Brass Diva: The Life and Legends of Ethel Merman (103 page)

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20. EM, quoted in Edwin Schallert, "Hi-Test Opportunity Knocking for Ethel,"
LAT, 7 September 1952, MCNY, SC 16.

21. EM to unidentified interviewer, clipping, MCNY, SC 16.

22. Louella Parsons, unidentified clipping, MCNY, SC 16.

23. Hosted by Edwin W. and Bobbe Pauley for their fifteenth anniversary.

24. Sidney Skolsky, "Hollywood Is My Beat," Hollywood Citizen News, 6 August
1952, MCNY, SC 16.

25. "zoth Muffles `Madam' Mikes for Merman," Variety,14 August 1952, MCNY,
SC 16.

z6. EM, quoted in Schallert, "Hi-Test Opportunity Knocking for Ethel."

27. Louella Parsons, Miami Herald, 14 December [1953], MCNY, SC 16.

z8. Donald O'Connor, interview with PM, transcript, 5-6, USC, HMC: Pete
Martin Collection.

29. Sidney Skolsky, "Hollywood Is My Beat," Hollywood Citizen News, ii September 1952, MCNY, SC 16.

30. David Bongard, "A Producer Is No Mere Joy Boy-He Must Also Know His
Job," Los Angeles Daily News, 2 March, 1953, AMPAS: Sol Siegel file.

31. Shriners benefit program, October 1952, in MCNY, SC 16.

32. "zoth to Roll 9 Pix during September; New Studio Record," Variety, zo
August 1952, MCNY, SC 16.

33. Over four months he had prepared not only Call Me Madam but also Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and There's No Business Like Show Business.

34. "Sol Siegel Ducks zoth-Fox Musical Unit, Not Wishing to Type Himself,"
Variety, 13 September 1952, MCNY, SC 16.

35• Writer's working script, 25 March 1952, UCLA: zoth Century-Fox Legal Records, file 2523.2.

36. Conference with Zanuck, z April 1952, UCLA: zoth Century-Fox Legal Records, file 2523.3.

37. Ibid.

38. Ibid.

39. There is even a line that seems to announce Merman's new residence-to-be. On
the phone asking "Harry" about his daughter's piano career, she asks, "Denver? How
did it go? Hmm [pause]. Even in Denver. Well, the critics don't know everything."

40. Charles LeMaire, confidential letter to Lew Schrieber, 4 June 1952, UCLA:
zoth Century-Fox Legal Records, box 564.

41. Sidney Skolsky, "Hollywood Is My Beat," NYP, 2 September 1952, MCNY,
SC 16.

42. Unidentified "Publicity Man from Fox on Lou Irwin," interview with PM,
transcript, 14, USC, HMC: Pete Martin Collection.

43. Dorothy Kilgallen, "Voice of Broadway," NYJA, 1o October 1952, MCNY,
SC 16.

44. Joseph Breen, letter to Col. Jason Joy, 26 November 1951, AMPAS: Production Code Collection, Call Me Madam.

45. Joseph Breen, note to Col. Jason Joy, 3o April 1952, AMPAS: Production
Code Collection, Call Me Madam.

46. Conference with Zanuck, z April 1952.

47. Breen, note to Joy, 3o April 1952.

48. Mike Connolly, "Rambling Reporter," Hollywood Reporter, 13 November
1952, MCNY, SC 16.

49. NYJA, 6 December 1952, MCNY, SC 16.

50. Danton Walker, "Broadway," unidentified clipping, MCNY, SC 16.

51. "Ethel Merman Likely to Pursue Films," LAT, 29 August 1952, MCNY, SC 16.

52. Hy Gardner, NYHT, 29 September 1952, MCNY, SC i6.

53. Radie Harris, "Broadway Ballyhoo," Hollywood Reporter, 16 December 1952,
MCNY, SC 16.

54. White Company advertisement, MCNY, SC 16.

55. Lydia Lane, "Hollywood Beauty: Gals Need Individuality," Long Island Sunday Press, 14 December 1952, MCNY, SC 16.

56. Ibid.

57. "Solid Talent Lineup for Ike's Inaugural Show-but sans Ike," Variety, 24
December 1952, MCNY, SC 16.

58. Earl Wilson, "Nobody Was Happy after the Ball," NYP, 21 January 1953,
MCNY, SC 16.

59. James O'Neill Jr., "Ethel Could Have Even Made the Democrats Happy,"
Washington Daily News, 20 January 1953, MCNY, SC 16.

6o. Inez Robb, "To the Ladies / Ethel Merman Is an Auction Addict," NYJA, 2
March 1953, MCNY, SC 16.

61. Leonard Lyons, "Lyons Den," NYP, 29 January 1953, MCNY, SC 16.

6z. NYJA, 3 March 1953, MCNY, SC 16.

63. Unidentified clipping, Los Angeles Examiner, 5 March 1953, MCNY, SC 17.

64. Daily Variety, 13 March 1953, MCNY, SC 16.

65. Ed Sullivan, "Little Old New York," New York News, 4 March 1953, MCNY,
SC 16.

66. Groucho Marx, telegram to EM, 3 March 1953, MCNY, SC 16.

67. Variety, 4 March 1953, MCNY, SC 16.

68. Hy Gardner, "Review of Call Me Madam," NYHT, 4 March 1953, MCNY,
SC 16.

69. "Review of Call Me Madam," Time, 23 March 1953, MCNY, SC 17.

70. Marie Torre, "Just Call Her Ma," World Telegram, 7 March 1953, MCNY,
SC 16.

71. UCLA: zoth Century-Fox Legal Records, box 564.


I. Ai, 224-

2. A2, ,8z.

3. EM repeated this sentiment in various sources.

4. JS, interview with PM, transcript, 28, USC, HMC: Pete Martin Collection.

5. Ai, 225•

6. "Paging the New," radio broadcast transcript, 7, WABC, 2 August 1955,
MCNY, SC 19.

7. Robert Serling, Maverick: The Story of Robert Six and Continental Airlines
(New York: Doubleday, 1974), 104.

8. RL, letter to author, 27 February 2007.

9. A2, 187-

Jo. Setting, Maverick, 105.

11. "I can cook eggs, but not a whole meal." Ai, 226.

12. RL, interview with author, July 2004.

13. RL, letter to author, 27 February 2007.

14. RL, letter to author, 9 February 2005.

15. Ibid.

16. RL, letter to author, 27 February 2007.

IT Ibid.

18. RL, letter to author, 21 April zoos.

i9. Ibid.

20. RL, interview with author, July 2004-

21. Bob Krauss, "In One Ear," Honolulu Advertiser, 16 February 1954, MCNY,
SC 17.

22. RL, letter to author, 27 February 2007.

23. Hope Johnson, NYWT, zo June 1957, MCNY, SC 20.

24. AI, 197.

25. Hollywood Reporter, 6 August 1953, MCNY, SC 18.

z6. As, 44, 34, 10.

27. Robert Molyneux, "Brash, Brassy, Breezy," Pittsburgh Press, 3 July 1955,
MCNY, SC 19.

28. Betsy Stinson, unidentified clipping, [1955], MCNY, SC 19.

29. PM, transcripts, USC, HMC: Pete Martin Collection.

30. E. L. Holland Jr., "Ethel Merman Story Like Ethel," Birmingham News, 3 July
1955, MCNY, SC 19.

31. At, 51.

3z. Ai, 33.

33• USC, HMC: Pete Martin Collection, folder 3-

34. Danton Walker, "Broadway," NYDN, z8 June 1955, MCNY, SC 18.

35. This correction appears with all July 1955 piece of correspondence from Kate
Steichen, assistant to Doubleday publisher Ken McCormick, who had written a nice
letter to Merman about the book. That letter was stapled to the promotion copy on
which Merman had penciled her correction. MCNY, SC 19.

36. Beth Judson, "La Merman May Sing Loud but She Whispers to God," Miami
Herald 30 July 1955 (syndicated), MCNY, SC 19.

37. Serling, Maverick, 104.

38. DF, interview with PM, transcript, i and 30, USC, HMC: Pete Martin

39. Serling, Maverick, 124.

40. RL, interview with author, July 2004.

41. Ibid.

42. RL, letter to author, 27 February 2007.

43• Ibid.

44. RL, letter to author, 21 April 2005.

45. RL, interview with author, July 2004.

46. TC, conversation with author, August zoo6.

I. Robert Six, letter to George Rosenberg, 30 June 1953, UCLA: zoth Century-Fox
Legal Records, box 1374.

2. Eddie Cantor, "Entertainers Hit Millionaire Class," Long Island Star journal,
8 December 1954, MCNY, SC 18.

3. EM, letter to loth Century-Fox, UCLA: loth Century-Fox Legal Records,
box 1374.

4. Sol Siegel, letter to Daryl Zanuck, 3 January 1953, UCLA: Arts Special Collection, box 580, "There's No Business Like Show Business."

5. Frank Ferguson, letter to Harold Collins, 22 June 1953, UCLA: zoth Century-Fox Legal Records, box 1374.

6. Laurence Bergreen, As Thousands Cheer: The Life of Irving Berlin (New York:
Viking, 1990), 518-

7. As conveyed by Jason Joy to Fox Legal Department, "Brief Sketch," 18 March
1952, USC: Fox Scripts "There's No Business Like Show Business."

8. Lamar Trotti, Writer's Working Script for There's No Business Like Show Business, 12 January 1952, USC: Fox Scripts "There's No Business Like Show Business,"
file 595.3, 1•

9. Ibid., Io.

10. It is unclear if Zanuck is referring to "Heat Wave," "A Pretty Girl Is Like
a Melody," or "Alexander's Ragtime Band."

H. Darryl Zanuck, memo to IB, 13, 17 December 1952, UCLA: zoth Century-Fox
Scripts Collection, box 580, file 258.6.

12. Production notes, "zoth Century Fox/Wolfson on Sol Siegel and There's No
Business Like Show Business," Paramount press sheets, , August 1935-31 July 1936,

13. Darryl Zanuck, memo to IB, 3, 17 December 1952, UCLA.

14. Jason Joy to Fox Legal Department, 18 March 1952, UCLA: zoth Century-Fox Scripts Collection 10.

15. Darryl Zanuck, memo to IB, 13, 17 December 1952, UCLA.

16. Sol Siegel, note to Darryl Zanuck, 3 January 1953, UCLA.

17. Sol Siegel, "Reaction to Step Sheet," 28 February 1953, UCLA: loth Century-Fox Scripts Collection, file z556.u.

18. Darryl Zanuck, memo to IB, 13, 17 December 1952, UCLA.

19. This is according to preliminary memos sent from Lew Schrieber to George
Wasson, z8 February 1952, UCLA: loth Century-Fox Legal Records, box 887,
There's No Business Like Show Business file.

20. Darryl Zanuck, memo to IB, 17 December 1952, UCLA.

21. Siegel, "Reaction to Step Sheet."

22. Sol Siegel, letter to EM, 3 March 1954, MCNY, SC 4-

23. Other versions include Francesca Mitzi Marlene de Czarayicon Gerber or Mitzi DeCzanyi Von Gerber. Her father was a Hungarian cellist, and her mother was
a dancer of Austrian descent. AMPAS: Mitzi Gaynor files.

24. Oscar Levant (unidentified source), AMPAS: Mitzi Gaynor files.

25. Walter Lang, letter to EM, 12 November 1953, MCNY, SC 4-

z6. Phoebe and Henry Ephron, step sheet for There's No Business Like Show Business, z8 February 1953, 3, UCLA, zoth Century-Fox Scripts Collection, file 2556.11.

27. George F. Custen, Twentieth Century s Fox: Darryl F Zanuck and the Culture
of Hollywood (New York: Basic Books, 1997), 350-51-

z8. Lilly Sawyer is retained in a small role, as a heavy-drinking older woman
whom Tim dates before getting involved with Vicky.

29. Darryl Zanuck, conference note to Sol Siegel, z6 January 1953, USC: Fox
Scripts "There's No Business Like Show Business," box 580.

30. At, 236. Pete Martin took these words from an interview he conducted with
an unidentified publicity representative from Fox. After noting Lang's "wonderful
way with people," the publicist said, "In most of Walter Lang's pictures [With a Song
in My Heart, On the Riviera, Call Me Madam]-there aren't any heavies. They're
happy pictures and ... you're surrounded by people who are nice." Publicity man
for Lou Irwin, interview with PM, transcript, 14, USC, HMC: Pete Martin Collection.

31. Unidentified newspaper article, 6 July 1954, MCNY, SC 18.

32. Earl Wilson, "Happy Honeymooner," NYP, 19 December 1954, MCNY, SC
4; italics added.

33- Quoted in Bob Thomas, I've GotRhythm.!The Ethel Merman Story (New York:
Putnam, 1985), 132-33-

34. Unidentified newspaper column, MCNY, SC 4-

35. Joseph Breen, letter to Frank McCarthy, 24 May 1954, AMPAS: MPAA
Production Code Administration files.

36. Letter from Joseph Breen to Col. Joseph joy, 20 October 1937, in AMPAS:
MPAA Production Code Administration files, There's No Business Like Show Business

37. When Steve announces his decision to enter the ministry, he says, "The way
I see it, Dad, some people are meant to be one thing, some another."

38. Communications between Joseph Breen and Frank McCarthy, 24 and z6
May 1954, AMPAS: MPAA Production Code Administration files, There's No Business Like Show Business file.

39. Joseph Breen, letter to Frank McCarthy, 20 April 1954, AMPAS: MPAA
Production Code Administration files, There's No Business Like Show Business file.

40. Personal correspondence from fan (Michelle L.) to author, 2004.

41. John M. Clum, Something for the Boys: Musical Theater and Gay Culture (New
York: St. Martin's Press, 1999), 146, 147.

42. RE, interview with PM, transcript, 18, USC, HMC: Pete Martin Collection.

43. At, 230.

44. RL, interview with author, July 2004-

45• Letter of complaint in box 887, UCLA: zoth Century-Fox Legal Records.

46. Siegel, "Reaction to Step Sheet," z8 February 1953, UCLA: zoth Century-Fox
Scripts Collection Io, file 2556.11.

47. Final draft of There's No Business Like Show Business, 17 December 1953, 48,
UCLA: zoth Century-Fox Scripts Collection io, box 581, file 2595.13a.

48. Ai, 235-36.

49. Hedda Hopper, "Hollywood," NYDN, 15 June 1954, MCNY, SC 18.

50. Otis L. Guernsey Jr., "Review of There's No Business Like Show Business,"
NYHT, 17 December 1954, MCNY, SC 18.

51. Final draft of There's No Business Like Show Business, 6o, 17 December 1953,

52. Biography episode: "Ethel Merman: There's No Business Like Show Business," A&E, 1999 broadcast.

53. Earl Wilson, "Happy Honeymooner," NYP,19 December 1954, MCNY, SC 4.

54. Biography episode: "Ethel Merman: There's No Business Like Show Business."

55• Ai, 234-

56. PM, draft notes for Ai, USC, HMC: Pete Martin Collection.

57. Lew Schreiber, confidential memo to Frank Ferguson, 20 March 1953, UCLA:
20th Century-Fox Legal Records, box 1374.

58. Ibid.

59. Lew Schreiber, letter to Frank Ferguson, 21 May 1953, UCLA: zoth Century-Fox
Legal Records, box 1374.

6o. Rose Pelswick, "New Film at Roxy Box Office Natural," NYJA, 17 December 1954, MCNY, SC 4.

61. C. A. LeJeune, "At the Films," London Sunday Observer, 6 February 1955,
MCNY, box 15.

6z. Mitzi Gaynor, telegram to EM, MCNY: "Ethel Merman: 1954-5" folder.

63. Alton Cook, "Musical Miscasts Merman," NYWT, 17 December 1954
MCNY, SC 18.

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