Boxed Set: At the Billionaire’s Command – Vol. 1-3 (4 page)

BOOK: Boxed Set: At the Billionaire’s Command – Vol. 1-3
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I just had time to close my emails and raise my head; Candice was standing in front of me.

"Hello, Miss Belmont. Mr Wietermann needs you this evening. Everything has been arranged with your work, you finish at six pm. I can’t stop, I’ve got some shopping to do," she said with a mischievous, knowing little smile.

Can he not run his own errands?
“Needs me?” That much! And to do what? Does he think he can use people however he wants? This tendency to control everything and everybody is really exasperating. Damn!

This time, I had to say something to Tom who, having heard what Candice had said and my face changing colour from powder pink to crimson, was looking at me, taken aback.

"Julia, are you in trouble with that guy?"

"No Tom, no, there’s no problem, don’t worry. Don’t worry"

"You know you can tell me anything, don’t you?"

"I know Tom. Really, don’t worry about me. I don’t want to talk about it now. OK? Don’t ask me about it, please. I’ll tell you later."

"Ok Julia. Whatever you want. I don’t want to bother you. But if you need anything, you know I’m here for you."
Tom was really great.

The later it got, the more my resentment towards the despotic Daniel Wietermann disappeared and the more my curiosity and excitement grew. At six pm, I went quickly up to my room to have a shower, before ringing the bell of his suite. A long ivory dress, slit to half way up my thigh, with a sequin-embroidered bustier, was lying on my bed. Next to it was a bag containing high-heeled sandals, underwear and a clutch bag. There was a note on the dress:

“This dress will suit you perfectly. And when you wear it, I will be desperate to take it off you. Be ready, in front of the hotel, at 7 pm.
D. W.”

The afternoon spent waiting had allowed my imagination to run riot and I was feeling nervous when I arrived in front of the hotel. At seven pm on the dot, a limousine stopped just in front of me. The door opened and Daniel Wietermann moved over on the seat, inviting me to get in. The car set off as soon as I was inside.

Daniel told the driver to raise the tinted glass screen which divided the passenger compartment and asked me to turn round. I turned my back to him. My heart was beating fast. I was surprised I was being so docile, but I knew I was still in the grip of the previous day’s sensual pleasures. I heard the sound of a box being opened, then Daniel placed his hands around my neck and put a necklace on me. I could not help a sensuous quiver when the coolness of the precious stones touched my skin. Once the clasp was fastened, Daniel took hold of my left arm so that I turned towards him, and he could fasten a bracelet around my wrist.

"Now you are beautifully adorned. In less than half an hour we will arrive at a reception, which doesn’t give us much time. But time is what you make it," he said with a mischievous smile. A ball gown, sumptuous jewels, a reception, all of it shrouded in mystery; it was too much information at once for me to grasp straightaway. His words and his manner were an incitement to pleasure.

"Where are we…"
Daniel placed a finger on my mouth to stop me talking.
He pressed down for a few seconds, then brushed his finger against my lips and opened them slightly so he could place his finger on my tongue. The compartment had to be soundproofed, as I couldn’t hear a sound and the tinted windows were intended to hide us from curious eyes, but I couldn’t suppress my concern. Could the driver really not see us at all? Daniel didn’t seem the slightest bit worried, so I convinced myself that we were invisible… His other hand dipped into the neckline of my dress, under the light fabric, and caressed my stomach and the top of my cleavage. I could not move, could not even look at him; I could barely breathe.

I felt both aroused and paralysed by the confident, skilful way his hands caressed me. I closed my eyes and let my head fall backwards. While he devoured my neck, he opened my legs slightly and stroked the inside of my thighs with the palm of his hand. His movements were fluid, smooth, gentle and seamless, like a perfectly executed dance step and I was overwhelmed. I was totally under his control and I surrendered to pleasure.

He then took one of my hands and placed it between his legs. I could feel his penis hard and swollen under his trousers.

"Take it out."
I did as he said. I undid the button and the zip and my hand grasped his rod, which was burning with desire. Hesitantly – I was so inexperienced that I was afraid of doing it wrong – I started to caress it. He leaned back against the head rest, put one hand on the back of my neck and pushed my head towards his crotch. But I was such a novice. He guided my movements with his words and with the hand he had in my hair. The more I felt his pleasure increasing, the more mine grew.
Soon, he raised my face and climaxed with a start.

"You surprise me, Miss Belmont. You are a rough diamond. And I think I will very much enjoy shaping you."

When we entered the reception room, all eyes turned towards us and a round of applause rang out. Men and women came to greet us, each one more beautiful than the last and wearing outfits that would put Hollywood stars to shame. Well… they came to greet Daniel Wietermann to be precise. Nobody paid any attention to me. Cries of “Bravo Daniel!”, “Well done Mister Fire!”, “Congratulations!”, “Long Live Mister Fire!” burst forth from all around the hall. Everyone wanted to shake his hand, talk to him and congratulate him. He soon found himself cornered, caught up in a whirlwind of people. I was outside the circle, but I felt dizzy. I wondered who these people were, who Daniel Wietermann was, who this Mister Fire was and what I was doing there. I had never felt as alone as I did surrounded by all these people.

I looked for a quiet spot where I could sit down before I passed out. At the end of the hall, near the enormous buffet, I noticed some empty seats. After a few deep breaths, a glass of rosé champagne and two or three petits-fours, I felt better and could finally have a good look around. The decor was splendid: it was a huge Art Deco hall whose ceilings were adorned with mouldings and geometrical painted motifs and whose dark walls were embellished with light wood panelling and golden mosaics. Large posters had been put up, all showing magnificent jewels, except for one, on which I recognised Daniel Wietermann… An advertising streamer revealed the prestigious name of a French jewellery family: Tercari. Samples of jewels were exhibited in small cases all around the room.

"It’s magnificent, isn’t it?"
A pretty brunette had just sat down next to me.

"Yes, it’s beautiful."

"Daniel has done a remarkable job."

"He is very talented…"

Just in case she had seen me arrive on Daniel’s arm, I decided to pretend in order to hide my ignorance and, if possible, get her to tell me more.

– Yes, his first collection, I mean the first one entirely under his responsibility, is a real success. His mother must be pleased that she passed the torch on to him.
I agreed with a smile.
It all became clear! My arms dealer was actually the rich heir to a luxury establishment! Suddenly it all made sense: the small black briefcases, my birthday present, those gemological comparisons…

"He’s looking at you."


"Daniel, he’s watching you."
I looked around, searching for him. The crowd had thinned out, but Daniel was still in demand. And yes, he was looking at me. And now that I was looking at him too, he smiled.

When I turned round, the pretty brunette had disappeared.
I decided to look around the room. I had noticed a lectern at the entrance and I was keen to look through the book which was on display. And I also wanted to see Daniel’s creations close-up. It was not a book on the stand, but a folder containing the catalogue of the “Fire” collection and some newspaper articles. “Luxury jewellery gets a makeover!”, “Daniel Wietermann dares and wins!”, “The Tercari heir causes an explosion!”, “Fire: which is the more flamboyant, the master or the jewel?”, “Call him Mister Fire!”. The trade press was eulogistic. Daniel Wietermann, alias Mister Fire, was described as a creative genius.

After skimming through the articles, I inspected each little display case. I took my time, dragging it out until it became interminable. My feet were hurting from walking so much. I needed to sit down. Although the chair next to the buffet was uncomfortable for any length of time, it was my only refuge.
So much for etiquette, I took off my shoes and rubbed my aching ankles.

Finally, I saw Daniel coming towards me. He seemed weary, bored and annoyed.
Was he going to reproach me for not behaving correctly? After leaving me on my own all evening? That would be the last straw.

"The car is waiting for us," he said, offering me his arm.

In the confined compartment, there was silence. I was shattered and angry (and annoyed that I didn’t dare express the reasons for my irritation). He was inaccessible, taciturn and filled with an inexplicable anger.
After a while, when I couldn’t take the atmosphere any longer, I tried to break the ice.

"I didn’t know you designed jewellery.

"And what did you think of it?

"Very beautiful, you are talented.

"I know-"

"And you know it."
Spontaneous irony. Tension dissipated. We laughed.

It was late when we got back to the hotel. Daniel took me up to his suite, and as soon as we were in the bedroom he undid my dress without preamble.

"Get undressed," he said matter-of-factly.
My hands were trembling and my breathing was shallow, but I decided to return his gaze. I let my dress slip down and removed my underwear. I felt self-conscious, but the desire I could see in his eyes made me more courageous.

"What a beautiful sight," Miss Belmont.
He got undressed too, standing just a few metres away from me. Although intimidated, I have to admit that I was also terribly aroused. I raised my arms to remove my necklace.

"No, keep the jewellery on. I want to fuck you with all your finery on," he said siting down in an armchair.

"Come here," he murmured in his sultry voice.

I was standing in front of him. He took hold of my hips and kissed my stomach. Then he raised his head towards me and looked me in the eyes while he spread my legs and gently introduced a finger into my wet vagina. My excitement was intensified by holding his gaze.

"You are so receptive Julia. You have a sensual relationship to life which makes me want you, want to make you come over and over again."

Daniel could reach a bedside table from the armchair he was sitting in. He opened a drawer and took out a condom.

"Help me," he said, taking hold of my hands.

"There. Like that…"
On my hands, I could feel the pressure of his hands. Under my hands, I could feel the power of his throbbing rod. My hands were willing prisoners.

Daniel pulled me towards him, made me sit down and, with his hands around my waist, pushed my pelvis up and down. I could feel his penis deep inside me. I suddenly removed his hands, placed mine on his thighs, leaned backwards slightly and rocked at my own speed.

"Oh Julia, I love the way you let yourself go so readily."
I began to utter small cries as I came closer to ecstasy. Then he said:

"Stand up."
He stood behind me, positioned me facing the armchair, pressed down on my back so I bent over and placed my hands on the chair arms. He buried one hand in my hair and pulled on it as he penetrated me roughly. My neck was stretched and the necklace banged against my skin as he moved in and out, faster and faster, even faster, even deeper, even harder… Our bodies contracted with the convulsions of orgasm.

I collapsed onto the thick carpet, feeling limp. Daniel leaned towards me.

"Get dressed," he ordered matter-of-factly.


I stared incredulously at Daniel Wietermann. How could he be so indifferent after we had just shared such intimacy?
I was suddenly overcome with embarrassment. The way I had let myself go, my nudity, his sudden coldness… I wanted to disappear, wanted the ground to swallow me up. I gathered my clothes together quickly. But while I was clumsily getting dressed, my embarrassment was gave way to anger.

"No, I won’t leave," I shouted angrily, although I felt terrified.
Daniel stared at me and his features tensed.

"I will not tolerate any refusal on your part, Miss Belmont. I hope that is clear to you."

"No. No, actually, it isn’t clear. Do you think you can use me and everyone else however you see fit? Do you think you can subjugate me by buying me with your dresses and your jewels? I’m very sorry if I gave you that impression. I let my curiosity and naïve enthusiasm get the better of me. I shouldn’t have. And why did you take me to that reception? Did you “need me”? I would find it amusing, if I didn’t feel so humiliated. You left me alone in a corner for the whole evening! You must have been ashamed of introducing me to anyone. In fact, I'm curious to know how would you have introduced me?

I had let all that out in a whisper. I was about to faint, but I felt relieved. Daniel looked at me, his face a picture of irritation but mixed with surprise and a certain sadness.

"Have you finished, Miss Belmont? I don’t like the unexpected, I don’t like being resisted, I like to be in control of my time, my actions and my movements, I like to be in charge of the situation. That’s how I am, that’s how I operate and I have always been like that. You’re right, giving you clothes and jewels is a way for me to control the situation. I do it for my own satisfaction, so that things look how I want them to, fitting and appropriate."

"But how do you expect anyone else to express themselves if you impose your own way of seeing and being on them? I'm not a puppet that you can manipulate, a doll you can dress up, a girl you can exhibit because it makes you feel good!"

"Perhaps you could also consider my actions as a rather old-fashioned interpretation of my masculinity, but I accept that. I pay, I provide for the women who accompany me and I find that completely normal, it’s not a problem for me, on the contrary I consider it my role, it’s what I have to do. I also did it to make you happy and because it suits you, because you deserve it. Think of it only as a natural, benevolent impulse. You are far too pure and far too strong to let yourself be bought, and that was never my intention."

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