Brando 2 (11 page)

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Authors: J.D. Hawkins

Tags: #romance

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licks her lips like she’s
preparing to bite.

seem pretty certain that you know what Brando will do.”


you sure? How long have you known him? Three months? Four? Try four
fucking years with him. Four years that took us from a shitty studio
apartment in Harlem to the Hollywood Hills. Four years to understand
each other, to know how to make each other happy, to know how to push
each other’s

years don’t
count for anything,”
snarl, losing some of my self-control. “You
made sure of that the instant you cheated and left him, left the real
music. All you cared about was money and fame.”

unfazed. “That
time must have counted for something –
only reason you’re
even here is the bet he made to get

clench my fists and hold them tightly to my side.

he loved you at one point. But not now. Not after the way you treated
him,” I
say, the shakiness of the words letting both of us know I only
half-believe it.

how exactly did you treat him, Haley? I saw the way you kept your
distance from him on the tour, even though he wanted
to have a little taste of whatever it is you’ve
got. I heard about how you assumed the worst of him the second you
heard the Rex Bentley story broke out. You didn’t
even give him a chance to explain, did you?”

stand there stiffly, my mouth open as if to say something, but the
shaking tension of my body, the stabbing fears in my mind, are too
much to handle. Lexi’s
got a point.

keep acting like I’m
the one who’s
fucking up your relationship,”
continues, “but
the truth is, you’re
the one who got in the middle of ours.”

laughs when she sees I’m
too shaken to talk, and starts walking toward the door. She opens it,
and looks back over her shoulder.

tell you one thing you don’t
know about Brando,”
says. “He’ll
sacrifice everything he has, for the one thing he wants.”

steps through the door, but just before she’s
out of earshot I find my voice.

better hope he still wants you, then.”


Chapter 15




drive home before going to Majestic to meet Rowland, calling the
small team of college students I hired to manage Haley’s
website and her social media to tell them they need to get their
asses to my place as soon as possible for an emergency meeting. Even
though I drive with all the impatient recklessness of a man with
hours left to live, they’re
in the lobby by the time I arrive, laptops under their arms. I bring
the five of them into my apartment, seat them in the lounge, and
stand in front of them like a general about to give the briefing for
a suicide mission.

guys,” I
say, clapping my hands, “listen
up. The next couple of days it’s
crucial we put a mark on this thing. I’m
going to need all of you to work like motherfuckers right now.
Whatever I’m
paying you, triple it. Now we can’t
stop this story from spreading, but we
try and shape the conversation a little bit.”

point to a couple of the wide-eyed students opening their laptops
hurriedly. “Steven,
Jessica: You take social media. Haley is nervous about her sore
throat –
still hasn’t
had it checked out. She’s
gutted that she missed the New York show, but the tour went great,
eternally grateful to her fans for their support, and can’t
wait to finish off the album. Act like you don’t
even know about the Rex Bentley thing, you’re
above it, it’s
just some dumb rumor that you’re
way above even acknowledging.

Michelle: Find the freshest, biggest articles on the story –
ones that everybody else is linking to. Make multiple accounts, and
comment on them. ‘This
is just a dumb misunderstanding,’
is this even news,’
or not, her show was still awesome,’
kind of thing. Make it seem like the logical reaction to this is
disbelief and scorn for the guys who write about it.

say, looking at him with keen intent, “here’s
what I want you to do. Make a fake account, and message the people
going to give you the email addresses for. Tell them that you’re
a source close to Haley. Tell them that they’ve
got the story wrong, Rex Bentley is not her father.”
pause for a second while he nods. “Mick
Jagger is.”

says, incredulous. Everybody else turns to look at me. “That’s

I say.
kill a story like this, but you can make it so confusing and
exaggerated that nobody gives a shit anyway. Disinformation. When
people don’t
know what to believe, they believe none of it.”

as the idea sinks in, Simon starts to nod, then opens his laptop with

going to have a meeting at the label now, I’ll
be back later,”
shout behind me as I go for the door. “Don’t
let me down, guys. Haley’s
counting on you.”


slam through Rowland’s
doors like a bull through the gates, the sound of his secretary
confirming my appointment already behind me.

squashing the story, Rowland! Don’t
make any statements from the label, my team is going to handle this.
I know you think this is good for Haley but—”
already at his desk, standing over it with my palms on the steel when
I notice. “What’s
Lexi doing here?”

turn my gaze back from her crossed legs, casually bouncing up and
down, toward the concerned, almost frightened, look on Rowland’s
face. He locks his fingers in front of him on the table and fidgets.

talks slowly, carefully, like a doctor on a death ward. “I
really know how to say this, and I’m
pretty surprised myself, to be totally honest with you, but I—”

getting dropped from the label,”
interrupts with dark relish. “I’ve
just told him. It’s
me or her.”

say, my eyes switching between the two like I’m
watching a frantic tennis match. “Is
this some kind of

exactly have a choice,”
whispers through gritted teeth, as if Lexi wouldn’t
be able to hear. He raises his helpless eyes to mine, almost like
begging for a way out. “Lexi’s
pretty much made up her mind.”

turn to her.

are you doing this?”

like the way this label is run,”
says, springing out of her chair and standing beside me. “What
was Haley doing on my tour? She doesn’t
even have a full album out! And you were supposed to be managing both
of us, Brando, but I didn’t
see you running to my side very often.”

seemed to do perfectly fine on your own,”

I don’t
like sharing. And as long as Haley’s
on the label, I know I won’t
be getting all the support I could be getting. It’s
me or her.”

turn to Rowland. “This
is ridiculous. Lexi signed a contract. She can’t
leave, right? Isn’t
that what you told me? That this whole business is about tying up
artists even when they don’t
want to be?”

only part artist –
all businesswoman,”
purrs maliciously. “Anyone
tries to stop me from quitting and I’ll
destroy Majestic from the inside. A couple of tweets and I’d
have every one of my fans boycotting your records. Maybe throw in a
sexual harassment lawsuit. Yet another case of the big, bad record
industry taking advantage of a poor, innocent girl. I can bring a
shit storm raining down on this label that you people will never
recover from.”

face goes white, and he jumps up from his chair. Lexi flutters her
eyelashes and laughs. Now the three of us are standing around the

see this?”
cries, despairingly. “What
the fuck am I supposed to do?”

supposed to drop Lexi, and keep Haley!”
shout back. “
the one who killed on this tour, not Lexi!
one with the potential to take us to another level!”

think I
to drop Haley? She’s
fantastic, I love her! But I don’t
have a choice!”

you do! Lexi’s
giving you one!”

slumps back into his chair and spends a full five seconds rubbing his
forehead before looking back up at me. Lexi just watches us, all
self-satisfied amusement and dancing eyes—loving
every second.

had two hits, Lexi’s
had five. Haley hasn’t
even released an album, Lexi’s
had a number one. The tour was great, but it was still Lexi’s
name on the top of it. Even when you get past the simple numbers of
the thing, I don’t
know what the hell is going on with Haley. One minute she’s
fucking up a gig because she can’t
tune a guitar, the next minute she’s
pulling out of the grand finale to the tour. And now there’s
a weird story connecting her to Rex Bentley that
let me use to her advantage because of her ‘feelings.’”
take a step back. I know what’s
coming. “I’ve
made my choice, Brando. Haley’s

so am I,”
say, stalking toward the door.


Chapter 16




still in shock over Lexi’s
visit when there’s
a knock at the door. I stop doing laps around the living room and
pulling at my hair to turn and look at it. There’s
another knock. I step slowly towards it. When I open it, I can’t
control myself. I leap onto Brando, bury my face into his neck,
clutch his back as tightly as a lifesaver. For the past hour I’ve
been wondering if I’ll
ever see him again, if the one guy who can make me feel like he does
is about to disappear from my life forever. The idea alone crushed
me, chewed me up, made me feel like a ghost. Just seeing him again is
enough to make me break down.

says slowly, pushing me off him gently and closing the door behind
him, “I’ve
got some bad news.”

say, shaking my head and feeling my heart grow heavy. I back away
slowly. “No.”

face is serious, unhappy. I pray he doesn’t
speak, gathering every bit of strength in my body to tell him not to
speak, and it’s
still not enough. I bury my head in my hands.

label dropped you,”
says, bluntly and sadly.

look up slowly, feeling like somebody put a hot towel on my face.

you chose Lexi.”

face changes. “No,
I didn’t.
Rowland did. Majestic did. Not me.”
pauses, realization dawning. “You
knew about the ultimatum?”

nod, steeling myself for an answer I probably don’t
want to hear. “So
what did you choose?”

says, rushing toward me and lifting my face in his hands, “why
are you even asking me that? I chose
Of course I did. I quit on them. Same as last time. Same as when we
had to go it alone before.”

inside me cracks open, releasing a flood of happiness that flows into
every fiber of my body. I pull Brando’s
face to mine, as if the feeling’s
too much for one person, and the only way I can share it is by
pressing my lips against his. A kiss more intimate than erotic, but
no less necessary.

we pull away slowly, Brando gazes inquisitively into my eyes,
brushing away a tear-track from my cheek.

could you even doubt that?”
asks gently.

Lexi back and the way things have been going with us, I just

think,” he
says, affectionately.


drives us to his apartment like we’re
racing a jet, only stopping to run into a coffee shop and come out a
few minutes later with a carrier tray of coffees and a bag of donuts.

is all of this for?”
ask, as he puts them in my lap and revs the car away.


get to his apartment and Brando bursts through the door like he’s
about to perform a robbery. I follow behind and try not to be too
surprised when a bunch of college students immediately crowd around
me, grab the coffees, and then go back to sitting around the open
laptops on Brando’s
coffee table.

going on?”
ask as Brando stands in front of them. “It
looks like you’re
running a sweat shop in here.”

this is Michelle, Simon, Ross, Steven, and Jessica. Guys, you know

mumble a distracted greeting in unison like an uncoordinated choir
group. Still confused, I raise a hand weakly in response.

the situation?”
says, his voice turning authoritative.

do anything,”
says, shaking her ponytail. “Every
time we post something about the sore throat we get a hundred replies
– every
one of them about Rex Bentley.”

adds, “we’re
commenting, but it’s
getting lost in the mix. It’s
a drop in the ocean compared to what’s
going on. It seems like every two minutes another site posts the
story. We can’t
keep up.”

takers for the Mick Jagger story so far. Sorry,”

glare at Brando with bewilderment at this last one. He shakes his
head in a clear ‘don’t
ask’ gesture.

says, walking to the window. “Okay.
The bottom-up approach isn’t
going to work.”

Haley just do an interview?”
says. “She
have to go in deep. Just deny it with a word and leave it at that.”

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