Bowles, Jan - In Debt to the Dom [Guilty Pleasures 1] (Siren Publishing Classic) (6 page)

BOOK: Bowles, Jan - In Debt to the Dom [Guilty Pleasures 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Did you arrive late on purpose?”


“Hmm. I think you did. Apart from the stealing, we’ll have to address the lying, too.”

Her senses heightened as he stood behind her. She gasped as he tied a silk scarf securely around her eyes. “Is that necessary, Keaton?”

“Yes, Maddie, now you’ll be doubly aware of everything I say and do.”

Without sight, she would only have her sense of touch, smell, and hearing to guide her. Instantly, her breathing heightened as he began peeling the robe from her. Her body stiffened as the cool air from the bedroom feathered across her bare flesh.

“Your shyness amuses me. I already know your body intimately. Surely, you remember we fucked nearly the whole night long?”

His words were said to shock her, she knew, so she kept her mouth firmly shut. She wouldn’t be drawn into a conversation.

He touched her breast, and squeezed her nipple hard. She was just about to cry out in pain when his mouth covered the tortured peak. His tongue lashed and soothed over the sensitive flesh. The combination of pain and then intense pleasure made her moan out loud.

“Now, when I ask a question, answer me directly and truthfully. Otherwise, I may have to discipline you. Do we understand each other?”

“Yes, Keaton.”

“So did you enjoy last night?”

“Yes,” she answered honestly. This feeling of losing control only heightened her arousal more. In all her life, she had thought tender, loving words were the only way she could achieve sexual satisfaction. It appeared she was wrong.

“Good girl.” He clasped her chin and kissed her lips. “Now we’re finally getting somewhere. Hold your hands out in front of you.”

Maddie held her arms out, and immediately they were bound with something soft, like cord or silk. Completely at his mercy, she let out a moan of opposition.

“When you’ve answered all my questions, I’ll let you go. So how do you feel now?”

“Scared, frightened.”

“Anything else?”

She swallowed hard. He must know. Surely he could see her increased breathing. If he looked into her eyes, he would know. Was that why he’d put a blindfold on her? Or maybe he didn’t want her to see his own sexual arousal?

Her nipple was squeezed even tighter. This time he didn’t let go, and she moaned in pain. “That hurts.”

“I asked if you felt anything else.”

“Arousal,” she answered quickly. “Intense arousal.” He let her nipple free, and then sucked it hard, soothing the inflamed flesh with his tongue. She couldn’t help but moan her appreciation.

“I want the truth, Maddie. Just the truth.” He pulled her toward him before roughly pushing her onto the bed. The feeling of being controlled heightened when her hands were secured above her head, onto what she assumed was the brass headboard. She pulled at the restraints.

“There’s no need to tie me up, Keaton. You’re in charge. I won’t try to escape.”

He roughly grabbed her ankles before pulling her legs apart and tying them to the bedstead.

“It will focus your mind. Besides, I told you my tastes in sex are, shall we say, unconventional. I noticed you didn’t object when I was about to call the cops.”

“No, I didn’t object, did I?” she whispered, wondering what was about to happen to her. At the moment, she longed for him to touch her everywhere. The fact that she couldn’t touch him would only heighten whatever he did.

Kneeling between her legs, she felt him lean over her. His hands cupped her face, and he kissed her lips sensuously. An object fell against her breasts, and she knew it was the key that hung around his neck.

“You do have a great body,” he murmured, as his hands trailed a path across her collarbone and down to her breasts. He squeezed both her nipples then kissed her breasts one by one, lashing his tongue over the now prominent peaks. For the life of her, she couldn’t stop her body arching toward him.

Her lips parted as his hands moved lower across her stomach, smoothing a path down, down.

Oh, God. She swallowed as his fingers slipped past her now dripping pussy, just skimming her clit, then smoothing over her thighs. She knew he would be watching every movement, every nuance of her body, as she responded helplessly to his touch.

“Now, I’ve a few questions to ask. If you lie, you get one spank. If you come, you’ll get five spanks. Bearing in mind you’ve already acquired ten spanks for being ten minutes late. You don’t really want to add anymore.”

“I didn’t know the rules, Keaton. I don’t want a spanking.” Anyway, how could she come when she was tied to the bed?

She heard the amusement in his voice. “Very well, we’ll forgo the late arrival this time, as I didn’t warn you in advance, but as we’re assuming the roles, you can start by calling me Master.”

“Yes.” She choked out the word as his hands began travelling back up her thighs.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes—” His fingers grazed across her clit, and he squeezed it momentarily until she gasped, “Master.”

Her stomach rose and fell as she panted breathlessly. Trapped where she lay, she tugged against the restraints. She was powerless to resist. It excited and frightened her at the same time.

He dipped his fingers inside her, and she squirmed from the delicious intensity of it. “It’s good to know you’re sexually aroused by this. Now why did you turn up ten minutes late?”

“To prove a point.”

“To prove a point, what?” He clasped her clit hard, squeezing it until she gasped.

“To prove a point, Master.”

“Which is?” he soothed the swollen nub, caressing it tenderly with his tongue.

The combination of alternating pleasure and pain made it hard for her to think straight. “I wanted to show that I didn’t need you.” A moan tore from her lips as he pressed his teeth against her sensitized clit, and she added quickly, “Master.”

“But you really wanted to be here with me?” She could almost sense his smile against her pussy.

“Yes, Master.”


Now here was a question. The answer of which eluded her. Whatever she said would feed his ego. As she sought an answer, her clit was squeezed exactly at the same time as her nipple. “Master, I don’t know why. I’ve never known such pleasure before.”

He began to soothe her clit with his tongue, lashing it closer and closer to ecstasy. Then she remembered she shouldn’t come. She didn’t want a spanking, too. “Master, I’m not allowed to come. Please stop.”

She pulled at the restraints securing her to the headboard to try and edge away from his all-powerful tongue, but it was no use. He lapped her whole slit and sucked on her clitoris, drawing it against his teeth. When he inserted two fingers into her wet pussy, she arched up from the bed.

“No, Master. Please, stop. I’m begging you. I won’t be able to…”

He curled his fingers upwards, heightening her pleasure, caressing her G-spot. Her whole body pulled against the restraints on her arms and ankles, intensifying the feelings running through her.

“Master, I don’t want a spanking. Please…”

He continued unabated until she could hold back no longer. The dam she had placed on her emotions burst open, and the most intense orgasm flooded through her, making her pussy convulse and vibrate against his mouth.

Her cries of ecstasy pierced the still air of the bedroom. Gasping for breath, she cursed the blindfold. If she could just see, she could at least focus on something else. A cobweb, a picture, anything to take her mind off Keaton.

“You remember the penalty for coming is five spanks?”

“Yes, Master. Sorry, Master.”

“Good, you learn well. Now, do you know where the money is?”

“No, Master.”

He squeezed her clit hard. This time, because of her recent orgasm, it was even more painful.

“Master, I’m telling the truth.”

He didn’t relinquish his hold on her, and she added quickly, “I was deceived, Master.”

He soothed her clit with small strokes of his fingers. “By whom?”

Would he believe her? She had no choice but to tell him. “My sister, Master.”

“Do you expect me to believe that? I think you’re lying.”

“No, Master. I’m telling the truth.” She felt him lean forward, and he pulled the blindfold from her eyes. It took her a while to adjust to the light. When he came into focus, he was staring down into her face, and the key around his neck glinted from the lamplight.

“Is that why you acted so strongly when I showed you the newspaper?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Has she double-crossed you?”

“Yes, Master.”

“So while you’re here, doing my bidding, she’s enjoying herself in Cannes?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Are you angry with her for treating you so badly?”

“Yes, Master. My revenge will be all the sweeter.”

A faint smile tugged at his mouth. “Yes, you seem to have lost everything, but I’m not about to feel sorry for you. You still stole my money, and that will not be tolerated.”

“Yes, Master. I know.” What possible use would further explanation be? Keaton despised her. He might need her sexually, but that was all.

“Now for your punishment.” He leaned down and untied her legs “Now turn over and kneel.”

She did as he commanded. Her restraints, although still attached at the headboard, allowed her to twist onto her front.

Keaton stood to one side and showed her his hand, which he flexed in front of her. Then he pushed her shoulders down, so her head lay against her wrists on the duvet, her butt in the air. She held her breath as she prepared for the spanking.

“Trust is the most important thing, Maddie, and when you lie, you break that trust.”

The first blow swiped low across her thighs. The intensity was shocking as the pain rippled through her body. She bit down on her lower lip to stop herself from crying out.

He leaned forward and slipped a hand under her stomach, gripping her pussy hard as he inserted two fingers deep inside her.

When he spanked her again, she whimpered, wincing as the pain slashed through her. The motion rocked her body, and her clit jarred against his teasing fingers.

By the third stroke, her ass had numbed and the pain didn’t feel quite so bad. Instead, a feeling of pleasure began to mingle with the pain. Each swipe of his hand on her butt cheeks made her tighten her ass muscles, intensifying the feel of his fingers inside her pussy.

“Liars, cheats, and thieves are not to be tolerated, and they will be made to take their punishment as I see fit. Understand?”

“Yes, Master.”

Heat began to build in her ass cheeks, and the fourth slap made her pussy clamp down even tighter onto his fingers. The motion pushed her clit even harder against his hand, bringing untold pleasure to her senses. Surely she wasn’t meant to enjoy his discipline so much?

The fifth slap hit her square on the butt. She screwed her eyes tightly shut as the last slap rained down, making her yelp in the process. He soothed her reddened ass with circular strokes of his hand while the fingers of his other hand remained inside her.

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