Bound to You: Volume 2 (9 page)

Read Bound to You: Volume 2 Online

Authors: Vanessa Booke

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: Bound to You: Volume 2
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C'est parfait
," she says smiling.

Carol walks over with a glass of champagne in her hand. "Five bucks says she's not his wife." We watch in awe as the stunning brunette walks over to her companion and whispers seductively in his ear. I only catch a few words but I don't need to hear the rest to know the meaning of what she's said. She runs back to the fitting room to change as her companion walks to the front of the store and pays. After a few minutes, the two exit arm in arm down the street. I catch a glimpse of her hand as she caresses his shoulder –but there's no ring.

Carol smiles. “Told you."

Lola pokes her head out. "Your fitting room is ready."

"Go get em, tiger."

I'm alone in the fitting room and yet it feels like I'm on stage getting ready for the next
Victoria’s Secret
fashion runway. My heart is pounding in erratic beats. I don't do sexy. I do comfy. My idea of lingerie is my tank top and my boy shorts, end of story.

"I'm waiting!" Carol calls. I’m starting to think the glass of champagne is getting to her.

I scan the wide selection that Lola hand-picked herself. The majority of it is a little too risqué for my taste. I finally settle on a gold baby doll top. It shimmers like glitter under the fitting room lights. It's sexy, yet classy. I hold it up under my chin. The soft satin feels wonderful against me. It definitely makes my green eyes pop. I'm not the type to stare at my reflection all day, but I have to admit it looks great against the color of my hair. A bustier catches my eye amid the flurry of lingerie. It's a beautiful nude color with lace that runs up the sides. A matching pair of boy-cut underwear and stockings is attached with it. I press it against me. It's definitely not something I would usually wear, yet I can't help but wonder how it would look on me.

Carol pops her head through the fitting room curtain. "Rebecca, would you just pick something already?" she says, giggling.

"Look, it was your idea to bring me down here. Now you have to suffer,” I say, covering my goods.

"C’mon, Becca, I bet you look hot in any of these.” I give Carol a get-out-already look and she quickly leaves and closes the curtain behind her.

It’s not every day I get to shop for expensive lingerie. Mine usually don’t cost more than my monthly rent. Then again, it’s not like I’m actually going to buy any of this. I can’t afford any of it. I slip on the nude boy shorts and stockings along with the bustier, and with some luck I find a pair of garters among the lingerie to complete the piece.

I’m amazed at the transformation. The person standing before me is unrecognizable. It's like I'm naked, except all the wobbly bits and pieces are covered.

"Carol, I think you're going to be happy with this one. Carol?" I peek my head out of the fitting room curtain. Carol is nowhere in sight.
Where the hell did she run off to?

My eyes scan the room and stop dead as Nicholas StoneHaven makes his way into
Holy shit
. My heart sinks as Lola walks over to Nicholas. Lola’s question repeats over and over in my head. “Are you a friend of Mr. StoneHaven?”
Crap. Damn it, Carol.
Lola greets him with a smile and a kiss on the cheek. He must come here often to be so personable with a salesgirl. She ushers him toward the fitting rooms and in my direction.
Double shit.
I slip back inside the dressing room.
I'm going to kill Carol.
A second later I hear Carol walking up.

"Hello, Ms. Livingston, it’s nice to see you." I cringe at the sound of Nicholas's voice.
Why is he here? I thought he wasn’t in the office today?

"Hello…Rebecca is here,” she blurts. Gosh, she must be tipsy. Usually Carol’s a lot better at keeping her cool. A third voice joins the conversation.

"Ah, there you are." It's Lola. She must be referring to Carol. "Is Mr. StoneHaven's friend still in the fitting room?"
I’m screwed.
I hurry, grabbing my clothes and shoes off the floor. I unbuckle the garters from my stockings and pull everything off.

Carol clears her throat, "Oh no, I think she left."

“Didn’t you just say Rebecca is here?” Nicholas asks, confused. I freeze.
Oh. My. God. I'm busted.

"Oh, did I?"

"Excuse me, which friend?" Nicholas asks, directing his attention back at Lola.

I spot Lola's heels standing in front of my curtain. Before I can stop her, Lola pushes open the curtain and gasps. I jump back, covering myself.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry,” she says, embarrassed. “Your friend said you left."

My cheeks burn red as I spot Nicholas staring at me. A look of confusion and surprise covers his face. Even now, I can't help but notice how incredible he looks in his black pants and grey suede jacket.

"Sorry, Becca,” Carol squeaks.

I know I'm not naked, but with the nude bustier and matching underwear I might as well be. Carol looks back at me with guilt written all over her face. I panic as the slow realization hits Nicholas, a smirk creeps up his lips. I was the special "friend" that Lola had mentioned.

"Yes, Lola, this will do just fine,” he says.

I don’t think I’ve ever run out of a place so fast, but I left
in a hurry and quickly headed back to Carol’s apartment. I didn't wait for the mortifying conversation that was sure to follow my embarrassing debut, and no one bothered to stop me on my way out. Not even Carol.
I just left her standing there with Nicholas

By the time I reach home, it’s well past 6:00 PM. I’ve been aimlessly walking New York City for hours. Going back to the office wasn’t an option. I can’t see Nicholas right now. He’s the reason I left so fast. The way he was looking at me… It was like I was the juicy thanksgiving turkey waiting to be served to him. I don’t know if I would’ve been able to tell him to stop if he started kissing me. Not that he would kiss me in front of everyone, but I wanted him to.

My purse vibrates against the coffee table alerting me to a new text message from Carol. I don’t even know what Carol thinks at this point, but the last thing I saw was the look of shock on her face as I left.


Did u make it back to our place?


I wait a few minutes to answer.
I should make her sweat.
It’s partly her fault for getting me into this weird predicament, but it’s hard for me to me mad at her. She was just trying to help.


Yes. I’m sorry I ran out on you.

OMG. I was so worried.

Just got home.

I shouldn’t ask, but curiosity gets the best of me.

Did he ask about me?

He did, but I didn’t say anything.


I won’t be home until late. I have an emergency meeting with a client.

K. See you later.


I toss my phone back into my purse and lie back on the couch. After flipping through the bazillion infomercials on TV, I finally settle on watching a movie. Instead of ordering out I decide to grab a bowl of cereal and plop down on the couch. They’re playing
Sleepless in Seattle.
It’s Friday night and I’m sure everyone is out partying, but I can’t imagine a better way to spend my night than being a couch potato.

A slight brush of fur glides against my leg as I switch on the television. I look down and spot two bright yellow eyes staring up at me. Sprinkles purrs as I scratch the side of his face. As I sit there watching one of my favorite romantic comedies, I start to feel a growing disappointment. Was Nicholas at work all along and just avoiding me? Or did he follow me? It seems way too convenient that he just happened to show up at

Just thinking about him brings a familiar heat that stirs me in places I’d rather not have him affect me. I flush at the memory of his eyes trailing down my skin. They were meticulous in their study of my body. No one’s ever looked at me that way… My nipples harden at the memory. It’s been way too long since I’ve had sex with someone, and the last “someone” was Miles, my ex-boyfriend. The recollection of Nicholas’s hands on me the night of the charity event flashes through my mind. I shiver at the memory of the need in his voice when he asked me to kiss him. Although, it was totally embarrassing when he saw me standing in the fitting room half naked, it was like someone turned up the heat in the room.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of my cellphone vibrating again.
. I sit up, grabbing my phone in time to see the incoming call that reads: MOM. I take a moment to clear my throat. God, I hope my voice sounds normal, not breathless and horny.

"Hi, mom, I was just about to call you."

“Hi, honey, I was calling to see how your week’s going.”

“Great, it’s going great.”
Minus today's incident.
“How’s everything at home? How’s dad?” It feels like it’s been months since I’ve seen them. I miss my mother, even if she’s a little crazy.

“It's not the same without you." The sadness in her voice is palpable. “That’s actually why I called. I have some bad news.”

“What’s wrong? Is dad okay?”

“Your father is fine. Physically, at least. He lost his job this week.”

“What?” I ask, shocked.
What the hell?

“His work laid off 100 of their employees. He was one of them.”


“Rebecca, language please.”

“Sorry…how’s dad holding up?”

“You know your father. He’s a proud man, Rebecca. This has really taken a toll on him.”
I can’t believe this is happening

He’s worked for Baron Imports for over 20 years. He wanted to retire but my parents are still paying their mortgage. They have two more years. Dad was going to retire after that. They had plans to buy a motorhome and travel across the U.S. It’s like the new American dream.

“I think you should come back home,” mother says. She catches me off guard by her serious tone. Move back home? I’m just getting used to this city.

“What? No, are you kidding me?”

“We need you here.” My heart squeezes at the misery in her voice.

“Mom, you guys need my help. I need to stay out here and work. How are you going to pay the mortgage?”

“I’m not sure, sweetie.”

“I can send you money as soon as I get paid again.”

“Let’s not talk about that right now. Let’s talk about something happy. Have you met anyone nice out there?" She asks.

Nicholas's face flashes in my mind. "No, no one special." The thought of Nicholas meeting my parents turns my insides to mush. My mother’s curiosity concerning my love life has always been disturbing. I’m actually surprised she hasn’t called me to chat about Miles. I think she’s still in denial. Our breakup went public over the Internet. That’s the thing with dating movie stars. Your business becomes everyone else’s.

“A certain someone came by today.”

“A certain who?”


I freeze.
Miles? As in my ex?

"He was asking about you. I told him you were off in New York being a big shot at a major publishing company."
Thanks, mom.
I’m sure he could smell the desperation in her voice when she told him that.

"What did he want?" I ask, annoyed. I really hope he isn’t planning on coming to see me. Just hearing his name makes my hand twitch. I start to feel murderous again.

“I'm not sure, sweetie, but he asked for your information."
Well, so much for anonymity.

“Ugh. Mother, please tell me you didn’t give him my work address.”

She laughs. "No, of course not."
Oh, thank God.

“But I did tell him you work on Sixth Avenue and I gave him your office number.”


"You never told me why you two broke up." That’s a little too tricky to explain. I don’t think she would appreciate hearing how I found him balls deep in another woman.

“He's not a good guy, mom."

“Oh, sweetheart, is that why you left?"

The point is moot. We've been down this road before and it always ends in an argument. "Mother, I have an amazing opportunity here.”

"I just miss you,” she says softly. “Are you coming home for Christmas?”

“I’m not entirely sure.”

“What do you mean? You’ve never spent Christmas away from home.”

“Yeah, but my boss will probably need me.”

“He works you too hard.”

Try telling
that. We say our goodbyes and I promise her that I’ll try my best to be home for Christmas. The conversation leaves me feelings slightly torn. Hearing my mom mention Miles is like ripping old scabs off. They might look healed, but the memories come rushing back and everything feels fresh again. I set the alarm on my phone for work and slip into bed underneath the warm covers.

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