Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2) (53 page)

BOOK: Bound to the Fallen (Prophecy #2)
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panted, “I’m going to fuck you until you can’t move.” He raised his head and glared down at me, a greedy grin forming on his face the moment he moved back into me.

nails scratched down his back toward his ass. Grabbing onto the tight skin, I sunk my nails into him. He reached around mid-thrust and grabbed my wrist tightly with his hand, slamming my arm down onto the floor by my side as he raised himself up. He snatched my other arm up and pinned it down above my head.

me hard, he worked my body across his hardwood floor with his movements. I saw him reach his arm out for something as he continued to slam himself in and out of me.

“How rough do you want it, love?” he snarled. “Tell me? You said you liked it rough.”

I watched him roll his leather belt around his wrist. Dangling the end of it from his hand, he drug it across my breast, and then down my stomach while his movements inside me slowed. His fist moved to the floor and he pulled himself out from me. He took his left hand and placed it under the small of my back, effortlessly lifting my back up, and pushing for me to roll over.

“Turn over,” he said
, his tone dripping with anticipation.

I rolled myself onto my belly and lay completely still.
I was terrified.

“Up on your hands and knees.” The flawless rhythm of commands solidified that he was indeed experienced at this.

My knees buckled slightly as I pulled myself up on my hands and knees and steadied myself. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw him release his belt.

The tenderness in his voice that I’d grown to know return
ed momentarily, “Don’t let me hurt you.” I heard him take a deep breath. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

anic filled me. I never really thought our first encounter with this would be quite like this. Gavin raised his hand back and the sharp bite of the leather belt hit across the back of my thighs. I started to tell him to stop, but caught myself, biting my tongue instead. He raised the belt again and slapped it hard against my thigh. The jolt caused a tear to roll down my cheek. I quickly wiped it from my face with the hand that was curled up against my chin.

I heard the metal buckle of his belt hit the floor.

“I wasn’t prepared for this, love,” he groaned while his hands grabbed onto my ass.

I felt his mouth on me; his tongue pressing between my legs. His fingers dug into my skin, his tongue feverishly driving into me. His hand reached under my stomach, pinching the delicate tissue of my clit and rolling it between his fingers.

Snaking his hand up my stomach to my breast, he pulled roughly on my hardened nipple. A loud carnal groan come from him while his face was pressed hard between my legs. The tension quickly built up and an unforgiving warmth coursed through my body as I came. I lowered my chest toward the floor and my body squirmed from the deep kiss of his tongue inside me.

“I wasn’t ready for you to go there.” Gavin rose from behind me, he placed both hands on my stomach and lifted me
with ease from the floor.

He stood me up, grabbed my shoulders
, and spun me to face him. Tracing his fingers over my mouth, Gavin pulled my bottom lip under his thumb as he moved his face closer to mine. He placed his lips over mine and parted them forcefully with his tongue. The taste of my pleasure was still fresh on his mouth.

He licked into my mouth deeply, his hands traveled down from my shoulders, stopping at the bottom of my ass cheeks. His fingers dug into my skin a
nd he lifted me up from the floor. I desperately grabbed onto the sides of his face and forced my tongue deeper into his warm mouth. The taste of myself caused a surprisingly erotic rush to crash over me. I clumsily pulled my legs up and wrapped them around his waist as he walked me over toward the large window of his living room.

Gavin tenderly kissed the sensitive area under my jawline. The sensual feeling of his full lips caressing my neck was replaced by the abrasive pull of his teeth raking across my skin. He closed his teeth gently around the smallest amount of skin he could pull together and then released his grip.
Lightly touching his lips to my skin, he bit down once more. His jaw moved from side to side, tugging at the skin between his teeth as though he were trying to tear it from me.

He pushed my legs down from his sides and slammed my body against the window. The cold glass pressed against my skin as he pushed his body
over mine. Gavin wrapped his fingers underneath my knee and shoved it up toward my chest. “Hold it,” he said.

I grabbed onto my knee with my right hand, clutching it.

Gavin forced himself into me and my muscles clenched down around him. I placed my hand around his hip and he quickly grabbed it, banging it against the window. Pinning my arm above my head, he pumped vehemently into me. His eyes locked between my legs while he pushed into me.

“I want you to come,
,” he demanded.

The sweat caused heat between the small of my back and the fogged window. I noticed headlights cast shadows across his large living room
when a car drove by his house.

He put his face directly in front of mine
. “Look me in the eyes when you get off.”

Gavin’s eyes
seemed overcome with power as he glared at me, his chest rose in uneven pants, causing the silver pendant to slap against his damp skin. The commanding feel of the pleasure his body brought me crept across my core. Throwing my head against the glass, the feeling forced my eyes shut.

He removed the hand he’d been steadying himself with from the window and grabbed my chin tightly.
“I told you to look me in the eyes,” he growled.

The warmth quickly turned into an intense heat that ruthlessly took me prisoner, captured by its pleasure. I stared deep into his eyes while the feeling poured through my nerves. I gasped loudly a
ndI frantically tried to free my arm from his grasp. Tightening his grip around my wrist, he banged my body into the window. I moaned again, loudly, as I fought to keep my eyes from succumbing to the natural instinct to close from the intense feeling of pleasure pumping through my veins.

The corners of Gavin’s lips curled up as a satisfied look fell over his face. “I love watching what I can do to you.”

He leaned his head down and rested it on my shoulder. I felt him give a quick, hard thrust and his body try to pull away. Gavin bit down on my shoulder hard as he came. A sated moan escaped him and then he became still.

my leg to the floor, I brushed my fingers along the small of his back. He jerked away from me and released my hand. Gavin backed away with a blank stare on his face. His lips were slightly parted and he raised his hand to his forehead, lightly running his fingertip across his brow before turning to walk back across his living room. He grabbed his jeans as he passed the couch and headed into the hallway without saying a word to me.

I stood there, panting, t
rying to regulate my breathing, somewhat startled by what had just happened, and wondering why Gavin had just walked away so suddenly from me.





That touch; the sensation of her rubbing my back snapped me back into the moment. I ba
cked away from her, my chest still heaving as I fought to catch my breath.

I stared at her.

Her expression was blank, lost, and empty; meaningless. Meaningless, what I’d always wanted before her, for things to remain meaningless, but having that look conquer
face broke me.

She stood there still completely nude and pressed against my large window. Her chest rose dramaticall
y with each breath she took. For a moment I feared I’d accidentally taken her soul from her. The way she looked reminded me of the demeanor a person who’d just lost that piece of them, the desolate look that conquered their eyes after they’ve been stripped of all forgiveness and grace. Frantically, I searched her eyes for that spark of innocence. My pulse galloped as fear struck me. As she began to come down from the high I’d just sent her on, I saw that blanket of pure innocence fall over her eyes once again. And for a moment I felt relieved. Glancing down at her neck, I noticed a small amount of blood from where I’d broken her fragile skin with my teeth, the sweet, delicious taste of her blood still creeping across my tongue.

The images from the moments before bombarded my mind and I had to walk away. I’d let myself get too into it, it’d been so long since I’d been able to be so forceful; I’d lost myself in it. I turned, without s
aying a word, and walked toward my bedroom.

I didn’t bother flipping the light on in the room. I threw my jeans onto the floor and
laid down on top of my sheets, staring up blankly toward my ceiling, trying to sort through it all. My eyes traced along the dark, wooden support beams crossing the pitched ceiling. I couldn’t understand where her sudden desire had come from. I thought, and I remembered that damn bitch asking if I would still love Brooke if she were like me. I was certain she’d coaxed her somehow, planted the seeds; who knows, she may have even been trying to teach her.

Conniving bitch

Becoming absolutely enraged
, anger filled my lungs and caused my breath to quicken, growing more shallow as I thought about how I’d allowed myself to lose control of my emotions, how loving Brooke had made me lose control of so many things. I punched my mattress because I knew that everything was about to crumble to pieces. It was all about to decay.

I’d never experienced the softness, the feelings that being in love with Brooke evoked within me. I craved the passion that washed over me from her touch, the beauty I’d found loving her with my body, watching her melt into me, the way her whispering “I love you” while I kissed her set my
tarnished soul on fire. The
taste of her. The look of complete love and desire that fell over her eyes afterwards; that’s what I wanted, not that hollow glazed-over stare I’d just seen. She wouldn’t be able to understand the emotions of that; she needed softness, not that.

I didn’t want Brooke tempting me to go farther with it. I knew she had only had a mortal’s vague understanding of what it was all about. What had just happened was only a slight dabble into that part of me. I’d done so damn
good at pushing away the desire I had to completely dominate her, to bind her, and now — I knew that putting myself in situations like that would try my abilities. If I lost myself I may end up taking her without intending to. The way I’d just been possessed by my demon – the fact that I’d come some close to losing all control by allowing her blood to trickle into my mouth….that could never happen again.

I closed my eyes.

But it felt so damn good, so uncertain. If I could keep it just at that point. Risk – she was a tempting risk.

The power I felt pulsing through me, the exhilaration of having that control over
was indescribable.

Fire. A raging, uncontrollable fire.



Chapter Fifty-



I watched his shadow creep across the wall.
When my body returned to normal I could feel the sting from the rising whelps on the back of my thighs. I reached up to my neck to massage the throbbing bite marks. Pulling my hand away, I saw the slight glisten of ruby red blood.

My head was whirling. Had that really just happened,
that almost Jekyll and Hyde transformation in Gavin?

The loud music was still blaring through the speakers and I walked to the kitchen to turn it off. I flipped the light on and glanced down at my shoulder. My hand ran along the wound on my neck, feeling the deep, rigid indentations from his teeth.
The tissue around the bite burned with pain.

pressed the silver button on the iPod and then I made my way toward the hallway. I glanced down to his bedroom; the lights were off. Peering through the doorway, I found Gavin lying on his bed, still naked, with his hands folded behind his head. He was staring blankly at the ceiling. I watched as he pulled his bottom lip in under his teeth, letting his lip slide slowly out from underneath the white enamel only to pull it back in and repeat the process.

hame washed over me as I watched him. I was ashamed that I’d asked him to do it, ashamed that I’d enjoyed it.

“Gavin,” my voice was hushed as I wasn’t sure what thoughts were running through his head.

He turned his head toward me and raised his eyebrows to acknowledge my presence.

I walked quietly into his room and sat down on the foot of his bed. He pulled one arm free from his head, p
lacing his hand on my foot. Gavin sat up and brushed my hair away from my shoulder, closing his eyes slowly when he saw the marks he’d left all over my neck and shoulder. His fingers traced over them slowly as he inspected the wounds.

“Stand up.” His voice was soft and remorseful.

He pulled my arm toward him and I stood up. Placing his hand on my hip, he gently pushed for me to turn around. His hands grazed over the tender areas caused by his hand and belt. Gavin spun me back around, pulling me down to him. He placed his elbows on his knees and tented his fingers, resting them over the bridge of his nose.

Taking in a
deep breath, he traced his fingers down the sides of his nose and under his lips, resting his fingers on his chin. “You liked that?” he asked, staring into my eyes.

I focused my gaze on the sheets, my fingers drawing circles across the satin.

“Brooke,” he said, “you liked that?” I felt as though he was pleading for me to tell him I didn’t.

I nodded without making eye contact.

He sighed heavily. “You really have no idea. That was nothing,
!” He paused and I looked up at him. Gavin shook his head as he continued, “That life, it’s
what you think, love, not what you want.” He leaned his head back against his smooth, black headboard. “It’s not meant for you.”

Who was he to tell me what I wanted?

“How would you know? I guess you have experience in that area? Is that your dark side you keep mentioning, huh? Before me — you were into that?” My tone was hostile.

His head bent forward. He never blinked, just sat there carefully choosing his words. “Yes. That’s a part of me that’s not meant for us.”

I turned my head away from him for a moment and blinked my eyes furiously to make the tears dissipate. If it was a part of him, I wanted it. I wanted all of him.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked a
nd turned back around to look at him.

narrowed his eyes as his brows drew in. “Seriously? Why didn’t I tell you?” He sat up and I heard anger beneath his voice. “What should I’ve said to you? That’s not something you just disclose to anyone, Brooke. You just

“Why do you like it?” I asked, desperately wanting an answer.

The image of Amy kept wading into my mind. How deep was he into it, I wondered, had he gone to those parties in the past, bound women to bars, cracked whips across their backs? I just couldn’t imagine him doing those things; it didn’t fit into this image of him that I’d had. Was that where he went off to suddenly in the middle of the night when he told me he had to go to the hospital? I felt lost.

His eyes shut tightly from his frustration with my naivety. “Love, it’s m
uch deeper than a simple answer.” He paused. “Sex to me was just — just an action, just something that felt good. I’d no desire to be ‘intimate,’ I didn’t
want — didn’t need
the closeness with anyone. I never intended on falling in love with someone. Love was something I never imagined myself needing.” Gavin’s hand rested on my thigh. “At least not until I met you. I was wrong with my thoughts because I need that with you.” He shook his head. “I just can’t explain it.”

“So, it meant nothing to you? You just wanted someone to fuck?” I glared at him. “Is that what I am to you, just something to entertain you?” I knew how immature I sounded, but I couldn’t help myself. I felt hurt twisting deep inside my chest
when I stared at him.

Gavin reached toward me quickly
and gripped my shoulders. “Did you
not hear
what I just said? You’re different!” He closed his eyes. “It’s so much more with you. I’ve meant everything I’ve said to you. I love you!” Leaning close to my face, he said, “You’re the
woman I’ve ever loved. I love you desperately, and that’s why I can’t do that with you.” His hand traced over the teeth marks on my skin once again and his voice softened as he said, “The repercussions if I lose control – they’re unfathomable, love.”

“What are you talking about, Gavin?” I closed my eyes tightly, grabbing my face as I tried to understand what
the hell he was talking about. “If that’s what you’re into, why can’t we do that?” I lowered my voice, “I don’t like that you’ve done things with some other woman that you won’t do with me. I want all of you. I want to make you happy.” I feared that this was something Gavin had an innate wiring for, and if I wasn’t able give it to him, I knew I’d end up without him.

His eyes shot a pleading look for me to understand, to just let it go. “I can’t go down that road with you. The association I have with that,” he hesitated, “I’m terrified it will cause — issues. You tempt me so deeply.”
His tongue skirted across his lips. “That won’t make me happy with you.” His mouth trembled and a look of utter desperation veiled his eyes as he whispered, “There’s a darkness to this world you could never imagine. Things that…” Shaking his head, he let out a growl, balling his hands into fists as he rose from his bed. Reaching down to the floor, he grabbed his jeans. He jerked them up around his waist and fastened them as he walked out into his hallway. Moments later I heard the front door open and slam shut.

I was perplexed.

Climbing off the bed, I ran out into the living room. I grabbed my jeans and quickly yanked them up around my waist. My thighs still throbbed and the brush from the material sent pain radiating across me. I pulled my shirt down over my head as I walked toward the door. The night air hit me, it was unusually cold for that time of year and the chilliness of the air took me by surprise.

Gavin was pacing in his front yard. The fog from his
heavy breath created plumes of white mist. He placed his hands on the back of his head and pulled his elbows in tightly, turning to face me. He released a deep and irate scream that bounced from the brick houses.

large, angry strides toward me, I saw a pain radiating from his eyes that profoundly cut into me. Stopping in front of me, he grabbed onto the back of my head. He pulled me in and kissed me, a tormented kiss full of penitence and regret. The sheer emotion in his embrace terrified me. It felt like he was kissing me for the last time, like he was trying to burn the memory of my lips into his soul, trying to savor the feeling of my heart beating against his.

He pulled slowly away from me. “I’ve been so wrong,” he said
, pausing as he cut his eyes down to the damp ground. Gavin shook his head, his voice escalating into a yell. “I was so wrong, so
wrong! I’m not in control with this.”

I could feel tears pooling in my eyes. I knew that whatever he was about to tell me would most likely kill me.

“I’m so sorry, love, I really am!” His gaze moved from my eyes to my lips, and then back up to my eyes. He blinked and it looked as though tears may seep out from his thick lashes at any moment. “I love you so much. I’ve never cared for someone the way I care for you.” His breath caught his voice and he cleared his throat to continue, “I knew after the first week that you were different, that I’d absolutely no power over my feelings for you. There was something so much deeper than physical attraction. I
you, wanted to
with you, wanted to
you, I wanted all of you. I needed you to want me, to feel the same way I did about you.” Gavin paused, his eyes narrowing as he said, “Had I only known that you would possess me the way that you have, complete me in the most beautiful way. I swear to God I would erase it all!”

I could hear the slight tremble in my voice as I asked him, “Erase what
, Gavin, what have you done?”

My breath became heavy as I waited for his answer, my heart felt like it was tearing away from my veins. I’d never been so in love, so defenselessly in love with the mere
of someone as I was Gavin, and I was terrified that the way I viewed his love was about to be eternally tainted.

I stood still, my throat burning and tightening as I tried to contain the urge I had to scream at him.

He refused to look me in the eyes. “I never meant to fall for you, never thought it was possible for me to fall for anyone. When I first saw you I knew I had to have you. I’ve kept things from you. I’ve lied to you, love.” Taking back several breaths, he hung his head. “I’ve never known a weakness like the one you’ve caused me.”

“What?” I asked. His confession that he’d lied tore me, and the hurt from his confession was evident in my tone. “What are you talking about?”

Gavin leveled his eyes on mine. “I should’ve told you, but I liked you, Brooke. I was terrified you’d think I was some deviant.” His eyes finally met mine. “You were so damn gorgeous. I’d never had such a strong attraction to anyone before… I never…” He stared at me, noticing the amount of pain his words were causing me.

“What did you lie to me about, Gavin?”

“I just shouldn’t have kept things from you, by avoiding disclosing them to you — I’ve lied to you. Obviously, I’m not exactly the person you’ve thought I was. There’s no way you could’ve known what monster I really am. What would you have thought of me had I told you? The lifestyle I live is not one someone such as yourself would be able to handle. It’s not at all fair that I’ve done this to you, love.”

my hands to my face, I let out a breath of relief. “I understand why you didn’t tell me.” I felt sanity wash over me as I realized his “lie” was simply him not telling me he was into those things. I started to walk back inside his house. “You didn’t
to me, Gavin.”

He followed me up the stone stairs and onto his porch.
Reaching up to my shoulders he said, “I just hope you’ll forgive me.” His voice was thick with regret.

into his foyer, I turned to face him. “I don’t think you did anything I have to forgive you for.” I made my way back to his bedroom, glancing over my shoulder at him. “Please, don’t ever scare me like that again. I was terrified that you were about to tell me something horrible, like that you had a wife I didn’t know about.”

His eyes focused on me, his lips didn’t curve up in the slightest at my attempt to make light of the situation.
“No, nothing like that,” he said coldly and brushed past me to walk down the hallway.

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