Bound With Pearls (17 page)

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Authors: Sidney Bristol

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Bound With Pearls
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Oh god. She’d said it. She’d said it and he sat there and looked at her with the same infuriatingly impassive face she couldn’t read. Her hands fisted the material over her thighs. She was nervous but she was steadier than she’d anticipated.

Daniel rubbed his jaw and sighed. It was a disappointed noise, as if she had seriously put him out. Her heart dropped. She knew she shouldn’t have said anything. It was too soon to be this needy.

“I was going to do this after we’d eaten.” He dug into his pocket and frowned. He muttered a curse under his breath and in the next moment gave her a boyish grin. “Go into the bedroom and wait for me. I’ll be right back.”

He left her sitting on the couch and jogged up the stairs to his workshop. She should dig her heels in and demanded a real answer. Instead, she watched him disappear behind the doors and, when he didn’t immediately reappear, she gathered their dishes and delivered them to the kitchen. She glanced over her shoulder and pursed her lips. If she weren’t emotionally exhausted, his avoiding her question would irritate her more. Still, she entered the bedroom and stood at the foot of the bed.

The blankets had been stripped off and man-folded into a wad on the floor. The red ropes they’d used before were already tied to the posts. She ran her fingers along the nearest rope. She wanted him to use those on her, but she was a creature that thrived on relationship. She couldn’t keep being near him and not want more.

From across the loft she could hear the door snick shut and the
thump-thump, thump-thump
of Daniel’s steps descending the stairs. There was a noticeable spring to his stride as he crossed the hardwood floor. She felt the caress of his gaze the moment he entered the bedroom. His body heat seared her skin through the dress.

“Maybe I should have been clearer, but I wanted you on the bed.”

The words were spoken so close to her skin that she felt the ghost of their touch. She shuddered and sidestepped him. “What if that’s not what I want?”

Lines creased his forehead and around his mouth. “Then safe-word out.”

“You never gave me a safe word.”

“Fine. Pick one.”


He shook his head. “No. Pick another.”

She buried her face in her hands. “Why are we talking about this now?”

“Christine, I want you to take off your dress and lie on the bed. Think about a safe word. When you’re where I want you, we will discuss your questions, but we will do this my way. Do you understand?”

Invisible fingers ran up her spine. When he used that tone of voice all coherent thought vanished. Her switch flipped. She grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it up over her head. Daniel grabbed it before she let it go and laid it across the bench at the foot of the bed. She didn’t look at him as she crawled onto the mattress and lay where he directed her.

“Well?” He stood at the side of the bed, arms crossed and expression shuttered.


Daniel’s brows shot up and he sputtered, “What?”

She folded her arms under her head. “My safe word is kumquat. You can’t say it and not laugh. I’m sorry I’m being moody.”

He leaned over the bed and pressed a soft kiss to her mouth. “I get it. Trust me a little though?”

She cupped the back of his head. “I do trust you.”

“Good. Take your underwear off.” He straightened but didn’t move from his position next to the bed.

Submission was a choice. Daniel’s confidence, his commanding presence and the way he used his voice snapped her into the right mindset, but she still had to want to do what he asked of her.

She pushed her panties down around her thighs and shimmied out of them. Daniel held out his hand and she obeyed the silent request and handed him the pink thong she’d picked out when they first decided on spending Valentine’s together. Her bra was made from a matching pink lace with an easy-access front closure. She delivered that article into his hands and lay back on the pillows.

Daniel placed her underwear with her dress. He grabbed the ankle nearest him and pulled her several inches down the bed until she was positioned exactly where he wanted her.


He tied the rope around her ankle, this time tight enough she could not escape. “Did I say you could speak?”

“No Sir.”

“Do I need to gag you?”

His sharp tone had her shrinking back into the pillows. “No Sir.”

He continued to tie her other leg to the bedpost, spreading her legs to the point of being uncomfortable. He circled to the other side of the bed and held out his hand for her right arm. She studied his face while he tied her wrist. He maintained his silence while he secured her other arm and retrieved his bag she recognized from the club.

A nylon bag shouldn’t have the ability to be ominous, but it was. She’d glimpsed some of the things in that bag and not everything was made for pleasure. He rummaged around and pulled out one of his pouches. He crawled up between her legs without removing the object from the bag.

He caressed her slit and ran his fingers between her labia. “Hm, not nearly wet enough.”

He held up the bag, no doubt so she could see exactly what he was doing, and plucked the strings. He pulled a nonthreatening lifelike dildo out and held it up. By visual estimates, it wasn’t as big as he was, but size wasn’t everything. She had no doubt Daniel had some creative torture in store for her.

“Relax.” He spread her nether lips open and pressed the head of the dildo into her.

She inhaled and rolled her hips a little. The dildo’s faux veins and ridges slid in and out. The cool cyberskin felt strange after Daniel’s cock.

“Look at me.”

Christine hadn’t realized she’d closed her eyes somewhere along the line. Her gaze latched on his. She gripped the ropes binding her to the bed. He pumped the dildo in and out. The imitation sac bumped her ass. He pushed it in and clicked a button and the whole thing began to vibrate. She shivered and clamped down around it.

“Keep that there. Don’t let it come out.”

“Yes Sir.” Her voice was breathy. She needed more friction or stimulus to her clit. The dildo alone wasn’t enough to make her come.

Daniel reached into his back pocket and produced something she remembered very well, the nipple clamps he’d used on her their first night together. Her nipples beaded under his gaze, remembering the pleasure of his mouth and the pressure of the clamps.

He crawled up to straddle her waist and laid the clamps and beads between her breasts. Instead of sucking her nipples, he pinched both peaks and pulled them. She whimpered and arched her back, but Daniel pulled harder.

“It hurts.”

“That’s the point.” He took one of the clamps and attached it to her breast.

The pinch of pain mixed with the pulsing lust between her legs. Daniel attached the other clamp and sat back with his hands on his thighs. Her eyes drifted closed and she tried to shift her hips under his weight. The dildo had slipped out just a little. She clamped her muscles tight and bit her lip.

Daniel plucked the string of beads from where they’d pooled on her sternum and pulled. Pain blossomed in each breast. Her eyes snapped open and she cried out.

“I told you to keep them open.”

“Yes Sir. Sorry, Sir.”

“Better.” He scooted back between her legs and pushed the dildo farther in. She moaned at the sensation of the little bumps and veins sliding over her flesh.

“Sir?” She moaned, asking him for something she couldn’t name.

“I’m here.” He slid the dildo out, studying her face every second.

She wanted him. He knew it, and he knew what she desired from him. She’d handed him all the cards, and he laid her bare.

He withdrew the dildo until just the tip held her open, then pushed it back in as slowly as he’d withdrawn. No human could move that slow. Least no red-blooded man she’d been with had ever demonstrated that kind of aching restraint.

“Sir, please?” She moved her hips as much as she could, trying to find something to rub against. Her lids drifted mostly shut.

He paused with the dildo half in. “I didn’t ask you to beg.”

Was she begging? Did she care?

“I want you. Sir.”

He pushed the dildo in hard enough she gasped at the delicious sensation ricocheting from her pussy to her nipples. She tilted her head back and met Daniel’s gaze. He watched her every reaction as he repeated the slow withdrawal and thrust of the dildo.

“What if I wanted to humiliate you? Put a leash on you and make you crawl after me? Or call you names like slut and bitch?”

The words sounded foreign and wrong rolling off his lips. That wasn’t Daniel. What did he want from her?

“What if I want to fuck you in public?”

“You, Sir?”

“Me. Just me.”

He was so commanding, the whole world faded away when he bent her to his will. She nodded. “Okay.”

“What if I want you to call me when you leave the office? Every fucking day.”

What was he talking about? “I can take care of myself.”

He yanked on the beads so hard the clamp popped off her right breast. She screamed as pain stabbed the tender flesh. “That’s not the point,” he growled and bent forward.

He laved the abused nipple with his mouth and tongue. Moisture gathered under her lids, not enough to be called tears, but damn, that had hurt. She struggled to rouse her sluggish mind. Would talking to him every day be such a hardship? “I can call you.”

“What about role-play?”

“Yes, I’ll be whoever you want me to be, just fuck me.”

He seemed amused by her words. The corners of his mouth curled up. “I must be getting lax. Fuck me?”

“Fuck me, Sir.” Her voice sounded so prim and proper. Her cheeks flushed. She could feel the blush crawling down her neck and over her chest.

Daniel put his mouth over the clamp still attached to her breast and eased it off with his lips. She arched her back as blood returned to the peak and white bursts saturated her vision.

The bed dipped and bucked. She pried open an eye and watched Daniel strip out of his clothes. Unlike the care he’d shown her dress and underwear, he discarded his shirt and jeans wherever they landed. He grabbed a condom from the bag and ripped it open. His dark gaze roved over her body, caressing every inch of her.

She didn’t need him to say he was going to fuck her as he crawled up her body. She could read it in his eyes—the hard lines of his face and the engorged cock were all good signs she would get exactly what she wanted. In bed at least.

He pulled the dildo out, clicked the button to silence the vibrating and tossed it over the edge of the bed. He surged forward and came down on top of her, hard enough his weight forced the air from her lungs. She sucked in a breath and pulled against the restraints. She lifted her head to kiss his jaw and got his mouth instead.

He thrust and she moaned. The dildo might go on forever, but it had nothing on his girth or the feel of hot, human flesh inside her.

“That’s what you wanted?”

“Yes, yes, yes.” She arched her back and squeezed his length with her inner muscles.

“What if I went slow?” His slow was still twice as fast as the dildo.

“Mm, more. Harder. Please, Sir.”

He fisted her hair, tilting her head back and exposing her throat. He kissed down to the hollow and licked the dip in her clavicle.

“So you want it like this?”

His body pistoned in and out of her, nudging her clit with each thrust. She rolled her hips, rubbing herself on his cock as he sank into her. Her breasts burned where his chest hair abraded the abused peaks, and she loved it. He might be doing what she liked, but only because he wanted it too.

“You are going to come on my cock,” he growled into her ear.

Her aroused body tightened further. Orgasm on command?

“You like this. You like me being in control of all of you.”

“Yes Sir,” she cried out.

“Fucking come.”

Her body bowed and her inner muscles hugged him tight, creating a vise for his cock as his movements became rough and uncontrolled. She screamed at the sensation ricocheting through her, pushing her under wave after wave of pleasure. Her body rippled with the aftershocks. Just breathing sent off miniature bursts of post-orgasmic bliss.

Daniel’s face was smushed into the pillows next to her. He supported most of his own weight, but he was still all around her, in her and pressing her down. She turned toward him and nuzzled his face. He smiled lazily and pushed strands of hair off her face. Sex and play with him got better each time. She wanted time to learn him and see how good it could get.

He reached up and untied her wrists, bringing each to his lips to kiss the angry red marks.

“How bad did this hurt?” He palmed her right breast.

Her nipple pulsed, still stinging, but not in an entirely painful kind of way. She put her hand over his and applied more pressure. “It hurt, but not as bad as it sounded. I was surprised mostly.”

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