
Her amber eyes scanned the three rows of mirrored desks, bumping and rolling over every poorly dressed body that occupied them until it struck her. The LBRs, with their limp hair, dull complexions, and drab garage-sale wardrobes, clashed in this environment. They were Zales earrings in Tiffany boxes.
After a quick round of text messages, Massie stood. “LBRs, listen up.”
Everyone turned to their leader, anxious to know what she had in store for them next.
“Um, excuse me.” Great White tucked a dirty blond strand of oily hair behind her ear, her wide-set shark eyes blinking nervously. “What’s an LBR?”
It was obvious from the sudden silence that many others had the same question.
The NPC giggled into their palms. Massie struggled to keep a straight face.
“Look at your desk.”
Great White, Twizzler, Big Mac, Braille Bait, Powder, Monkey Paws, Blond Lincoln, Bag Hag, Candy Corn, Putty, Dempsey, and Loofah lowered their heads and gazed at their reflections in the mirror.
Dempsey.” Massie stopped the caramel-colored blond just in time. “Not anymore.”
He lifted his army green eyes and dimple-smiled, “Thank you,” even though he had no clue what he was thanking her for.
Massie batted, “You’re welcome,” with her Lancôme lashes.
“Now what?” Great White asked.
Massie refocused. “See that?”
“What? My
?” Her sparse light brows lowered in confusion.
The NPC giggled harder.
“Yup, your face.” Massie fought her twitching lips.
an LBR.”
Great White, Twizzler, Big Mac, Braille Bait, Powder, Monkey Paws, Blond Lincoln, Bag Hag, Candy Corn, Putty, and Loofah exchanged confused glances.
The NPC exploded into a collective cackle.
“But don’t worry,” she assured her subjects. “I can help.”
Their mouths hung open, salivating for whatever it was she had to offer.
“Tonight …” She pushed back the bell sleeves on her brown metallic pin-striped dress. “… leave your homework in your Samsonites. It’s makeover time!”
They cheered with uninhibited glee while Massie slumped back in her cushy seat. Programming her chair to vibrate, she shut her eyes and practiced deep breathing. Once relaxed, she began picturing each LBR, compiling a hair, makeup, and wardrobe strategy for each one.
Her heart raced just thinking about the amount of work that lay ahead. Turning trailers into Tiffany boxes was one thing. But coal into diamonds was quite another.
IN | OUT |
Tiffany’s | Trailers |
New LBRs | LBRs |
TBD* | TBD* |
*In this particular case,
does not stand for “To Be Decided.” It’s code for “Total Babe Dempsey” and “Too Bad, Derrington.” But Massie refused to write
that. Puh-lease!
What if someone found her Palm? She’d have to kick herself out of the NPC, and that was so nawt an option. Besides, it was a harmless crush. Nothing at all to be concerned about. Nuh-
Monday, September 14th
The LBRs squeezed together on Jakkob’s round red leather couch in the center of the predominantly black marble salon, studying the makeover spreadsheet Massie created while nibbling on Inez’s famous cucumber-and-cream-cheese sandwiches.
Great White | 1. Blond highlights. | 1. Hydrating facial to get rid of scaly complexion. | 1. NO GRAY OR WHITE! | Dylan Marvil—good with bright colors. |
| 2. Add body by layering. | 2. Eye shadow to make it look like your eyes aren’t attached to your ears. | 2. Bright, non-shark-like colors. | |
| 3. Trim split ends. | 3. Lip liner so it looks like you have lips and not just a food hole. | 3. Miniskirts to show off your defined calves. They are your best feature. | |
Braille Bait | 1. Bangs to hide the forehead bumps. | 1. Noncomedogenic concealer. | 4. NO RED OR PURPLE. It draws attention to the pink splotches on your skin. | Kristen Gregory—sweats often during soccer practice, so prone to breakouts. |
| | 2. Noncomedogenic foundation. | 2. Pastels would be best. | Good with pore cleansing and dressing to distract from zits. |
| | 3. Noncomedogenic blush. | 3. Skinny jeans, ballet flats, and empire tops. This will flatter your thin legs and hide the little roll of fat that hangs over your leggings. | |
| | 4. Mascara. | | |
| | 5. Smile. | | |
Loofah | 1. Saw off split ends. | 1. Skin is generally good. A little blush and some clear gloss are all you need Congrats! | 1. NO BLACK! Your hair sheds. The person sitting behind you does not need to see this. Please stick to white shirts and khaki bottoms. At least until we gets this problems under control. | Dylan Marvil—knows a lot about frizzy, unruly hair from experience. (Sorry Dyl, but it’s true.) |
| 2. Three-hour deep-conditioning treatment. | | | |
| 3. Japanese straightening perm. | | | |
Monkey Paws | 1. Lose the orangutan-orange highlights (too much Sun-In over the summer?) | 1. Dark brown eyes are nice. Features are symmetrical and well proportioned. Current use of blush and gloss work well. No notes. | 1. No angora, no cashmere, no boiled wool, no chenille. | Massie Block—I will run a cotton ball up your legs every two days. Should any white fluff get snagged on your stubble, you and your Gillette Venus will be sent straight to the locker room for a “time out.” |
| 2. Go dark blond. No brown or black. Too primate-ish. | 2. Intense manicure. Paraffin wax treatment, sondblasting exfoliation. Sleep with gloves oozing Vaseline for 6 months. | 2. No bananas. | |
| | 3. Try not to curl palms. Ever. | 3. Your body is fit. Miniskirts and dresses would be cute but please shave/wax legs … thighs and toes included. | |
Blond Lincoln | 1. Separate hair on head from sideburns. | 1. WAX lips, brows, sideburns. Once we see what lies beneath the hair, we will reevaluate. | 1. Sweats are fine. Track suits are nawt! Please stick to the following brands: Juicy Splendid, Pumo, Ed Hardy, and Primp. | Kristen Gregory—she has no major facial hair issue (none of us do, thank Gawd!) but she does know sweats. |
Bag Hag | 1. Your short brown pixie cut is actually kind of cute in a French model sort of way. | 1. Your complexion is clear. Your green eyes are bright. Your lips are full and nicely stained. (That’s Fresh’s Dahlia, right?) | 1. PLEASE STOP BRINGING YOUR BOOKS AND BELONGINGS TO SCHOOL IN PLASTIC BAGS FROM CVS AND RALPH’S. | Dylan Marvil—has great handbags. So does her mother, and she ever notices when one or two go missing (e.g. the red Birkin, black Fendi Spy bag, quilted Marc Jacobs in turquoise and lavander … ha! ha!). |
| | | 2. Use the Louis Vuitton suitcase we have provides at all times. If that is too big for daily use, please consult with your beauty rep for a donation. Or visit bagborroworsteal.com and sign up to rent designer bags that will be delivered straight your home. They are discreet. | |
Big Mac | 1. Break up goth black hair with light brown highlights. Add flirty layers around the face to prove the existence of cheekbones. | 1. Wash your face Then wash it again. Then once more. Repeat. | 1. NO BLACK NO SUPER-SIZE T-SHIRTS. NO RED-AND-WHITE STRIPED SOCKS. NO DOC MARTENS. | 1. Massie Block—gothbuster! |
| | 2. Stick to one color of eye shadow at all times. | 2. Think Marilyn Monroe, nawt Marilyn Manson. | |
| | 3. Leave the white face powder for mines and senile Broadway actresses. | | |
| | 4. Use a small amount of pink blush on the apples of your cheeks. | | |
| | 5. Light pink lip gloss—yes. Red/purple/black matte lipstick—no! | | |
Dempsey | 1. Caramel-colored hair is too good to be natural. Yet it is . Nice going. | 1. Green eyes pop nicely against tan. | 1. Love the whole safari-chic thing. Stay rugged. | Massie Block—I will check you out from time to time to make sure you ore maintaining. In the meantime, please assist us in mentoring the boys. They could use a strong male role model. |
| 2. Please do not cut. It looks great shaggy. | Skin is smooth and evenly colored. | 2. Maybe a new pair of boots around the holidays. Something in a brown leather. Kenneth Cole? | |
| 3. Nice transformation. | 3. Teeth are iPod white. | 3. Body is fit. No more VGG (Video Game Gut). | |
| | 4. Dimples are ah-dorable. | 4. Nice transformation. Please maintain. | |
| | 5. Nice transformation. | | |
Candy Corn | 1. Black hair looks cute. No notes. | 1. Regular dentist visits. | 1. NO red shirts until your teeth have lost their yellow sheen. Red makes yellow look more yellow. | Dempsey—has awesome teeth. |
| | 2. BritSmile visit | 2. Stick to navy and black until the problem has been resolved. | |
| | 3. Maintain with flossing, brushing and Crest Whitestrips. | | |