BOW DOWN: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance (Barone Crime Family) (13 page)

BOOK: BOW DOWN: A Bad Boy Mafia Romance (Barone Crime Family)
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“Okay,” I said softly.

He took the bottle from me, took a drink, and then threw it into the parking lot. It shattered on the ground. I couldn’t help but laugh.

He took my hips and pulled me against him, his hand on the small of my back. “I just wanted to see you,” he admitted.

“I know. I wanted that, too.”

“I know.”

He kissed me hard, and I returned his kiss. For a second, the whole trip seemed worth it, even if it was ending in a disaster.

Finally he broke off and sighed, letting me go. “I’ll see you again soon.”

“When are you coming back?”

“Next week. Hopefully I’ll have something for you by then.”


“Money,” he said. “Lots and lots of money.”


He smiled. “You’ll see.” He kissed me again then turned to the door. “See you soon.”


He opened the door, stepped inside, and was gone.

I sighed, leaning against the wall again. I felt like an idiot teenager, and that almost made me angry. But really, it felt damn good to want him this way.

I couldn’t stop myself even if I wanted to.


a public servant does not pay well. If I wanted to follow the rules and be a good little boy, I’d be poor as fuck and weak.

Which was why I made my money taking bribes.

After seeing Louisa that night, I went on an aggressive bribery campaign. Starting that night after she left, I courted bribes for everything from getting men out of jail to unpaid parking tickets. The rich were always smart enough not to ask questions and not to press too hard, and they always paid well.

Which was how I ended up bringing Louisa a few duffel bags filled with half a million dollars when I finally returned to the city.

She was staying in the same safe house, though I had to wonder if that was really safe. She assured me it was, and so I didn’t argue. Still, I worried about that, and her.

The war was heating up. Her mercenaries were working out well, and she was paying them as well as she could. She seemed stressed though, and if I pressed she always just said things were fine. I knew she was the type to shoulder her own burdens. I understood that. But I could help her if she let me.

Her guys were doing their jobs. They were dealing serious damage to Arturo and the mafia, though they had lost a few men. The other mercenaries didn’t seem to mind that, though, since that meant one less guy to split the earnings with.

It was a cool, clear day. Kasia let me inside, and although she was still distant, she wasn’t outright hostile to me. I carried the bags slung over my shoulders up into Louisa’s room. She smiled as I dumped them onto the bed.

“What’s this?” she asked.

“A present for you.”

“You shouldn’t have.” She kissed me on the cheek. “How much?”

“A lot.”

“What ever am I going to do with all this cash?”

“We’re going to buy guns.”

She paused. “Really?”

“I already set it up.”

“We do need more equipment,” she mused.

“We’re getting you serious shit. Grenades, sniper rifles, the damn works. Plus a couple extra guys as well.”

“Wyatt,” she said, smiling and pressing herself against me. “Nothing gets me more excited than the prospect of buying a lot of guns.”

“Good,” I said. “Because I haven’t seen you in a while, and I haven’t tasted you in longer.”

“Well then. I guess I’ll have to indulge you.”

“I wish. But we don’t have time.”

She looked surprised. “You set the sale for the middle of the day?”

I nodded. “I did.”


“Grab a few people.” I checked my watch. “We have an hour.”

She laughed, shaking her head. “Springing an illegal gun buy on a girl might be considered rude to some people.”

“You’re not one of those people. Besides, I know you’re up for it.”

“I’m always up for it.”

She kissed me and then left the room. I watched her ass go, grinning to myself.

* * *

ouisa readied a few girls
, opting to leave the mercenaries behind. I had to admit, they looked pretty fucking intimidating in their full battle outfits. It was easy to forget that underneath all that black tactical gear and gas masks, they were just small, scared women that had no real training, or at least no official training.

“He goes by the Swede,” I told Kasia and Louisa on the drive over. We were in one large tactical armored truck. It was hot as hell, but I was betting that we could survive a direct hit with a rocket launcher.

“Let me guess. He’s Swedish?” Kasia asked.

“German, actually,” I said. “But he likes to pretend that he’s Swedish.”

Louisa laughed and I grinned at her. Kasia did not seem amused.

“Anyway,” I continued, “he’s really paranoid. You’ll have to keep your girls back.”

“Is that why he only meets during the day?” Louisa asked.

“Exactly. He’s an odd guy. But just follow my lead.”

“How do you know an arms dealer?” Kasia asked me. “You’re a lawyer.”

“I wasn’t always a lawyer,” I said. “Plus, I meet some very interested people in my line of work. The Swede needed a little legal help a few years back, and we became good friends.”

“Good friends with an arms dealer,” Louisa said, smiling. “My kind of man.”

“I do what I can.”

The armored truck trundled around a corner. We were about an hour outside of the city in a less populated area of Illinois. Most of the state was hit hard when American manufacturing jobs left the country and went abroad, and there were a lot of little towns all over the state that were essentially empty or close to empty.

We were meeting in one of those towns. Not in the center of it, of course, but in a field adjacent to it. The truck pulled up and parked just off the gravel road, about a five-minute walk from the meeting site. We were early, and everyone climbed out.

“You two, skirt left, watch from the trees. You and you, down low, stay north,” Kasia said, instantly issuing orders. She gave everyone their tactical plans smoothly and crisply.

Louisa smiled at me. “This is why she runs these missions,” she said softly to me.

“I can see that. She’s intense.”

“I like that about her.”

“I do too. I just wish she weren’t so damn suspicious of me.”

“If this goes well, I think she’ll come around.”

I smiled at her. Once Kasia was finished, the three of us began to walk out to the field while the other girls spread out to give us protection and cover from the tree line.

We arrived just on time. The Swede was nowhere in sight, but that didn’t surprise me. We stood around waiting for him for ten minutes before I heard the sound of a helicopter overhead.

We stared up as it got closer and closer and slowly descended into the field. We were forced to back up as the chopper’s blades whipped the air all around us.

The Swede climbed off the helicopter along with two men. The helicopter took off once they were clear, heading up into the sky.

“Hello, Wyatt!” the Swede said.

“Swede,” I responded, grinning. “You like to make an entrance.”

“I truly do.”

“Probably drew everyone’s attention in a two-mile radius,” Kasia complained.

“Who’s this lovely girl?”

“This is Kasia,” I said, “and this is Louisa Barone. They’re the buyers.”

“Lovely to meet you both.”

The Swede was an older man in his sixties. He was thin and grizzled with scars on his arms and face. He clearly had been through some things, though I had never asked him about any of it. He had a dangerous reputation, though he was known as a solid businessman if you didn’t try to mess with him.

“So,” he said. “Wyatt here gave me a list of what you need. Is that right?”

“Yes,” Louisa said.

“And the price we agreed on is half a million dollars, yes?”

“Correct,” she confirmed.


Louisa looked around. “Half a million dollars buys a lot of guns, Mr. Swede. But I don’t see any.”

“Of course not. I didn’t bring them right away.” He pulled out a radio and said something into it in German. He smiled at me. “Well, Wyatt, may I see the money? Just to ensure we’re all in good faith, of course.”

“Guns first,” Kasia said quickly.

He shrugged. “Very well.” He gestured and nothing happened.

We stood there awkwardly for a minute, the Swede smiling benignly, his friends standing there with no expressions on their faces. I looked at Louisa and shrugged. Kasia was clearly on edge.

Then suddenly we heard an engine in the distance. It got closer and closer until an enormous armored truck with a huge gun on the back came rolling into the clearing.

“Holy shit,” Kasia said softly. “Is that an M1117?”

“Sure is,” the Swede said proudly.

The thing looked like a tank mixed with a truck. It slowly rolled toward us, the guns heavy on its top. It stopped and a man climbed out, holding a case. He carried it over and opened it.

“Rifles,” the Swede said. “Plus grenades, body armor, armor piercing rounds, explosive rounds, normal rounds, incendiary grenades, and basically anything else you can use.”

“I want the truck,” Louisa said.

He smiled. “But of course. That’s compliments of me.”

Kasia looked like she was going to pass out from joy.

Louisa nodded. “Good. Wyatt?”

I tossed the Swede over the duffels. His friends took them and opened them, quickly thumbing through the bills. They nodded. The Swede came over and shook my hand, then Louisa’s hand, and finally Kasia’s. He lingered with Kasia for a moment. “If you ever want to see more beautiful toys, come find me,” he said.

Kasia nodded, and for the first time since I met her, she actually looked impressed.

“I will,” she said.

“Enjoy,” the Swede said. His men gathered the bags and they began to walk back toward the tree line.

“Wait,” Louisa called. “Where are the guns?”

“Inside,” the Swede said.

Louisa walked over to the truck and I followed her. She threw open the back door, and sure enough, the thing was packed top to bottom with boxes. Kasia pried a couple open and nodded.

“It’s here,” she said.

I couldn’t help but laugh. I threw my head back, laughing loudly. I’d never bought a huge shipment of weapons before, let alone a military-style assault truck. The girls laughed along with me.

I was excited. Desire pulsed through me as I pulled Louisa against me, kissing her deeply.

I didn’t even hear Kasia leave. The truck pulled away, and I was too busy kissing Louisa.

This was all I needed in life. Bags of cash, trucks of guns, and a beautiful woman that made my cock hard.


yatt tipped
my head back by the roots of my hair and kissed my neck. “Did seeing all those guns get you wet?” he whispered. “Let’s find out exactly how much you love it.”

I practically whimpered as his fingers slowly moved down my jeans and found my wet clit. I couldn’t believe how soaked I was. He pressed his fingers deep inside of me in the middle of the clearing and I gasped.

“We’re so close,” he whispered. “So fucking close. God damn, it makes me so hard knowing what you’re going to do with all that firepower.”

“Wyatt,” I gasped. He pressed his fingers rough inside my wet cunt, fucking me and pulling my hair back.

“Get on your knees,” he ordered, pulling his fingers from my jeans. I did as he commanded, unbuckling his belt and slowly pulling his jeans down.

He was hard as hell as I stroked him. He groaned when I took him between my lips.

“I’ve been dreaming about that,” he said as I began to suck him. I loved his taste, loved his skin, loved the way he groaned. I wanted to taste him to badly. I put my hands on his thighs and took his cock down my throat, gagging and pulling back, breathing hard, practically panting for him.

“You’re so fucking sexy, it makes me want to come already,” he said, smirking. He pulled my head back and kissed me hard. “But you’re going to have to work for that.” He pushed me back down on his cock.

I sucked him right there in the field. I didn’t know who was watching, and I also didn’t care. I’d been needing him so badly for so long, and I hated every second that he was away. I wanted to taste him, feel him, fuck him. I needed him inside of me.

He groaned, pushing me down, and I took him into my throat. I pulled back, licking every inch of him before sucking hard on the tip of his cock. He grunted, pulling my hair back.

He practically dragged me to my feet. He walked me over to the wood line and pinned me up against the nearest tree. He dropped to his knees and tore my jeans and panties off before burying his face between my thighs.

“Oh shit,” I gasped, his arms hooked around my legs, squeezing my ass. I held onto his hair as his tongue began to lap at my pussy, licking up my juices, sucking my clit. He slipped his tongue inside of me, rolling around in circles, licking my every inch.

I held his hair in my fists harder as pleasure rocketed through me. I loved his lips and tongue between my legs, and it felt better than I could have guessed. He reached up and slipped his hands under my shirt, finding my nipples and teasing them as he sucked my clit.

I moaned loudly, head tipped back, mine a blank of need and want. He spread my legs wider and pressed three fingers up my wet pussy, smirking up at me.

“You’ll take it wherever, won’t you?” he asked. “You’ll do whatever I say because you know it’s what’s good for you.”

“It’s bad,” I moaned.

“Good. I want it to be bad.” He fucked my pussy, pushing his fingers deeper. “I want you to feel how wrong it is to get fucked out here like this. I want that pussy dripping wet. I want you to be a soaking mess, begging for more.”

“Oh god Wyatt,” I moaned. “Please, fuck me. I need it.”

“You need it?” He smirked at me. “I know you need it. Beg me.”

“Please,” I moaned, over and over. “Please. I need to feel you inside of me.” I pulled his hair back.

He gasp and grunted, smiling. “You fucking dirty girl.” He stood. I held onto his hair and pulled again.

He grunted, grabbing my hips. He turned me, roughly pulling my arms and pinning them above my head on the tree.

“You want to get rough?” he asked. “You can’t handle rough.”

“I can handle you, asshole.”

He slapped my ass hard. I moaned.

“You think so?”

I looked over my shoulder at him. “Don’t be a pussy. Fuck me.”

He groaned and pressed his cock deep inside of me. I gasped as pain and pleasure mixed. He didn’t work me up to it, he just violently thrust deep inside of me. He took me by the throat with one hand, holding my wrist with his other, and began to fuck me hard.

“I know this is what you want,” he said. “You want to get fucked rough and dirty. You want to take cock out in the forest, have your arms pinned behind your back, your cunt used up. You want to be destroyed, broken, and panting.”

“Yes,” I gasped. “Oh fuck, Wyatt.”

He pumped roughly into me, fucking my pussy, his body slapping against my ass. He released my throat and pulled my hair, fucking me like an animal.

I wanted him to break me. I needed him to break me. I needed him to show me just how strong he could be, just how powerful we could be together. I needed the pleasure that came with his intense body slamming against mine, filling me. I wanted his cum deep inside of me. I wanted to feel it dripping down my legs as I was left gasping for air on the floor.

He twisted my wrists, pinning my hands behind my back. He pushed my face against the tree as he continued to fuck me hard and rough.

“That’s right,” he grunted. “Work back against my cock.”

I pushed my hips back, moaning, mind a total blank. I worked my ass against his cock, sliding down his thick shaft as he pumped into me.

He reached around my hips with his free hand, keeping my wrists pinned behind my back, and began to work my clit. He rubbed it in expert circles as he fucked me, out bodies working together. Sweat was dripping down my skin but I didn’t care. There was only Wyatt, his body fucking me, our bodies working together.

I felt his lips brush my ear. “Come for me, you filthy fucking girl,” he said. “Come on my big fat cock. Moan my fucking name. And then I’ll fill you with my cum.”

“Yes,” I gasped, “Wyatt.” I could feel it building. “Fuck me harder, you asshole.”

He grunted and groaned, ripping into my cunt. We rutted like animals against the tree, our whole world only flesh and cum.

The orgasm swept over me as he pushed into me harder, pressing me against the bark of the tree. I moaned, saying his name over and over as my body tensed. It washed through me from my toes up to the top of my skull, leaving my lips a tingling mess, my pussy a destroyed bubble of pure pleasure.

As I convulsed, moaning, I felt his grip on my hips get stronger. His cock continued to fill me, ramming into my body, slamming me against the tree.

“Oh god, fill me,” I moaned, knowing he was close.

He grunted and I felt him come inside of me. I felt his hot cum fill my pussy as he continued working me, fucking me hard and deep. I tossed my head back in pure pleasure, wild with mindless need.

Slowly, we finished together. My orgasm passed and his finished. He slid himself out of me and collapsed onto the ground. I collapsed down next to him, panting, sweating, and feeling right.

“Welcome home,” I said to him.

He grinned at me. “Home is where you buy your guns.”

“Home is where you do that.”

He took my chin. “Damn right.”

He kissed me, deep and full.

* * *

e had
to ditch the armored assault vehicle. It was just way too obnoxious. There was no way we could get that into the city, let alone hide it somewhere. It took a half hour to transfer the cargo from that truck to ours, but it all fit, although it was an uncomfortable ride home.

We met with a few girls at the edge of the city. We transferred some of the stash to them, and then a little more to another group. They would take the guns and spread them all throughout our network of safe houses all over the city, arming any girl that wanted to join us.

This was all going according to Wyatt’s plan. Everything starting with hiring more men down to buying more guns was unfolding exactly as he explained to me that night.

When we were finished, we drove the armored truck down a long tunnel and parked it underneath the safe house. A few girls helped us unload what was left. They brought the boxes into the main armory while Wyatt went upstairs to shower.

The mood in the house was odd. The girls weren’t looking at me, and most didn’t greet me when I entered the room. That wasn’t a big deal, but it wasn’t really like them. The usual smiles and good cheer were replaced by dour looks and an uncomfortable atmosphere.

Kasia was talking to a group of girls. As soon as I approached, they walked off, leaving only Kasia standing there, her arms crossed.

“What’s going on?” I asked her.

“Girls are unhappy.”


“One of the guys you hired tried to rape one of our girls.”

“What?” I felt anger bubbling inside of me.

“Don’t worry. They already took care of him.”


“Cut his balls off.”

“Good.” I clenched my jaw. “That piece of shit.”

“The other mercenaries aren’t happy about that, though.”

“And the girls?”

“They want them all gone. They’re threatening to leave.”

“We can’t send them away, Kasia.”

“I know that. Not now, anyway.”

“We need them.”

“I’m trying to explain that. But the girls are angry.” She gave me a look, and I knew exactly what that meant.

She warned that this was going to happen. I just didn’t want to listen.

“Come on,” I said to her, walking into the middle of the barracks area. “Everyone,” I called loudly. “Meet upstairs in ten. We have a lot to discuss.”

There were murmurs, but I ignored them. I got into the elevator and rode it up a floor. I made the same announcement up there, went to the uppermost barracks level, and waited. The girls slowly gathered while Kasia took the men downstairs, keeping everyone separate.

Thirty girls stared at me as I stood in front of them. I stared at them hard, looking at their faces one by one.

“Anastasia,” I said. “Loretta. Olga. Alla. Vera. Galina. Diana. I know each and every one of you. I know all of your stories. And you all know me.”

Slight murmuring from the crowd, but I pressed on.

“I won’t pretend like I saved you all personally, because I didn’t. But I started all of this because I care about you, care about you all so deeply that I was willing to risk my life and my family to save you. I’m still willing to risk all of that, and I do so every single day.

“What happened with that man is despicable, and I commend you all for what you did to him. That bastard deserved to bleed out at your feet. Men like him are the reason we do what we do, are the reason we fight and die to save our sisters that are still imprisoned.”

“What do you know about being imprisoned?” someone in the back called out. “You were born rich.”

“I was born rich,” I called back. “And I turned my back on all of that when I found out what was happening to all of you. Do you really think I don’t care? Look at what I’ve sacrificed. Look at everything I’ve built.”

“These men are everything we hate,” Anastasia said. She was one of the first girls I saved, a small, fierce blonde woman.

“And yet we need them,” I said. “I hate that we need them, but we do. If I could win this war just with you women, I would, but we will eventually lose. My father and his men are too numerous and have too much money. We don’t have a chance against them without these mercenaries.

“We’ve come too far to back down now. We’re close to something, and we’re going to destroy the Barone mafia once and for all. We’re going to free every single woman still in captivity and slaughter every one of those bastards. You have to believe in me, because I believe in all of you.”

There were some positive murmurs and I could tell that I was winning over the crowd.

“Together we can do this, but we can’t do it if we’re fractured. You’ve followed me this far. Follow me a little bit farther.”

“I’ll follow,” Kasia called out. I nodded at her.

“Me too,” Anastasia said.

More echoes of “me too” and “I’ll follow” began, and I smiled as the girls put their fists in the air.

Just then, the elevator doors dinged open. All heads turned to see Wyatt step out, his hair wet, wearing only a thin white T-shirt and short black shorts. He blinked at the crowd of angry and intense women staring at him.

“Well, hello ladies,” he said.

There was a general murmur and all of that energy dissipated. People began to walk off as Wyatt walked over.

“Bad timing?” he asked.

I nodded. “The girls are unhappy. One of the mercenaries tried to rape one of mine.”

“Fuck,” he said.

“They killed him.”

“Good.” He looked grim. “I’ll talk to them.”

“Thank you. I’ll handle the girls.”

“Good.” He nodded at me. “We’re close, Louisa.”

“I know. The men are downstairs.”

He walked back to the elevator. He gave me a nod as the doors shut.

That was almost good. If he hadn’t walked out, I knew that the speech would have worked. But Wyatt came in at the exact wrong moment.

He was a symbol to those girls of everything they stood against. He was a handsome, powerful man, and they hated men like that. They didn’t know any better. Men like him had taken advantage of them for so long, raped them over and over, and now they hated most men. But Wyatt was trying to help them, maybe in his own way, but it was working.

He wasn’t their enemy, but that was impossible for them to understand. All men were the enemy, and that was all there was.

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