Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time (20 page)

BOOK: Boys Will Be Boys - Their First Time
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The bear
of the group was Jack Braun, who was six-feet tall and
about 220
lbs, partially bald with just a ring of blond hair around ear level. Jack lifted free weights three times a week and was very proud of his ability to impress his fellow muscle boys as well as his alleged stable of

hot chicks
He was big, but well proportioned. I was always intrigued by the amazing amount of hair on his arms and legs and could just imagine how the rest of him looked. More than once, Jack had been the object of my masturbatory fantasies. By far, he was the easiest for me to talk with since he was the most down
earth type of guy. Not surprisingly, he was the managing partner of a local gym
which catered to the big guys. At his insistence
I visited the place a couple of times. You could practically peel the testosterone off the walls. It was a bit over the top for my taste, all that posturing and preening, and I seldom went back.

Finally, there was Marc, short for Marcel. A Frenchman by birth, he had been in this country since his teens and was now a
citizen. He taught French at
high school
where I just graduated a year earlier
. He was quite thin and wiry and only stood about
His light brown curly hair and short stature gave him a very boyish look. His marriage ended tragically when his wife and five
old daughter were killed in an auto accident. He remains a widower.

As different as each one of these men w
, they had one thing in common; a strong masculine magnetism that was irresistible to me.

Being a forever horny little bastard, my dream plan for the summer at the cabin was simple. Along with the fishing, canoeing and swimming, I would try to have sex with each one of these men in such a way that each of them would be left with the impression that they were the only one seduced. At no time would I be excessively aggressive. I wanted them to want me, but most of all I wanted to learn how to properly satisfy a man. They say experience is the best teacher. I was ready to be taught. My biggest problem would be setting the bait at just the right time and in just the right place. Learning their individual habits and favorite activities around the cabin would be crucial to the plan.

The trip in my father

s GMC Suburban took about
hours. Marc and Russ got the front passenger seats
and I ended up squashed between Jack and Bruce in the back seat. The rear was packed with luggage and coolers. This was not a totally unpleasant situation for me. The tightness and the heat from my two seat mates

shorts-clad thighs, coupled with the motion of the car caused my dick to stay hard for most of the trip. If either of them noticed, it was not apparent.

After turning off the highway onto a narrow dirt road
we stopped while
ad unlocked and then re-locked a security gate
e traveled a couple
lurching and bouncing over the ruts until suddenly there it was. Shangri La! Xanadu! My pleasure palace for the next four weeks.

The cabin was of log construction and sat on a low bluff overlooking the lake. The air was sweet with the scent of pine, reminding me of the wreaths
om always hung on our front door at Christmas.

The surface of the lake was marred only by the slightest of ripples. I jumped out of the car and ran for the shore eager to start my explorations. My youthful exuberance was soon interrupted by my dad yelling for me to get my ass back to the car and start unloading our gear. Well, every pleasure has its pain
… in the ass.

It didn

t take us very long to get the car unloaded
and the guys tackled the job of putting everything in its place. The coolers held dozens of packaged casseroles, meatloaves, soups and who knows what else that my mom had prepared and frozen weeks before our departure. They had things under control
ad suggested I take a look around the place to get my bearings.

The ground floor consisted of an enormous living room with stone fireplace, an eat-in kitchen fitted out with some very fancy appliances and a dining room
which doubled as a TV lounge. I noticed that there were little cameras located near the ceiling in every room. Some sort of security system I supposed. Very nice, but I was more interested in checking out the sleeping arrangements.

Upstairs, there were three bedrooms. Two of them held pairs of double beds. The third had only one bed but it was king size. This turned out to be my dad

s digs. No doubt who was the

alpha male

around here.

At the far end of the hallway was a bathroom unlike any I had ever seen outside of a YMCA. Along one wall was a counter with three sinks
pposite that were two little enclosed toilet stalls complete with doors for privacy, plus, in one corner was a urinal. At the end of the room was a wide-open, tiled shower room with four spaces, each fitted with an elaborate multi-head fixture. Damn, I could only wonder what this place was like when everybody decided to do their thing at the same time. Soap-dropping would be high on my to-do
. My cute little ass had never let me down in spite of the fact that it was still virgin territory.

My next stop would be the shore of the lake
but that would have to wait until morning. Darkness was coming on fast
and I smelled food.

After a great meal of

s meatloaf and baked potatoes
we all headed for the TV room and caught
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
on Turner Classic Movies. For me, it was a dated bore. They loved it for the shots of Marilyn in all her platinum blonde glory.

The guys finally called it a night and went off to their respective rooms: Bruce and Marc in one and Jack and Russ in the other. Dad suggested we do the same
and we headed up to the king size bed.

I hope you don

t mind that we are sharing a bed,
on. It

s big enough for both of us
and I

m a pretty sound sleeper. If you have any problem with it

ll work something out. It may be only temporary anyway as you

ll find out later.

Problem? Hell, this was better than I ever imagined. The only problem would be how to keep my hands off my sexy bed partner.

Rationalizing my sexual interest in my father was easy: I

m a young hot-blooded gay guy
and he is a mature, good looking stud-muffin. This was made all the more difficult by the fact that he traditionally slept in the raw.

You should try it
e all like the feeling of freedom it gives us. Don

t be surprised if you see a few naked bodies around the house any time day or night. It

s also one of the reasons we are very selective when it comes to visitors.

The sound of running water coming from the direction of the bathroom caught my attention.

Hey dad, a shower would really feel good right about now.

on, go ahead, I

ll wait

til morning.

I stripped off my sweaty clothes and made my way down the hall. Sounds of snoring were already coming from the other two rooms so that would mean the showers weren

t all taken. Steam was drifting from the entrance to the shower room, clouding my view of its occupant. Once inside
my delighted eyes took in the sight of Bruce in all his naked glory. His rear was to me
so I made a little noise with my throat, alerting him to my presence.

Donny! Come on in and make yourself

He was in the process of soaping his upper body and seemed to be having some difficulty reaching his back.

Today, while unloading the gear I must

ve pulled a muscle in my shoulder
and it

s giving me a hard time.

The sight of his soap and sweat covered body sent an electric shock to my prick, which went to
full hard
in seconds. I quickly formulated a plan.

Uncle Bruce, I

m not much of a masseur
but at least can help out with the soaping part
so you don

t aggravate the muscles any further.

No thanks
little buddy, I think I can handle it. One thing though, I dropped my soap. It

s somewhere on the floor. See if you can find it.

Picking up the bottle of body wash, I reached around his muscular torso, past his upper arm and lightly brushed his right nipple as I handed him the soap. My rock hard prick was now inches away from his slick, wet ass.


re sure you don

t need some help with those tough to reach places?

Something told me he was weakening.

Maybe you could just do my back and shoulders
I am kinda sore
and since you

re here, you might as well make yourself useful.

Taking the bottle of soap from his hand, I squirted a nice glob on my palm. As my hands worked the lather across his broad shoulders and middle back and up into his hairy armpits, he sensed the direction my lathering was taking, raising his arms to give me better access.

Oh y
Donny, now work my shoulder blades some more. Those hands of yours got talent. You sure you haven

t done this before?

Accepting that invitation to continue, I gave his upper back a smooth, gentle massage. There was only one direction to go from there
and it was down. As my soapy hands made their way to the top of his furry ass cheeks
he seemed to tense, but then relaxed as I massaged the lather onto those gorgeous globes, working my fingers between them very slowly and gently until the tip of my left index finger barely touched his hot little rosebud. The heat of his ass against my fingertips was causing my head to spin
and I was out of control. He reacted with a sharp intake of breath and a tight clenching of his rock-solid butt cheeks. My heart was pounding with excitement; my cock was throbbing and primed for action.

Not wanting to go too fast and maybe ruin the moment, I backed off and allowed my soap-slicked hands to proceeded down his powerfully muscled thighs until, falling to my knees, I found my face directly in line with his seductively round and deliciously pink ass. The warm water cascading down his back and over those sweet cheeks washed away the suds except for the area deep within the crack. Gripping both mounds, I spread them apart giving me a perfect view of the tight little hole and its ring of ginger-red curls, while the water washed away any traces of soap.

Ahhh, D-d-donny what are you doing down there
little buddy?

Damn! Even my virgin tongue was hard at this point; wanting to reach out and lick some man-butt even though I hadn

t even heard of rimming at that point in my life.

Just makin

sure you

re good and clean. Why do a half-assed job?

I snickered.

He got the joke and said

Well, little buddy you are doing a hell of a job.

With that, he turned around, presenting me with a delicious slab of cock-meat at full hard stand. His foreskin was pulled back revealing a smooth, deep pink head on a seven inch staff. For a moment, neither of us made a move. Looking up into his half-closed eyes
it was clear to me that he was ready and willing. My tongue snaked out and lightly caressed his cock-head, followed by my eager lips sinking down to the base; meeting the soft wetness of his golden-red fleece.

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