Boyfriend Chronicles 02 - The Boyfriend Mandate (7 page)

BOOK: Boyfriend Chronicles 02 - The Boyfriend Mandate
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Tyler turned his head to look at Memphis over his shoulder again. “I don’t think I saw the hinge-and-steel-door requirement listed in the how-to-fuck-a-man manual.” He stared up at him for a moment, and there must have been something in Memphis’s eyes that gave away his concern. “Since the surgery, have you been getting fewer…you know…?” Tyler gestured at his back.

“Boners?” he said dryly.

Tyler nodded.

no,” Memphis said. “Not at all.”

Every morning, he woke up with one and rolled over to study his roommate as he slept, dreaming about crawling in bed next to him. Like he had last night.

“Okay, then.” Tyler shifted his eyes away, clearly uncomfortable. “Has sex been a problem?”

Memphis inhaled and exhaled and decided there was no way out but to share his dirty little secret. After eighteen months, maybe it was time. He leaned down, resting his chin on Tyler’s shoulder—and Memphis refused to note this could be considered cuddling and that he was enjoying the position a bit too much.

“Lately I’ve lived on one-handed encounters with myself. Not that I mind, cuz, ya know, I’m pretty hot and all,” Memphis said, taking a moment to enjoy the
you’re hopeless
look Tyler shot him. Memphis ditched the teasing tone and went on, knowing he needed to be clear. “I haven’t slept with anyone since my surgery.”

His roommate stared at him wide-eyed, and Memphis refused to allow the embarrassment to take root in his chest.

Tyler frowned in confusion. “I thought you and Marcia―”

“Yeah,” he drawled. “You and everybody else.”

Tyler’s lips twisted and he briefly seemed lost in thought.

Eventually Tyler’s eyebrows pulled together in question. “Then what makes you think you’ll have a problem keeping it up while fucking me?”


The question sounded brutally blunt, especially coming from somewhere other than the protected boundaries of his head.

“I’m not sure I will. Problem is, I’m not sure I won’t, either,” Memphis said, pausing before he went on. “The doctor told me any issues I had were all ‘psychological.’” He hated the word with the intensity of a thousand blazing suns. He sent his roommate a humorless smile, repeating their favorite mantra. “Fucking doctors. What do they know?”

Tyler went still before turning his head to look at the wall again, and Memphis mentally kicked his own ass.

Boneheaded move, Haines

Memphis had cursed the doctors often enough while watching Tyler’s mom struggle to live. The phrase had become their running joke. There was no way those words would fail to remind his friend of what he’d just lost, which wasn’t exactly setting the mood Memphis wanted.

He lightly gripped Tyler’s jaw and turned his head until Memphis could see that face again. He brushed his thumb across the dried, salty tracks on Tyler’s cheek.

Jesus, he would have given anything to protect his friend from such a crushing loss.

They stared at each other, Memphis pressed along Tyler’s back, nothing separating them except Tyler’s boxers and Memphis’s warm-up pants and his very insistently hard cock. As he continued to absently rub Tyler’s soft cheek, the need to do more grew unbearable. Every breath became audible in the room until Memphis couldn’t help himself any longer. He shifted his hand on Tyler’s jaw and placed his thumb on Tyler’s full bottom lip. The mouth parted slightly, and a warm tongue touched the pad of Memphis’s finger.

The spike of lust stole his breath, while Tyler’s breaths seemed to be coming faster. Heart thumping, Memphis slowly slid his thumb into the guy’s mouth, and a small sound escaped Tyler’s throat. His roommate closed his eyes and sucked the finger deeper inside the wet warmth, and Memphis’s pulse reached record heights.

Fuck me

The dude was gonna be the death of him.

And then Tyler circled the thumb with his tongue, sending little shockwaves outward, and Memphis feared he’d cream his pants—exactly the opposite problem he was concerned about. Tyler continued to lick the digit in his mouth as if he couldn’t get enough of the taste. Memphis could just imagine how much the dude would throw himself into sucking him off.

Oh, God, he needed…

“Ty,” he whispered.

He abandoned the enticing lips and dropped his hand to Tyler’s chest to splay his fingers across the skin. He stroked his thumb across Tyler’s nipple, pulling a hiss from the man. With a small smile, Memphis continued to slick the saliva from Tyler’s mouth across the flat bud as it tightened in response.

Waiting finally became too hard. Elbow braced against the mattress, he leaned forward, and Tyler turned his head more to meet his kiss. It was an awkward position, but even though Memphis’s stupid brain kept chanting
male, male, male
, the soft skin and firm lips and faint stubble on the chin sent needy pulses of electricity through his limbs. And, Jesus, when Tyler moaned and obediently opened his mouth, Memphis began to have doubts about his fears.

No way could he lose a hard-on with Tyler around.

Memphis pressed in close and coaxed the guy’s mouth wider. With the first rub of tongue against tongue, Memphis groaned. He adjusted the position of his propped elbow closer and did what he’d longed to do for some time now: thread his fingers through the waves of soft hair.

“What am I going to do with this mess?” he murmured against Tyler’s mouth. Memphis’s grin slipped from teasing to serious with a chance of sin. “Although, I’m starting to get a lot of ideas…”

Memphis clutched the waves of hair firmer and went for another kiss, holding the top of the man’s head hostage as he raided Tyler’s mouth for every sensation he could. So good. So sweet. So

The make-out session involved slick lips and hot tongues and lasted until Memphis was ready to cry in frustration, his cock straining beneath his clothes. He pulled his mouth back a fraction. His grip on Tyler’s hair grew tighter as he slid his other hand down the lean chest and across the flat abdomen and under the waistband of Tyler’s boxers. Memphis watched Tyler’s face, briefly running teasing fingers through the very different, wiry thatch of dark hair before wrapping his hand around Tyler’s dick.

A strangled sound escaped Tyler’s throat, and he went totally still.

“Hmm,” Memphis murmured with a teasing tone, but his heart thumped as he tested the weight of the hot length beneath his fingers. “Feels a lot like mine.”

His roommate seemed to be having trouble breathing.

“But yours is prettier,” Memphis said, his lips twitching in humor.

Without moving, Tyler whispered hoarsely, “I do not have a

Two strokes of Memphis’s hand brought Tyler alive again, attempting to shove his underwear down. In his eagerness, the guy inadvertently jabbed Memphis in the stomach.

Stars burst behind his lids as pain speared his gut, knocking the air from his lungs with an

Tyler froze, his face flaming. “Sorry.”

Memphis sucked in a breath, staring at his roommate’s cock tenting his underwear, and the words came out rough and dark. “Come here.”

And then everything briefly turned south and headed toward a complete fail.

Memphis tried to help the guy shuck his briefs, and Tyler tried to help him remove his sweat pants, but arms and legs seemed to get in the way, the floundering almost comical. Maybe they were too eager, maybe Memphis was more nervous than he realized. Or maybe he’d grown really freaking clumsy in the last eighteen months. Regardless, the next five minutes were filled with “shit” and “I’m sorry” and “ouch, watch the nuts” as they fumbled to get their clothes off, elbows and knees and heads bumping in such an ungraceful dance that Memphis finally had to let out an embarrassed laugh.

“Seriously, I must be out of practice,” Memphis said as he finally tossed his roommate’s underwear to the floor.

The sight of a naked Tyler saved the day. Memphis, aroused beyond belief, pulled the guy backward and pressed his hard dick firmly against the warm skin of Tyler’s back again. The position felt safe and free from any expectations. Memphis shifted his hips in a lazy, experimental search for friction—a very successful experiment, his groin growing tight with pleasure.

yeah,” he murmured.

As he continued the delicious action for several seconds, Tyler stared at Memphis without blinking, slightly slack-jawed and with the cutest combination of lust and affection and anticipation in his eyes. Seriously,
one should look so freaking adorable, be they male or female. But he was most definitely male. Memphis wrapped his hand around Tyler’s cock again.

And Tyler’s lids fluttered shut, accompanied by a moan. “Please―”

Memphis hesitated. Once he jerked Tyler off, it would be too late to go back. In fact, it was probably too late to salvage anything anyway. This would change their relationship for sure, and a part of him was petrified he’d lose their friendship.

“You sure you wanna do this?” Memphis asked.

The answer came out harsh. “Yes.”

Memphis’s every cell did a fist pump. He circled the head of Tyler’s cock with his thumb, pulling another moan from the guy as Memphis tested the feel of the fluid pearling at the tip. But it wouldn’t be near enough, and he was too impatient to go in search of lube. After a split second of hesitation, he released Tyler’s dick, ignoring the whine of protest from his roommate.

He held his hand in front of Tyler’s mouth. “Lick it,” he said and then winced.

Damn, saying the words slower probably would have been sexier, and less…cheesy.

Tyler complied, the rasp of a warm, wet tongue against skin sending an electrical surge through Memphis’s body. How could something that should feel gross be so insanely boner inspiring?

The air began to grow heated around them as Tyler continued. Soon, the hand was wet enough to do the deed, and Memphis and his dick both nearly wept with joy, his every cell crispy fried to perfection. He palmed Tyler’s cock again, enjoying the hard length, thick and hot as he pumped up and down, saliva easing the way. Need growing, Memphis rolled his hips forward in search of pleasure again, thrusting against naked skin.

Oh, God. The combination felt so good. So sweet. So

His roommate’s voice sounded desperate. “Memphis―”

Satisfaction brought a smile to Memphis’s face. God, the breathy catch coming from Tyler’s throat with every tug of Memphis’s hand lit a fire that might never go out. He needed more of that. He wanted to hear Tyler moan and beg and whimper. He wanted Tyler writhing against him. He wanted to watch the guy come completely undone while he—Memphis Freaking One-Nut Haines—made it happen.

So he set out to do just that.

Soon, Tyler pressed his head back against Memphis’s shoulder, panting out nonsense words, Memphis power-drunk on his reactions. His roommate reached behind and grabbed Memphis’s ass, coordinating the rock of their hips and pressing them closer together, blunt fingernails biting deep into skin.

“Fuck yeah,” Memphis ground out.

He buried his nose in Tyler’s hair as they undulated against each other, the single bed squeaking in protest. Sweat and precum eased the way now; the slide of his cock against the slick skin of Tyler’s back was delicious and way hotter than the simple action should feel.

Desire coiled tightly in Memphis’s groin, and he began to thrust harder. Maybe this wasn’t screwing in the traditional sense, but, Jesus, it felt freaking fucktabulous. Soon, with every forceful arch of Memphis’s hips, Tyler began to slide forward on the bed.

Pumping Tyler’s dick faster, voice hoarse, Memphis said, “Hold on.”

Tyler’s arm shot forward as he braced himself. Elbow locked, hand splayed against the wall, the guy gasped for breath. The aching pleasure in Memphis approached pain, and he squeezed his eyes closed.

Then Tyler stiffened and let out a strangled cry. Hot liquid shot across Memphis’s hand, making a seductively wet
snick, snick, snick
sound against the skin as he continued to work him through his orgasm. And while Memphis had always worried whether his new equipment would interfere with his ability to perform under pressure, with a harsh groan, he gave three final thrusts that brought the whole matter to a decisive close, coating Tyler’s back with his cum.

Two seconds passed with Memphis’s heart loudly pounding the blood through his ears. When he finally felt capable of movement, he opened his eyes. His gaze landed on something oozing down the wall in front of them. Dazed, Memphis studied the wet spot, confused. Until he realized Tyler had come so hard some of his jizz had hit the wall.

“Ty,” he said with a weak chuckle, sounding as whipped as he felt, “you made a mess.”

A groan came in response as Tyler rolled forward to collapse on his stomach. “I’ll grab a towel in a minute.”

Smiling, Memphis leaned forward and pressed a kiss between Tyler’s shoulder blades, feeling deliciously lax and loose and warm. There was definitely warm spooge on Tyler’s lower back.

“This guy-on-guy action will take some getting used to,” Memphis said. “Double the wet spot, double the fun.” He lazily traced the words “wash me” in the sticky wet splotch on Tyler’s skin before smearing the letters away. “I’ll have to keep that in mind next time.”

Breathing heavily, Tyler turned his head on the pillow to look at Memphis. This time the pink flush on his cheeks, the heavy-lidded gray gaze, and the bed-head hair weren’t from sleeping, which upped the adorable factor.

The well-fucked look and sex-slurred tone made adorable

“Next time?” Tyler asked.

Memphis heard the question, and his fingers paused in the midst of tracing his name in the cum on Tyler’s back.

“Yeah,” he answered slowly, suddenly unsure of himself. He stared down at the glistening M-E-M-P-H- he’d scrawled on his roommate. Why did he suddenly feel like a fourteen-year-old kid who’d just lost his virginity? “I mean, if that’s what you want, too.”

He eyed Tyler’s messy hair, itching to bury his fingers in the loose curls again. And when Tyler absently licked his kiss-swollen lips and dropped his gaze to Memphis’s cock, Memphis let out a girly whimper he refused to be ashamed of.

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