Boys in Blue 01 - Bad Boys Bad Boys (4 page)

BOOK: Boys in Blue 01 - Bad Boys Bad Boys
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Who said anything about love? Better fucking be a joke
. Mack glowered through the night lens, watching Geo skulk towards the back of the building. The two men handed a paper to Covey who looked it over with a flashlight.

All three turned sharply towards the playground. They looked antsy. Mack swung his binoculars, looking for Geo to find him crouched against the back wall of the building. He was close. Very close. Mack’s pulse kicked into overdrive, slamming against his chest to see Geo within speaking range of the other three. Close enough to get hurt.

“Back the fuck off, man. They’re gonna see you.” Mack didn’t care that he spoke to himself. He willed Geo to back away. Play it safe. “Dude, back off.”
Geo fiddled with the equipment. He looked towards the tree-line as though communicating with Mack whom he could not have seen. Then Geo’s shoulders set and everything about him went still.
“Fuck. I know that look. You’re going in. You’re a lunatic.”
Panic ripped at Mack’s chest. He could do nothing but watch as his partner crept in. The briefcase made the exchange. Now was the time to close in, but Mack was too far out. Geo, however, had his gun drawn.
“Police. Freeze!” The words carried on the wind, and Mack swore as he leaped into action. Geo didn’t have cover. He was a sitting duck.
“He said,
, motherfuckers,” Mack yelled, hoping to draw the attention his way. He ran towards the back of the building.
Don’t shoot him, motherfucker. Don’t shoot Geo. I’ll kill your sorry asses, you sonsofbitches. Fucking don’t kill my lover.
A gun fired from the three, the sound reaching him a fraction of a second after the muzzle flashed. One car tore out of the parking lot with two men. No briefcase had been in their hands when they’d passed under a streetlamp. The hitman, Covey, remained hidden in the shadows.
Another shot, this one from Geo’s last location, fired seconds after the first. A third and suddenly Covey was running. Mack got to him, tackling him to the ground and cuffing him.
“Wilson!” he yelled. “Report, Goddamnit.”
“Hit,” Geo called hoarsely.
Mack grabbed his phone with shaking fingers and dialled. “Officer down!”

Chapter Four

Mack dragged the perp over to Geo’s side. When the hitman tried to make a run for it, Mack clocked him, and he went limp.
“Where are you shot?” Mack asked. His hands fumbled over Geo’s head and chest. “Don’t fucking die on me.”
“I’m okay just dizzy. Grazed my head.” Geo’s temple stung when he pressed his fingers to it. So far that he could tell, he hadn’t been shot again. The cover of dark had spared him from a marksman. The head wound had been enough to stun him though.
Mack grabbed Geo in a bear hug. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!”
“I’m fine.” Geo held him as tightly, running a hand over his back to soothe the muscles tight with anxiety.
He turned his face into Mack’s neck, inhaling the tangy scents of leather and man. There was no doubt about it. He’d fallen for his partner. He’d fallen for him, Mack the person. There were no labels to attach.
Geo held him closer, comforting him as much as Mack tried to comfort Geo. It felt good being held like this. Mack’s strong arms tucked him against his hammering heart.
“Scared me shitless,” Mack murmured into Geo’s hair.
Geo laughed.
He may come around yet.
“Thought I’d lost you,” Mack confessed.
“Didn’t think you’d mind.”
Mack cupped the back of Geo’s head and held him in place for a thorough kissing. With his other, he rubbed Geo’s cock. Sirens whined nearby, and they drew apart. Mack leaned in for one more, quick kiss.
“I couldn’t lose you.” Mack’s voice shook.
Coloured lights reached the parking lot. Red and blue streaked over Mack’s face as he turned from watching them pull in to look at him. Mack was shaken, he could see it.
“Before they get here,” Mack whispered hoarsely. “I can’t lose you. Not to the job and not to someone else. I think I lo—”
The department descended on them. Geo cursed the bad timing. He caught one more heart-filled look from Mack before he was taken to the paramedics and Mack was questioned.
Their stories were given separately, and someone collected the surveillance equipment. At ten-fifty-two a squad car finally drove Geo home, alone. Geo looked up at the building and trudged inside. His temple throbbed but not nearly as much as his heart.
Maybe he’d been imagining Mack’s near-confession. Or maybe Mack hadn’t been about to say the “L” word and had meant to say, “I think I lo—ok pretty damn hot in night vision.” He did. It would have been a true statement.
Geo smiled wryly for his own benefit. He reached in his pocket for his apartment keys as the elevator doors slid open.
Mack leaned against his door, waiting. Geo stood motionless, hearing and not caring when the elevator doors closed behind him because though Mack hadn’t moved, his gaze ran hungrily all over his body. It lingered on the white bandage at his temple, his cock, and finally rested open and naked with fear for Geo to see.
His heart in his throat, Geo approached him. Neither spoke as he unlocked the apartment and ushered Mack inside.
Geo didn’t get a chance to shut the door. Mack planted a hand on it over his head and shut them in while effectively blocking Geo from going any farther.
“I’m not the kind of guy who gets all sentimental,” Mack pointed out.
Geo raised an eyebrow.
“But I don’t hide from things I’m feeling, either.”
He stepped closer, pressing chests with Geo. Their breaths mingled, and Geo waited, wanting to kiss him, but he knew Mack had to make the move. This had to be deliberately Mack’s choice if this thing was to work between them.
“Your eyes turn stormy when you’re turned on,” Mack said, huskily. “Your pupils dilate and your lips part like you’re waiting for me to kiss you.”
waiting.” Would he?
His free hand came up and stroked Geo’s cheek. He rubbed his thumb over his bottom lip, taking care over the healing split then sighing in defeat as he took Geo’s mouth in tender onslaught. His thumb slid inside, feeling with the tip the way their tongues rubbed against each other, then slicked a wet trail to Geo’s chin to open his mouth wider.
Mack devoured him. Tasted him, nipped the tip of his tongue, suckled his bottom lip. On a groan, Mack released his chin to wrap his hand behind Geo’s head and sink his fingers into the black curls on his nape.
Geo relished the tang that was the unique flavour of Mack’s mouth mixed with mint. Mack’s cheeks still sanded Geo’s, but now the rasp was audible as it caught on his own light growth and only heightened the eroticism of Mack’s capitulation.
Lips still touching but parted for air, Mack moaned softly. “I’m sorry I’ve been such an ass. It took me a day to work out how much I want you.”
Geo was tired of waiting. He caught Mack’s hips and pulled them tight against his, silently willing for the confession he wanted to hear.
“God, Geo, I don’t want to share you with anyone.”
“Your sister will be kinda pissed about that.”
“Fuck Maddie,” Mack muttered.
“No. Shit. I’ll kill you. Then I’d have to kill her for having you.”
“Exclusive?” Geo asked for the second time.
“Yeah. Can’t think about not having you around and now that there’s this,” he rubbed his hips on Geo’s again, thick with erection. “I just can’t. I don’t want—”
“I can wait to hear it.”
Mack gave a shout of frustration. “I love you. Shit!”
Geo grinned. The admission hit him in the chest with lustful impact. “Yeah, I know, but I’m glad you said it.”
“Damn sexy when you smile like that. Your hot little dimple pokes in, and my brain goes to mush.”
“Have you always had this affliction?” Geo teased. He’d have to remember to smile a lot more if it got this kind of reaction.
Mack thought for a minute, bewilderment clouding his light green eyes. “You know? I think so.”
He reached for Geo’s belt, loosening it and opening his jeans. Geo shrugged out of his coat and wrestled from his shirt before helping Mack with his clothes, too. The next few seconds were a blur of disrobing and bumping into each other and against the apartment door in the quest to get naked.
Mack beat him to it, grabbing Geo’s cock in his palm while tickling Geo’s balls with his fingertips. Geo ran his hands over Mack’s body. His nipples poked at his palms, and Geo pinched them.
Mack shuddered while he sucked hard on Geo’s neck.
Finally able to step out of his boxer briefs, he probed Mack’s ass with a wicked finger. “I think I go in here,” Geo muttered. “Hurry up and relax this thing. I can’t wait.”
“Condom,” Mack gasped.
“Bedroom.” They raced naked to the bed where Geo dumped the entire contents of a condom box on the covers and rolled one on Mack as though his life depended on speed.
Geo’s gaze locked on the dull plastic sheen of condom rolling down Mack’s length. The sheathed cock turned nearly purple and already, moisture at the tip made the latex lovingly cling to every plum-coloured ridge. He wanted in Mack’s ass, now, but Mack needed to make the commitment first.
Geo was already in it for keeps.

Anticipation, nerves, made Mack jittery. He’d never been with a man, but he couldn’t wait until this one was beneath him. He lay down on the bed and tugged on Geo’s arm so that he fell on top. “What now?” Mack asked.

“We figure it out together,” Geo gasped.


They rolled, and Mack slithered down his body. Like his partner had that first day,

Mack swallowed Geo’s cock.
Geo’s hands twisted on the coverlet as he thrust up to meet him. “Fuck that feels good.” Mack thought about the tightness he’d felt when Geo probed him. Using saliva as he

sucked Geo’s cock, he gently worked the clenched rosette underneath Geo’s balls. Every groan brought Mack closer to orgasm.

Geo tasted good. Substantial and thick. Mack enjoyed the way his shaft moved in his mouth, the way the rounded tip rubbed his hard upper palate and pushed on the soft one behind that. Mack tried to take more, feeling it hit and smash the back of his throat.

He used Geo’s panting to gauge when to speed up, when to add a second finger to the hole and pump that, too. Geo’s hips lifted off the bed and his head tossed from side to side. When twisting the sheets didn’t seem good enough, he reached down and fisted his fingers in Mack’s hair.

The erotic twists and clenches of Geo’s muscles filled Mack with hunger as he looked up the other man’s body. His partner was at Mack’s liberty. And right now, Geo’s impressive, flexing, clenching musculature from corded thighs, to six-pack, to delineated ribs and defined pecks answered only to Mack’s mouth.

God, it gave him a power trip.


He put his life in this man’s hands daily. He wouldn’t trust anyone else like he trusted Geo and knew Geo felt the same way about him.

Geo’s hips pumped up and held. Mack reached his flattened hand up, firmly rubbing Geo’s abdomen, tracing the thick line of black hair up until he felt Geo’s heartbeat thudding against his palm. Mack pushed in a third finger.

Geo grunted at the intrusion, but his hips had already begun to undulate instinctively as climax rode him.
“Coming!” he shouted.
He held Mack’s head in place, but he didn’t have to. Mack wasn’t going anywhere.
Every muscle in Geo’s body clenched, curled in slightly so his hips and shoulders lifted, while his head thrust back and the muscles of his buttocks squeezed Mack’s hand. His groan became a hoarse shout. Geo’s hips rocked against Mack’s mouth in short pulses as cum shot down the back of Mack’s throat.
How had Mack ever wondered if Geo was right for him? It seemed stupid to have questioned it. Mack sucked him clean, taking the last few latent spurts with a murmur of approval.
“My turn,” Mack growled.
He climbed up Geo’s relaxed body. Mack clamped his mouth onto a nipple and pulled. He liked that Geo wrapped a muscled thigh around his waist and nuzzled the top of his head. The sense of power he’d had earlier, watching Geo in the throes of passion and out of control, stuck with him.
He gently lifted Geo’s arms above his head. Geo gave him a questioning look to which Mack simply grinned. Then burying his face in Geo’s armpit, he inhaled sharply. He couldn’t get enough. Mack flattened his tongue on the inside edge and licked.
“Holy shit,” Geo gasped.
“You like?” Mack did it again, nuzzling and licking the sensitive skin, while he used a free hand to guide his cock to Geo’s hole. “Bend your knee. I want in.”
Geo complied.
Mack concentrated on Geo’s face as he eased inside. “Tight,” he grunted. “Shit, you’re like a fucking furnace in there,” he said, when Geo’s muscles clamped around the flared rim of his cock.
Geo took a deep breath. Focus narrowed his eyes, but they burned hungrily on Mack’s face. Mack pushed himself up for leverage, releasing Geo’s wrists.
“Kiss me,” Geo said.
Mack did. Straining against the urge to thrust, he shook with need. Geo seemed to sense it and kissed him leisurely.
“I’m ready,” Geo whispered against Mack’s lips.
Mack claimed his mouth and shoved in to the hilt simultaneously. Geo’s gasp shot to Mack’s balls.
“Feels so good. Tight. Hot. Gotta move,” Mack panted.
Mack pulled out slowly, shivering over every inch when Geo’s body tried to pull him back inside then thrusting forward to sink his cock into the glove-like heat of Geo’s body. His eyes sealed in bliss, and he mindlessly ploughed in and out—their rasping breaths and grunts a metronome of increasing frenzy.
Geo’s hands raced over Mack’s body, rolled his nipples, tickled along his ribs then clutched his ass to urge him on.
Mack pushed Geo’s other leg up, forcing it to bend too. He bucked hard, grinding their hips, feeling the soft pat of his balls hit and bounce on Geo’s ass where Mack dedicated himself to pumping hard and fast. Geo’s cock thickened again and that knowledge along with the teeth Geo sank into his shoulder sent him shuddering over the edge of oblivion.
Panting and still linked, Mack collapsed on him, feeling the sticky evidence of orgasm between them.
Geo kissed his cheek, his neck, his abused shoulder and ran his hands comfortingly down Mack’s back before swatting him on the rump. “Tell your sister I’m taken. But I’ll let
write love notes to me.”
“I’m feeling fuckin’ poetic at the moment, too,” Mack said on a laugh.
“Oh yeah?”
“Roses are fuckin’ red. Violets are ball-blue. You’re my bitch now, ’cause I fuckin’ love you,” Mack rasped.
“Fucking poetic genius.”

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