Branded by a Warrior (14 page)

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Authors: Andrea Thorne

BOOK: Branded by a Warrior
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Betrothal? Broderick didn’t act as if he was betrothed to another
his actions were very much the opposite. Did that women speak the truth?
Confused and in agony, Elisabeth pressed on towards the room she had shared for a fortnight with Broderick.
At least she finally had the name of the wench who crashed into her tonight, there was no doubt it she was one in the same.

Opening the door she was greeted
by Conn and Isla, walking over to the fireplace she sat down slowly in the chair and pulled her dress
down over her injured shoulder as the hounds sat at her feet.

The linen bandage was soaked with bright red blood; the blow Siobhan had delivered on the dance floor ripped open her injury
. B
owing her head she shed silent tears befor
e the fire as her wolfhounds whined
at her feet.
Her wound hadn’t hurt this bad in days.
In pain and confused at what she heard, she let her tears fall as searing pain coursed through her shoulder.
Cursing herself for being unable to c
ontrol her emotions once again, she closed her eyes and focused on controlling her breathing.

Below in the keep, Kendrix eventually found Broderick after enjoying a few
tankards of ale and a handful more
dances with some lovely lassies.

Kendrix took a long drag of his ale before asking his brother, “How is Elisabeth? Did she retire after her rude introduction to Siobhan?”

Confused, Broderick ordered
, “Explain what ye mean Brother

When ye and the lass were dancing earlier, on the outside steps, that bloody wench Siobhan crashed into Elisabeth’s injured shoulder with such force. Few witnessed it, but I tell you,
bhan’s actions were intentional

“Elisabeth said it was an accident
and asked to retire soon after

he retorted, growing suddenly
upset that Elisabeth hadn’t told him the truth and that Siobhan dared to hurt her.

ing and taking another drink, Kendrix
tilted his head and offered, “The she is even more gracious than we imagined, the looks Siobhan
her a
ll night and the sneer after the impact
were apparent to
Elisabeth, and all who watched tonight Broderick. Siobhan is jealous, and our dear El
isabeth paid the price tonight

“Shite, take over here Brother, I’m going
to check on her,” nodding to
, Broderick exited the hall and made his way down the corridor to the stone
stairs. Taking them by twos he was at his
room in seconds

Pushing the door open he saw the back of her he
ad in his chair before the fire
, she was asleep. H
is dogs looked up at him
and then went right back to sleeping at her feet. Closing and locking the door behind him he unsheathed his broadsword and walked around the chair to place it on the mantle as he did every night.

rning to look at her, he saw
er dress was pulled low
to reveal a bloody shoulder.
The linen around her shoulder seeped bright red blood as she lay sleeping in his massive leather chair
. Her eyes swollen and red from crying, he felt like a bloody ass.

Kneeling in front of her
he picked up her hands and whispered her name, “Elisabeth, wake up las
s,” rubbing his thumbs over the top of her soft hands.

Scowling, she slowly opened her eyes, seeing him kneeling before her she looked over at her shoulder and grabbed her dress trying to cover her bleeding wound and
the top of her
bare breast.

“Dinnae you remember when I said omissions would be viewed as lying Elisabeth?” he asked as he sa
w her scramble to cover herself, his voice accusing.

Lowering her eyelids she shot him a look that
would have sent
a normal man running, “Does the same rule apply to you Broder
Or are you like so many men and simply believe that the rules dinnae apply to yourself?”

Crossing his arms he stood up and looked do
wn at the irate woman, “Explain

“I want
my own room Broderick, tonight!

she seethed.

Looking to the heavens Broderick walked around her and over to his wardrobe, pulling off his chest tartan he folded it with care and sat it back down in the drawer before pulling off his linen shirt and tossing it over the chair by his desk. In only his kilt and kneeboots he sat down and ignore
the infuriating women across the room
was watching him like a hawk.

Pulling his boots off his tossed them by his desk and looked up at Elisabeth, “Ye w
ill stay in this room Elisabeth

Standing up slowly, she turned around to face him fully, “
, then
find a different roo
m, maybe with your betrothed!” S
he had never felt such jealousy rage
through her before tonight. It was an emotion she was unfamiliar and uncomfortable with.

The wolfhounds stood up and looked up at Elisabeth as she raised her voice, looking from their new mistress to their master, the dogs grew wary.

Kendrix was
she was stunning when she
was mad, she had so many facets.
could see the warrior in her stepping out to engage
him; he had never wanted her more than this moment
. Standing up slowly, he crossed the room barefoot wearing only his kilt. 

Instead of going around the chair he grabbed the back of it and threw it out of his way, sending it bouncing off the stone
wall of the castle room.
The houn
ds moved quickly out of the way
and ran under the bed.

Standing tall,
didn’t even flinch as the chair was tos
sed, her eyes were locked on him
as Broderick
walked towards her shirtless. His eyes flashed as he
her, his muscles rippling across his chest and rock hard abdomen. He had scars peppered over his tan skin. She wanted to kiss each one.
She wanted his attention, and lord had she received it.

“Omissions, point taken Elisabeth. I
betrothed at one time, many years ago, however she ran off with another man and married. He was a warrior and died in the same battle my parents did. Siobhan continues to believe our betrothal still stands since she is a widow; she’s desperate and malicious, and will never be my queen, ever,” his words dri
pped in contempt for the woman, stepping closer to
, he wound a hand around her silk covered hip and pulled her up against his bare chest and looked down into her eyes, “
there is only one
woman who will be my queen,

Her heart sk
ipped a beat with the last word
, looking up into his face she leaned up on her tip toes and kissed him as she ran her hands up across his chiseled chest and up into his glorious soft hair. Opening her mouth she ran her tongue across his lips as he picked her up into his arms and cradled her against his chest
.  His kiss was ravenous as he walked over to the massive bed, she felt on fire and needy. There was no way she would let him get away from her tonight. She needed this man to make her a woman, there could be no other for her.

A few candles still burned in the room giving them enough light to see each other clearly, sitting her down on her feet before the bed
pulled the silken gown off of her ivory skin with ease, letting it fall to the floor in a pile.

Standing before
stood completely naked except for her bound shoulder, shameless with desire she unlatched Broderick’s kilt belt and let it fall to the
beside her dress.

Biting her lip as she cast her gaze on Broderick’s magnificent body she felt herself grow wet with desire as she saw him standing in all his glory before her.

Scooping her up in his arms, he laid her down on his bed
. C
rawling overtop of her
like the conquering warrior he was,
he placed kiss
upon kiss on her body as h
e worked his way up to her neck. H
is hands traced her s
kin as he nudged her legs apart with his knee.

Nibbling on her ear, he eased
his fingers into her slick core
in one smooth thrust,
moving them in and out he whispered into
her ear as she moaned his name.

“Open up for me
my love
, feel me, you are

Arching into him with wanton desire Elisabeth bit her lip as
stoked her desire, his
hand was making her come alive, between sensual moans she w
hispered, “Yes, yours Broderick

Nudging her legs farther apart he knelt between her
ivory legs and removed his hand,
her hips down towards him, locking eyes with her
his arms holding him up
above her he looked down into her eyes, “Marry me Elisabeth, be my queen?
I know we have both declared that marriage was not for us, but there is no other woman in this world more suited to become my wife, I need you.

Biting her lip she looked into his face and tears brimmed in her soft
green eyes, “Aye, Broderick, you are the only man for me.” S
whispered as she ran her hands up his rippling arms.

Claiming her mouth in a passionate kiss he lowered himself down and entered her slowly, only placing the tip of his massive cock inside her. He pulled in and out trying to prepare her, he was sure she was a virgin, he wanted to ease her pain the best he could.

Elisabeth felt his hard cock against her
wet center, lifting her hips for more she urged him on, desire flowed through her and she wanted more.

Digging her nails into his back she moaned as he sank deeper into her, “Please Broderi
ck, make me yours forever

Hearing her pleas mad
e him sink in farther, slowly stretching her until he hit her maidenhead, kissing her he whispered against her mouth as he thrust forward, obliteratin
g her virginity, “Mine,

The pain rippled though her body, she had known it was coming. Compared to her shoulder pain, it barely made her flinch as she took in the erotic sensation of having Broderick fully inside her. His possessive words made her feel protected and cherished, worthy and loved even though no words of love were whispered between them, she felt it.

Running her hands through
is hair as he slid in and out of her
she watched as his
muscles flexed with his thrusts. H
er hips rolled with his pace as he
wrapped her
around his hips and grabbed his
ass as he buried himself to the hilt time and time again.

Licking her nipple he sucked on it as her breasts bounced to the cadence of their rhythm, “Jesu Elisabeth, you are so tight, you don’t know how long I’ve wanted make you mine, you are perfection,” whispering in the darkness as the candles slowly burnt out one by one.

“Teach me how to please you Broderick, show me,” she
begged with a breathless whisper
as she ran her hands over his shoulders, kissing his neck as he increased his pace, pounding into her as their need grew.

Rolling over quickly, he had her sitting atop of him, his hands on her hips showing her how to ride upon his velvet cock, “You are in control my queen, I will teach you all you need to know. Nothing between us is forbidden, as y
ou are mine, I am yours

Biting her lip she straightened her shoulders and rolled her hips moving up and down upon his large cock,
his hands upon her hips
helped her rise and fall.

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